Control panel

The control panel is admin functionality not seen by the user. Here we see adding content from the file system, index, reindexing, consistency checks, cleaning, statistics, database querying.

Index filesystem new items Button: Crawl the whole filesystem for new, and index. Textfield: Use only the given path. Filesystem index on changed md5 checks if md5 has changed, and reindexes.

Filesystem add new Button: Add new files from the filesystem, but do not index. Textfield: Use only the given path.

Index non-indexed items: Button: Index all previously non-indexed (including failed). Textfield: Use only the given path. Reindex/index of suffix: Try to reindex/index all known items with suffix.

Reindex, textfield, use only the given path. Reindex on before or after given date.

Reindex specific languages, found and configured.

Delete from database and lucene/solr (but does not actually delete from disk).

Consistency checks, with cleaning. It lists files not currenly present in the filesystem (will be cleaned). It also lists non-existing files (encoding problems) and new files.

Stats, listing non-indexed, memory usage or overlapping directories.

Database, get items related to md5 id. Database search, fields indexed, convertsw, classification, failedreason, noindexreason, timeoutreason, language. See more about the database fields here. For the possibility of doing external search tools when using HBase, see also Hue.

To get the configuration of other nodes.