Chapter 5.  GUI

Table of Contents

Control panel
The node configuration


Use Lucene syntax Searchable fields: Id, lang, metadata, content (Lucene), content (Solr). The metadata is stored by key/value pairs, and are searchable by metadata:key\:text (note the escaping of the :). Query parser is behaving differently according to Lucene or Solr, see specific docs. If searching in Solr with other search fields than default, they will set the query parser type, so you will not have to write {!queryparser} to use them. More about the fields of Lucene/Solr, see here.

The Standard Query Parser

Other parsers

For full description of all parsers, see here.

Search results. The admin user gets more fields. Note that when hovering over metadata, the metadata is shown. Under "highlight and similar", by clicking the highlighted part, you will trigger a search for similar documents (More Like This).