This page last modified by Jens-Arthur Leirbakk |
Ah, yes, characters. Grogs, mages, companions. Come to think of it, I did really create quite a few characters for Ars Magica, considering that I've only
played one campaign in it. And the edition we ended up in (4th) wasn't the edition we started with (3rd). If you're knowledgeable about Ars Magica, then you'll probably notice a few discrepancies
here and there. The reason? We changed editions - and we may have missed some details. Oh well. I'm not completely perfect, you know .
Oh, and another thing: I tried to make the names of a few of these characters into jokes. As far as I know, ratatouille is a sort of French vegetable soup. Donde esta? means
'how are you' in Spanish - or so I believe. I don't know any Spanish, really .
Diego Donde Esta, Magus (House Verditius). |
Azeem, 'Great One', Companion (fighter). |
Pierre Ratatouille, Grog (cook). |
Nardus Visantu, Grog (scout, sheepfu...). |
Damien, Grog (cowardly fighter). |