Here YOU can give me your best Blonde Jokes

First joke added on 1996-09-17
Last joke added on 2007-10-17T00:23:02-CEST

Post your best joke using the form that follows

Note : I don't edit/censor what people are putting here. Therefore some of the jokes may offend some people. So, PLEASE be aware and careful when you read these jokes submitted by people from all around the world...

Post a response:
Give me your joke(Norsk/English/Deutsch):


Here are all the jokes:
--- Last added Joke first in the list ---

Q: Why cant fat people jump?
A: Because their bodies will jiggle and fall. jiggle jiggle thud.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-10-17T00:23:02-CEST

Q: giving a shout out to my besty friend lisbeth.........
A: bi or lesbien by the way ilove my best friend lisbeth shes by so wat she aint no 2 face shes a real friend
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-09-12T23:19:06-CEST

Q: wat did a cracker told a craker?
A: ioll crack u then
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-09-12T23:15:17-CEST

Q: what do you call a zoo with no animals in it ?
A: a chitzue
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-07-20T12:11:42-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-06-30T06:22:06-CEST

Q: last_login
A: last_login
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-06-30T06:21:59-CEST

Q: Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! nddyakdhhgu
A: Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! nddyakdhhgu
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-06-21T15:14:14-CEST

Q: she told me to give her 12 inches and make it hurt
A: so i gave it to her twice and punched her in the back of the head
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-06-09T04:49:31-CEST

Q: whats the difference between carpenders and termites?
A: termites know they are fucking up good wood!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-06-09T04:29:33-CEST

Q: A Blonde, Red head, and a brunette are traped on a destert iland so thay found a geni lamp and thay all got one wish and so the Brunette wishes she was home, The Red head wishs she was home with a MIllion $ tehn the Blond got lonely and said
A: "I wish i had my friends back."
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-06-01T06:02:10-CEST

Q: A Blonde, Red head, and a brunette are traped on a destert iland so thay found a geni lamp and thay all got one wish and so the Brunette wishes she was home, The Red head wishs she was home with a MIllion $ tehn the Blond got lonely and said
A: "I wish i had my friends back."
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-06-01T06:02:01-CEST

Q: buygugojuyuij7yyhi8ohyu7?
A: uiguliuguiglyiglgluig8lgul
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-05-16T00:39:29-CEST

Q: whats with this box thingy?
A: ur mom
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-05-07T08:43:54-CEST

Q: whats with this box thingy?
A: ur mom
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-05-07T08:43:48-CEST

Q: what do u call a blonde that has 2 brain cells?
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-05-07T08:42:52-CEST

Q: keekee
A: sponbob
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-05-06T04:27:02-CEST

Q: how do you ceep a blond beesy.
A: give her a paper and write turn it over on both sides.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-04-30T04:07:48-CEST

Q: do blonds have dirty hair?
A: yes yes
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-04-04T03:33:17-CEST

Q: are blonds smart?
A: mostly
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-04-04T03:30:43-CEST

Q: thers a blond and a red head there at the mall and going in the elevator to get to the top floor somehow the red head is there first how is that
A: the blond needed directoin
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-03-31T15:55:31-CEST

Q: have you got any boobs
A: no but do you think i have big boobs
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-03-27T18:16:13-CEST

Q: lkkjhb ;kcvhuih kh huicfhg lhubfg
A: iujyutyvxfuigy iuyfg uiytgcfyu
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-03-27T16:22:10-CEST

Q: xjhjfv dggfyd blond oiuusygytsgg blond?
A: yuytd blond oiuaygf uyyugyg ryg cert!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-03-27T16:21:44-CEST

Q: why doesnt anyone like a blonde?
A: because they can they cant fix a lightbulb
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-03-03T23:33:43-CET

Q: A killer is after Blond Brunet And a red haired girl , they hide in a farm Brunet hides behind a cow Red haired girl hides behind a sheep And blonde hides behind a sack of potatoes, when the killer goes in the farm he looks at the cow Brunet goes 'moooo' He looks at the sheep red haired girl goes 'baaaah' he looks at the sack of potatoes , wut does Blone say?
A: 'potatoe , potatoe
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-02-25T19:13:03-CET

Q: Ok Blonde And Brunet wanted to sueaside themselfs by jumping off the building, they both jump off at the same time who hits the ground first?
A: Brunet hits the ground first becuase On the way down Blonde asked for directions how to go down
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-02-25T19:07:12-CET

Q: why was sponbob wher to pants
A: he was afrad he woud get a hole in one
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-01-25T02:07:49-CET

Q: what do you do when a blonde throws a grande at you
A: take the pin out and throw it back
- This Joke was added from by () at 2007-01-18T13:25:00-CET

Q: a blonde walks into a store and says,sir id like to buy this t.v. he says,sorry we don't sell to she goes home and changes her hair color to brown.she goes back the next day and says,sir id like to buy this he said sorry we don't sell to did he know that was the same person even after she changed alot?
A: because it wasen't a t.v. ,it wsa a micrawave
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-12-30T02:27:26-CET

Q: There was a blonde that was speeding. She gets pulled over by a blonde cop. The blonde cop asks the blonde driver to show her her driver's license. The blonde driver asks what it looks like. The blonde cop says "it is square and has your picture on it". So she searches in her purse and finds a mirror. She gives it to the cop. And the blonde cop replies...
A: "Oh. I didn't know you were a cop. I will let ya go."
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-12-19T17:35:22-CET

Q: how do you make a blond drond?
A: put scratch and sniff sticer at the bottom of a pool.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-12-03T01:34:34-CET

Q: What is a joke
A: is it a monkey
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-11-22T09:44:40-CET

Q: what do you get if you croos a cat with a mummy
A: a mommocat
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-11-18T14:31:56-CET

Q: why did the blond eat her cuwawa?
A: he was in a toco bell chemurchel
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-11-17T21:04:33-CET

Q: yo
A: momma
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-11-16T17:11:19-CET

Q: How old are you
A: 12
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-11-11T02:12:05-CET

Q: wuy do a football team call tere self sanfrancisco 49ers
A: cause thre 49ers
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-10-23T01:55:53-CEST

Q: what do you call a elephant in a paddlingpool
A: swimming trunks
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-10-10T19:06:34-CEST

Q: what did the police Man say to his tummy
A: your under a vest
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-10-10T19:05:05-CEST

Q: what did the police Man say to his tummy
A: your under a vest
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-10-10T19:04:56-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-10-10T01:48:40-CEST

Q: why did the fat man in the bathing suit one piece speedo who had a very bad day and slammed his hand in the locker at the gym where someone else was using the eliptical and he had nothing to eat because he didn't pay his bills eat too much fro yo?
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-10-10T01:47:48-CEST

Q: why did the asian lady hit the blondE?
A: because she was in america
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-10-02T01:51:40-CEST

Q: why did the blonde say hi to the asian lady?
A: because she wanted some asian food...
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-10-02T01:50:09-CEST

A: y
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-09-29T20:33:23-CEST

Q: why did your fat mama cross the road?
A: because she wanted to by some chicken.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-09-29T03:29:00-CEST

Q: what do you call 10 blonds standing shoulder to shoulder?
A: Wind Tunnel
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-09-23T08:54:18-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-09-21T20:31:18-CEST

Q: why are blondes very dumb
A: because the smart position is already taken up by brunetts
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-09-04T07:34:48-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-08-31T00:16:39-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-08-31T00:16:38-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-08-31T00:10:30-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-08-31T00:10:11-CEST

Q: jkgsf;gfjkg
A: fgzgsdz
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-08-15T02:17:33-CEST

Q: y did da 1 hand chicken cross da road
A: 2 get 2 da second hand shop
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-08-14T18:46:55-CEST

Q: two blondes satnding on either side of a lake. the one shouts to the other "how do you get to the other side?"
A: the other replies: "why do you ask? you are already on the other side"
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-08-14T15:29:52-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-08-05T12:15:59-CEST

Q: What do you call a dum blonde that wheres G-strings?
A: A dum blonde striper!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-08-05T12:13:03-CEST

Q: Whatdo you call a dum blonde?
A: A dum blonde that dosen't think!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-08-05T12:07:52-CEST

Q: What do you call a dum blonde?
A: A Dum Blonde that dosen't think
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-08-05T12:04:22-CEST

Q: what do you call 3 blonds standing toghether ear to ear
A: an air hole
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-07-28T02:36:32-CEST

Q: Do you know how skinny Breanne Christensen is?
A: She's so skinny she can hoola hoop in a froot loop!!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-07-14T22:43:31-CEST

Q: Do you know how skinny Breanne Christensen is?
A: She's so skinny she can hoola hoop in a froot loop!!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-07-14T22:43:16-CEST

Q: Do you know how skinny Breanne Christensen is?
A: She's so skinny she can hoola hoop in a froot loop!!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-07-14T22:43:15-CEST

Q: Do you know how skinny Breanne Christensen is?
A: She's so skinny she can hoola hoop in a froot loop!!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-07-14T22:39:52-CEST

Q: .zkjgfkdhwtgkjnswkjgnkabgqiegiljerhkjqehgkqhbekhgbqehkjbgjqe.kejbkqebkbqekj
A: mqsnrbfuqhegtuog32r1wwhefj Breanne Christensen was here
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-07-14T22:36:12-CEST

Q: .zkjgfkdhwtgkjnswkjgnkabgqiegiljerhkjqehgkqhbekhgbqehkjbgjqe.kejbkqebkbqekj
A: mqsnrbfuqhegtuog32r1wwhefj Breanne Christensen was here
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-07-14T22:36:00-CEST

Q: what goes vroom screech?
A: A blonde at a stoplight
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-07-14T22:33:38-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-07-11T01:05:30-CEST

Q: if u see a chav on a bike y wouldnt u run him ova?
A: its probaly ur bike!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-06-30T21:47:07-CEST

Q: there were three chaves in a car which went offa cliff, why was this bad???
A: the car seted 4!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-06-30T21:46:20-CEST

Q: wot do u call a chavet in a white tracsuit?
A: the bride.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-06-30T21:45:24-CEST

Q: why did the blonde stand on the pub roof ???
A: because the landlord said drink on the house !!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-06-21T20:37:44-CEST

Q: when does a blonde have 2 brain cells ???
A: when she is pregnant
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-06-21T20:36:37-CEST

Q: why can't a chicken fly
A: it has short wings
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-06-21T17:15:44-CEST

Q: how do u entertain a blonde
A: give her a piece of paper that has turn written on each side
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-06-12T02:49:47-CEST

Q: what do u call two blondes on a camping trip
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-06-12T02:42:19-CEST

Q: Why did Craig Williamson beat up a girl?
A: Because he aint hard enough to hit a lad
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-06-05T00:55:41-CEST

Q: guesss where i am from
A: ur ugly
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-06-01T03:05:56-CEST

Q: why are you not straight?
A: i dont know!!!! I rule
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-05-30T15:55:22-CEST

Q: Why is the world like a bag full of jelly beans?
A: Noone likes the black ones!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-05-30T15:53:34-CEST

Q: do blondes or brunettes have more fun?
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-05-30T00:48:48-CEST

Q: one day the blonde ask a jenny to make her pretty
A: the jenny said there is no way
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-05-14T21:01:51-CEST

Q: I don't care and go get a real life oh and a day job.
A: leave me alone and by the way you happen to have the gayest website that I have ever seen in my lfe time.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-05-13T01:58:47-CEST

Q: this boy called shutup and truble and troubles het so shut up goes to hide and the police come and say whats ur name and he says shut up and he goes my name is shut up and the police say r u looking 4 trouble and he says no troubles looking 4 me
A: lol
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-29T17:21:08-CEST

Q: why did the blonde drink irn -bru
A: because it is fed up with blonde-bru lol
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-29T17:17:30-CEST

Q: what do u get when u put a blonds brain in to a chicken
A: u get a cocktail stick
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-28T21:27:26-CEST

Q: what do u get when u put a blonds brain in to a chicken
A: u get a cocktail stick
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-28T21:27:11-CEST

Q: way did the chicken cross the road?
A: to get to the other slide!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-24T16:02:32-CET

Q: What kind of person votes for John Fucking Keary, and Bill Ass Clinten?
A: A BLOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-24T02:32:13-CET

Q: y r blondes so dum (i said to a blonde)
A: cause were smart
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-24T01:29:34-CET

Q: vcb
A: cvb
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-24T01:27:36-CET

Q: your moms so poor
A: when I went to her house and toor down the cobwebs, she said "whos takin' down the drapes
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-24T01:27:23-CET

Q: Your moms so fat
A: her weight is her phone number
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-24T01:26:05-CET

Q: your mums so dumb
A: she tripped on a cordless phone
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-23T07:24:24-CET

Q: why did the blond cross the road
A: to get to the utha side!! DUH thay r not dum!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-22T08:16:12-CET

Q: What kind of person votes for Goerge Bush again?
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-21T18:29:19-CET

Q: Why did the blonde have condoms on her ears?
A: She didn't want to get hearing aids.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-21T18:27:58-CET

Q: Why did the blonde have condoms on her ears?
A: She didn't want to get hearing aids.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-21T18:27:48-CET

Q: Why did the blonde have condoms on her ears?
A: She didn't want to get hearing aids.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-21T18:26:43-CET

Q: Whats the difference between the Atlantic ocean and a Blonde?
A: The blonde has more crabs in it!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-21T18:25:41-CET

Q: Whats the simularity between a blonde and a turtle?
A: once there on there backs there both screwed!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-21T18:23:52-CET

Q: how do you know that a blond has been using a coumputer
A: the joy stick is all wet
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-20T01:31:06-CET

Q: how do you confuse a blonde
A: put her in a round room and tell her to pee in the corner
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-14T02:40:54-CET

Q: there were two blondes locked out of ther car(convewrtable)then the one blondgoes what are we going to doo its about to rain and the hoods down
A: the hoods down they can jump over the door to get in or unlock it by putting there hand over the door and unlock it
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-12T22:02:47-CET

Q: u are so blonde yo mama walked outside and said hey when did uand the sun become one
A: ha
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-11T21:02:19-CET

Q: shoutup and......
A: LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-10T23:31:45-CET

Q: you are gay lol
A: /
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-09T20:26:10-CET

Q: how do you get a one armed irish man out of a tree
A: wave to him
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-09T20:07:50-CET

Q: what do you call a fly with no legs
A: a walk a walk
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-09T01:53:58-CET

Q: what do you call a fly with no legs
A: walk a walk
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-09T01:52:00-CET

- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-07T22:48:51-CET

Q: what do u call a blond with 2 brain cells?
A: pregnent
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-07T15:17:32-CET

Q: how do u confuse a blond
A: put her in a round room and tell her to sit in the corner
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-06T16:53:00-CET

Q: do most of the people on here know how to spell??
A: No!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-06T06:49:31-CET

Q: how do you drown a blonde
A: u throw a scratch a sniff at the bottom of the pool and tell her to sniff
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-05T04:48:24-CET

Q: azsdfghjkl
A: hmj,./
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-04T01:42:08-CET

Q: how do blondes kill fish
A: she drowndsit
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-04T01:40:17-CET

Q: What do a blonde and beer bottle have in common?
A: They're buth empty from the neck up.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-02T03:36:20-CET

Q: if a blonde and a brunnett fall out of of an airplane at the sme time, who hits the ground first?
A: the blonde, because the brunnett had to ask for directions.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-03-02T01:42:28-CET

Q: Did you hear about the blonde who crashed the hellocopter?
A: She said it was getting cold in there so she turned off the celing fan
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-28T03:00:26-CET

Q: are you gay
A: yes all of yoi
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-28T02:34:32-CET

Q: How do you give a Blonde more head room?
A: Raise the stering wheel
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-27T21:10:31-CET

Q: how do you get a one handed blonde out of a tree
A: you wavee at her and she'll fall out because she only has one hand so if she lets go she'll fall cause there was nothin to grab
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-26T19:36:22-CET

Q: what do you do when a blonde throws a grenade at you
A: pull the pin and throw it back
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-26T19:33:27-CET

Q: Why did God Create Blondes
A: Because Brunettes Can;t
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-24T19:29:33-CET

Q: Look below.
A: See above.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-24T16:36:36-CET

Q: What do you call a blonde walking on a beach with sneakers on?
A: A sandwich with mustard and stuff.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-24T16:33:45-CET

Q: How do you people learn to spell?
A: You get a f*cking dictionary.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-24T16:32:05-CET

Q: there was this brunet jumping up and down yelling out 42,42,42 on the railroad tracks and the blonde came up and ask to join her, so there both were jumping up and down chanting 42,42,42 than the brunet jumps off while a train came and the blonde stays. The brunet went back up and start to yell out 43,43,43 on the tracks
A: the blonde died and it keeps on going
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-24T03:55:17-CET

Q: what do u think that the blonde said to the menn that was waiting in the line 4 soda machine?
A: first the men said are u done and she said no am still winning... she said that because wen she put 50 cents in and press on one drink it came out so she said she was winning!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-19T20:08:21-CET

Q: fuck you
A: ya you
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-17T22:19:38-CET

Q: serthaefhsdfhde
A: sdfjfshjs
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-16T19:35:47-CET

Q: Why cant the blonde call 911?
A: She couldnt find the 11.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-16T19:35:13-CET

Q: what do u do when a packy is dead?
A: stop laughing and reload
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-16T18:30:26-CET

Q: what do u call a packy in a freezer
A: tuff shit
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-16T18:28:49-CET

Q: why are these jokes so gay
A: because a blond made this site
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-16T06:08:34-CET

Q: how do you confuse a blound?
A: tell her to put m&m's in aphabedacal oder
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-15T23:03:54-CET

Q: how do you dround a blound?
A: put a scrach and sinf at the bodum of a pool
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-15T22:59:19-CET

Q: There was a blond she needed money real bad so she went to the elmo factory the manager said u dont want this job it is really boring she said i need money real bad. so he hired her. then he looked out his office window and saw the convare belt was backed up so he went down to see what the problem was.He saw her putting two marbles in the crotch.
A: He said i told u to give each elmo two test tickels not two testicals.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-12T23:58:46-CET

Q: Why did the blonde stare at the orange juice bottle for a long time?
A: It said "Concentrate"
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-12T00:58:17-CET

Q: A blounde walks in to a hair salon wearing headphones. she asks the guy to not knock off her headphones but he accidently does and the blound falls faint on the floor.
A: the guy picks up the head phones and listens. he hears "breath in breath out"
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-11T03:29:31-CET

Q: the
A: end
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-10T21:31:57-CET

Q: What do blondes and UFO's have in commen
A: You hear of them but you don't see them
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-10T21:29:01-CET

Q: q:these are stuped blond jokes dont u think
A: a: no because were soo dumb that we like them!!! ha ha he he!! lol
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-09T22:13:47-CET

Q: q:these are stuped blond jokes dont u think
A: a: no because were soo dumb that we like them!!! ha ha he he!! lol
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-09T22:13:10-CET

Q: How many blondes does it take to tie a shoelace?
A: None, they prefer wearing sandals instead
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-08T20:07:53-CET

Q: What do you get when you give a blonde a dollar?
A: Nothing she wouldn't know what to do with it
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-08T20:05:17-CET

Q: What do you get when you cross a blonde with a horse?
A: Believe me you do not want to see that picture
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-08T20:02:19-CET

Q: How can you tell if a blonde is smart?
A: She responds to something you said
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-08T20:01:19-CET

Q: What is the most effective way to kill a blonde?
A: Toss her in a wood chipper duh?
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-08T19:56:52-CET

Q: What do blondes and sneakers have in common?
A: You can dispose of both of them after they are worn out
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-08T19:55:15-CET

Q: y does the skeleton not go to the ball
A: because it has no body to go with
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-08T09:20:07-CET

Q: three blondes wanted to go to disney world well they finaly went well they were almost there then they saw a sighn and turned back realy sad what did the sighn say?
A: disney world left
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-07T06:09:48-CET

Q: there was a blonde she was doing this killer jigsaw puzle well she calls her boyfriend up and say's hey i need your help there is a tiger on the box but i can't find the piece so he goes over there and he tells her to relax and put the frosted flakes back in the box.
A: get it frosted flakes with a tiger on a box lol funny ain't it this was made up by me a 12 year old red head
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-06T23:51:53-CET

Q: how do you know if a blond has been on a computer.
A: because the screen is white.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-06T23:29:37-CET

Q: What does a screen door and a blonde have in common?
A: The more you bang them the looser they get!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-04T14:30:26-CET

Q: why did the blonde clime over the sethrough wall
A: to see what was on the other side
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-04T03:18:07-CET

Q: how do you kill a blonde
A: put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-04T03:17:10-CET

Q: are all blonde jokes funny?
A: this one isnt
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-02T05:55:07-CET

Q: how do you get a one-armed blonde out of a tree?
A: wave
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-02T01:45:26-CET

Q: there was a blonde, a burrnette, and a redhead in an elevator waiting to get off. it came to the redheads spot and she left. so it was just the blonde and the burnette. the burnette said to the blonde you have dandruff you need some head and sholders.
A: the blonde said i know how to give head, but how do you give sholders
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-02T01:44:31-CET

Q: go to 9 go to 10 go to 11 dumb bitch whjen u should have been reading.
A: catch ya biotch
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-02-01T00:42:09-CET

Q: a blonde and a brunette were walking along the road when the brunette goes look a dead bird
A: the blonde looked up
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-29T19:40:29-CET

Q: Why did the blonde have the last laugh?
A: Because she had a masters degree and everyone who sent in blonde jokes couldn't spell for shit!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-28T23:35:13-CET

Q: there was a blonde and a bruenette and the brunette said i have a contest and the contest is to see who can getto the bottom of the building by jumping off. the blonde agreed so then the brunette said 1 2 3 and jumped. what took the blonde so long?
A: she had to get directions
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-27T23:19:50-CET

Q: there is a smart blond and a dumb blond thry jump off a clift wicht one get there first
A: the dumb blond, smart blonds dont exsist
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-27T18:35:12-CET

Q: why are blondes so dumb?(asking a blonde)
A: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...(5min later) because...there blonde??? ...
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-25T21:25:06-CET

Q: There was a red head, a bernet, and a blond they were stuck on a island. So the red head swim 1/3 of the way. Than she died. The bernet swim 1/4 of the way. Than she died. So the blond swim out 1/2 way, guess what she did?
A: She got tired so she swam back.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-25T18:32:25-CET

Q: how do u make a 1 handed blonde hanging from a tree branch fall
A: wave wave wave
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-22T23:56:37-CET

- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-22T22:23:20-CET

Q: hello hello how r u me fine!!!
A: hahahah thats fummy
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-22T19:52:41-CET

Q: what did santa say to the three blounds on the corner
A: ho ho ho
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-21T19:56:40-CET

Q: wean u whant a blow job tell her your pinus is an ice cone
A: she puts her mouth on
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-20T23:23:34-CET

Q: wean u whant a blow job tell her your pinus is an ice cone
A: she puts her mouth on
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-20T23:23:20-CET

Q: one time a blond got a gun because his boy friend was cheating on her. she gose up to the apparment with the gun and she see's the girl and she point s it at hem and say u r cheat on me. so she put the gun to her head and the her boy friend said no baby dont and she say your next
A: she kill her self and said your next lol =)
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-20T23:17:18-CET

Q: how do u get a blond to go out with u?
A: say she smart
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-20T23:08:52-CET

Q: how do you gat a blondes attition
A: say hear doggy doggy
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-16T20:59:54-CET

Q: how do you gat a blondes attition
A: say hear doggy doggy
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-16T20:59:44-CET

Q: how do you kill a blond? how do you kill a blond?
A: you tell her you are going to kill her and then she dies!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-15T18:48:00-CET

Q: no i dont like u
A: rugko;efl;w
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-15T17:56:52-CET

Q: how did the blonde commet suiside?
A: she piled up all her clothes and jumped off
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-14T06:10:46-CET

Q: y dose a blound walk into a elatritishons
A: because she wants her hair done
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-13T23:36:28-CET

Q: what is the name of the dumbest person on out earth
A: megan
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-11T17:55:51-CET

Q: A guy took his blonde girlfriend to the movies. The girl asked him to buy her some M&M's. He agreed. When they got into the theater, the blonde began picking out all the brown M&M's. Her boyfriend asked,"why are you picking out just the brown ones?"
A: The blonde replied,"Because I'm allergic to choclate!"
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-10T23:14:46-CET

Q: What do you call 5 blondes in front of another five?
A: A huge wind tunnel
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-08T23:24:08-CET

Q: what did ur mom say when i killed ur father?
A: hqwevjfilwergitr5
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-07T00:39:34-CET

Q: what did ur mom say when i killed ur father?
A: hqwevjfilwergitr5
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-07T00:39:28-CET

Q: two blondes are standing out of there car trying to unlock there first blonde says i cant seem to get it open the other blonde reply hurry up it about to rain and the top is open
A: u get it the door was looked but shecouldhave gotten it anyways u get it
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-04T22:51:24-CET

Q: why did the blonde have a sore bellybutton
A: because her boyfriend was blonde too
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-04T16:31:55-CET

Q: why did the blond eat a snail
A: because she tought she was in france
- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-04T16:26:19-CET

- This Joke was added from by () at 2006-01-01T06:40:25-CET

Q: why did the monkey fall out of the tree
A: because the crocidile toke him
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-30T23:30:48-CET

Q: Knock, Knock. Whoes there? Cargo. Cargo who?
A: Cargo vroom vroom
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-29T00:57:15-CET

Q: Knock, Knock. Whoes there? Cargo. Cargo who?
A: Cargo vroom vroom
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-29T00:53:58-CET

Q: Why did the blonde nurse take a red marker to work?
A: in case she had to draw bloode
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-29T00:49:40-CET

Q: how will you be able to keep a blonde busy for hours?
A: get a paper and write see other side on both sides of the paper
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-28T07:37:52-CET

Q: What do you do if a Blonde throws a Grenade at you
A: pick up the grenade, pull the thing out and throw it back
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-26T20:15:15-CET

Q: Friend: How old are you? Blonde: 25 Friend: Where were you born? Blonde: In the U.S Friend: O really what part? Blonde: All of me silly
A: 25 25
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:15:32-CET

Q: How do you kill a blonde?
A: Put spikes on her shoulders
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:13:28-CET

Q: Why don't blondes double recipes when they cook?
A: The oven doesn't go to 750 degrees!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:13:01-CET

Q: How did the blonde burn her nose?
A: Bobbing for French fries.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:12:10-CET

Q: Data transfer
A: They are easier to amuse.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:11:44-CET

Q: What is it when a blonde blows into another blondes ear?
A: Data transfer
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:11:19-CET

Q: Why did the blonde resolve to have only three children?
A: Because she read that one child out of every four born was Chinese.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:11:00-CET

Q: What is the connection between a blonde and a halogen headlamp?
A: They both get screwed on the front of a Ford Escort.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:10:35-CET

Q: What is the blonde's favorite potato chip?
A: Free-to-lay (Frito-Lay)
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:10:10-CET

Q: Why did the blonde call the welfare office?
A: She wanted to know how to cook food stamps!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:09:51-CET

Q: Why does it work?
A: Does 3 come before E or does it go between M and W
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:09:30-CET

Q: How do you confuse a blonde?
A: Ask her to alphabetize a bag of M and Ms
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:09:10-CET

Q: Why did the blonde stop using the pill?
A: Because it kept falling out
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:08:47-CET

Q: What do you call 25 blondes in a freezer?
A: Frosted Flakes
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:08:19-CET

Q: A blonde is working as a lifeguard at a swimming pool when a girl begins to drown, screaming "lifesaver! lifesaver!" The blonde thinks for a moment, and then asks "cherry or grape?"
A: haha
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:07:20-CET

Q: She was so blonde she tried to put M and M's in alphabetical order.
A: haha
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:06:53-CET

Q: Why do most blondes buy BMW's?
A: Because they can spell it.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:05:57-CET

Q: What did the blondie name her pet zebra??
A: Spot
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:05:32-CET

Q: Why are blondes burried in a 'Y' shaped coffin?
A: Cause every time you lay them on their back their legs open
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:04:27-CET

Q: Why did the blonde stop using the pill?
A: Because it kept falling out.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:03:54-CET

Q: Why didn't the blonde want a window seat on the plane
A: She'd just blow dried her hair and she didn't want it blown around too much
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:03:22-CET

Q: Why did the blonde try and steal a police car
A: She saw "911" on the back and thought it was a Porsche
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:02:55-CET

Q: Why did God create brunettes?
A: Neither could the blondes.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:02:32-CET

Q: Why did God create blondes?
A: Because sheep can't bring beer from the fridge.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:01:50-CET

Q: Why did the deaf blonde sit on a newspaper
A: So she could lip read
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T15:01:20-CET

Q: ssssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
A: fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T14:46:00-CET

Q: gfgbb
A: bffg
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T14:44:28-CET

Q: thgggh
A: ggg
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T14:44:15-CET

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T14:37:26-CET

Q: is sarah mcintosh a homo
A: yes haha
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-25T14:31:31-CET

Q: what did the blond do when she saw the glass wall
A: climed over it to see what was on the other side
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-24T18:44:45-CET

Q: why did the chicken cross the road
A: to get away from you
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-24T01:27:57-CET

Q: Why did the chicken cross the street?
A: Because he felt like it duh!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-23T02:03:37-CET

Q: Why do people make jokes about blonds?
A: Cause they're jealous!! Our kind is disappearing...we ain't that bad..actually...we're the best!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-22T22:59:35-CET

Q: Why do most people make jokes about blonds?
A: Cause if you can't have it, you might as well have a laugh about it...;-)
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-22T22:58:17-CET

Q: A blond said to me my boy freind hasent even given me a christmas prezzy i said back..
A: blond dumb coincedance i think not !
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-21T23:56:33-CET

Q: I told a blond to go suck on a donkey she said .....
A: well if i suck on my mum it woudent be feir on my dad so ill suck an donkey and a dog
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-21T23:49:35-CET

Q: how can u kill a blonde
A: give them a gun and say its a blow dryer
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-21T01:12:29-CET

Q: why cant a dumb blonde diale 911
A: because they cant find the eleven
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-21T01:11:39-CET

Q: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssholes
A: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuare a bitch
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-20T10:02:50-CET

Q: why are you on this site?
A: becaus you are a fat assed shit head that has nothing els better to do
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-20T09:55:19-CET

Q: how many blonds does it take to change a light bulb
A: as many as it takes to figure out a light bulb is
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-20T09:49:57-CET

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-19T00:29:01-CET

Q: What do you call 12 blondes standing side by side??
A: A wind tunnel
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-17T15:40:01-CET

Q: What do you call 12 blondes in a circle??
A: A dope ring
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-17T15:39:27-CET

Q: What do thousands of battered blondes have in common??
A: They all don't know when to STFU
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-17T15:38:57-CET

Q: What do you say to a blonde with two black eyes??
A: Nothing you done told her twice
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-17T15:37:30-CET

Q: A blonde, and a brunette jump off a cliff. Who lands first?
A: The brunette. The blonde had to stop and ask for directions
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-16T23:42:25-CET

Q: who are u?
A: shutup!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-16T23:40:30-CET

Q: Who is the dumbest person in the world?
A: Lovisa
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-16T23:39:47-CET

Q: hey why the hell are you on this site?
A: cuz your a stupid faggot loser who has nothing better to do
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-16T23:39:41-CET

Q: What did the blond say when she saw another blond out in the middle of a field with a boat? (she was rowing)
A: "You're so stupid! You're the kind of idiots who are giving blondes bad names! Now, if I could swim, I'd come out there and kick ure ass!" HAHAHAHAH
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-16T23:38:54-CET

Q: why dont u see a blonde at alout of schools
A: take a wild guess
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-16T23:36:47-CET

Q: What are dumm blondes?
A: lovisa
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-16T23:36:45-CET

Q: why dont u see a blonde at alout of schools
A: take a wild guess
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-16T23:36:33-CET

Q: why did the bonde climb over the glass wall???
A: she wanted to see wht wa on the other side
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-16T23:35:16-CET

Q: what do blonde and screen doors have in commen?
A: the more you bang them the loser they get!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-15T22:25:42-CET

Q: what did the blonde say when she opened a box of froot loops?
A: donuts seads
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-15T18:36:00-CET

Q: what makes a kangoroo a sheep and a trath
A: a long wooly jumper
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-15T17:41:06-CET

Q: why did the computer trump
A: because the enternet was anoying me
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-15T17:39:40-CET

Q: what does a bloned do first thing in a morning?
A: introduces her self and goes home.! introduces her self and goes home
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-14T23:26:10-CET

Q: what has a bloned got in commen with a old washin machine ???/
A: they both drip when they are fucked!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-14T23:24:53-CET

Q: what did the blonde do when she missed the 66 bus
A: she tookthe 33 bus twice instead
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-14T12:00:55-CET

Q: why did the blonde stare at the orange juice bottle for two hours?
A: because it said concentrate
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-14T05:41:09-CET

Q: what happened to the blonde who took an IQ test?
A: the results were negative
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-14T05:39:24-CET

Q: why do blondes like lightning?
A: they think someone is taking there picture
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-14T05:37:01-CET

Q: why do blondes wear underwear?
A: so thier ankles dont get cold .
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-14T05:33:52-CET

Q: why did the blonde stay up all night studing?
A: she had a urine test in the morning.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-14T05:30:42-CET

Q: confucius says...
A: he who runs behind bus get exhausted.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-14T05:28:48-CET

Q: how do you sink a submarine full of blondes?
A: knock on the door.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-14T05:24:42-CET

Q: what are dum blondes
A: just look at me
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-13T19:29:04-CET

Q: what are blondes
A: me
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-13T19:28:22-CET

Q: a blonde and a burnet jump off a bulding. who hits the floor first.
A: the burnet thee blonde has to stop and ask fo directions
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-13T16:25:29-CET

Q: santa, the easter bunny, a smart blond, and a dumb blonde spot a 10 doller bill on the side walk. Who picks it up?
A: the dumb blonde, because their is no such thing as santa , the easter bunny of a smart blonde.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-13T01:58:59-CET

Q: once a blond was talking to this man and he asked her because she was blond,pull down your panties and spell run and don't foreget to say yes three times.
A: She said R U N yess yess yess pop my cherry baby!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-12T22:55:21-CET

Q: the white man was having sex with this young girl, and a little boy saw them.Whhat did he say to his mother?
A: he siad mommy I saw R.Kelly having sex with a young !
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-12T22:46:56-CET

Q: What did the blond asked the horny black man?
A: she said I C U P!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-12T22:41:10-CET

Q: Where is the fanciest place Idian woman stripers go?
A: To a restuant where they dance for everyboby!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-12T22:34:06-CET

Q: Why do Crakers all have Blonde Hair
A: Because they like white chesse on top
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-12T04:55:41-CET

Q: all three blonds like to work out. The 21 year old has a tredmill the 31 year old has weights. the 16 yea old told the othes
A: the 16 yea old told the othes he has a work out system not found in stors
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-10T20:45:17-CET

Q: 22
A: 22
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-10T16:42:28-CET

Q: whats the diffrence between a smart blonde and a brunette
A: one doesn't exist
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-09T03:33:14-CET

Q: why did the bloned scream
A: because some won broke a nail
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-08T19:22:15-CET

Q: How do you trick a blond
A: put her in a circle room and tell her to find a corner
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-07T05:42:33-CET

Q: hello /,././,.,.//,.,/.,@:)
A: ass;s
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-07T02:34:41-CET

Q: okay theres a bloned and a brown head and a bernet were driving hime but there was no room for the three to fit in the truck so the blonde had to sit in the back of the truck so the had a crash and rolled into the ocean the bernet and the brown head poped up out of the water for about an hour they sat there and waited for the blonde then she finally poped up out of the water and asked them why they didnt wait fot her while she was down there trying to open the tail gate
A: she was trying to open the tail gate
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-06T05:23:28-CET

Q: there are two blonds in a burning appartment building, they run out to the balcony, one yells out "HELP HELP!" the other yells out "HELP US, HELP US!!!"
A: the first blonde says to the next "maybe if we both yell TOGETHER" so both blondes yell "TOGETHER TOGETHER!!!"
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-04T14:20:57-CET

Q: A smart blond and santa jump into a river who makes a bigger splash?
A: None of them exist.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-04T03:59:38-CET

Q: why is nico hot
A: because he is asian
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-03T02:24:11-CET

Q: why is nico hot
A: because he is asian
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-03T02:24:05-CET

Q: why is nico hot
A: because he is asian
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-03T02:24:01-CET

Q: all 3 little pigs go out to eat and the waitor asks for their order. the 1st piggy said "a sandwich" the 2nd said "a hotdog" and the3rd said "BEER lots and lots of beer!". after they ate, the waitor came back to ask for their dessert order, the 1st said "chocolate cake" the 2nd piggy said "apple pie" the 3rd asked for "more beer! lots and lots of beer!". the waitor asked the 3rd piggy "why do you keep asking for so much beer?". the 3rd piggy said....
A: the 3rd piggy said " because one of us has to go "wee wee wee" all the way home
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-03T00:35:24-CET

Q: david, andy (who is gay) and corbin are sitting in a pool and a condom floats to the top
A: so corbin and david look at and and say did you fart
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-02T21:27:18-CET

Q: andy likes to lick big black cock
A: and he likes to take it in the ass
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-02T21:24:01-CET

Q: what does david like to j f with
A: balonie
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-02T21:23:57-CET

Q: andy is a fag
A: he likes it up the butt
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-02T21:22:38-CET

Q: how many emo kids does it take to screw in a light bolb
A: none they all set around and cry about it
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-02T21:20:51-CET

Q: what do you do if a bloond throws a gernade at you
A: pull the pin and throw it back
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-12-01T20:58:51-CET

Q: ok a guy goes up to a blonde girl and asks" whats that?" pointing to the big round thing in front of her.
A: she answers"thats my boob?!?!?!"
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-30T21:36:28-CET

Q: What does a Blonde and a turtle have in common?
A: When there both on their backs there screwed.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-30T20:33:35-CET

Q: if a blond and a feather jump off a cliff at the same time which one will land first
A: the feather because the blond will have to stop and ask for directions
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-27T21:42:11-CET

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-27T20:14:28-CET

Q: If tou can put anything on here,....
A: must be blond{LOL}
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-27T00:03:37-CET

Q: what do you call a paki in a frige what do you call a paki jumping of a cliff
A: a choclate drop
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-25T15:26:51-CET

Q: how does a brown get along with a blound?
A: Get hilights
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-24T16:30:58-CET

Q: send me spam please
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-24T13:07:54-CET

Q: jacob wanna go to the cc tommarow
A: yes max i would love to (yay me)jpjpjp
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-21T04:26:11-CET

Q: MY Humps are bigger than her humps
A: i dont have humps cuz im a guy
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-21T04:25:13-CET

Q: fucku fucku fucku fucku
A: no i dont wanna fuck u
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-21T04:25:07-CET

Q: max is weird
A: i made taht up
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-21T04:23:57-CET

Q: holy shit that guy is ugly who is he
A: jacob phillip
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-21T04:23:49-CET

Q: Holy shit said the potato wat is that
A: ur reflection
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-21T04:21:44-CET

Q: this blond guy goes up to a blond grl and starts poking her the grl goes wat r u doing the blond guy goes its sguishy wat is it?
A: the blond grl goes it a boob
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-21T04:18:34-CET

Q: You really can post anything
A: Wow this site is gay
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-20T22:58:17-CET

Q: why did the blond put hear mave's?
A: because she felt a draft.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-20T04:03:15-CET

Q: why did the blond climb up to the roof of the bar?
A: she heard the the drink"s were on the house.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-20T03:57:09-CET

Q: a blonde a brunette and a red head all go hunting together. the red head goes out and comes back with a big buck, the blonde and the brunette ask,"how'd you get that?!" the red head says," found the tracks followed the tracks, bang shot the buck!" so the red head says hey if she can do it then i can she goes out and she's gone for a while when she gets back she has a bear the blonde and the brunette ask how'd you get that?! the red head says found the tracks followed the tracks bang shot the dear. now the blonde is thinking to her self if they can do it then surely i can. so the next morning she goes out and she's gone all day. when she gets back that night she's all vruised and she's got a broken know the works...they ask "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!"
A: she says i found the tracks followed the tracks bang got hit by a train.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-19T03:21:30-CET

Q: why'd the chiken cross the road?
A: to get to the other side.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-19T03:14:23-CET

A: email please i am lonely
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-18T12:55:26-CET

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-18T12:55:03-CET

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-18T12:54:55-CET

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-18T12:54:47-CET

Q: i am gay and fat and i smell
A: i am NIKO
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-18T12:54:35-CET

Q: email me please
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-18T12:53:35-CET

Q: is this site retarded?
A: Yes because people can post w/e they want, try it!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-18T02:40:54-CET

Q: Does Jack have a big penis?
A: Hell ya!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-18T02:40:06-CET

Q: What does a smart blonde and a Yeti have in common?
A: Only one has been spotted.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-16T03:26:51-CET

Q: my email
A: email please
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-15T10:52:07-CET

Q: hi my name is charles and niko
A: we love each other
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-15T10:50:27-CET

Q: There was a smart blonde, Santa Claus, and a brunette who do you think jumped off a cliff first?
A: the brunette because the other two don't excist.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-14T20:10:53-CET

Q: What's blonde and has two brain cells?
A: A pregnet blonde... A pregnant blonde...
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-14T20:06:56-CET

Q: Why are turtles, and Blondes alike?
A: When they're on there backs they are scrued.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-11T16:23:04-CET

Q: The katrina viktems can go to hell cause this is a joke site
A: Why? Cause the world dosen`t need hadicapped, poor, Homeless, or anything else that should be caught and shot
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-11T00:57:53-CET

Q: Why am i a blonde?
A: because your daddy messed w/ me mom!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-08T02:27:47-CET

Q: a blonde, brunet, and a red-head, want to go fishing and the fisherman says you have to swim across the 10 mile like to get a boat. So the red head goes first and drowns 3 miles later, next the brunette goes and drowns 5 miles in, last goes the blonde who swims in 9 miles gets tired turns around.,..and goes back.
A: she only had 1 freakin mile left!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-08T02:05:45-CET

Q: do u wanna no y blondes r so stupid?
A: no heres 20p go call sum1 hu cares!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-06T12:17:05-CET

Q: what did the blonde call her pet zebra?
A: spot
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-06T00:13:03-CET

Q: how many blonds does it take to change a light bulb?
A: none,all blonds would die from electracution!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-06T00:07:27-CET

Q: what did the blonde call her pet zebra?
A: spot
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-06T00:03:12-CET

Q: There was a blond rowing a rowboat in a corn field and than another blond drove up in a pink corvet and says you no you dumb blonds make us smart blonds look bad if i had my row boat id come out there and get you
A: no answer
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-05T00:56:26-CET

Q: What do you do when a blonde throw a gernad at you.
A: Pull in pin and throw in back.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-05T00:02:52-CET

Q: How do you know a blonde is pregnant
A: compare her to brittany spears
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-04T17:15:25-CET

Q: haw do you now if ther is a blond in your fridje
A: cuz ther lip stik on a pecal
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-03T23:53:20-CET

Q: who is the skeliton in the closet?
A: the blonde she never came out (hide and go seak)
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-03T02:31:39-CET

Q: who is the skeliton in the closet?
A: the blonde she never came out (hide and go seak)
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-03T02:31:22-CET

Q: why does the blonde go to her mail box 50 times a day?
A: Because every time she gets on yahoo it says you got mail
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-11-03T01:59:19-CET

Q: There is a blond, a brunette and a redhead. As a team they have all juist robbed a bank. A police officer spots them running and follows them.
A: The three see the officer and eachhide in seperate bags. The police officer comes up and kicks the bag the brunettes in. "Meow, meow." She says. The polcie officer decided there must be cats in that bag so he kicks the bag with the redhead in it. "Woof, woof." The redhead barks. The police officer decided there must be dogs in the bag so he kicks the bag with the blond in it. "Apple, apple!'
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-10-29T23:41:08-CEST

Q: there are three girls a blonde a redhead and a brunette running from the cops they find a tree and climb up it....
A: the cops say ok we know your up there come on down the brunette says "meow" then the redhead says "woof" then the blond says "mooooo"
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-10-29T02:45:02-CEST

Q: how do you keep a blond busy(see below)
A: how do you keep a blond busy(see above)
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-10-28T08:19:19-CEST

Q: if a smart blond the pope and super man jump off the impire state building who will hit ground first
A: the pope beeecouse there is noo ssuch thing as superman or a smart blond
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-10-18T16:23:05-CEST

Q: do you know how to kill a blonde
A: put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-10-16T20:47:29-CEST

Q: if you drop a blonde and a brunete from a sky scraper which one would hit the ground first?
A: The brunete because the blonde will stop and ask for directions.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-10-16T02:40:56-CEST

Q: Why amI so flippin stupid?
A: Becuase my blonde highlights are soaking in
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-10-07T06:25:11-CEST

Q: What do you call a dead blode in a closet?
A: Last year hid-and-go-sek queen
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-10-06T22:24:55-CEST

Q: how do you confuse a blonde?
A: call them redheads
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-10-06T03:25:11-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-10-01T17:53:15-CEST

Q: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why
A: be coss you are a A
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-10-01T17:34:59-CEST

Q: hears a nicle try fucking it
A: no ide fuck you insted
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-30T12:30:11-CEST

Q: if u were locked inside of a car with a baseball bat behind you w/the windowes rolled up and don't work what would you do?
A: unlock the car door.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-28T17:09:03-CEST

Q: thire was a blond that whent into a pond shop so she was looking for a t.v so she ask the clerk if she could have that t.v and the clerck goes i don't sell things to blonds so she went home and deid her hair black then she went to buy the t.v agian so when she got their she ask the if she could have that t.v the clerk say's no i don't sell things to blonds so she went and deid her hair blue and she goes back to buy a t.v and the clerk say's i don't sell things to blonds and before she left she ask how did u know i am a blond?
A: and the clerk say's cauze that isn't a t.v it's a microwwave!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-28T17:02:51-CEST

Q: if a electrical train was hiding south wicht way would the smoke blow
A: it would cauze a electrical train dosen't have smoke
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-28T16:42:27-CEST

Q: Do dumb bloudes go poop?
A: They are so dumb that they do and when they go poop they say ahhhhhh.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-25T23:35:23-CEST

Q: Q: whtaz up A: nothen the roof - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-23T23:42:44-CEST Q: Ashley R. loves Almacar R. kiss kiss kiss!!!!!!!!!!1 A: Almacar is fine - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-23T23:41:58-CEST Q: How do you hurt a blound A: you put a scratch and sniff stcker in a toilet - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-23T18:45:11-CEST Q: How do you hurt a blound A: you put a scratch and sniff stcker in a toilet - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-23T18:44:55-CEST Q: how do u kill a blonde A: u put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-23T05:48:28-CEST Q: aj is stupid Aj is stupid Aj is stupid A: yes he is - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-22T19:05:04-CEST Q: why did the skeliton not jummp of the roof A: because he did not have any guts - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-22T11:02:34-CEST Q: "knock-knock", said Ya. "Who's there?", Ho ask. "ya", Ya replied. "ya who?", Ho ask. A: www.ya - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-19T22:59:54-CEST Q: a man wlks into a bar A: ouch - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-15T18:55:32-CEST Q: gay A: agy gay - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-15T13:35:24-CEST Q: How meany blonds dose it take 2 screw in a light balb??? A: 5 one to hold the light and 4 to turn the chair By:Snowboarderhun57 - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-14T22:35:59-CEST Q: why does the blond have sqare boobs? A: she forgot to take the tishoes out of the box - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-10T16:34:29-CEST Q: there must be a cougar in the atmosphere A: bbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-10T08:45:59-CEST Q: why do blondes use hairspray at night? A: So the bunnies wont comeout and bark at them!!!!!!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-10T08:44:00-CEST Q: Here YOU can give me your best Blonde Jokes A: this isnt funny help the katrina victims - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:49:25-CEST Q: Would a dumb blonde help Katrina vitctims? A: Yes - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:48:34-CEST Q: Q: Q: Why did the blonde try and steal a police car? A: A: She saw "911" on the back and thought it was a Porsche. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:46:07-CEST Q: Blonde says i wanna get laid A: guy says any day with a boob blonde - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:44:55-CEST Q: Bonjour, je suis stupide et laid A: if u cant figure that out, you ARE stupid - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:42:39-CEST Q: ok jennifer so me and my frend wer at the computer class and an we had 2 read this page and i found dis name uh giga bite my frend made it into what????? A: giantic but - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:40:20-CEST Q: So reigna asks sachi, sachi your jokes suck A: sachi says "I no i do, and it bothers me and my titty's" - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:38:35-CEST Q: Man asks why do you have all those scratches on you? A: Blonde answers what scratch are you talking about? this is a pure scab! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:36:23-CEST Q: Blonde says: I am going to donate money to the Katrina victims A: The Red Cross - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:33:02-CEST Q: A guy asked a blonde, "Whats the color of a dumb blondes hair" A: The blonde answers "toaster" - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:31:34-CEST Q: Some guy comes up to a blonde next to a soda machine, and he asks the blonde,"Why are you taking so long?". And she keeps buying soft drinks from the machine. A: The blonde replyed, "Stop NOW, are you KIDDING, im still winning!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:26:53-CEST Q: what does a blonde and a turttle have in common? A: when their on there backs there screwed - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T06:45:41-CEST Q: How do you confuse a blond? A: Tell hear to pee in a corner of acicular room!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-05T16:29:50-CEST Q: what do u call a niger with 8 arms A: an 8 row cotten picker - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-03T03:08:19-CEST Q: what dose a nigger and a peace of burnt rubber have in common A: they both smell bad and they both squell when u run them over - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-03T01:00:10-CEST Q: what did the bloude name her black lab A: smow flake snow flake - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-31T21:52:48-CEST Q: a smart blonde santa clause and a dum blode jump of a buildg witch one lands first A: none because the dumb blode will ask for directions and theres no such thing as santa or a smart blode - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-28T11:49:58-CEST Q: how does a blonde kill a fish? A: she drownds it she drownds it - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-28T05:27:19-CEST Q: How come men cant look in blonds eyes? A: Boobs dont have eyes - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-26T22:06:39-CEST Q: two blondes walk into a large building A: you woulda thought one of them had seen it - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-26T12:42:47-CEST Q: why has princess diana got dandruff A: because she left her head and shoulders in the car - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-16T00:25:31-CEST Q: wot appened wen santa, a dumb blonde n a clever blonde saw a £50? A: noffin- santa n the clever blonde dont exist + wen the dumb blonde picked it up she realsied it was a chewing-gi=um wrapper!!!!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-14T13:42:54-CEST Q: wot appened wen santa, a dumb blonde n a clever blonde saw a £50? A: noffin- santa n the clever blonde dont exist + wen the dumb blonde picked it up she realsied it was a chewing-gi=um wrapper!!!!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-14T13:41:42-CEST Q: A what is a blondies favorite habit A: B try to dye her hair brown - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-11T03:09:26-CEST Q: A how do you make a blondie faint A: B Tell her to look in the mirror - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-11T03:07:17-CEST Q: HOW CAN YOU KILL A BONDE? A: PUT LIPSTICK IN THE POOL - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-05T21:43:50-CEST Q: there were 2 blondes (smart an stipid) an a faire fallin down a cliff who fell first A: the dumb blond the other 2 dont exiest - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-02T11:08:37-CEST Q: your momma fo fat she walked in front of my car ,,I swerved not to hit her and I ran out of gas. she so fat she puts her belt on with a bunerang. A: her cereal boal cam with a life guard - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-31T20:17:52-CEST Q: a strang man said I hate you to a blond A: the blond said o.k. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-27T20:08:44-CEST Q: so you such p3ins? A: yes - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T04:44:32-CEST Q: so you suchp3nis? A: yes - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T04:43:32-CEST Q: so you suchp3nis? A: yes - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T04:42:52-CEST Q: A smart blonde, a dumb blonde, and santa claus are all about to jump off a cliff. Santa says 3...2...1... then the smart blonde says go. Who reaches the ground first? A: Nobody. Santa Claus, and a smart blonde don't exist. And the dumb blonde has to ask for directions. MALES, SEND A NAKED PICTURE TO TRUJILLOC4@AOL.COM AND I'LL THINK ABOUT YOU. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T02:59:57-CEST Q: so you suck p3nis? A: YES - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T00:01:35-CEST Q: once ther was a blonde,a bernet,a red ,and a black hared they all wocked in to a bar and sat down and the the blacked &bernet sead whats tha t over there the other two sead whats what and the bernet sead why dont u to go over there and find out the other two saed OK and walked over there and walked in to the lesbean room. do u know what hapened to the bernet &black hared girlds? A: they left and wint home with the to hot guys on the other side of the bar. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-23T04:40:13-CEST A: Q: why are all blounde jokes one-liners? A: so that brunets can understand them - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-03T01:35:10-CEST Q: Two blondes a walking, one falls down a hole, the other says: is it dark down ther? A: The first one says: I dunno i can't see? - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-09-24T20:50:42-CEST Q: Two blondes walk into a building! A: You'd think one of then would have seen it! - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-09-24T20:48:41-CEST Q: HOW DOES A BLOUND DELETE WHAT SHE WROTE ON THE COMPUTER A: SHE USED WHITE OUT - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-09-15T01:59:29-CEST Q: whats the difference between a blonde and the atlantic coast A: atlantic coast doesn't have that many crabs - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-27T18:56:22-CEST Q: why did the blonde get fired from the m and m factory A: becase she was trowning a away all of the w's - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-17T21:43:53-CEST Q: how do you make a blonds eyrs twinkle? A: shine a tourch through her ears! - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-12T23:03:46-CEST Q: Why do blondes put TGIF on their shoes??? A: Toes Go In First - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-05T23:49:17-CEST Q: What has blond hair, looks like shit and smells like a turd but is not a turd? A: Danial haynes - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-05T07:42:12-CEST Q: what did the blond trip on A: a cordless phone a cordlessphone - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-05T06:14:33-CEST Q: why did the blonde sit in the middle of the street? A: because she's a blonde - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-28T23:30:24-CEST Q: why do people make fun of blondes? A: because it's so damn easy too! - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-28T23:13:37-CEST Q: whats the difference between a blonde and a rock A: a blonde has hair - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-23T18:23:07-CEST Q: why is there a fence around the grave yard A: people are dieing to get in - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-22T23:11:55-CEST Q: Why did the blonde keep putting money in the pop machine? A: Because she kept thinking she was winning alot of prizes. - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-22T17:38:31-CEST Q: Why did the blonde call the Guiness Book of World Records A: Because she finishes a puzzle in 20 minutes, and the box said 2-5 years - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-20T20:02:22-CEST Q: how do you know that a blonde is gay A: thay will call her a blondedike - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-20T03:00:32-CEST Q: how do you confuse a blonde? A: you cant there born that way - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-16T02:48:10-CEST Q: What does "TGIF" stand for on a blonde's shoes? A: Toes go in first. - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-15T08:59:03-CEST Q: how do you keep a blonde busy for days? A: put her in a round room and tell her to sit in a corner - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-14T01:38:10-CEST - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:47:13-CEST Q: Q: Why did the blonde try and steal a police car? A: A: She saw "911" on the back and thought it was a Porsche. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:46:07-CEST Q: Blonde says i wanna get laid A: guy says any day with a boob blonde - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:44:55-CEST Q: Bonjour, je suis stupide et laid A: if u cant figure that out, you ARE stupid - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:42:39-CEST Q: ok jennifer so me and my frend wer at the computer class and an we had 2 read this page and i found dis name uh giga bite my frend made it into what????? A: giantic but - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:40:20-CEST Q: So reigna asks sachi, sachi your jokes suck A: sachi says "I no i do, and it bothers me and my titty's" - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:38:35-CEST Q: Man asks why do you have all those scratches on you? A: Blonde answers what scratch are you talking about? this is a pure scab! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:36:23-CEST Q: Blonde says: I am going to donate money to the Katrina victims A: The Red Cross - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:33:02-CEST Q: A guy asked a blonde, "Whats the color of a dumb blondes hair" A: The blonde answers "toaster" - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:31:34-CEST Q: Some guy comes up to a blonde next to a soda machine, and he asks the blonde,"Why are you taking so long?". And she keeps buying soft drinks from the machine. A: The blonde replyed, "Stop NOW, are you KIDDING, im still winning!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:26:53-CEST Q: what does a blonde and a turttle have in common? A: when their on there backs there screwed - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T06:45:41-CEST Q: How do you confuse a blond? A: Tell hear to pee in a corner of acicular room!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-05T16:29:50-CEST Q: what do u call a niger with 8 arms A: an 8 row cotten picker - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-03T03:08:19-CEST Q: what dose a nigger and a peace of burnt rubber have in common A: they both smell bad and they both squell when u run them over - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-03T01:00:10-CEST Q: what did the bloude name her black lab A: smow flake snow flake - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-31T21:52:48-CEST Q: a smart blonde santa clause and a dum blode jump of a buildg witch one lands first A: none because the dumb blode will ask for directions and theres no such thing as santa or a smart blode - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-28T11:49:58-CEST Q: how does a blonde kill a fish? A: she drownds it she drownds it - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-28T05:27:19-CEST Q: How come men cant look in blonds eyes? A: Boobs dont have eyes - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-26T22:06:39-CEST Q: two blondes walk into a large building A: you woulda thought one of them had seen it - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-26T12:42:47-CEST Q: why has princess diana got dandruff A: because she left her head and shoulders in the car - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-16T00:25:31-CEST Q: wot appened wen santa, a dumb blonde n a clever blonde saw a £50? A: noffin- santa n the clever blonde dont exist + wen the dumb blonde picked it up she realsied it was a chewing-gi=um wrapper!!!!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-14T13:42:54-CEST Q: wot appened wen santa, a dumb blonde n a clever blonde saw a £50? A: noffin- santa n the clever blonde dont exist + wen the dumb blonde picked it up she realsied it was a chewing-gi=um wrapper!!!!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-14T13:41:42-CEST Q: A what is a blondies favorite habit A: B try to dye her hair brown - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-11T03:09:26-CEST Q: A how do you make a blondie faint A: B Tell her to look in the mirror - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-11T03:07:17-CEST Q: HOW CAN YOU KILL A BONDE? A: PUT LIPSTICK IN THE POOL - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-05T21:43:50-CEST Q: there were 2 blondes (smart an stipid) an a faire fallin down a cliff who fell first A: the dumb blond the other 2 dont exiest - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-02T11:08:37-CEST Q: your momma fo fat she walked in front of my car ,,I swerved not to hit her and I ran out of gas. she so fat she puts her belt on with a bunerang. A: her cereal boal cam with a life guard - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-31T20:17:52-CEST Q: a strang man said I hate you to a blond A: the blond said o.k. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-27T20:08:44-CEST Q: so you such p3ins? A: yes - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T04:44:32-CEST Q: so you suchp3nis? A: yes - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T04:43:32-CEST Q: so you suchp3nis? A: yes - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T04:42:52-CEST Q: A smart blonde, a dumb blonde, and santa claus are all about to jump off a cliff. Santa says 3...2...1... then the smart blonde says go. Who reaches the ground first? A: Nobody. Santa Claus, and a smart blonde don't exist. And the dumb blonde has to ask for directions. MALES, SEND A NAKED PICTURE TO TRUJILLOC4@AOL.COM AND I'LL THINK ABOUT YOU. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T02:59:57-CEST Q: so you suck p3nis? A: YES - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T00:01:35-CEST Q: once ther was a blonde,a bernet,a red ,and a black hared they all wocked in to a bar and sat down and the the blacked &bernet sead whats tha t over there the other two sead whats what and the bernet sead why dont u to go over there and find out the other two saed OK and walked over there and walked in to the lesbean room. do u know what hapened to the bernet &black hared girlds? A: they left and wint home with the to hot guys on the other side of the bar. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-23T04:40:13-CEST Q: Why did the blond take a later to the bar ? A: Becauce the beer was on the houes - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-23T02:28:39-CEST Q: Why did the blond take a later to the bar ? A: Becauce the beer was on the houes - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-23T02:28:25-CEST Q: what is gay fat and ugly? A: NIKO!!!1111 - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-22T04:25:54-CEST Q: Why did the blonde tip-toe past the medicine cabinet? A: So she wouldn't wake up the sleeping pills. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-19T18:53:43-CEST Q: Theyres a blonde, and a bleached blonde taking a tour on top of the Empire State Building. How can u tell witch 1,s the real blonde. A: The real blonde was throwing bread crumbs at the helicopter. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-19T00:55:55-CEST Q: What do u call a blonde with half a brain? A: Gifted. Gifted. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-19T00:49:17-CEST Q: Whats the differance between a smart blonde and a bigfoot? A: A bigfooot's been sighted - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-19T00:46:58-CEST Q: whats the differance between a blonde and a 747? A: Not everyone has been in a 747. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-19T00:43:58-CEST Q: what do you call a nigger in college? A: the janitor - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-15T13:25:53-CEST Q: HOW DO YOU GET A NIGGER OUT OF A TREE? A: CUT THE ROPE - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-15T05:37:15-CEST Q: HOW DO YOU GET 5 NIGGERS OFF A BLONDE A: GIVE THEM A BASKETBALL - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-15T05:36:29-CEST Q: yo so ugly... A: ur just dam ugly - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-14T10:01:19-CEST Q: whats brown black and blue all over? A: a brunette telling to many blonde jokes - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-11T05:33:01-CEST Q: CALL ME FOR THE BEST SEX YOU COULD EVER HAVE MY NUMBER IS A: THEY TRY TO PUT M&MS IN ALPHABTICAL ORDER TRY TO PU 198-220-5846 - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-08T22:35:19-CEST Q: WHY DID THE BLOND GET FIERD OF HER BLOWJOB? A: BACAUCE SHE TRYED TO DRY SOME ONES HAIR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA LOSER(LOL) - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-08T22:31:27-CEST Q: HOW DO YOU GIVE A BLOND A TOMER? A: HAVE HER LOOK IN THE TOILET AND SHE WILL THINK SHE IS DROUNDING - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-08T21:59:00-CEST Q: HOW DO YOU KILL A BLOND? A: PUT A SCRAK=H AND SNIFF STICKER AT THE BOTTOME OF A POOL - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-08T21:57:06-CEST Q: THER WAS A BLOND BERNET AND GREEN HARI THE BLONDS IS NATREL,THE BERNETS IS DIED WHATS THE GREEN HARI? A: ITS HER SNOT ITS HER SNOT - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-08T21:55:36-CEST Q: what do u call a blonde that dies her hair brown? A: atifishal inteligens - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-06T17:14:04-CEST Q: how do u no a blond has been on the computer A: there's tip ex all over the screen - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-04T21:43:06-CEST Q: what is the difrenc betwen a blond girl and a mesketo? A: mesketo stop suking - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-04T07:14:56-CEST Q: what do you call a fledging, middle age asshole who is consumed by vanity? A: niko - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-02T14:08:11-CEST Q: what do you call a fledging, middle age asshole who is consume by vanity? A: niko - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-02T14:07:51-CEST Q: Why was the biond in the sink? A: because she was tap dancing - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-02T13:32:29-CEST Q: what side of the vigina do u put the tampon A: up the penis - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-19T10:14:48-CEST Q: I will have sex with you my number is 8971952 A: I want sex - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-17T22:37:38-CEST Q: I will have sex with you my number is 8971952 A: I want sex - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-17T22:34:44-CEST Q: I will have sex with you my number is 8971952 A: I want sex - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-17T22:34:36-CEST Q: what are the best kind of boobs what are the best kind of boobs A: my boobs - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-17T22:30:33-CEST Q: Y did the chiken cross the raod? A: b/c he wanted 2 get away from the blondes because he wanted 2 - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-16T17:11:37-CEST Q: Where does a cow get medicen??? A: Over the cow-ter!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-06T00:00:30-CEST Q: i love dylan and dylan loves gass who A: james love you and me - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-05T20:23:46-CEST Q: how can u tell that a blound was driving your car A: because their would be lipsike on the horn - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-05T20:19:57-CEST Q: why are blondes so stupid? A: uh i dont know i am one - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-04T22:14:37-CEST Q: oops. i messed up on the one under me... what happens when a blonde blows into another blondes ear ? A: they're giving each other brain power - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-04T22:14:09-CEST Q: what happens when a blonde blows into another blondes ear? A: she's giving her brain power - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-04T22:12:58-CEST Q: ok... there was a bartender who said in the bathroom there was a mirror and whoever told the truth would get 1,000 dollars and whoever lied who dissapear. so the redhead goes in and said "i think i am the prettiest girl" and out popped 1,000 dollars. next the brunette came in and said "i think i am the smartest girl in the world" and out popped 1,000 dollars. then the blonde came in. she said "i think" and dissapeared. haha!! A: that was funny that was funny - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-04T22:11:06-CEST Q: ok... there was a bartender who said in the bathroom there was a mirror and whoever told the truth would get 1,000 dollars and whoever lied who dissapear. so the redhead goes in and said "i think i am the prettiest girl" and out popped 1,000 dollars. next the brunette came in and said "i think i am the smartest girl in the world" and out popped 1,000 dollars. then the blonde came in. she said "i think" and dissapeared. haha!! A: that was funny that was funny - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-04T22:10:58-CEST Q: How do you know when a red head is not a true redhead? A: When she goes to the doctor and says her body hurts where ever she touches it. Than the doctor asks your not a true redhead are you.No I'm a blonde that's why your finger is broken - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-03T18:34:08-CEST Q: I LOVE JUSTIN HUNT A: LOVE ERIN ZILKE - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-31T01:06:45-CEST Q: why are there no jokes about brounettes? A: because blondes would have to make them up!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-30T15:55:43-CEST Q: how did the blond manage to break her leg from rakeing up leaves? A: she fell out of the tree! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-30T11:31:16-CEST Q: Why do bloundes were shoulder pads A: I DONT NOW - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-27T20:51:16-CEST Q: why is jace a bad kisser ?????????? A: cause he's got big lips and he eats me alive - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-27T07:03:29-CEST Q: want to here a backwards joke??????????????????????? A: laugh - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-27T07:02:35-CEST Q: why was the blondes belly button so sore A: cause her husban was blonde too - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-27T07:01:55-CEST Q: why does brandy A love cows A: cause she does - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-27T07:00:55-CEST Q: brandy A and taylor C were sitting down with jace trying to come up with jokes A: we couldnt find any sorry though try back later - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-27T07:00:16-CEST Q: why did the chiken cross the road A: cause he did not want to here the damn joke again - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-27T06:58:26-CEST Q: why did i just fart A: because i had too. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-27T06:57:03-CEST Q: how do you drown a bloned A: put a skratch and snife sticker at the bottom off a pool - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-24T22:17:34-CEST Q: How do u confuse a blond? A: put her in a round room & tell her 2 pee in the cornor put her in a round room & tell her 2 pee in the corner - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-21T00:55:18-CEST Q: how do you make a blonde laugh on sunday A: tell her a joke on wendsday - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-20T02:36:46-CEST Q: wats the capital of japan??? A: J lol Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-17T05:41:09-CEST Q: how do you teel when a blonde has been on the computer A: there whiteout on the screen - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-16T04:39:06-CEST Q: why was the blond stupid? A: she called me to get my phone number!!!!!!:P - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-16T03:21:48-CEST Q: i am a hore call me 3765282 A: only call if you want to have hot sexy sex with me and me and my sister are names are candy vagina and sexy brest we both have double d cup sizes and were both 18 and our idia of a good time is have a threesom with u so giv us a call even if you a freak we will do u for a small fee of 5 dollers - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-14T06:39:52-CEST Q: why did i miriha tillary do it with my dad A: because he said i was not aloud to do it with anyone else note i am in the fith grade and i am 11 and my dad is sexy and he stuck his dick up my vigina and i liked it and know im pregnet with my dads baby and he left my mom even tough they had 11 kids to gether and that was 13 years ago now were maried and we hav 7 kids and we have sex day and night becase my husbnd is rich and i have three soms with my 11 year old son dad/husband and some tims with my mom - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-14T06:33:24-CEST Q: why did the blonde jump off the 10 story building? A: she wanted to see if her tamponds could fly - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-14T04:04:12-CEST Q: how can you make a blond laugh on saturday A: tell her the joke on wednesday - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-10T10:34:09-CEST Q: How do you know when a blondes been having a bad day? A: Shes got a tampon behind her ear, and she's lookin 4 her pencil. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-07T23:29:30-CEST Q: How do you know when a blondes been having a bad day? A: How do you know when a blondes been having a bad day? - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-07T23:29:02-CEST Q: what does the right lag say to the left lag A: the one in the middles a dink - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-06T23:29:57-CEST Q: there was this boy and his dad and they were talking and the little boy said daddy what are they doing and the dad said oh their making puppies so three days go bey and he seen his dadddy gining it to his mom and he said no dad turn mummy around instead i want a puppy A: this was ritten bey gordie falcon - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-06T23:26:15-CEST Q: wat did the blonde say to the burnet?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????burnet???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? A: wears my coffee - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-04T23:30:33-CEST Q: wat did the blonde say to the burnet?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????burnet???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? A: wears my coffee - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-04T23:28:08-CEST Q: what do you call a bunch of mexicans A: a bean burito - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-04T22:33:56-CEST Q: what is the capital of funny ? A: f. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-04T01:27:46-CEST Q: i love you megan wells A: i have a web cam in your shower - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T22:05:35-CEST Q: what do blonds say when they are about to get screwed A: can I eat that hotdog - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T22:03:11-CEST Q: WHY ARE BLONDS DUM A: THERE BLOND - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T20:30:38-CEST Q: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah A: :P - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T12:51:12-CEST Q: wot did a blonde ask on an internet game? A: does anyone here have the internet? - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T12:43:14-CEST Q: wot did a blonde ask on an internet game? A: does anyone here have the internet? - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T12:43:10-CEST Q: wot did a blonde ask on an internet game? A: does anyone here have the internet - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T12:43:06-CEST Q: if u want a gigilo add A: no joke :P - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T12:41:54-CEST Q: a genie give blonde man 1 wish he wishes he was always hard and had alot of ass A: he turned into a toilet seat - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T12:41:07-CEST Q: wat happens when u ask a blonde about current affiars? A: she says dunno never had an affiar with a current - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T12:39:30-CEST Q: there was a blonde a ginger a brunette trapped on a desert ilsand a genie popped outa no where and gave them one wish each the brunette wished she was home with her familiy and friends and the gingder wished the same what did the blonde wish?` A: she was bored so she wanted her firends back - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T12:36:39-CEST Q: what did the bloond say to the ather bloond? A: we can be blooned to day we can be bloondys to gather - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-24T16:15:32-CEST Q: how do u ill a bloned A: but a mirro at the bottom of the pool - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-21T23:27:38-CEST Q: what does a bloned she when she buys a box of chereos A: doughnut seeds - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-21T22:48:55-CEST Q: why can't a bloned call 911 A: because she can't find the 11 - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-21T22:48:17-CEST Q: a blond had a firer at her house so she rung up the fire stason they asked how do we get there A: and the blond said in the fucking big red truck - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-20T03:16:38-CEST Q: whats a bloond doing a hand stand A: a bernet with bad breath - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-20T01:35:52-CEST Q: What did the blond ask the Burgaler during the robbery A: whats the # for 911 - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-17T23:09:59-CEST Q: Why did the blone where condoms on her ears. A: She didn't want to get hearing aids - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-15T17:47:22-CEST Q: why is this web sight so dumb A: dont know - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-15T17:15:59-CEST Q: how does a blonde turn on a light after having sex A: opens the car door - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-14T20:01:49-CEST Q: why are blondes so stupid? A: Because they think the need to roll down a window in a desert, they think microwaves are tv's, and they need directions to jump down off a building.And much more - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-12T23:46:51-CEST Q: there is a 2 men and a bartender ina bar. a man takes a couple of drinks, jumps out a 2 story window and comes back to the bar for more and repeats hisself a couple more times before the other guys asked how he did it, he said: "take a couple of drinks jump out the window and then you will float to ground and then you can restart when you repeat it...... then man takes this other amns advice and does it, next thing you know a women is running in asking to use the phone because some man just commited suicide by jumping out the window... the bartender said that it would be okay and after she left what did the bartender tell the guy? A: SUPERMAN you're a jerk when you're drunk - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-11T05:08:47-CEST Q: how do you confuse a blonde? A: Never Mind..... - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-11T05:02:27-CEST Q: What do you call a blonde with a wooden ass? A: a waste of wood - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-10T10:21:38-CEST Q: how do you drowned a blonde? A: put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-02T17:30:21-CEST Q: Why cant a blonde be a cattle rancher? A: Because they cant keep thier calves together. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-30T20:01:59-CEST Q: what is the diference between a dead deer in the road and a dead niger in the road A: the deer had skid markes before it - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-30T05:09:01-CEST Q: How do u know a dum blond from a smart blond? A: Ask each one to stick a magnet 2 a refrigirator. And if they just stick it on thier smart. But if they tape it to the refrigorator thier dum. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-26T02:07:02-CET Q: what do blounds think is pee A: cum cum - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-25T19:54:03-CET Q: the blondes boyfriend takes off his pants and lays in bed and he says come to bed sweetheart the blonde says no i am scared her boyfriend says what are you afraid of the blonde says A: im scared of the worm its very big and the worm is ganna eat me! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-23T17:05:45-CET Q: the blondes boyfriend takes off his pants and lays in bed and he says come to bed sweetheart the blonde says no i am scared her boyfriend says what are you afraid of the blonde says A: im scared of the worm its very big and the worm is ganna eat me! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-23T17:05:28-CET Q: one day there was a blonde and a red head the red head says to the blonde look theres my son his name is Brent. A: The blonde looks up and says oooo the yellow sun is very hot - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-23T16:58:15-CET Q: How do you get a blonde to run in horer A: Have sex with her then say who's you dady - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-23T03:47:35-CET Q: How do you get a blonde to run in horer A: Have sex with her then say who's you dady - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-23T03:44:08-CET Q: how can you tell when a blonde is on her rag? A: when her pencils missing and her tampons in her ear! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-21T23:55:32-CET Q: how do you get a one armed blonde out of a tree? A: Wave at her! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-21T23:52:34-CET Q: this website should die A: p.s. suck my dick and sack - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T18:22:13-CET Q: what do u call a afgan A: dick,shithead,nob jockey,cock sucker,shit face,cunt,wanker,twat - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T18:21:02-CET Q: what do you call a man with no penis A: a joke - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T18:19:01-CET Q: what is best to wear a comdom or go bareback A: stick it in how ever you like - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T18:17:53-CET Q: what do u call a kid with deflated arm bands A: dead - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T18:15:43-CET Q: your jokes r fuckin shit A: go fuck your head - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T18:14:27-CET Q: i h8 niggers - i h8 niggers - i h8 niggers - i h8 niggers - i h8 niggers A: i h8 niggers - i h8 niggers - i h8 niggers - i h8 niggers - i h8 niggers - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T01:17:35-CET Q: y did the blonde fuck the filthy nigger A: cuz, she went three days without getting laid, so she just wanted the fuck - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T01:16:37-CET Q: y did the blonde fuck the filthy nigger A: cuz, she went three days without getting laid, so she just wanted the fuck - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T01:16:30-CET Q: POOP A: poop - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-19T21:24:33-CET Q: hello.......crap jokes A: bi - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-19T11:05:25-CET Q: How do you kill a Blond. A: Put a scratch and sniff sticker on the Bottom of the pool - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-18T18:26:50-CET Q: what the fuck? A: fuck the bitch!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-17T15:09:26-CET Q: How many blondes does it take to change a lightbulb? A: None. They think they change a lightbulb, when they are changing a diaper. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-15T02:45:10-CET Q: What does a vacume and a blond have in common? A: They both get laid in the closet. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-14T04:42:06-CET Q: nock nock whos there blonde, blonde who. A: blond the dumie - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-12T19:55:43-CET Q: how did the dun blond fall out of the tree? A: by racking leaves - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-12T19:52:34-CET Q: how old is my mom A: 26 - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-10T22:44:33-CET Q: How to piss off the Blond Anton? A: You interup him from playing MDA game on X showing him dick! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-09T22:38:30-CET Q: How do you know that the blond have used your computer? A: .....she lefted the jostec on the chair - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-09T22:32:52-CET Q: whats the hardest type of rest to pass? A: a pregnancy test - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-09T05:50:21-CET Q: u suck A: at lest i don't swallow fub's - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-09T04:59:35-CET Q: why did the blond have blisters on her lips A: she tryed 2 blow out a light bulb - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-09T04:51:49-CET Q: why did the blond have blisters on her lips A: she tryed 2 blow out a light bulb - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-09T04:50:51-CET Q: Tiffany luvs u call 4 ? A: my number is 653-7551 plez hurry - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-08T22:55:27-CET Q: tiffany lynn cobb waz here A: i love u call 653-7551 - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-08T22:53:42-CET Q: howe can u tell a blound is having a bad day? A: when her pencil is missing and ? is missing.... - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-08T22:47:59-CET Q: how can yo tell a blonde is having a bad day? A: when her tampon is behind her ear and her pencil is missing - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-06T22:07:38-CET Q: how can yo tell a blonde is having a bad day? A: when her tampon is missing and her pencil is missing - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-06T22:06:37-CET Q: suck my dick A: fuckers - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-05T21:54:05-CET Q: How did the blonde try to kill a fish? A: she tried to drownd it - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-05T21:52:53-CET Q: yjytdru6k7ifytur5re7,5l8678l5785e7,85685d8m8658mi,95d A: this website sucks from r2-d2 - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-25T21:37:02-CET Q: what did the blonde say when she looked into the mirror? A: dont i know you - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-24T02:01:22-CET Q: how did the blonde try to kill the bird A: tryed to thourgh it of a cliff - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-22T22:03:23-CET Q: how many blonds does it take to skrew in a linght bulb? A: 2 - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-22T17:40:06-CET Q: what do you call two gay blond pakis A: ramit and jamit wht a GAY JOKE MAN A: U MOTHER FUCKER 9M GONNA CHOP UR BALLS OFF WHO EVR WROTE THT PAKI JOKE KISS MY ASS (_,_) - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-21T11:03:13-CET Q: WHY DO BLONDS LIKE SOFT TOP CARS!!!!! A: BECAUSE THERE IS MORE LEG ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-18T23:56:33-CET Q: What is the difference between a blond and a bowling ball! A: You can only fit three fingers in a bowling ball - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-18T23:51:36-CET Q: what do you call two gay blond pakis A: ramit and jamit - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-10T14:40:48-CET Q: why did the blond cross the road A: to see her reflection - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-10T14:38:49-CET Q: what do you get when u cross a blonde with a black mans baby ? A: three stupid broads - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-04T15:44:20-CET Q: why did the cat croos the road A: he mop it hunt - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-03T17:57:55-CET Q: why did the blonde sit on the couch for an hour?? A: she thought she had to because the directions said sit. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-01T16:37:26-CET Q: why did the blound have square tits???????? A: she 4 got 2 take the tissues out of the box - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-30T00:53:40-CET Q: There were 3 people in an airplane. The first person is eating an apple but he thought it was not sweet enough so he through it out the window. Next the second person takes a bite of a lemon and she thinks it was too sour so she through it out the window. The third person takes a bite of a grenade and thought it was to crunchy so he also through it out the window. When the plane landed they all decided to take a walk. They walked by a little boy that was crying so they asked little boy why are you crying? And the boy said an apple came from the sky and killed my dog. Next, they saw a little girl who was crying too, so they asked little girl why are you crying? And the little girl said a lemon came from the sky and killed my kitty. Lastly they saw a Blonde laying on the sidewalk laughing her head off, and they asked why are you laughing so hard? And she said "I farted and the building behind me blew up!" A: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-29T23:01:12-CET Q: There were 3 people in an airplane. The first person is eating an apple but he thought it was not sweet enough so he through it out the window. Next the second person takes a bite of a lemon and she thinks it was too sour so she through it out the window. The third person takes a bite of a grenade and thought it was to crunchy so he also through it out the window. When the plane landed they all decided to take a walk. They walked by a little boy that was crying so they asked little boy why are you crying? And the boy said an apple came from the sky and killed my dog. Next, they saw a little girl who was crying too, so they asked little girl why are you crying? And the little girl said a lemon came from the sky and killed my kitty. Lastly they saw a Blonde laying on the sidewalk laughing her head off, and they asked why are you laughing so hard? And she said "I farted and the building behind me blew up!" A: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-29T22:59:21-CET Q: What do you call a dead blonde skeleton in the closet? A: Last years hide and seek winner! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-29T22:43:05-CET Q: how do you keep a blonde busy? A: put her in a round room and tell her to sit in the corner! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-29T22:39:43-CET Q: What do you do when a blond throws a grednade at you? A: Pull the plug and throw it back at her. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-26T01:17:31-CET Q: im a blond u ass holes and im in the top 10 in a school A: go fuk yuor self - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-24T04:40:34-CET Q: how do you kill a retard? A: put rat poison on their shoulder - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-24T04:20:03-CET Q: how do you keep a blonde entertained for hours? A: put her in a circular room and say 'find the corner' - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-24T04:12:43-CET Q: How does a blonde turn on the light after having sex? A: Opens the car door. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-23T15:59:11-CET Q: How do you kill a blond? A: Put a "scratch and sniff" sticker at the bottom of a pool. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-17T21:53:45-CET Q: How do you keep a blond busy? A: Put here in a round room and say "sit in the corner. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-17T21:50:45-CET Q: A blond and a brunette are falling off a building who hits the ground first? A: The brunette, the blond had to stop for directions. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-17T21:47:24-CET Q: There were 3 girls, a blond a brewnette and a read head. They were all criminals and they desided that they wanted to get out of jail so they escaped and went to a barn to hide when all of a sudden the cops show up so they each hid behind seperet potatoe sacks. The cops went into the barn and saw the potato sack and kicked it. Than the brunette said "meow meow." The cop said "O- it is just a cat." So they kicked the next bag where the red head was. The red head said "Bark bark." The cops said "It is just a dog." So they kicked the bag where the blond was and the blond said "potato potato." A: So they got arrested, again. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-17T21:42:54-CET Q: who would jump off a clif first a bloond or bernat A: a bernat becase a bloond would have to sop and ask for direacons - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-17T15:55:14-CET Q: what did the blind, deaf, parapoliedic blond get for christmas? A: cancer - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-14T07:52:11-CET Q: How do you keep a blond busy? A: Set her in front of the microwave and start it - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-11T23:55:18-CET Q: What is a cock A: ask a blound - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-09T03:14:09-CET Q: Why are blondes so popular? A: Cuz they know how to give good sex - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-08T22:42:13-CET Q: how do you know two blonde have been on the computer A: the joysticks all wet - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-06T17:55:43-CET Q: can i baby sit on the computre can i baby sit a kittin on the computre? A: yes - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-05T21:36:12-CET Q: GO SUCK MY COCK YOU BITCH!!! O.K, Just dont call me a Bitch! A: GARFIELD SAYS GO FUCK YOUSELFS YOU GAY FAG'S!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-28T22:41:33-CET Q: How dose a bloned commit suicide? A: She Jumps out the basment window!!! HHHAAA HHHAAA YOU MO,FO'S!!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-28T22:38:55-CET Q: you are ugly A: your mom - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-23T20:13:23-CET Q: A guy walks into an elvator where a blonde and a burnette are standing and the guy has really bad dandruff...when he gets off the elavator the burnette goes "did u see that guy somebody ought to give hym head and shoulders" the blonde jus sits there fer a couple minutes n then she finally goes "how do u give a guy shoulders?" A: get it the blonde thought the burnette rilly meant give hym head - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-23T04:13:21-CET Q: rainbows r sexy A: fuck yeaah!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-21T08:09:08-CET Q: why was the blond mad when she got her driving liscence A: she got an F in sex - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-17T22:45:07-CET Q: Why R do yalls jokes suk so much. A: Cus yall suck - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-15T04:13:46-CET Q: what does a blond and a horse have in commonnn A: they are all cut - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-10T17:54:20-CET Q: How do you drown a blond? A: Put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool. - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-03T01:04:15-CET Q: how do you get a blonde out of a tree hanging by one hand? A: you wave at her shell wave back - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-23T17:57:02-CET Q: i am blonde and i am affended A: lets fuk u - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-22T19:42:53-CET Q: wicth one will hit the ground first a blonde or a piece of paper? A: the piece of paper because the blonde had to stop and ask for direction - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-21T07:48:00-CET Q: why did the blond pull up her pants when she was done brushing her hair A: she was brushing her pussy - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-20T02:39:50-CET Q: whats the difference between a blonde male and a blonde female A: the blonde female has a higher sperm count - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-19T08:06:32-CET Q: How do u confuse an IRISH man? A: Put a spead, a shovel and a fork on the ground and tell him to take a pick. - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-18T23:27:37-CET Q: How can you counfuse a blond? A: Put them in a circle room and tell them to p in a curner. - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-14T04:37:53-CET Q: How Do You Cofuse A Bloude A: You put them in a circular room and tell them to go pie in the corner. - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-13T03:27:17-CET Q: yo mamas ass is so hairy, it looks like Don Kink is about to pop out and go " only in america" A: hahahha - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-12T03:05:21-CET Q: What are Blonds called if they have hafe a brain A: Gifed - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-11T03:39:05-CET Q: what do you do if a blond throws a granade at you A: pull the pin and throw it back - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-08T11:33:49-CET Q: wow whats that A: i duno - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-05T19:52:41-CET Q: hey person who owns this site awsome man A: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-02T02:38:08-CET Q: hey people im horny A: and im bi and im a girl so talk to me - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-02T02:31:06-CET Q: how do u kill a retarded blounde? A: put a knife in her hands. yuk yuk yuk (live with it fuckers) ;) - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-02T02:26:57-CET Q: how do u fuck a blounde? A: say can i plug your hole - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-02T02:22:13-CET Q: what do you call a million blondes ear to ear? A: a wind tunnel - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-01T23:38:56-CET Q: Dum blonds are gay A: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-29T12:27:43-CEST Q: how do you confuse a blond?GOW DOES THE BLOND CONFUSE YOU? A: TELL HER TO FIND A CORNER IN A CIRCLE ROOM!saying the found one! - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-23T21:33:59-CEST Q: A blonde was trying to commit suicide so she hung her self on a tree. An hour later an old man sees her with the rope tied around her waist and says " What are you doing?" The blonde says i am commiting suicide. The man said " doesn't the rope have to be around your neck" and the blonde says " I tried that but I couldn't brethe A: Ha Ha - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-22T17:26:25-CEST Q: Why did the Blonde get fired from her job at the M&M Factory? A: because she was throwing away the W's - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-20T21:00:49-CEST Q: u r hot A: u r hot - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-17T06:44:16-CEST Q: what is blak,blue and white? A: a blound that tells to many bernet jokes - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-15T14:29:52-CEST Q: how does a bloned drowned a fish A: you caint cause fish swim in water - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-13T02:14:04-CEST Q: there was a bloned and a burnet sitting at the bar and they where watching the 10 o'clock news and there was a guy threting to jump off a clif so the burnet told the bloned thet she betted her that the guy would jump then all of a sudden the guy jumps so the bloned tells the burnet that she one here was here money but the burnet would not take and the bloned asked why not and the burnet told the bloned that she couldent take it because she saw that at the 5 o'clock news earlier A: and the bloned said i did to but i dident think he would do it again - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-13T02:13:20-CEST Q: gdhjyfju A: yhjyjk - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-10T18:05:44-CEST Q: what do you do if a blonde What do you do if a blonde is cooking macaroni in the microwave? A: Call the fire department because she caught your house on fire! - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-10T17:53:49-CEST Q: do you hate me? A: yes - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-09T17:11:06-CEST Q: Red heads r the most retartedest out of them all!!! A: Red heads stink!!!! red heads are ugly!!Blondes r Sexy mommas!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-08T19:47:12-CEST Q: ur a loser A: so r u - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-08T19:16:39-CEST Q: How did the blonde get hurt raking leaves? A: She fell out of the tree. - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-08T19:16:18-CEST Q: What is difference between a smart blonde and a ufo? A: People have actually seen a ufo. - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-08T19:13:50-CEST Q: 4 guys walk out of a movie theater and then a guy has a gun and tells them to go over here, so they go over there and the guy says i want u guys to do something for me and the guys say what he says i want u each to gout and get a piece of fruit and shuve it up ur butt without laughing so the white guys goes and gets a grape shuves it up his butt and laughs and the guy with the gun shoots him so the black guy goes and gets a bannana and laughs and the other guy shoots him, the mexicsn guy goes and gets an orange and shuves it up his butt and laughs and the other guy shoots him so there floating up to heaven telling each other how they died and the white and black guy said we shouldnt have laughed and they turn to the mexican guy and said why did u laugh and he says cuz i seen the chinese guy come around the corner with a watermelon. A: that was the awnser!!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-07T21:10:32-CEST Q: whats the diffrence between a blonde and a screen door? A: the more you bang them the looser they get - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-07T21:04:50-CEST Q: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa A: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-07T19:19:05-CEST Q: a blonde and a red head were watching the 10 o clock news and they were talking about a guy that threatened to jump off a buliding. The red head bet the blonde the guy would jump. The blonde accepted her bet and they watched until the guy finally jumped. The blonde gave the red head her fifty dollars and the red head said i cant take this i saw it on the 6 o clock news. The blonde said me to but i didnt think he would jump again. A: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-07T19:17:33-CEST Q: What do you call a blonde corpse in the closet? A: the 1995 hide and seek champion - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-07T19:11:37-CEST Q: what are some dumb blond jokes A: i dont know ask a blond I dont know ask a blond - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-07T18:02:32-CEST Q: what do you call a blonde that dyes her hair? A: Artificial intelligence - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-09-30T05:18:15-CEST Q: what do you call a smart blonde? A: black - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-09-26T16:47:44-CEST Q: How do you kill a blonde? A: Put a scratch and sniff stiker at the bottom of a pool. - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-09-18T00:24:43-CEST Q: How do you kill a blonde? A: Put a scratch and sniff stiker at the bottom of a pool. - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-09-18T00:08:16-CEST Q: a blound red head and a black head went to see what kind of baby thy was gong to have and if the man is on top you will have a boy if the womon is on top you will have a girl A: well the black head said she will have a boy the red head said i will have a girl and the blound said i will have pupies by Austin lee Jones - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-09-16T19:20:40-CEST Q: how many blounds douse it take to unscrew a light bub A: 100 / 1 to hold the light bub 99 to tarn the house - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-09-16T19:13:10-CEST Q: WHY DID GOD GIVE BLONDES ONE MORE BRAIN CELL THAN A HORSE A: KEEPS THEM FROM SHITTING DURING THE PARADE - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-09-10T01:59:37-CEST Q: what did the blond thell the blond out in the feild trying to row a boat? A: If i could swim i would come kick your butt - This Joke was added from by () at 2004-09-09T06:02:59-CEST
A: your mom goes to college
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-24T23:36:48-CEST

Q: whtaz up
A: nothen the roof
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-23T23:42:44-CEST

Q: Ashley R. loves Almacar R. kiss kiss kiss!!!!!!!!!!1
A: Almacar is fine
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-23T23:41:58-CEST

Q: How do you hurt a blound
A: you put a scratch and sniff stcker in a toilet
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-23T18:45:11-CEST

Q: How do you hurt a blound
A: you put a scratch and sniff stcker in a toilet
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-23T18:44:55-CEST

Q: how do u kill a blonde
A: u put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-23T05:48:28-CEST

Q: aj is stupid Aj is stupid Aj is stupid
A: yes he is
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-22T19:05:04-CEST

Q: why did the skeliton not jummp of the roof
A: because he did not have any guts
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-22T11:02:34-CEST

Q: "knock-knock", said Ya. "Who's there?", Ho ask. "ya", Ya replied. "ya who?", Ho ask.
A: www.ya
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-19T22:59:54-CEST

Q: a man wlks into a bar
A: ouch
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-15T18:55:32-CEST

Q: gay
A: agy gay
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-15T13:35:24-CEST

Q: How meany blonds dose it take 2 screw in a light balb???
A: 5 one to hold the light and 4 to turn the chair By:Snowboarderhun57
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-14T22:35:59-CEST

Q: why does the blond have sqare boobs?
A: she forgot to take the tishoes out of the box
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-10T16:34:29-CEST

Q: there must be a cougar in the atmosphere
A: bbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-10T08:45:59-CEST

Q: why do blondes use hairspray at night?
A: So the bunnies wont comeout and bark at them!!!!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-10T08:44:00-CEST

Q: Here YOU can give me your best Blonde Jokes
A: this isnt funny help the katrina victims
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:49:25-CEST

Q: Would a dumb blonde help Katrina vitctims?
A: Yes
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:48:34-CEST

Q: Q: Q: Why did the blonde try and steal a police car? A: A: She saw "911" on the back and thought it was a Porsche. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:46:07-CEST Q: Blonde says i wanna get laid A: guy says any day with a boob blonde - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:44:55-CEST Q: Bonjour, je suis stupide et laid A: if u cant figure that out, you ARE stupid - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:42:39-CEST Q: ok jennifer so me and my frend wer at the computer class and an we had 2 read this page and i found dis name uh giga bite my frend made it into what????? A: giantic but - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:40:20-CEST Q: So reigna asks sachi, sachi your jokes suck A: sachi says "I no i do, and it bothers me and my titty's" - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:38:35-CEST Q: Man asks why do you have all those scratches on you? A: Blonde answers what scratch are you talking about? this is a pure scab! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:36:23-CEST Q: Blonde says: I am going to donate money to the Katrina victims A: The Red Cross - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:33:02-CEST Q: A guy asked a blonde, "Whats the color of a dumb blondes hair" A: The blonde answers "toaster" - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:31:34-CEST Q: Some guy comes up to a blonde next to a soda machine, and he asks the blonde,"Why are you taking so long?". And she keeps buying soft drinks from the machine. A: The blonde replyed, "Stop NOW, are you KIDDING, im still winning!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:26:53-CEST Q: what does a blonde and a turttle have in common? A: when their on there backs there screwed - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T06:45:41-CEST Q: How do you confuse a blond? A: Tell hear to pee in a corner of acicular room!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-05T16:29:50-CEST Q: what do u call a niger with 8 arms A: an 8 row cotten picker - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-03T03:08:19-CEST Q: what dose a nigger and a peace of burnt rubber have in common A: they both smell bad and they both squell when u run them over - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-03T01:00:10-CEST Q: what did the bloude name her black lab A: smow flake snow flake - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-31T21:52:48-CEST Q: a smart blonde santa clause and a dum blode jump of a buildg witch one lands first A: none because the dumb blode will ask for directions and theres no such thing as santa or a smart blode - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-28T11:49:58-CEST Q: how does a blonde kill a fish? A: she drownds it she drownds it - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-28T05:27:19-CEST Q: How come men cant look in blonds eyes? A: Boobs dont have eyes - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-26T22:06:39-CEST Q: two blondes walk into a large building A: you woulda thought one of them had seen it - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-26T12:42:47-CEST Q: why has princess diana got dandruff A: because she left her head and shoulders in the car - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-16T00:25:31-CEST Q: wot appened wen santa, a dumb blonde n a clever blonde saw a £50? A: noffin- santa n the clever blonde dont exist + wen the dumb blonde picked it up she realsied it was a chewing-gi=um wrapper!!!!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-14T13:42:54-CEST Q: wot appened wen santa, a dumb blonde n a clever blonde saw a £50? A: noffin- santa n the clever blonde dont exist + wen the dumb blonde picked it up she realsied it was a chewing-gi=um wrapper!!!!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-14T13:41:42-CEST Q: A what is a blondies favorite habit A: B try to dye her hair brown - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-11T03:09:26-CEST Q: A how do you make a blondie faint A: B Tell her to look in the mirror - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-11T03:07:17-CEST Q: HOW CAN YOU KILL A BONDE? A: PUT LIPSTICK IN THE POOL - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-05T21:43:50-CEST Q: there were 2 blondes (smart an stipid) an a faire fallin down a cliff who fell first A: the dumb blond the other 2 dont exiest - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-02T11:08:37-CEST Q: your momma fo fat she walked in front of my car ,,I swerved not to hit her and I ran out of gas. she so fat she puts her belt on with a bunerang. A: her cereal boal cam with a life guard - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-31T20:17:52-CEST Q: a strang man said I hate you to a blond A: the blond said o.k. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-27T20:08:44-CEST Q: so you such p3ins? A: yes - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T04:44:32-CEST Q: so you suchp3nis? A: yes - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T04:43:32-CEST Q: so you suchp3nis? A: yes - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T04:42:52-CEST Q: A smart blonde, a dumb blonde, and santa claus are all about to jump off a cliff. Santa says 3...2...1... then the smart blonde says go. Who reaches the ground first? A: Nobody. Santa Claus, and a smart blonde don't exist. And the dumb blonde has to ask for directions. MALES, SEND A NAKED PICTURE TO TRUJILLOC4@AOL.COM AND I'LL THINK ABOUT YOU. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T02:59:57-CEST Q: so you suck p3nis? A: YES - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T00:01:35-CEST Q: once ther was a blonde,a bernet,a red ,and a black hared they all wocked in to a bar and sat down and the the blacked &bernet sead whats tha t over there the other two sead whats what and the bernet sead why dont u to go over there and find out the other two saed OK and walked over there and walked in to the lesbean room. do u know what hapened to the bernet &black hared girlds? A: they left and wint home with the to hot guys on the other side of the bar. - This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-23T04:40:13-CEST
A: Q: why are all blounde jokes one-liners? A: so that brunets can understand them - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-03T01:35:10-CEST Q: Two blondes a walking, one falls down a hole, the other says: is it dark down ther? A: The first one says: I dunno i can't see? - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-09-24T20:50:42-CEST Q: Two blondes walk into a building! A: You'd think one of then would have seen it! - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-09-24T20:48:41-CEST Q: HOW DOES A BLOUND DELETE WHAT SHE WROTE ON THE COMPUTER A: SHE USED WHITE OUT - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-09-15T01:59:29-CEST Q: whats the difference between a blonde and the atlantic coast A: atlantic coast doesn't have that many crabs - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-27T18:56:22-CEST Q: why did the blonde get fired from the m and m factory A: becase she was trowning a away all of the w's - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-17T21:43:53-CEST Q: how do you make a blonds eyrs twinkle? A: shine a tourch through her ears! - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-12T23:03:46-CEST Q: Why do blondes put TGIF on their shoes??? A: Toes Go In First - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-05T23:49:17-CEST Q: What has blond hair, looks like shit and smells like a turd but is not a turd? A: Danial haynes - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-05T07:42:12-CEST Q: what did the blond trip on A: a cordless phone a cordlessphone - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-05T06:14:33-CEST Q: why did the blonde sit in the middle of the street? A: because she's a blonde - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-28T23:30:24-CEST Q: why do people make fun of blondes? A: because it's so damn easy too! - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-28T23:13:37-CEST Q: whats the difference between a blonde and a rock A: a blonde has hair - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-23T18:23:07-CEST Q: why is there a fence around the grave yard A: people are dieing to get in - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-22T23:11:55-CEST Q: Why did the blonde keep putting money in the pop machine? A: Because she kept thinking she was winning alot of prizes. - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-22T17:38:31-CEST Q: Why did the blonde call the Guiness Book of World Records A: Because she finishes a puzzle in 20 minutes, and the box said 2-5 years - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-20T20:02:22-CEST Q: how do you know that a blonde is gay A: thay will call her a blondedike - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-20T03:00:32-CEST Q: how do you confuse a blonde? A: you cant there born that way - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-16T02:48:10-CEST Q: What does "TGIF" stand for on a blonde's shoes? A: Toes go in first. - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-15T08:59:03-CEST Q: how do you keep a blonde busy for days? A: put her in a round room and tell her to sit in a corner - This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-14T01:38:10-CEST
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:47:13-CEST

Q: Q: Why did the blonde try and steal a police car?
A: A: She saw "911" on the back and thought it was a Porsche.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:46:07-CEST

Q: Blonde says i wanna get laid
A: guy says any day with a boob blonde
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:44:55-CEST

Q: Bonjour, je suis stupide et laid
A: if u cant figure that out, you ARE stupid
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:42:39-CEST

Q: ok jennifer so me and my frend wer at the computer class and an we had 2 read this page and i found dis name uh giga bite my frend made it into what?????
A: giantic but
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:40:20-CEST

Q: So reigna asks sachi, sachi your jokes suck
A: sachi says "I no i do, and it bothers me and my titty's"
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:38:35-CEST

Q: Man asks why do you have all those scratches on you?
A: Blonde answers what scratch are you talking about? this is a pure scab!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:36:23-CEST

Q: Blonde says: I am going to donate money to the Katrina victims
A: The Red Cross
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:33:02-CEST

Q: A guy asked a blonde, "Whats the color of a dumb blondes hair"
A: The blonde answers "toaster"
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:31:34-CEST

Q: Some guy comes up to a blonde next to a soda machine, and he asks the blonde,"Why are you taking so long?". And she keeps buying soft drinks from the machine.
A: The blonde replyed, "Stop NOW, are you KIDDING, im still winning!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T21:26:53-CEST

Q: what does a blonde and a turttle have in common?
A: when their on there backs there screwed
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-06T06:45:41-CEST

Q: How do you confuse a blond?
A: Tell hear to pee in a corner of acicular room!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-05T16:29:50-CEST

Q: what do u call a niger with 8 arms
A: an 8 row cotten picker
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-03T03:08:19-CEST

Q: what dose a nigger and a peace of burnt rubber have in common
A: they both smell bad and they both squell when u run them over
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-09-03T01:00:10-CEST

Q: what did the bloude name her black lab
A: smow flake snow flake
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-31T21:52:48-CEST

Q: a smart blonde santa clause and a dum blode jump of a buildg witch one lands first
A: none because the dumb blode will ask for directions and theres no such thing as santa or a smart blode
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-28T11:49:58-CEST

Q: how does a blonde kill a fish?
A: she drownds it she drownds it
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-28T05:27:19-CEST

Q: How come men cant look in blonds eyes?
A: Boobs dont have eyes
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-26T22:06:39-CEST

Q: two blondes walk into a large building
A: you woulda thought one of them had seen it
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-26T12:42:47-CEST

Q: why has princess diana got dandruff
A: because she left her head and shoulders in the car
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-16T00:25:31-CEST

Q: wot appened wen santa, a dumb blonde n a clever blonde saw a £50?
A: noffin- santa n the clever blonde dont exist + wen the dumb blonde picked it up she realsied it was a chewing-gi=um wrapper!!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-14T13:42:54-CEST

Q: wot appened wen santa, a dumb blonde n a clever blonde saw a £50?
A: noffin- santa n the clever blonde dont exist + wen the dumb blonde picked it up she realsied it was a chewing-gi=um wrapper!!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-14T13:41:42-CEST

Q: A what is a blondies favorite habit
A: B try to dye her hair brown
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-11T03:09:26-CEST

Q: A how do you make a blondie faint
A: B Tell her to look in the mirror
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-11T03:07:17-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-05T21:43:50-CEST

Q: there were 2 blondes (smart an stipid) an a faire fallin down a cliff who fell first
A: the dumb blond the other 2 dont exiest
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-08-02T11:08:37-CEST

Q: your momma fo fat she walked in front of my car ,,I swerved not to hit her and I ran out of gas. she so fat she puts her belt on with a bunerang.
A: her cereal boal cam with a life guard
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-31T20:17:52-CEST

Q: a strang man said I hate you to a blond
A: the blond said o.k.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-27T20:08:44-CEST

Q: so you such p3ins?
A: yes
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T04:44:32-CEST

Q: so you suchp3nis?
A: yes
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T04:43:32-CEST

Q: so you suchp3nis?
A: yes
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T04:42:52-CEST

Q: A smart blonde, a dumb blonde, and santa claus are all about to jump off a cliff. Santa says 3...2...1... then the smart blonde says go. Who reaches the ground first?
A: Nobody. Santa Claus, and a smart blonde don't exist. And the dumb blonde has to ask for directions. MALES, SEND A NAKED PICTURE TO TRUJILLOC4@AOL.COM AND I'LL THINK ABOUT YOU.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T02:59:57-CEST

Q: so you suck p3nis?
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-26T00:01:35-CEST

Q: once ther was a blonde,a bernet,a red ,and a black hared they all wocked in to a bar and sat down and the the blacked &bernet sead whats tha t over there the other two sead whats what and the bernet sead why dont u to go over there and find out the other two saed OK and walked over there and walked in to the lesbean room. do u know what hapened to the bernet &black hared girlds?
A: they left and wint home with the to hot guys on the other side of the bar.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-23T04:40:13-CEST

Q: Why did the blond take a later to the bar ?
A: Becauce the beer was on the houes
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-23T02:28:39-CEST

Q: Why did the blond take a later to the bar ?
A: Becauce the beer was on the houes
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-23T02:28:25-CEST

Q: what is gay fat and ugly?
A: NIKO!!!1111
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-22T04:25:54-CEST

Q: Why did the blonde tip-toe past the medicine cabinet?
A: So she wouldn't wake up the sleeping pills.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-19T18:53:43-CEST

Q: Theyres a blonde, and a bleached blonde taking a tour on top of the Empire State Building. How can u tell witch 1,s the real blonde.
A: The real blonde was throwing bread crumbs at the helicopter.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-19T00:55:55-CEST

Q: What do u call a blonde with half a brain?
A: Gifted. Gifted.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-19T00:49:17-CEST

Q: Whats the differance between a smart blonde and a bigfoot?
A: A bigfooot's been sighted
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-19T00:46:58-CEST

Q: whats the differance between a blonde and a 747?
A: Not everyone has been in a 747.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-19T00:43:58-CEST

Q: what do you call a nigger in college?
A: the janitor
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-15T13:25:53-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-15T05:37:15-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-15T05:36:29-CEST

Q: yo so ugly...
A: ur just dam ugly
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-14T10:01:19-CEST

Q: whats brown black and blue all over?
A: a brunette telling to many blonde jokes
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-11T05:33:01-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-08T22:35:19-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-08T22:31:27-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-08T21:59:00-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-08T21:57:06-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-08T21:55:36-CEST

Q: what do u call a blonde that dies her hair brown?
A: atifishal inteligens
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-06T17:14:04-CEST

Q: how do u no a blond has been on the computer
A: there's tip ex all over the screen
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-04T21:43:06-CEST

Q: what is the difrenc betwen a blond girl and a mesketo?
A: mesketo stop suking
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-04T07:14:56-CEST

Q: what do you call a fledging, middle age asshole who is consumed by vanity?
A: niko
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-02T14:08:11-CEST

Q: what do you call a fledging, middle age asshole who is consume by vanity?
A: niko
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-02T14:07:51-CEST

Q: Why was the biond in the sink?
A: because she was tap dancing
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-07-02T13:32:29-CEST

Q: what side of the vigina do u put the tampon
A: up the penis
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-19T10:14:48-CEST

Q: I will have sex with you my number is 8971952
A: I want sex
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-17T22:37:38-CEST

Q: I will have sex with you my number is 8971952
A: I want sex
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-17T22:34:44-CEST

Q: I will have sex with you my number is 8971952
A: I want sex
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-17T22:34:36-CEST

Q: what are the best kind of boobs what are the best kind of boobs
A: my boobs
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-17T22:30:33-CEST

Q: Y did the chiken cross the raod?
A: b/c he wanted 2 get away from the blondes because he wanted 2
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-16T17:11:37-CEST

Q: Where does a cow get medicen???
A: Over the cow-ter!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-06T00:00:30-CEST

Q: i love dylan and dylan loves gass who
A: james love you and me
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-05T20:23:46-CEST

Q: how can u tell that a blound was driving your car
A: because their would be lipsike on the horn
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-05T20:19:57-CEST

Q: why are blondes so stupid?
A: uh i dont know i am one
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-04T22:14:37-CEST

Q: oops. i messed up on the one under me... what happens when a blonde blows into another blondes ear ?
A: they're giving each other brain power
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-04T22:14:09-CEST

Q: what happens when a blonde blows into another blondes ear?
A: she's giving her brain power
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-04T22:12:58-CEST

Q: ok... there was a bartender who said in the bathroom there was a mirror and whoever told the truth would get 1,000 dollars and whoever lied who dissapear. so the redhead goes in and said "i think i am the prettiest girl" and out popped 1,000 dollars. next the brunette came in and said "i think i am the smartest girl in the world" and out popped 1,000 dollars. then the blonde came in. she said "i think" and dissapeared. haha!!
A: that was funny that was funny
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-04T22:11:06-CEST

Q: ok... there was a bartender who said in the bathroom there was a mirror and whoever told the truth would get 1,000 dollars and whoever lied who dissapear. so the redhead goes in and said "i think i am the prettiest girl" and out popped 1,000 dollars. next the brunette came in and said "i think i am the smartest girl in the world" and out popped 1,000 dollars. then the blonde came in. she said "i think" and dissapeared. haha!!
A: that was funny that was funny
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-04T22:10:58-CEST

Q: How do you know when a red head is not a true redhead?
A: When she goes to the doctor and says her body hurts where ever she touches it. Than the doctor asks your not a true redhead are you.No I'm a blonde that's why your finger is broken
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-06-03T18:34:08-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-31T01:06:45-CEST

Q: why are there no jokes about brounettes?
A: because blondes would have to make them up!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-30T15:55:43-CEST

Q: how did the blond manage to break her leg from rakeing up leaves?
A: she fell out of the tree!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-30T11:31:16-CEST

Q: Why do bloundes were shoulder pads
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-27T20:51:16-CEST

Q: why is jace a bad kisser ??????????
A: cause he's got big lips and he eats me alive
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-27T07:03:29-CEST

Q: want to here a backwards joke???????????????????????
A: laugh
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-27T07:02:35-CEST

Q: why was the blondes belly button so sore
A: cause her husban was blonde too
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-27T07:01:55-CEST

Q: why does brandy A love cows
A: cause she does
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-27T07:00:55-CEST

Q: brandy A and taylor C were sitting down with jace trying to come up with jokes
A: we couldnt find any sorry though try back later
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-27T07:00:16-CEST

Q: why did the chiken cross the road
A: cause he did not want to here the damn joke again
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-27T06:58:26-CEST

Q: why did i just fart
A: because i had too.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-27T06:57:03-CEST

Q: how do you drown a bloned
A: put a skratch and snife sticker at the bottom off a pool
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-24T22:17:34-CEST

Q: How do u confuse a blond?
A: put her in a round room & tell her 2 pee in the cornor put her in a round room & tell her 2 pee in the corner
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-21T00:55:18-CEST

Q: how do you make a blonde laugh on sunday
A: tell her a joke on wendsday
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-20T02:36:46-CEST

Q: wats the capital of japan???
A: J lol Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-17T05:41:09-CEST

Q: how do you teel when a blonde has been on the computer
A: there whiteout on the screen
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-16T04:39:06-CEST

Q: why was the blond stupid?
A: she called me to get my phone number!!!!!!:P
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-16T03:21:48-CEST

Q: i am a hore call me 3765282
A: only call if you want to have hot sexy sex with me and me and my sister are names are candy vagina and sexy brest we both have double d cup sizes and were both 18 and our idia of a good time is have a threesom with u so giv us a call even if you a freak we will do u for a small fee of 5 dollers
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-14T06:39:52-CEST

Q: why did i miriha tillary do it with my dad
A: because he said i was not aloud to do it with anyone else note i am in the fith grade and i am 11 and my dad is sexy and he stuck his dick up my vigina and i liked it and know im pregnet with my dads baby and he left my mom even tough they had 11 kids to gether and that was 13 years ago now were maried and we hav 7 kids and we have sex day and night becase my husbnd is rich and i have three soms with my 11 year old son dad/husband and some tims with my mom
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-14T06:33:24-CEST

Q: why did the blonde jump off the 10 story building?
A: she wanted to see if her tamponds could fly
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-14T04:04:12-CEST

Q: how can you make a blond laugh on saturday
A: tell her the joke on wednesday
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-10T10:34:09-CEST

Q: How do you know when a blondes been having a bad day?
A: Shes got a tampon behind her ear, and she's lookin 4 her pencil.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-07T23:29:30-CEST

Q: How do you know when a blondes been having a bad day?
A: How do you know when a blondes been having a bad day?
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-07T23:29:02-CEST

Q: what does the right lag say to the left lag
A: the one in the middles a dink
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-06T23:29:57-CEST

Q: there was this boy and his dad and they were talking and the little boy said daddy what are they doing and the dad said oh their making puppies so three days go bey and he seen his dadddy gining it to his mom and he said no dad turn mummy around instead i want a puppy
A: this was ritten bey gordie falcon
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-06T23:26:15-CEST

Q: wat did the blonde say to the burnet?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????burnet????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
A: wears my coffee
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-04T23:30:33-CEST

Q: wat did the blonde say to the burnet?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????burnet????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
A: wears my coffee
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-04T23:28:08-CEST

Q: what do you call a bunch of mexicans
A: a bean burito
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-04T22:33:56-CEST

Q: what is the capital of funny ?
A: f.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-05-04T01:27:46-CEST

Q: i love you megan wells
A: i have a web cam in your shower
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T22:05:35-CEST

Q: what do blonds say when they are about to get screwed
A: can I eat that hotdog
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T22:03:11-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T20:30:38-CEST

Q: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
A: :P
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T12:51:12-CEST

Q: wot did a blonde ask on an internet game?
A: does anyone here have the internet?
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T12:43:14-CEST

Q: wot did a blonde ask on an internet game?
A: does anyone here have the internet?
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T12:43:10-CEST

Q: wot did a blonde ask on an internet game?
A: does anyone here have the internet
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T12:43:06-CEST

Q: if u want a gigilo add
A: no joke :P
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T12:41:54-CEST

Q: a genie give blonde man 1 wish he wishes he was always hard and had alot of ass
A: he turned into a toilet seat
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T12:41:07-CEST

Q: wat happens when u ask a blonde about current affiars?
A: she says dunno never had an affiar with a current
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T12:39:30-CEST

Q: there was a blonde a ginger a brunette trapped on a desert ilsand a genie popped outa no where and gave them one wish each the brunette wished she was home with her familiy and friends and the gingder wished the same what did the blonde wish?`
A: she was bored so she wanted her firends back
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-27T12:36:39-CEST

Q: what did the bloond say to the ather bloond?
A: we can be blooned to day we can be bloondys to gather
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-24T16:15:32-CEST

Q: how do u ill a bloned
A: but a mirro at the bottom of the pool
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-21T23:27:38-CEST

Q: what does a bloned she when she buys a box of chereos
A: doughnut seeds
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-21T22:48:55-CEST

Q: why can't a bloned call 911
A: because she can't find the 11
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-21T22:48:17-CEST

Q: a blond had a firer at her house so she rung up the fire stason they asked how do we get there
A: and the blond said in the fucking big red truck
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-20T03:16:38-CEST

Q: whats a bloond doing a hand stand
A: a bernet with bad breath
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-20T01:35:52-CEST

Q: What did the blond ask the Burgaler during the robbery
A: whats the # for 911
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-17T23:09:59-CEST

Q: Why did the blone where condoms on her ears.
A: She didn't want to get hearing aids
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-15T17:47:22-CEST

Q: why is this web sight so dumb
A: dont know
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-15T17:15:59-CEST

Q: how does a blonde turn on a light after having sex
A: opens the car door
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-14T20:01:49-CEST

Q: why are blondes so stupid?
A: Because they think the need to roll down a window in a desert, they think microwaves are tv's, and they need directions to jump down off a building.And much more
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-12T23:46:51-CEST

Q: there is a 2 men and a bartender ina bar. a man takes a couple of drinks, jumps out a 2 story window and comes back to the bar for more and repeats hisself a couple more times before the other guys asked how he did it, he said: "take a couple of drinks jump out the window and then you will float to ground and then you can restart when you repeat it...... then man takes this other amns advice and does it, next thing you know a women is running in asking to use the phone because some man just commited suicide by jumping out the window... the bartender said that it would be okay and after she left what did the bartender tell the guy?
A: SUPERMAN you're a jerk when you're drunk
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-11T05:08:47-CEST

Q: how do you confuse a blonde?
A: Never Mind.....
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-11T05:02:27-CEST

Q: What do you call a blonde with a wooden ass?
A: a waste of wood
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-10T10:21:38-CEST

Q: how do you drowned a blonde?
A: put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-04-02T17:30:21-CEST

Q: Why cant a blonde be a cattle rancher?
A: Because they cant keep thier calves together.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-30T20:01:59-CEST

Q: what is the diference between a dead deer in the road and a dead niger in the road
A: the deer had skid markes before it
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-30T05:09:01-CEST

Q: How do u know a dum blond from a smart blond?
A: Ask each one to stick a magnet 2 a refrigirator. And if they just stick it on thier smart. But if they tape it to the refrigorator thier dum.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-26T02:07:02-CET

Q: what do blounds think is pee
A: cum cum
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-25T19:54:03-CET

Q: the blondes boyfriend takes off his pants and lays in bed and he says come to bed sweetheart the blonde says no i am scared her boyfriend says what are you afraid of the blonde says
A: im scared of the worm its very big and the worm is ganna eat me!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-23T17:05:45-CET

Q: the blondes boyfriend takes off his pants and lays in bed and he says come to bed sweetheart the blonde says no i am scared her boyfriend says what are you afraid of the blonde says
A: im scared of the worm its very big and the worm is ganna eat me!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-23T17:05:28-CET

Q: one day there was a blonde and a red head the red head says to the blonde look theres my son his name is Brent.
A: The blonde looks up and says oooo the yellow sun is very hot
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-23T16:58:15-CET

Q: How do you get a blonde to run in horer
A: Have sex with her then say who's you dady
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-23T03:47:35-CET

Q: How do you get a blonde to run in horer
A: Have sex with her then say who's you dady
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-23T03:44:08-CET

Q: how can you tell when a blonde is on her rag?
A: when her pencils missing and her tampons in her ear!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-21T23:55:32-CET

Q: how do you get a one armed blonde out of a tree?
A: Wave at her!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-21T23:52:34-CET

Q: this website should die
A: p.s. suck my dick and sack
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T18:22:13-CET

Q: what do u call a afgan
A: dick,shithead,nob jockey,cock sucker,shit face,cunt,wanker,twat
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T18:21:02-CET

Q: what do you call a man with no penis
A: a joke
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T18:19:01-CET

Q: what is best to wear a comdom or go bareback
A: stick it in how ever you like
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T18:17:53-CET

Q: what do u call a kid with deflated arm bands
A: dead
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T18:15:43-CET

Q: your jokes r fuckin shit
A: go fuck your head
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T18:14:27-CET

Q: i h8 niggers - i h8 niggers - i h8 niggers - i h8 niggers - i h8 niggers
A: i h8 niggers - i h8 niggers - i h8 niggers - i h8 niggers - i h8 niggers
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T01:17:35-CET

Q: y did the blonde fuck the filthy nigger
A: cuz, she went three days without getting laid, so she just wanted the fuck
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T01:16:37-CET

Q: y did the blonde fuck the filthy nigger
A: cuz, she went three days without getting laid, so she just wanted the fuck
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-20T01:16:30-CET

A: poop
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-19T21:24:33-CET

Q: hello.......crap jokes
A: bi
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-19T11:05:25-CET

Q: How do you kill a Blond.
A: Put a scratch and sniff sticker on the Bottom of the pool
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-18T18:26:50-CET

Q: what the fuck?
A: fuck the bitch!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-17T15:09:26-CET

Q: How many blondes does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. They think they change a lightbulb, when they are changing a diaper.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-15T02:45:10-CET

Q: What does a vacume and a blond have in common?
A: They both get laid in the closet.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-14T04:42:06-CET

Q: nock nock whos there blonde, blonde who.
A: blond the dumie
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-12T19:55:43-CET

Q: how did the dun blond fall out of the tree?
A: by racking leaves
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-12T19:52:34-CET

Q: how old is my mom
A: 26
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-10T22:44:33-CET

Q: How to piss off the Blond Anton?
A: You interup him from playing MDA game on X showing him dick!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-09T22:38:30-CET

Q: How do you know that the blond have used your computer?
A: .....she lefted the jostec on the chair
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-09T22:32:52-CET

Q: whats the hardest type of rest to pass?
A: a pregnancy test
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-09T05:50:21-CET

Q: u suck
A: at lest i don't swallow fub's
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-09T04:59:35-CET

Q: why did the blond have blisters on her lips
A: she tryed 2 blow out a light bulb
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-09T04:51:49-CET

Q: why did the blond have blisters on her lips
A: she tryed 2 blow out a light bulb
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-09T04:50:51-CET

Q: Tiffany luvs u call 4 ?
A: my number is 653-7551 plez hurry
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-08T22:55:27-CET

Q: tiffany lynn cobb waz here
A: i love u call 653-7551
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-08T22:53:42-CET

Q: howe can u tell a blound is having a bad day?
A: when her pencil is missing and ? is missing....
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-08T22:47:59-CET

Q: how can yo tell a blonde is having a bad day?
A: when her tampon is behind her ear and her pencil is missing
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-06T22:07:38-CET

Q: how can yo tell a blonde is having a bad day?
A: when her tampon is missing and her pencil is missing
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-06T22:06:37-CET

Q: suck my dick
A: fuckers
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-05T21:54:05-CET

Q: How did the blonde try to kill a fish?
A: she tried to drownd it
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-03-05T21:52:53-CET

Q: yjytdru6k7ifytur5re7,5l8678l5785e7,85685d8m8658mi,95d
A: this website sucks from r2-d2
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-25T21:37:02-CET

Q: what did the blonde say when she looked into the mirror?
A: dont i know you
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-24T02:01:22-CET

Q: how did the blonde try to kill the bird
A: tryed to thourgh it of a cliff
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-22T22:03:23-CET

Q: how many blonds does it take to skrew in a linght bulb?
A: 2
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-22T17:40:06-CET

Q: what do you call two gay blond pakis A: ramit and jamit wht a GAY JOKE MAN
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-21T11:03:13-CET

- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-18T23:56:33-CET

Q: What is the difference between a blond and a bowling ball!
A: You can only fit three fingers in a bowling ball
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-18T23:51:36-CET

Q: what do you call two gay blond pakis
A: ramit and jamit
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-10T14:40:48-CET

Q: why did the blond cross the road
A: to see her reflection
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-10T14:38:49-CET

Q: what do you get when u cross a blonde with a black mans baby ?
A: three stupid broads
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-04T15:44:20-CET

Q: why did the cat croos the road
A: he mop it hunt
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-03T17:57:55-CET

Q: why did the blonde sit on the couch for an hour??
A: she thought she had to because the directions said sit.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-02-01T16:37:26-CET

Q: why did the blound have square tits????????
A: she 4 got 2 take the tissues out of the box
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-30T00:53:40-CET

Q: There were 3 people in an airplane. The first person is eating an apple but he thought it was not sweet enough so he through it out the window. Next the second person takes a bite of a lemon and she thinks it was too sour so she through it out the window. The third person takes a bite of a grenade and thought it was to crunchy so he also through it out the window. When the plane landed they all decided to take a walk. They walked by a little boy that was crying so they asked little boy why are you crying? And the boy said an apple came from the sky and killed my dog. Next, they saw a little girl who was crying too, so they asked little girl why are you crying? And the little girl said a lemon came from the sky and killed my kitty. Lastly they saw a Blonde laying on the sidewalk laughing her head off, and they asked why are you laughing so hard? And she said "I farted and the building behind me blew up!"
A: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-29T23:01:12-CET

Q: There were 3 people in an airplane. The first person is eating an apple but he thought it was not sweet enough so he through it out the window. Next the second person takes a bite of a lemon and she thinks it was too sour so she through it out the window. The third person takes a bite of a grenade and thought it was to crunchy so he also through it out the window. When the plane landed they all decided to take a walk. They walked by a little boy that was crying so they asked little boy why are you crying? And the boy said an apple came from the sky and killed my dog. Next, they saw a little girl who was crying too, so they asked little girl why are you crying? And the little girl said a lemon came from the sky and killed my kitty. Lastly they saw a Blonde laying on the sidewalk laughing her head off, and they asked why are you laughing so hard? And she said "I farted and the building behind me blew up!"
A: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-29T22:59:21-CET

Q: What do you call a dead blonde skeleton in the closet?
A: Last years hide and seek winner!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-29T22:43:05-CET

Q: how do you keep a blonde busy?
A: put her in a round room and tell her to sit in the corner!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-29T22:39:43-CET

Q: What do you do when a blond throws a grednade at you?
A: Pull the plug and throw it back at her.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-26T01:17:31-CET

Q: im a blond u ass holes and im in the top 10 in a school
A: go fuk yuor self
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-24T04:40:34-CET

Q: how do you kill a retard?
A: put rat poison on their shoulder
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-24T04:20:03-CET

Q: how do you keep a blonde entertained for hours?
A: put her in a circular room and say 'find the corner'
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-24T04:12:43-CET

Q: How does a blonde turn on the light after having sex?
A: Opens the car door.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-23T15:59:11-CET

Q: How do you kill a blond?
A: Put a "scratch and sniff" sticker at the bottom of a pool.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-17T21:53:45-CET

Q: How do you keep a blond busy?
A: Put here in a round room and say "sit in the corner.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-17T21:50:45-CET

Q: A blond and a brunette are falling off a building who hits the ground first?
A: The brunette, the blond had to stop for directions.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-17T21:47:24-CET

Q: There were 3 girls, a blond a brewnette and a read head. They were all criminals and they desided that they wanted to get out of jail so they escaped and went to a barn to hide when all of a sudden the cops show up so they each hid behind seperet potatoe sacks. The cops went into the barn and saw the potato sack and kicked it. Than the brunette said "meow meow." The cop said "O- it is just a cat." So they kicked the next bag where the red head was. The red head said "Bark bark." The cops said "It is just a dog." So they kicked the bag where the blond was and the blond said "potato potato."
A: So they got arrested, again.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-17T21:42:54-CET

Q: who would jump off a clif first a bloond or bernat
A: a bernat becase a bloond would have to sop and ask for direacons
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-17T15:55:14-CET

Q: what did the blind, deaf, parapoliedic blond get for christmas?
A: cancer
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-14T07:52:11-CET

Q: How do you keep a blond busy?
A: Set her in front of the microwave and start it
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-11T23:55:18-CET

Q: What is a cock
A: ask a blound
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-09T03:14:09-CET

Q: Why are blondes so popular?
A: Cuz they know how to give good sex
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-08T22:42:13-CET

Q: how do you know two blonde have been on the computer
A: the joysticks all wet
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-06T17:55:43-CET

Q: can i baby sit on the computre can i baby sit a kittin on the computre?
A: yes
- This Joke was added from by () at 2005-01-05T21:36:12-CET

Q: GO SUCK MY COCK YOU BITCH!!! O.K, Just dont call me a Bitch!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-28T22:41:33-CET

Q: How dose a bloned commit suicide?
A: She Jumps out the basment window!!! HHHAAA HHHAAA YOU MO,FO'S!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-28T22:38:55-CET

Q: you are ugly
A: your mom
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-23T20:13:23-CET

Q: A guy walks into an elvator where a blonde and a burnette are standing and the guy has really bad dandruff...when he gets off the elavator the burnette goes "did u see that guy somebody ought to give hym head and shoulders" the blonde jus sits there fer a couple minutes n then she finally goes "how do u give a guy shoulders?"
A: get it the blonde thought the burnette rilly meant give hym head
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-23T04:13:21-CET

Q: rainbows r sexy
A: fuck yeaah!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-21T08:09:08-CET

Q: why was the blond mad when she got her driving liscence
A: she got an F in sex
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-17T22:45:07-CET

Q: Why R do yalls jokes suk so much.
A: Cus yall suck
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-15T04:13:46-CET

Q: what does a blond and a horse have in commonnn
A: they are all cut
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-10T17:54:20-CET

Q: How do you drown a blond?
A: Put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-12-03T01:04:15-CET

Q: how do you get a blonde out of a tree hanging by one hand?
A: you wave at her shell wave back
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-23T17:57:02-CET

Q: i am blonde and i am affended
A: lets fuk u
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-22T19:42:53-CET

Q: wicth one will hit the ground first a blonde or a piece of paper?
A: the piece of paper because the blonde had to stop and ask for direction
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-21T07:48:00-CET

Q: why did the blond pull up her pants when she was done brushing her hair
A: she was brushing her pussy
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-20T02:39:50-CET

Q: whats the difference between a blonde male and a blonde female
A: the blonde female has a higher sperm count
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-19T08:06:32-CET

Q: How do u confuse an IRISH man?
A: Put a spead, a shovel and a fork on the ground and tell him to take a pick.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-18T23:27:37-CET

Q: How can you counfuse a blond?
A: Put them in a circle room and tell them to p in a curner.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-14T04:37:53-CET

Q: How Do You Cofuse A Bloude
A: You put them in a circular room and tell them to go pie in the corner.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-13T03:27:17-CET

Q: yo mamas ass is so hairy, it looks like Don Kink is about to pop out and go " only in america"
A: hahahha
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-12T03:05:21-CET

Q: What are Blonds called if they have hafe a brain
A: Gifed
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-11T03:39:05-CET

Q: what do you do if a blond throws a granade at you
A: pull the pin and throw it back
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-08T11:33:49-CET

Q: wow whats that
A: i duno
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-05T19:52:41-CET

Q: hey person who owns this site awsome man
A: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-02T02:38:08-CET

Q: hey people im horny
A: and im bi and im a girl so talk to me
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-02T02:31:06-CET

Q: how do u kill a retarded blounde?
A: put a knife in her hands. yuk yuk yuk (live with it fuckers) ;)
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-02T02:26:57-CET

Q: how do u fuck a blounde?
A: say can i plug your hole
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-02T02:22:13-CET

Q: what do you call a million blondes ear to ear?
A: a wind tunnel
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-11-01T23:38:56-CET

Q: Dum blonds are gay
A: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-29T12:27:43-CEST

Q: how do you confuse a blond?GOW DOES THE BLOND CONFUSE YOU?
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-23T21:33:59-CEST

Q: A blonde was trying to commit suicide so she hung her self on a tree. An hour later an old man sees her with the rope tied around her waist and says " What are you doing?" The blonde says i am commiting suicide. The man said " doesn't the rope have to be around your neck" and the blonde says " I tried that but I couldn't brethe
A: Ha Ha
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-22T17:26:25-CEST

Q: Why did the Blonde get fired from her job at the M&M Factory?
A: because she was throwing away the W's
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-20T21:00:49-CEST

Q: u r hot
A: u r hot
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-17T06:44:16-CEST

Q: what is blak,blue and white?
A: a blound that tells to many bernet jokes
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-15T14:29:52-CEST

Q: how does a bloned drowned a fish
A: you caint cause fish swim in water
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-13T02:14:04-CEST

Q: there was a bloned and a burnet sitting at the bar and they where watching the 10 o'clock news and there was a guy threting to jump off a clif so the burnet told the bloned thet she betted her that the guy would jump then all of a sudden the guy jumps so the bloned tells the burnet that she one here was here money but the burnet would not take and the bloned asked why not and the burnet told the bloned that she couldent take it because she saw that at the 5 o'clock news earlier
A: and the bloned said i did to but i dident think he would do it again
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-13T02:13:20-CEST

Q: gdhjyfju
A: yhjyjk
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-10T18:05:44-CEST

Q: what do you do if a blonde What do you do if a blonde is cooking macaroni in the microwave?
A: Call the fire department because she caught your house on fire!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-10T17:53:49-CEST

Q: do you hate me?
A: yes
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-09T17:11:06-CEST

Q: Red heads r the most retartedest out of them all!!!
A: Red heads stink!!!! red heads are ugly!!Blondes r Sexy mommas!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-08T19:47:12-CEST

Q: ur a loser
A: so r u
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-08T19:16:39-CEST

Q: How did the blonde get hurt raking leaves?
A: She fell out of the tree.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-08T19:16:18-CEST

Q: What is difference between a smart blonde and a ufo?
A: People have actually seen a ufo.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-08T19:13:50-CEST

Q: 4 guys walk out of a movie theater and then a guy has a gun and tells them to go over here, so they go over there and the guy says i want u guys to do something for me and the guys say what he says i want u each to gout and get a piece of fruit and shuve it up ur butt without laughing so the white guys goes and gets a grape shuves it up his butt and laughs and the guy with the gun shoots him so the black guy goes and gets a bannana and laughs and the other guy shoots him, the mexicsn guy goes and gets an orange and shuves it up his butt and laughs and the other guy shoots him so there floating up to heaven telling each other how they died and the white and black guy said we shouldnt have laughed and they turn to the mexican guy and said why did u laugh and he says cuz i seen the chinese guy come around the corner with a watermelon.
A: that was the awnser!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-07T21:10:32-CEST

Q: whats the diffrence between a blonde and a screen door?
A: the more you bang them the looser they get
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-07T21:04:50-CEST

Q: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
A: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-07T19:19:05-CEST

Q: a blonde and a red head were watching the 10 o clock news and they were talking about a guy that threatened to jump off a buliding. The red head bet the blonde the guy would jump. The blonde accepted her bet and they watched until the guy finally jumped. The blonde gave the red head her fifty dollars and the red head said i cant take this i saw it on the 6 o clock news. The blonde said me to but i didnt think he would jump again.
A: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-07T19:17:33-CEST

Q: What do you call a blonde corpse in the closet?
A: the 1995 hide and seek champion
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-07T19:11:37-CEST

Q: what are some dumb blond jokes
A: i dont know ask a blond I dont know ask a blond
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-10-07T18:02:32-CEST

Q: what do you call a blonde that dyes her hair?
A: Artificial intelligence
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-09-30T05:18:15-CEST

Q: what do you call a smart blonde?
A: black
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-09-26T16:47:44-CEST

Q: How do you kill a blonde?
A: Put a scratch and sniff stiker at the bottom of a pool.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-09-18T00:24:43-CEST

Q: How do you kill a blonde?
A: Put a scratch and sniff stiker at the bottom of a pool.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-09-18T00:08:16-CEST

Q: a blound red head and a black head went to see what kind of baby thy was gong to have and if the man is on top you will have a boy if the womon is on top you will have a girl
A: well the black head said she will have a boy the red head said i will have a girl and the blound said i will have pupies by Austin lee Jones
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-09-16T19:20:40-CEST

Q: how many blounds douse it take to unscrew a light bub
A: 100 / 1 to hold the light bub 99 to tarn the house
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-09-16T19:13:10-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-09-10T01:59:37-CEST

Q: what did the blond thell the blond out in the feild trying to row a boat?
A: If i could swim i would come kick your butt
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-09-09T06:02:59-CEST

Q: I man walked by a blonde and asked, ''why are you crying''... she said '' my sisters mother died!''
A: She was supposed to say MY MOTHER DIED
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-08-23T21:04:54-CEST

Q: John gets a call from his blonde girlfriend, Buffy. "I've got a problem," says Buffy. "What's the matter?" asks John. "Well, I've bought this jigsaw puzzle, but it's too hard. None of the pieces fit together and I can't find any edges." "What's the picture of?" asks John. "It's of a big rooster," replies Buffy. "All right," says John, "I'll come over and have a look." So he goes over to Buffy's house. Buffy leads John into her kitchen and shows him the jigsaw on the kitchen table. John looks at the jigsaw and then turns to Buffy and says, "For Pete's sake - put the Cornflakes back in the box."
A: "For Pete's sake - put the Cornflakes back in the box."
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-08-21T00:22:19-CEST

Q: there was a blonde a brunette and a red head, and they got into a car accident. so they all gathered thier stuff and walked into the forest thatthey were stranded near. as they were walking the brunnette asked the red head,"why did u bring a flashlight?" "incase it gets dark. then the red head askes the brunnette "why did u bring a first aid kit" "incase we get hurt." then the red head and the brunnette asked the blonde at the same tim ,"why did u bring the car door?" "incase it gets hot we can roll down the window.?
A: lmao!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-08-10T15:47:54-CEST

Q: A bonde got in a car crash. The officer asked what happened. She says "i saw a tree and i swurved, then i saw another one and turned right, then i saw another one and i crashed in this ditch. The officer looked around and saw no trees.
A: Their was a tree shaped air freshener in her car.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-08-10T03:57:25-CEST

Q: wut u call a blonde w/ pig tails?
A: blow job w/ handles
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-08-03T23:18:44-CEST

Q: why did the blond cross the rode
A: to get to the outher saide
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-08-02T07:11:05-CEST

Q: a blonde was about to have it away with her man untill she said
A: hold up you have a dick not a fanny!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-08-01T12:02:36-CEST

Q: What does a blond and a door have in common?
A: they both squek when banged
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-08-01T02:22:33-CEST

Q: a blond a red and a brunette wher sitting around gessing whitch soda was most like ther boyfriend/ the red head said my boyfriend is like 7up because he's allways on top,/ the brunette said my boyfriend is more like mountain dew because he likes to do it in the mountains,/ the blond said my boyfriend is like jack daniels/ then the red head said that a hard liquor you can't use it /
A: then the blond said smiling ,I KNOW!?##
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-07-27T17:58:54-CEST

Q: what's a brunettes mating cal?
A: has the danm blond gone home?
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-07-27T17:44:43-CEST

Q: what do call a blond with a dollar under her head?
A: all you can eat under a buck./ by. james smith, Jefferson county, mo.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-07-27T17:42:27-CEST

Q: do you know the blonds mating call?
A: I'm drunk someone take me home I'm drunk someone take my home.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-07-27T17:37:09-CEST

Q: whats the same between 747 and a blond?
A: both have a cockpit.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-07-27T17:33:08-CEST

Q: One day there was this blonde who had to were head phones and one day when she sleeped over her friend house she fell asleep with the head phones and and her friends mom took them off then the next day they found her daed in the bead why did she die ?
A: because the tap in the head phones told her to breath in breath out breath in breath out and since she did not have them on she pasted out from not breathing
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-07-22T02:44:40-CEST

Q: Why did the blonde call the red heads housE?
A: Because she needed her phone #!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-07-21T18:25:38-CEST

Q: why did the butcher go to the hospital
A: because he cut the wrong sausage
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-06-16T08:01:11-CEST

Q: what is green and hangs of a tree
A: a girraf bwgi
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-06-14T18:23:18-CEST

Q: what does a blonde and a computer have in common?
A: You don't know nothing until they go down on you.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-06-07T21:25:24-CEST

Q: how do you kill a blond
A: stick a smelly sticker in a pool snd tell him/her to go smell it
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-06-04T02:08:36-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-06-03T20:51:37-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-06-03T20:51:31-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-06-03T20:43:49-CEST

Q: whats the best job for a blond
A: telemarcketer because they never shout up
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-06-03T19:59:42-CEST

Q: why do men go after blonds
A: easer to talk to
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-06-03T19:57:04-CEST

Q: why do blonds have the most fun
A: i dont now i'm asking you
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-06-03T19:56:02-CEST

Q: why did the blond cross the road?
A: it ok she didnt now either
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-06-03T19:45:25-CEST

Q: what did the blond chicken say to the dog
A: moo moo
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-06-03T19:43:20-CEST

Q: why did the blounde why did the blond jump off the cliff?
A: to see if there maxie pads realy had wings
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-06-03T19:37:14-CEST

Q: asshole
A: fuckyou fuckyou
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-06-03T00:54:46-CEST

Q: Did you hear about the blond that shot an arrow at the air
A: she missed
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-06-03T00:48:34-CEST

Q: How do u kill a blond?
A: Tell her/him to go stend in the corner in a circle room! By:Brittany Samamtha Ann
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-05-28T20:08:11-CEST

Q: A blound head, brown head, and a red head jump off a bridge at the same time why did the red head and brown head hit the ground first?
A: Becaus the blond had tostop and ask for directions!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-05-28T20:02:50-CEST

Q: after doing xex the blond told the guy that she was going to brush her hair.the guy said ok.
A: so she pulled down her pants a brushed her hair.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-05-28T19:10:41-CEST

Q: where does a blond put her feet?
A: in her hoop earings.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-05-28T19:08:21-CEST

Q: Hva kan man si om "fagfolk"?
A: Proffesjonaliteten er omvendt proposjonal med skrytet....
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-05-26T13:15:33-CEST

Q: Vet du hvorfor blondiner alltid kjører BMW?
A: Det er de eneste bokstavene de kan....
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-05-26T13:13:19-CEST

Q: Hvordan får du en enarmet blondine ned fra treet?
A: Vinker til henne....
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-05-26T13:09:39-CEST

Q: why did the blonde have troble dilling 911
A: because the nigs hit her int the head
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-05-22T05:58:19-CEST

Q: how do u confuse a blonde
A: if u cant figere it out u must be blonde 2
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-05-22T05:51:04-CEST

Q: the blond was so stupis the blond was so stupid
A: that she tripped over a cordless phone
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-05-20T03:14:57-CEST

Q: why was the blond so stupid
A: because she put a stanmp on a fax
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-05-20T03:12:03-CEST

Q: What happen when a blonde was with the Joystick?
A: It got all wet; By: Joshua Hart from Meridian, Texas
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-05-19T18:21:50-CEST

Q: why couldn't emimem and dr.dre get on the bus?
A: they needed fitty cents
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-05-15T22:46:42-CEST

Q: what does a blond do after sex?
A: open the car door
- This Joke was added from by () at

Q: the pine trees are blowing in the west. Which way do the leaves go?
A: pine trees don't have leaves
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-05-12T01:24:25-CEST

Q: how do you teach a blond math?
A: you add a bed, subtract her cloth divid her legs, you enter your square root, then u throw in the outcome and hope she doesn't multiply
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-05-06T14:35:36-CEST

Q: How do you confuse a blonde?
A: Tell her to go in a circle room and piss in the corner. By Jeremy Taylor
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-05-02T20:34:29-CEST

Q: what did the blondes left leg to the right leg?
A: nothing they never met.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-05-02T20:31:40-CEST

Q: How do you teach a Blond math?
A: You Subtract her clothes, divide her legs and watch her multiply
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-24T16:21:58-CEST

Q: Why couldnt the blonde call 911?
A: Because She couldnt find the 11
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-21T00:41:30-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-20T00:21:56-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-20T00:20:36-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-20T00:19:25-CEST

Q: what is your favorite color?
A: clear
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-20T00:07:47-CEST

Q: there is a red head and she wants to paint her house. so a man comes over and was helping to pick out colors. every time she would pick a color he would write it down a piece of paper, look out the window, and yelled green side up. they did this a couple of times. Finally the girl asked why he was doing this.he told that he had some blondes next door laying down grass
A: which goes up
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-16T08:21:01-CEST

Q: there was a red a burnette and a blonde on a island and they foung this lamp so the brunette said 2 the red 2 rub it so she did a geine came out and said i can give u 3 wishes but since there is 3 of u, u each get 1 they said ok. the brunette said i want go home w/ my family and friends the geine said ok and gave her the wish. the red was next she said she wanted the sam thing as the brunette he said ok and gave her the was the blondes turn she was upset and said " i wish my friends were back" the geien looked at her and sid ok he gave her the wish the were back on the island again!
A: stupid blonde
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-16T08:16:33-CEST

Q: there was a blonde and she went to a store and found something she wanted. she went to the clerk and said"I want to buy this t.v." the clerk said"sorry we dont sell to blondes". So the next day she came in with a brown wig on and said the same thing, and so did the clerk. finnally she came in wit a red wig on and went through the same thing. she asked" how can u tell that I'm a blonde" the clerk said"thats a microwave"
A: wigged blonde
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-16T08:09:18-CEST

Q: A blonde kept going outside every 5 mins. her neighbor was watching her every time finally he asked her y she kept coming out and checking her mail box she said" my computer kept telling me i have mail".
A: stupid blonde
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-16T08:03:33-CEST

Q: there is a mirror and if u tell the truth to it u will get 500 bucks, but if u tell a lie u get sucked in 4-ever.A brunette goes up to it and says" i think i'm the prettiest in this bar", then she gets 500 bucks.A red head goes up to it and says"i think i'm the smartest in this bar" then gets 500 bucks. A blonde goes up to it and says"Um.....I think...." and gets sucked in
A: dumb blonde
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-16T08:00:04-CEST

Q: How does a blonde drown
A: poar water over her face
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-15T19:23:08-CEST

Q: why did a blonde kiss a bum
A: she felt like it
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-14T14:49:58-CEST

Q: what happened when the blonde sat on the floor?
A: she fell off
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-14T14:48:29-CEST

Q: Why do becky's feet stick
A: because they do
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-13T16:41:11-CEST

Q: what bees make milk?
A: bobbies
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-05T03:26:02-CEST

Q: listen to this joke
A: there was a bron , blonde
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-05T02:49:32-CEST

Q: what do you call a blonde haired person?
A: a golden retriever a golden retriever
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-05T02:47:01-CEST

Q: why do dogs snif their butts
A: to get away from the blonde
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-05T02:43:54-CEST

Q: how did the blondes get into the tampon party?
A: they had to pull a few strings.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-03T02:36:31-CEST

Q: how can you tell when a blonde is having a bad day?
A: when her tampon is behind her ear and she can't find her pencil.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-03T02:35:26-CEST

Q: why could the blonde never take her head phones off?
A: because they they said, breath in and breath out.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-03T02:31:58-CEST

Q: how do you kill a blonde?
A: put a scrach and sniff sticker at the of a pool
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-03T02:30:39-CEST

Q: why did the blonde bring a ladder to a bar?
A: she heard they were on the house
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-03T02:29:32-CEST

Q: how does a blonde turn on the light after sex?
A: she kicks open the car door.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-03T02:28:20-CEST

Q: why is this website so GAY?
A: Because Robert is a Homo.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-04-02T18:52:35-CEST

Q: What does a turtle and a blonde have in common?
A: if they are on there backs their scwered
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-30T23:27:08-CEST

Q: how can you tell a blonde been on the computer
A: theres white out on the computer theres white out on the screen ther is white out on the screen
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-29T03:55:46-CEST

Q: what dose a blondes left leg say to the right leg?
A: between the two of us we cam make a lot of money
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-27T03:47:53-CET

Q: How many blond jokes are there?
A: None, they're all true - Steven Arterburn
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-23T07:25:14-CET

Q: There was a blonde walkin down the hall and she felt someone grab her and try to wrape her...Who do you think it was???
A: well She looked back and smacked the guy and sall a Janiter cart
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-23T03:51:49-CET

Q: what do u call a blond that wheres black
A: a dallmation
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-21T18:14:59-CET

Q: what can a blond do ? what can a blond do ?
A: stand and look at men . so they do not look stuped
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-21T18:13:30-CET

Q: what do you call a blond that cant swim
A: a blond that cant walk
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-21T18:09:44-CET

Q: why are blond's ( . )V( . ) so damn huge????? what do blonds and slinkey's have in common?
A: because thats where they store their brians
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-18T00:57:50-CET

Q: a blond is driving to disney land,she say a sign that said"Disley Land Left,what did the blond do? what do blonds and slinkey's have in common?
A: they rae both fun to watch rool down the steps
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-18T00:50:19-CET

Q: A doctor walked into a bank. Preparing to endorse a check, he pulled a rectal thermometer out of his shirt pocket and tried to 'write' with it. Realizing his mistake, he looked at the thermometer with annoyance and said, "Well that's great, just great... some asshole's got my pen."
A: ass
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-16T23:35:24-CET

Q: A blind man was traveling in his private jet when he detected something was wrong. He made his way to the cockpit and got no response from his pilot. The blind guy then found the radio and started calling the tower. "Help! Help!" The tower came back and asked, "What's the problem?" The blind guy yelled, "Help me! I'm blind... the pilot is dead, and we're flying upside down!" The tower comes back and asked, "How do you know you're upside down?" "Because the shit is running down my back!"
A: blind guy
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-16T23:34:48-CET

Q: A guy says, "I remember the first time I used alcohol as a substitute for women." "Yeah what happened?" asked his friend. The first guy replies, "Well, er, I got my penis stuck in the neck of the bottle."
A: bottle
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-16T23:34:18-CET

Q: coke machine
A: A blonde walks up to a Coke machine and puts in a coin. Out pops a Coke. The blonde looks amazed and runs away to get some more coins. She returns and starts feeding the machine madly and of course the machine keeps feeding out drinks. Another person walks up behind the blonde and watches her antics for a few minutes before stopping her and asking if someone else could have a go. The blonde turns around and shouts, "Can't you see I'm winning!"
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-16T23:33:41-CET

Q: A blonde suspects that her boyfriend is cheating on her, so she goes out and buys a gun. She goes to his apartment that same day, with the gun in hand. Sure enough, when she opens the door, she finds her boyfriend in the arms of a redhead. She points the gun at her boyfriend at stares him down for a moment. Then, suddenly, she's overcome with grief, so she puts the gun up to the side her head. Her boyfriend screams, "Honey, don't do it..." The blonde yells back, "Shut up! You're next!"
A: i
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-16T23:32:50-CET

Q: death in family
A: A blonde goes into work one morning crying her eyes out. Her boss, concerned about his employee's well being, asks sympathetically, "What's the matter?" The blonde replies, "Early this morning I got a phone call saying that my mother had passed away." "I'm terribly sorry to hear that. Why don't you go home for the day... we aren't terribly busy. Just take the day off to relax and rest." The blonde very calmly explains, "No, I'd be better off here. I need to keep my mind off it and I have the best chance of doing that here." The boss agrees and allows the blonde to work as usual. "If you need anything, just let me know," he says. A few hours pass and the boss decides to check on the blonde. He looks out over his office and sees the blonde crying hysterically. He rushes out to her, and asks, "Are you going to be okay? Is there anything I can do to help?" "No," replies the blonde, "I just got a call from my sister, and she said that HER mom died too!"
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-16T23:31:33-CET

Q: blondes r sexy.........
A: i'm a blonde
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-16T01:43:03-CET

Q: why is my cock so small
A: better to stick it in your but
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-15T17:51:47-CET

Q: what do u do when a blound throws a granade at u?
A: take the pin out and throw it back
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-14T22:06:46-CET

Q: what do blondes and mosquitoes have in common
A: once u slap a mosquitoes it stops sucking and the blonde keeps going
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-14T03:52:32-CET

Q: lol
A: lol
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-14T02:46:32-CET

Q: if you are a girl like 20 email me a picture nked
A: com on lets play
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-14T02:46:08-CET

Q: i love tara
A: i wish she would fuck me
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-14T02:44:27-CET

Q: why did the blounde fuck the hobo
A: cuz she can
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-14T02:43:44-CET

Q: what do a screen door and a blound have in commen
A: the more you bang it the looser they get
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-14T02:42:02-CET

Q: Why are blondes dumb!
A: Coz they forgot to take their finger oot their arse!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-12T12:21:36-CET

Q: how do you keep a blonde busy
A: write turn over on both sides of a peice of paper
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-12T04:23:25-CET

Q: why are blonde coffins Y-shaped?
A: cos' when you lay them down they spread their legs...
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-10T18:23:24-CET

Q: why do people make blond jokes
A: because there insensitive assholes
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-08T23:20:53-CET

Q: Why did the dumb blond not jump off the roof ?
A: Because she had to stop and ask for directions.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-07T18:56:10-CET

Q: How do you get a blonde to commit suicide?
A: Give her a gun and tell her it is a blow dryer.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-07T03:19:46-CET

Q: What do you call 9 blounds in A circle?
A: Dope ring
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-03T03:44:12-CET

Q: How do you get A onehanded bound out of A tree?
A: Wave
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-03-03T03:41:51-CET

Q: knock,knock
A: wfjghfdhgjkdfhghfd
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-24T22:42:41-CET

Q: knock,knock
A: wfjghfdhgjkdfhghfd
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-24T22:42:41-CET

Q: this not a joke but do think that nick is going to stay with jessica
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-24T00:50:38-CET

Q: what did the blonde name the zebra
A: spots
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-23T03:39:16-CET

Q: why can no one on this site spell?
A: because they are all yanks
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-22T00:09:47-CET

- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-20T04:32:28-CET

Q: theres a blounde in a corn feeld roowing a boat. anotther blound drives bye and gets out of her car and screams at the girl in the field "god i hate you! its dumbe bloundes like you lat make blondes like me look bad! if i could swimm i would come out there and kick your ass!
A: im a blonde all blondes have the best jokes
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-17T18:27:13-CET

Q: how do you drond a blonde
A: put a scratch snif sticer in the buttom of a pool
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-17T17:25:44-CET

Q: y are blondes soooo.. stuped but sooo... hot?
A: i dont no
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-16T02:07:34-CET

Q: for all you men out there RED HEADS ARE THE HOTISET
A: dont tell my girl friend she is a blond
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-14T23:47:38-CET

Q: Are blondes dunb
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-14T23:45:50-CET

Q: how do u con fuse a blond? how does a blond confuse you?
A: tell her to piss in a corner in a round room , her telling you witch conor she pissed in
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-11T03:31:03-CET

Q: jdfsh nln mjnjjnnjchjjhfjv vhjvhnjghujfn chfj fjghfujjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjghfughuidfvbfdjkvbhjklc;zbjb.bjgdfjvbjkhuuuuuuuuubvfhnbvcvnhjchnbhj ykudfhclbl5548g54nh8j4gh8j48fyhk4vb5 4m5l4j5n,nn789kh;kkdkgkvbkkmhngkbjgknobnk5
A: bhnd bvvxj hknlknfhfnnnvjkihiiihiiihiiihiiihihihkbdjjjfjjhfjkzlhidfgnnvuihbxd,hvjcvhdnch jv b 8 567552582485149555j555jknvgbnv6+ 5 5956hj57 gf mbvb88b
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-11T01:59:15-CET

Q: why cant blonds make coolade
A: thay cant fit all the water in that little packet
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-11T01:57:30-CET

Q: why did the blond blond the blond
A: cous she was blound
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-11T01:55:58-CET

Q: uherheilguhetuilghi
A: hi
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-11T01:53:55-CET

Q: how do you know that people that post on this site are stupid?
A: they cant spell blonde or brunett
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-07T05:50:31-CET

Q: What do you do when a blonde throughs a pin at you?
A: Run shes got the gernade in her hand.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-02-06T01:33:45-CET

Q: how did the bloned get burned on both cheecks how did the bloned burn her cheecks
A: she picked up the iron and said hello how did she burn the other on they called back
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-01-27T05:29:46-CET

Q: how did the bloned get burned on both cheecks how did the bloned burn her cheecks
A: she picked up the iron and said hello how did she burn the other on they called back
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-01-27T05:29:33-CET

Q: how can you tell if a blounde has had abad day?
A: her tampons behind her ear and she can't find her pencil
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-01-22T20:56:08-CET

Q: What do you call a black priest?
A: Holy sheit
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-01-22T02:38:55-CET

Q: a blooned and a brewnet jump off a cliff witch one landes first?
A: the brewnet because the bloned has to stop and ask for directions
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-01-22T00:55:35-CET

Q: a dumb blonde, a clever blonde and santa stood on top of a roof and they all jumped off which landed on the ground first?
A: the dumb blonde because santa dosent exist neitha do clever blondes!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-01-19T20:00:50-CET

Q: how do you get a blond to shange their mind?
A: blow in their ear
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-01-18T23:56:40-CET

Q: how do you drown a blonde ?
A: stick a scratch n sniff sticker at the botttom of a pool!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-01-18T18:34:57-CET

Q: how does a blonde kill a bird
A: throws it off a cliff
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-01-11T19:58:40-CET

Q: why do they make blond jokes so supid?
A: so brunets get them
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-01-06T02:47:41-CET

Q: how can u tell when a blond is having a bad day?
A: when she has a tampon behind her ear and is looking for her pencil
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-01-05T04:43:28-CET

Q: why did three bolnds jump off a tall bulding?
A: because thay wanted to see if there maxi pads really had wings
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-01-05T04:40:18-CET

Q: whats dummer then two brunetts trying to build a house under the ocean?
A: Two blounds trying to burn it down
- This Joke was added from by () at 2004-01-02T23:57:27-CET

Q: what do you call 2 blonds on a car dash
A: air bags
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-12-28T15:09:37-CET

Q: a blonde wanted to coment suicide so she hung did she?
A: A guy comes bye and says what are you doing? She says that she is hanging herself. He asks why is the rope around your waist? She says she tried that,but she couldnt breath!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-12-22T04:36:44-CET

Q: HEy ts Jimmy
A: sup USA Saddam smell
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-12-22T01:03:58-CET

Q: What will hapen if you put a blounde in a circle room and tell her to go to the corner?
A: She will circle the room untill she finds a corner!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-12-16T23:13:54-CET

Q: idgnvhhhn8lvfd
A: tuifnifjfv
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-12-10T22:48:22-CET

Q: Q; why was there 6 bullet holes in the mirror?
A: A; she tried 2 kill herself
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-12-09T04:30:38-CET

Q: why is blond like a door nob why is a blound like a door nob
A: because every one gets a turne
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-12-08T23:28:35-CET

Q: how do you call a blond with 50% of brain
A: talented blond
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-12-03T21:43:25-CET

Q: what is a name of a blond which has two brain cells
A: pregnant blond
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-12-03T21:42:17-CET

Q: why doesn not a blond know how to write 11?
A: she doesn't know which number one goes first
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-12-03T21:40:21-CET

Q: a blound could not think of her newborns name
A: so she poured a bowl of ricecrispis and listened to snap/krackel/pop
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-30T02:58:52-CET

Q: what makes a blonde laugh?
A: sakackawea
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-29T21:19:08-CET

Q: why was the blonde so happy after she completed a 50 piece puzzle in 71 days?
A: Because the box said 4-7 years
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-29T21:17:51-CET

Q: how do u confuse a blonde?
A: by telling her a dumb blonde joke
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-29T21:15:03-CET

Q: why did the blonde follow the birds?
A: she thaught that people highbernate also
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-29T21:02:30-CET

Q: why did the blonde where big hoop earings on her date?
A: she needed a place to rest her feet
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-29T20:54:39-CET

Q: there was this little boy and his teacher asked him to learn the first 5 letters of the he goes home and asks his mom witch is baking somthing, he says mom what the 1st letter of the alphabet she says shhhhhh im busy.then he goes to his sis witch is on the phone with her boy friend, he says sis what is the 2nd letter of the alphabet she says sure id love to. then he goes to his dad who is watching football and says dad whats the 3rd letter of the alphabet and he says 49ers49ers.then he goes to his bro who is watching batman and says bro what is the 4th letter of the alphabet and he says na na na na na na na na Batman.then he goes to his babysitters house witch is having a bbq and says babysitter what is the 5th letter of the alphabet and she says my buns are on fire my buns are on fire.then the next day his teacher asks him if he learned the first 5 letters of the alphabet and he says
A: shhhhhh im busy then the teacher says would you like to go to the princepals office and the princepal says who do you think you are and he says na na na na na na na na Batman,then the princepal says how many spankens would you like he says 49ers 49ers. then he walkes back to his class and the teacher asks did you learn your lesson he says my buns are on fire my buns are on fire.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-27T01:24:06-CET

Q: what do you do when a blond throws a pin at you
A: run she has a grunaaid
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-27T01:01:28-CET

Q: why was the blonds belly button sore after sex
A: her boyfriend was blond to
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-27T00:58:37-CET

Q: A blond's house cought on fire and so she called the fire department,she told them her house was on fire, they asked her how to get there,she said
A: Duh big red truck
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-27T00:54:40-CET

Q: why was the blonde disapointed to her trip to London?
A: she found out big ben was a clock
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-24T18:29:14-CET

Q: whats the difference between a hooker and a drug dealer?
A: a hooker can wash her crack and sell it again but thedrug dealer cant! 13
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-19T22:56:30-CET

Q: how do u confuse a blonde?
A: 13 13
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-19T22:49:16-CET

Q: Can you hear me?
A: Huh?!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-17T21:58:25-CET

Q: do u smell
A: i dont know
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-17T15:12:29-CET

Q: how many dumb blonds dose it take to screw in a light blub
A: 100 1 to hold it and 99 to trun the house
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-16T05:30:27-CET

- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-14T02:46:42-CET

Q: this is a funny site.
A: this is a funny site.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-13T23:05:35-CET

Q: How do you kill a blond?
A: Put spikes on her shoulders and ask her a question.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-13T23:02:58-CET

Q: How do you kill a blond?
A: Put a scratch and sniff stiker at the bottem of the pool.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-13T23:01:20-CET

Q: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
A: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-13T22:59:44-CET

Q: if a blound has two brain cells what do get
A: a pregnet one
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-13T20:42:07-CET

Q: what do you do when a blond throughs a grenade at you.
A: take the pin out and throw it back.That is the joke so laugh
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-13T02:02:32-CET

Q: there was aboy saying the alphabet and said,"a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z." that's good the teacher said but weres the p
A: The kid said,"It is running down my leg."
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-13T01:59:23-CET

Q: there was a blond, a brunette, and a red head wich they were stranded on a island, they saw a ship and the red head swam a fourth of the way and dround. the brunette swam one third of the way and dround. the blond swam half the way and got tired and swam back
A: That's the joke so laugh that's the joke so laugh
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-13T01:55:18-CET

Q: yo mama is so fat, when she sits around the house,she sits AROUND THE HOUSE
A: That's the joke so laugh
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-13T01:50:08-CET

Q: What's the difference between a toad and a horny toad?
A: One goes ribbit the othe one goes rubbit. One goes ribbit the other one goes rubbit.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-12T16:37:17-CET

Q: Yo mama is so fat, when she put on a red dress,people yell Kool-aid,Kool-aid
A: That,s the joke so laugh
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-11T00:57:50-CET

Q: there is a blonde wich goes into a store and asks if she can buy that t.v.Then the guy said,"Sorry, we don't sell to blondes. Then she goes and gets her hair dyed red.Then she goes in and said that she would like to buy that t.v. and the guy say's,"Sorry we don't sell to blondes.Then she goes and gets all of her hair shaved off.Then the blonde said that she wanted to buy that t.v.Then the guy says that,"We don't sell to blondes."then the blonde finally said,"How do you know I'm a blonde."Then the guy says,"That's a microwave,not a t.v.
A: That,s the joke so laugh
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-11T00:54:49-CET

Q: What do a blonde and a shrimp have in common?
A: Their heads are full of shit but the pink bits are nice
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-09T23:27:45-CET

Q: What did the blonde say when she got her SAT score back?
A: Yay! I got a 100!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-08T03:04:29-CET

Q: how can you tell if a blond sent you a fax
A: there is a stamp on it
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-07T00:15:17-CET

Q: this is my email address
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-06T02:06:07-CET

Q: How do you kill a blonde?
A: Put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a swimming pool
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-11-06T01:58:22-CET

Q: There are three blonds that were hanging from a wire. They new they were going to die soon so the first blond read a poem.When the poem was over the third blond fell off before the others did. Why?
A: because she clapped at the end of the poem.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-29T03:33:56-CET

Q: There are three blonds that were hanging from a wire. They new they were going to die soon so the first blond read a poem.When the poem was over the third blond fell off before the others did. Why?
A: because she clapped at the end of the poem.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-29T03:30:39-CET

Q: There was a bloned and a brunete and there walking on the side walk and the brunete says LOOK THERES A DIED SQUAIRRL IN THE SIDE WALK.
A: The bloned looks up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-29T01:52:58-CET

Q: why Did the blondes walk into the building?
A: Because they where blind
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-28T01:38:24-CET

Q: what do you call a blond doing a hand stand
A: a brunette
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-27T05:58:56-CET

Q: lkkiioygfdfgdfgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg........
A: say mrs. grinner how many times do i have to write gee.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-24T07:46:39-CEST

Q: stupid dum ass teacher just stay the hell away or bitch your looking at a hook up your big fat ass.
A: ha, ha got you theredidnt I..... well.... oh my gosh i killed a mutenttoth fairy
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-24T07:44:43-CEST

Q: theres a sink a head of ltuce and a tomato there in a race.....
A: the sink is running the letuce is ahead and the tomato has to cetch up.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-24T07:40:56-CEST

Q: theres a blond and shes trying to figuer out a puzzul but she cant figuer it out so she calls up her boyfriend and asks if he could help her with the puzzul he asks what is it suposed to look like and she says well according to the box its supposd to look like a tiger. so he comes over and says ok first we are going to sit down to a cp of coffe then were going to put all the frosted flaks away.
A: Frosted Flakes are more then goog their GARTE!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-24T07:37:28-CEST

Q: how do you kill a blond?
A: You put a sctatch and sniff sticer at the bottom of the pool.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-24T07:30:18-CEST

Q: how do you kill a blond?
A: You put a sctatch and sniff sticer at the bottom of the pool.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-24T07:26:54-CEST

Q: how many blounde jokes are there?
A: none. they're all tru stories.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-24T06:43:05-CEST

Q: Yo mamas so fat she went in the cean and all the whales popped up an stsrted singing,"we are family!"
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-24T06:39:52-CEST

Q: how do you make a blond laugh?
A: by saying yellow!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-23T01:56:26-CEST

Q: how do you kill a blonde? how do you kill a blonde?
A: put
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-20T23:24:55-CEST

Q: what does the blond say when got to a stopsign
A: when is it going to turn green
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-18T05:45:56-CEST

Q: why was the blondes belly button soar?
A: Because her boyfriend is blonde too
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-16T07:12:13-CEST

Q: a blound is like a shotgun one cok she blows
A: ha
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-16T02:35:23-CEST

Q: a blound is like a shotgun one cok she blows
A: ha
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-16T02:33:41-CEST

Q: why do you become soar after sex
A: because your tight
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-08T20:12:38-CEST

Q: There onca was a little boy and his homework from school was to write down 5 words. So he goes to his house and askes his mom for a word she said, Shut up, so he rote that down. Next he goes to his dad and he said, Shut the heck up, so he rote that down. the he goes to his little brother who was watching Bat man. He said BATMAN, so he wrote that down. After that, he went to his brother that was with his girlfriend he said come on baby, so he wrote that. the next day he was on his way to school and was thinking only one more word. Then he saw a guy running out of the pizza parlor screaming, My Buns Are On Fire. When he got to school, the teacher asked for his words he said, "shut up" She said" What did you say?" "Shut the heck up" Who do you thnk you are?" "Batman" That is it you are going to the pricables office!" "Come on baby" So when he went to the office, he got two wips with the patal. He ran out of the office screaming, "My buns are on fire!!!"
A: HA HA HA!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-08T06:49:48-CEST

Q: Who is the most enoing dum blond?
A: I dont know it everyone
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-08T02:23:00-CEST

Q: why did a blond give her self two black eyes
A: becouse a guy already gave her on so she needed to have them match By sarah
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-08T01:11:55-CEST

Q: why do you run away from a blode when she throws a pen at you
A: because she has the gernade in her mouth
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-07T02:39:27-CEST

Q: how smart can a blond get?
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-06T06:09:52-CEST

Q: what was the blond's phone #?
A: 1-800-CALL ME!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-06T06:08:41-CEST

Q: Why do people make fun of blonds?
A: Because they are so jelouse
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-06T05:58:19-CEST

Q: Wht dose a blond's head sound so hallow?
A: she has no brain!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-06T05:56:13-CEST

Q: why are all blounde jokes one-liners?
A: so that brunets can understand them
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-10-03T01:35:10-CEST

Q: Two blondes a walking, one falls down a hole, the other says: is it dark down ther?
A: The first one says: I dunno i can't see?
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-09-24T20:50:42-CEST

Q: Two blondes walk into a building!
A: You'd think one of then would have seen it!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-09-24T20:48:41-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-09-15T01:59:29-CEST

Q: whats the difference between a blonde and the atlantic coast
A: atlantic coast doesn't have that many crabs
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-27T18:56:22-CEST

Q: why did the blonde get fired from the m and m factory
A: becase she was trowning a away all of the w's
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-17T21:43:53-CEST

Q: how do you make a blonds eyrs twinkle?
A: shine a tourch through her ears!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-12T23:03:46-CEST

Q: Why do blondes put TGIF on their shoes???
A: Toes Go In First
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-05T23:49:17-CEST

Q: What has blond hair, looks like shit and smells like a turd but is not a turd?
A: Danial haynes
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-05T07:42:12-CEST

Q: what did the blond trip on
A: a cordless phone a cordlessphone
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-08-05T06:14:33-CEST

Q: why did the blonde sit in the middle of the street?
A: because she's a blonde
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-28T23:30:24-CEST

Q: why do people make fun of blondes?
A: because it's so damn easy too!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-28T23:13:37-CEST

Q: whats the difference between a blonde and a rock
A: a blonde has hair
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-23T18:23:07-CEST

Q: why is there a fence around the grave yard
A: people are dieing to get in
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-22T23:11:55-CEST

Q: Why did the blonde keep putting money in the pop machine?
A: Because she kept thinking she was winning alot of prizes.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-22T17:38:31-CEST

Q: Why did the blonde call the Guiness Book of World Records
A: Because she finishes a puzzle in 20 minutes, and the box said 2-5 years
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-20T20:02:22-CEST

Q: how do you know that a blonde is gay
A: thay will call her a blondedike
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-20T03:00:32-CEST

Q: how do you confuse a blonde?
A: you cant there born that way
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-16T02:48:10-CEST

Q: What does "TGIF" stand for on a blonde's shoes?
A: Toes go in first.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-15T08:59:03-CEST

Q: how do you keep a blonde busy for days?
A: put her in a round room and tell her to sit in a corner
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-14T01:38:10-CEST

Q: why do people make blonde jokes?
A: B/c people are mean and are just SOO made there not a blonde!~ CZu US blondes have MORE fun
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-12T03:42:00-CEST

Q: Why was there lipstick marks on the steering wheel when the blonde was in the car
A: because she was trying to blow the horn
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-07T03:53:25-CEST

Q: how 2 kill a blonde?
A: givem spike shulder pads an askm qwestons
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-02T05:06:25-CEST

Q: why does a blounde have trouble dial 911
A: she cant find the eleven
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-07-01T20:32:14-CEST

Q: what do you call a blond standing on her head?
A: a bernet with bad breath
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-06-19T23:38:55-CEST

Q: Did you know that there is a new paint out called blonde.
A: It is not very bright but it spreds easy.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-06-13T06:05:03-CEST

Q: How does a blonde part their hair?
A: By doin the splits.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-06-12T19:34:52-CEST

Q: 2 blounds were headin' 2 Chicago they saw a sigh and it said Chicago left
A: so they went home
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-06-10T05:32:24-CEST

Q: why do dumbe blondes like lighting so much
A: because they think someone is tacking there picture
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-06-10T02:42:12-CEST

Q: what do brittney spears and barbie have in common?
A: there both made out of plastic
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-06-09T18:43:52-CEST

Q: what do you do to keep a blonde busy?
A: Put her in a round room and tell her to sit in the corner!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-06-07T15:04:19-CEST

Q: How do you kill a blonde?
A: You put a sckratch and snirf sticker on the bottum of a pool
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-06-06T17:24:35-CEST

Q: how do you know if a blonde has no nickers on ?
A: dandruff on her shoes.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-06-06T01:06:02-CEST

Q: How dose a Blone hang herself
A: By the waste cause she can't breath when its around her neck
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-06-04T00:58:49-CEST

Q: what do u call 10 blondes standing next 2 eachother
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-06-03T19:26:20-CEST

Q: What happens when you take away half a blone's brain?
A: Nothing cuz nobody would get smarter!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-06-01T15:06:09-CEST

Q: why cant a blonde dial 911?
A: she cant find the 11 on the phone
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-26T00:19:10-CEST

Q: how do you hurt a blonde?
A: put spikes on her sholders and ask her a hard question.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-17T19:25:47-CEST

Q: What do you call a blounde getting her hair dyed
A: A dum blounde
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-17T17:11:58-CEST

Q: why did the BLonde star at the orange juice
A: Because it said concentrate
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-17T02:32:26-CEST

Q: How do you know a blond has been using the computer?
A: The joystick is all wet!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-16T21:18:34-CEST

Q: how do you get a blond on the roof
A: tell her the drinks are on the house tell her the drinks are on the house
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-15T02:12:11-CEST

Q: There was Santa Claus,the Easter Bunny,A leporchon,and a smart Blond.Which one is real?
A: None. Because they don't exist.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-15T02:01:39-CEST

Q: Why was the Blond going South when she had to go North?
A: Because she didn't know what way was North, East, South,or West
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-15T01:57:59-CEST

Q: Why was the Blond going South when she had to go north?
A: Because she didn't know what way was North,East,South,or West
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-15T01:57:49-CEST

Q: Why can't a blonde dial 911?
A: she cant find the 11
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-13T21:14:32-CEST

Q: What do you call a blond with 2 brain cells?
A: pregnant
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-10T17:34:35-CEST

Q: how can you tell if a blonde has been in your fridge
A: theres lipstick on the cucumber
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-10T01:20:02-CEST

Q: why did the blonde nurse take a red marker to work
A: in case she had to draw blode
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-10T01:16:59-CEST

Q: why did the bloundes lump off the cliff
A: theyanted to see if thier maxi pads really had wings
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-10T01:14:23-CEST

Q: One time, two blonds and a brunet were in a truck that went into the lake. The brunet got out but the blonds couldn't get the tail gate open.
A: hahaha
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-09T20:52:08-CEST

Q: what did santa clase say when 3 blonds walked by?
A: hoe,hoe,hoe
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-09T17:51:15-CEST

Q: A blonde a black haired girl and a red head are in kindergarden which one's the hottest?
A: the blonde, she's 18.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-06T02:49:37-CEST

Q: whats the difference between a blounde and a mosiquito?
A: you slap a mosquito it stops sucking
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-05T23:26:26-CEST

Q: whats the differnce between a blonde and a blonde
A: the blonde
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-05-02T03:01:55-CEST

Q: how do you tell a blonde is having a bad day ?
A: when she has a tampon behind her ear and dosen't k0onw were her pencal is
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-30T10:36:24-CEST

Q: Why did the blonde have a coat hanger in the back seat of her car?
A: Just in case she locked her keys in the car lol
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-30T03:02:12-CEST

Q: how do you get a one armed blonde to fall out of a tree?
A: wave wave
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-30T01:07:29-CEST

Q: How Do you tell when a blonde was on your computer?
A: When you see the easer marks on the screen
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-29T06:12:08-CEST

Q: why is a blond and a mosquito different?
A: when you hit the mosquito it stops sucking.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-29T02:43:46-CEST

Q: Why do blondes stick their head out of the car window?
A: (See the Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Next generation...)
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-26T15:55:03-CEST

Q: Why do blondes stick their head out of the car window?
A: (Se the Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Next generation...)
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-26T15:55:02-CEST

Q: What would a blonde say if she made out with herself?
A: Your so hot and perfect and look just like me!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-26T03:24:21-CEST

Q: what did santa say to the three blondes?
A: hoe hoe hoe come on in!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-25T14:30:37-CEST

Q: How do you kill a blond?
A: Put needles on both side of there shoulders
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-24T02:06:00-CEST

Q: I once knew a blond who was so dumb she...
A: stared at a oarnge juice container for a long time because it says "concentrate"
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-23T23:31:01-CEST

Q: 3 blonds are in a car they find a wish maker the have 3 wishs the frist blond wishs to go home the other one wishs the same thing what does the 3 one wish?
A: she said she does not wont to be alone and wish them all back
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-23T23:12:50-CEST

Q: how do you know when a blond likes you?
A: when she sleeps with you two days in a row
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-22T19:52:30-CEST

Q: What's the first thing a blonde says when she walks into a bar?
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-21T21:51:31-CEST

Q: how do u drown a blonde
A: put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of the page
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-19T23:02:01-CEST

Q: A Blonde goes into a hirdressirs asking for her hair to be done, the hair dresser says "can you take your head phoned off first" the blonde replies "if i do i will die!" After a lot of taling the hairdresser finally gets the blonde to take her head phones off! the hairdresser starts to cut her hair, 5 minuites later the blonde keels over and dies, the police come to get statements about the blodes death in the hairdressers and asks if she had any thing on her peson that can be given to her family, the haidresser replies "yes there was this" and he pulls out the walkman and head phones. the policeman puts on the headphones and playing on the headphones was a voice saying "Breath in.......Breath out.....breath in.....Breath out"
A: hahahahaha
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-19T20:48:11-CEST

Q: how does a blond spell farm?
A: e-i-e-i-o
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-19T19:29:42-CEST

Q: What do you do in case of fallout?
A: Put it back in and take shorter strokes.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-19T13:04:06-CEST

Q: How many blond jokes are there
A: None. There all true.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-18T01:08:04-CEST

Q: what do you with get a blond with sam heller?
A: nothing sam heller dust now how to have sex.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-17T21:45:41-CEST

Q: a blonde and bruwnet ball of a building who hits the ground first?
A: the bruwnet the blonde. she had to stop and ask for directions
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-16T22:34:48-CEST

Q: one day there was a blonde a bruwnet and a red. they all excaped from jail and ran into a bar and said plese hid us.ok. they got into 3 big bags and sat there then the cop came in and said can i kid them bags to see if anything is there . the bartender said sure
A: kicks the red meow kicks the bruwnet says roaf kicks the blonde and it says potatoes hahahahahahahhaha
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-16T22:19:23-CEST

Q: How come there arent many burnett jokes out there?
A: Because blondes are to dumb to think of them!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-16T00:20:39-CEST

Q: What do you get when a blond graduates from Harverd?
A: A not so dumb blond.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-15T00:07:34-CEST

Q: Why do blondes have square boobs?
A: Because they forgot to take the tissue out of the box.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-14T02:19:01-CEST

Q: Why was the dum blond so stuped?
A: she triped over a coedless phone
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-11T04:50:08-CEST

Q: There once was a blonde who was on her way to Texas, she was sitting in the back of the plane. Then she disides to move to the first class section. The flight attendent sees her and asked her to move back to her seat, and that she did not pay for the first class section. So she tells the co-pilote and he tries but fails also. He tells the pilote,and he tries. When he told the blonde to move back to her seat, w/out question she moves back to her seat. The flight attendent and the co-pilote are amazed. They asked the pilote how he did it. He replies...
A: I told her that the first class wasn't going to Texas!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-10T00:40:15-CEST

Q: There once was a blonde who was on her way to Texas, she was sitting in the back of the plane. Then she disides to move to the first class section. The flight attendent sees her and asked her to move back to her seat, and that she did not pay for the first class section. So she tells the co-pilote and he tries but fails also. He tells the pilote,and he tries. When he told the blonde to move back to her seat, w/out question she moves back to her seat. The flight attendent and the co-pilote are amazed. They asked the pilote how he did it. He replies...
A: I told her that the first class wasn't going to Texas!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-10T00:40:08-CEST

Q: How do u make a blonde drowned?
A: Put a scrach and snif sticker at the bottom of the pool!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-10T00:27:40-CEST

Q: how do you ceep a blound entertaned
A: write turn over on bouth sides of a pacie of paper
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-08T10:53:57-CEST

Q: they asked a blonde ,what does u.s.a. stands for
A: she replied: united stakes of america.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-07T16:45:56-CEST

Q: a blonde applied for driver license,when filling her information,when she read the question about : sex?
A: guess what she wrote: 3 times per week
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-07T16:44:45-CEST

Q: a blonde went to movies with 17 of her blonde freinds,why?
A: they read a sign ,under 18 not allowed
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-07T16:42:05-CEST

Q: how are you
A: nothing
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-06T21:44:26-CEST

Q: why did the blond pour water on the computer
A: because she wanted to surf the net
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-03T03:55:47-CEST

Q: a blond bends over and spells R.U.N.?
A: are you in
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-03T03:13:08-CEST

Q: how do you kill a blond russin?
A: you tell him to jump off a cliff
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-02T00:34:22-CEST

Q: how do you know if an elephant has been in your fridge?
A: open the butter and you will find prints in it
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-04-01T18:48:13-CEST

Q: why could't a blond diall 911
A: cos she couldn't find the eleven
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-30T12:29:20-CEST

- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-29T15:49:39-CET

Q: Why did the blonde sell her car?
A: Because she needed gas money
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-27T20:07:51-CET

Q: What do u do when a blond throws a pin of of a gernade at u???
A: RUN!!!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-27T04:05:55-CET

Q: What do u do when a blond throws a pin of of a gernade at u???
A: RUN!!!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-27T04:05:40-CET

Q: Whats a blond with pigtales called?
A: A blowjob with handle bars.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-26T02:16:13-CET

Q: A girl(blond) is talking to this guy. She told the guy that her sister said her cheeks shake when she runs. The guy says let us see run up and down the aisl. So since a class was going on she didn't want to make comotion so what she did was shake her head up and down!
A: The guy meant the other cheeks
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-25T22:46:01-CET

Q: what do you see when you look through a blonds ear?
A: clear blue skys
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-25T06:50:57-CET

Q: there was a kid called bobby day he asked his mom if he could take a shower with her.she said yes but don't look up or down.he looked up and asked what are those.she said those are my headlights.he looked down and asked what is that.that is my garden.later that day he asked his dad if he could take a shower with him.he said yes.then he said don't look down.he looked down and asked what is that.his dad said that is my snake.that night there was a storm.he went in the room with his parents.he looked under the covers and said,mommy turn ur headlights there is a snake in ur garden.
A: ha ha ha
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-23T05:01:25-CET

Q: why do blondes have TGIF on the front of their shirts?
A: It stands for THIS GOES IN FRONT!!!!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-13T23:19:10-CET

Q: why'd the blonde get fired from the M&M factory?
A: she kept throwing out all the W's
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-13T23:16:55-CET

Q: Why does blonde use a straw? Why do blondes have TGIF on their shirt?
A: Practis.......
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-11T08:44:31-CET

Q: How do you drown a blonde? Why do blondes have TGIF on their shirt?
A: Tits go in front
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-11T08:41:46-CET

Q: How do you confuse a blonde?
A: You ask her how her day was
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-11T04:18:32-CET

Q: What do you call a blond with half a brain?
A: gifted
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-11T04:11:18-CET

Q: there was a little boy bobby joe .one day the little boy asked his mom if he could take a shower with her she said yeah but dont look up.the little boy looked up and asked mommy "what are they"she said they are my head lights.well that night his father took a shower and the little boy asked his fater if he could take a shower with him he said yeah but dont look down.he looked down and said what is that he said that is my snake.well that night,there was a storm so he went to the parents room and said that he was scared can i sleep with u they said yeah.he had a bad dream and said mom turn on your head lights there is a snake in the bed!!!!!
A: it is just a joke!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-11T00:00:50-CET

Q: If A blonde and a brunette jump off a cliff. Who would land first
A: the brunette cuz the blonde would have to stop and ask for directions
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-09T22:19:28-CET

Q: what do you call a stupid person
A: a blond
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-09T21:46:41-CET

Q: How do you know which blonde is the waittress Hod do you know which blonde is the waittress
A: Shes the one with the tampon in back of her ear wondering what she did with her pencil
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-07T22:17:44-CET

Q: HOW did the blonde drowned????
A: SHe tried to hold her breath longer then the fish
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-07T22:15:47-CET

Q: what did the blonde say when her neighbor asked her why she kept going outside and checking her mail box?
A: she said,"because my stupid computer keeps telling me i got mail!!!!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-07T20:57:46-CET

Q: Whta do you call a fat person
A: a fat person
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-07T16:49:52-CET

Q: what dose a blond do in first in the morning
A: open the car door
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-07T04:20:45-CET

Q: why are blonds like turtals?
A: they both get fucked from the back
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-07T04:19:27-CET

Q: Why are blonds like barbies?????????
A: they will let you take off their clothes when you first meet them!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-07T00:31:25-CET

Q: If a bomb landed a blond
A: She wound try to make-out with it.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-07T00:28:18-CET

Q: If a bomb landed a blond
A: She wound try to make-out with it.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-07T00:28:07-CET

Q: If a bomb landed by a blond
A: She would say it is a dud
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-07T00:26:39-CET

Q: why do blonds say what all the time???????????
A: cause they don't have a brain!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-07T00:21:11-CET

Q: Q: How did the dumb blonde break her leg raking leaves?
A: A: She fell out of the tree.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-06T21:42:11-CET

Q: how do you keep a blond happy
A: tell her shes not a blond
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-05T20:39:05-CET

Q: how does a blond kill a fish, bird, and mole
A: the blond drowns the fish, throws the bird off a cliff, then buries the mole alive
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-03T00:22:28-CET

Q: how do you kill a blond?
A: tell it not to breath
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-03-01T20:11:46-CET

Q: what does a blond say when shes watching a porno?
A: "there i am"
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-23T21:39:44-CET

Q: what do you do when a blond throwsa pin at you?
A: run like hell.... she got a granade in her mouth.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-23T21:38:08-CET

Q: hoe does a blond turn on the light after she has had sex?
A: she opens the car door.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-23T21:30:06-CET

Q: how do you confuse a blond?
A: you don't. their born that way.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-23T21:25:16-CET

Q: How can you tella blond had a bad day?
A: her tampon is behind her ear and she doesn't know what happened to her cigarett.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-23T21:21:10-CET

Q: did you hear about the new form of birth control for blonds?
A: they take off their makeup.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-23T21:19:43-CET

Q: did you hear about the blond coyote?
A: got stuck in a trap, chewed off 3 legs and was still stuck.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-23T21:17:12-CET

Q: what do you call an intellegant blond?
A: a labrador.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-23T21:15:41-CET

Q: whats the difference between a blond and a guy?
A: the blond has a higher sperm count.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-23T21:13:49-CET

Q: what does a blond put behind her ears to make her more attractive?
A: her ankels.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-23T17:06:57-CET

Q: what did a blond say when asked to discribe her boyfriend as a soda pop?
A: "I would say he's a "hard liquor".
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-23T17:05:08-CET

Q: whats the first thing a blond says in the morning?
A: "thanks, guys..."
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-23T17:03:06-CET

Q: why do blonds have bruises around their bellybuttons?
A: because blond men aren't that smart either.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-23T17:01:35-CET

Q: why do blonds have square bobs?
A: cause they forget to take the tissues out of the box.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-23T17:00:16-CET

Q: why do blonds have square bobs?
A: cause they forget to take the tissues out of the box.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-23T16:59:36-CET

Q: how many blonds does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: blonds screw in back seats not in lightbulbs, silly.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-23T16:57:54-CET

Q: what happened to a blond when she got locked in a supermarket?
A: she starved to death!!!! by kirsty jayne owen......
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-22T20:29:05-CET

Q: do you know what you get when a blond sucks it
A: a dirty blond
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-22T06:20:00-CET

Q: Why do blonds have T.G.I.F. printed on their shoes?
A: Toes Go In First
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-18T15:22:29-CET

Q: there were there were 3 blond men on an island and they started rubbing a pot and out poped a genie and the genie said i will grant you each 1 wish and so the first one wished he was smart and so he mad him a red head and the next one wished he was even smarter than the first so he made him a brown and the last one said i waish i was smarter than them both so he mad him a woman
A: \
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-17T19:57:10-CET

Q: asfjklsldfn vjfkuaen e jidfjawen fe adf3n djfwae mner
A: srkf hae dsifen e ejkxuf je dfeo idfwerjdl difje jdkfjaldu jfwefj
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-17T19:50:13-CET

Q: there was a blond that was gay?
A: So she peed in her pants!!:p hahahaha
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-17T01:05:06-CET

Q: Why is a blonde like a turtle?
A: Their both screwed when their on their back
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-16T22:29:58-CET

Q: What do you call a blonde with half a brain?
A: gifted
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-13T23:15:50-CET

Q: A smart blond Santa and a Dumb Blond jump off a bridge. Who landed first?
A: The dumb blond the other two don't excist.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-10T19:15:26-CET

Q: How manny Dumb Blond jokes are there?
A: One the rest are true.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-10T19:09:52-CET

Q: How can you tell a blondes been using the computer?
A: There is white out all over the screen
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-06T18:59:48-CET

Q: What do u call blondes standing in a line?
A: A wind tunnel
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-05T15:25:42-CET

Q: A blond, a burnette and a redhead are all stranded because their car broke down. What do they take with them from the trunk of the car.
A: First the burnette goes to the trunk of the car she pulls out a big bottle of water than the redhead goes to the trunk of the car she pulls out a cooler of food, so then the blond goes to the car door and takes it off the hindgis. So there walking through the desert and the burnette says to the redhead why did you take the cooler full of food she says in case i get hungry. The redhead says to the burnette why did you take the big bottle of water the burnette said incase i get thrusty. So then they both turn to the blond and said why did you take the car door the blong says incase it gets hot i can roll down my window.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-02T19:31:13-CET

- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-01T05:06:32-CET

- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-01T05:01:53-CET

- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-01T04:58:10-CET

Q: what do u do when a blonde throws a grenade at u??
A: pull the pin and throw it back JESS
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-01T04:56:27-CET

Q: how do you keep a blonds busy?
A: give them a piece of paper that says on both sides,..turn over posted by JESS
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-01T04:54:38-CET

Q: how do you keep a blonds busy?
A: give them a piece of paper that says on both sides,..turn over
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-01T04:54:20-CET

Q: why are all blonds boobs square?
A: because they forget to take the tissues out of the box posted by JESS
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-01T04:52:20-CET

Q: why do blonds get pissed off when someone says a blonde joke
A: because they dont get it posted by JESS
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-01T04:49:22-CET

Q: You guys spell blonde, BLOND shame shame shame
A: What do u call a blonde/whatever the hell u want
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-01T04:47:25-CET

Q: there was a blonde, a bernete, and a red head. Their car breaks down so they have to walk a long way home and its cold what do they take to survive?
A: The bernete takes plenty of water, the red head brings a blanket, then the blonde takes the car door so she can rool the window up in case is she gets too cold
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-01T04:30:34-CET

Q: what did the blonde name her zebra?
A: spot
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-02-01T04:25:17-CET

Q: send me blonde jokes @
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-01-31T00:50:48-CET

Q: whats the difference between a blonde and a walrus
A: 1 smells fishy and has whiskers, but the other 1's a walrus
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-01-31T00:49:49-CET

Q: what is the difference between a blonde and spaghetti?
A: They both wriggle when you eat them
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-01-30T19:18:03-CET

Q: why did the blonde break her collar bones?
A: because she was taken in too far.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-01-19T08:44:06-CET

Q: there was a blonde,a brunett,and a redhead.They were all spys.The blonde was orderd to go into a top secret lab .She got there and she said to her freind"ok,i'm here what do I do know?"Her freind says "if you see a computer then hack into it and get the files."..So the blonde looks at the computer and says open doesn't work so she thought maybe it has it inside of it.So she droped the computer.She couldn't find the files so she does that same thing to the other 4 computers.She calls the redhead and says"I can't find them.""You'r supposed to get onto the computer and hack the fles off of the system"says the redhaed."but it's already broken I can't get on it."says the blonde
A: posted by Monica
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-01-19T08:40:58-CET

Q: how do gay guys have a three-some?
A: using a stick.hahahahaha POPCORN
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-01-19T08:34:09-CET

Q: what do blondes and dogs have in common?
A: they both like to hump
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-01-19T08:23:23-CET

Q: What is always better when done drunk?
A: blondes and sex
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-01-19T08:18:26-CET

Q: what do you get when you put a blonde woman and a blonde man toegether?
A: a big air bag.Posted by Becky
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-01-19T08:11:54-CET

Q: What do blondes and tri-cycles have in common?
A: their both easy to ride.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-01-19T08:10:20-CET

Q: what do blondes and blankies have in common?
A: Their both easy to get in bed.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-01-19T08:09:34-CET

Q: How did the baby cross the road?
A: It was stapled to the chicken.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-01-18T22:34:07-CET

Q: how do you drownd a blond ?
A: stick a scrach and snif sticker on the bottom of a pool
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-01-17T18:42:17-CET

Q: how do you know a blond has making chocolat chip cookies?
A: theres m&m shells on grond
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-01-17T18:39:55-CET

Q: how do you know a blond has making chocolat chip cookies?
A: theres m&m shells on grond
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-01-17T18:39:54-CET

Q: how do train a dog?
A: with a chew chu
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-01-06T03:57:59-CET

Q: how do you milk a cow?
A: pull its oder!DUH!
- This Joke was added from by () at 2003-01-06T03:57:27-CET

Q: Why did the blonde plant Cheerio's?
A: Because she wanted to grow a donut tree.
- This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-31T00:07:37-CET

Q: a smart blond,a dumb blond, santa clause and the easter bunny were walking and they spotted $100, who got the money?
A: the dumb blond, because the other three dont exist
- This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-30T23:48:40-CET

Q: why did the blond get fired from the M&M factory?
A: Because she threw away all the w's
- This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-30T23:44:36-CET

Q: How do blode brain cells die
A: Alone
- This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-30T18:12:09-CET

: How do blode brain cells die
: Alone - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-30T18:10:57-CET - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-29T14:00:35-CET

: a blonde is so stupid it just repaets the same pit stop for a pit cock - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-29T06:23:45-CET

: wats the same about ab blonde and spaggit? they both squerm when u eat them! - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-29T02:32:58-CET

: A blond was at home and called her husband at work, Her husband answers the phone and asks " Whats wrong " the blond replies " Oh Nothin', I just wanted to know if you would help me with a puzzle when you get home from work, i can't even find the edge peices" "Look on the box, usually there is a picture of what the puzzle is supposed to look like" The blond looks at the box and says "It's a rooster" The blond hung up and when her husband got home he says "Okay put the Cornflakes Back in the box" - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-26T23:31:20-CET

: Why was the blond smilin' when she was walking down the marriage isle? Answer: Because she realized that she just gave her last Blow-job - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-26T23:25:44-CET

: wonan an airplanes have in common? cock-pits - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-24T16:49:29-CET

: 4 blondes walked into a bar chantin "51 days, 51 days, 51 days". They ordered their drinks from the bar tender and went to sit down. When the bar tender brought them their drinks they started chanting "51 days, 51 days, 51 days" again. The bartender said, "hey, i hope you dont mind me askin, but why are you sayin 51 days over and over again?" One blond looked at the bar tander and said, "we proved everyone wrong...blonds arent as dumb as they all think. We went to toys r us and bought a puzzle thats said 2 - 4 years, and we completed it in 51 days!!!!!" - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-23T08:18:45-CET

: theres a blonde,brunette and red head.They're all at gun point so the cop says ready aim and the brunette yells tornado everybody ducks and she runs away again the cop says ready aim and the red head says hurricane and everyone ducks so she runs away then one more time ready aim and the blonde yells fire so they shoot her! - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-21T04:00:55-CET

: why is a blond the same as a bowling ball ? because you can fuck her up an alleyway and finger her three times and she will still come back. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-18T23:34:27-CET

: This bolnd comes home and his wife is lying naked on the bed breathing real hard and she is all swety. "What is the matter?" She tells him that she is having a heart attack and to go get the phone. Just as he comes running up the stairs hi son says "Daddy, uncle Bob is naked in the closet." He opens the door and starts in on his brother. "What the hell is wrong with you!" (his brother is stund) My wife is naked on the bed... Having a heart attack and your naked ass is running around the house scaring my kids!" - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-15T14:38:47-CET

: a blonde is riding down the street with her boy friend.she tuns and sees a blonde in a big grassy open field in a boat.the blonde tells her boy friend to stop.she gets out and yells at the blonde and says "its blondes like you that give blondes like me a bad name,if i could swim i would come out there and kick your ass!" - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-15T12:47:44-CET

: Q: What does a blonde and a screen door have in common? A: The more you bang them the looser they get. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-14T21:26:57-CET

: What do a blond and a shot gun have in common? Give them a cock an they blow. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-14T17:26:15-CET

: There was a American astronaut, a Russian astronaut and a blond astronaut. The Russian astronaut said "We were the first to go in space." The American astronaut said "Well we were the first to land on the moon." The blond Astronaut said " Well, we're going to be the first to land on the sun." The other astronauts looked at each other strangely and both said "Thats impossible, its too hot." And the blond said, "Ah-ha, thats where we got you, we're gonna go at night!" - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-14T06:20:17-CET

: I know a blonde so stpid she spent 20 minutes looking at a juice bottle because it said concentrate - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-13T13:51:44-CET

: a mexican man,a american man and a fat man are on a airplaine ready to sky dive be for the mexican man jumped he said god bless mexico then the american man jumped and said god bless america then the fat guy jumped and said god bless buger king - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-12T00:28:58-CET

: a mexican man,a american man and a fat man are on a airplaine ready to sky dive be for the mexican man jumped he said god bless mexico then the american man jumped and said god bless america then the fat guy jumped and said god bless buger king - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-10T15:49:48-CET

: an airoplane going down over the ocean when the pilot said we need to loose weight so they thriugh out all the luggage but the plane was still going down so the pilt said we need to loose more weight and the stuerdess said right lets through out the passangers and the captain said great but to make it fare do it in alphabetical order so then the stuwerdess explains this to the passengers and they agree. so she shouts any Albainins on board but no reply any Bulgarians onboard still no answer right sod it any Coons on board thers always a coon but still no answer. but on the back of the plane this little boy pulls at his dad and says arn't we coons to which his dad sayes not today son we are wogs - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-09T23:46:00-CET

: what do u call a blond with pig tells??? a blowjob with handelbares - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-12-04T19:42:33-CET

: how do you get a one arm blonde out of a tree?Wave at her. If you dont get this your gay and stupid - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-30T06:02:39-CET

: aa blond goes to work crying and the bos said why are you crying she said her mom died the bos said she could go home she said no. after a minute she stated to cry agin the bos said why are you cring agin she said she was talking to her brother and his brother died to - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-30T05:55:26-CET

: Why do you laugh when you see a blond? Because she is so stuped that when you laugh she thinks that you are crying! - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-30T04:45:56-CET

: Why was the blond laughing? because she saw a person stop at a stop light! - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-30T04:42:29-CET

: This construction worker came home from work! When she opend the door and saw her partner having sex with her exx! Well of corse she did not relise that blonds where so not reliebel for keeping a relationship for over one week!!!!!!!!!!! Well that is why you should never run into your ex in the gay dipartment all you brown heads!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-30T04:37:16-CET

: why don't duck's laugh while they are flying BECAUSE THEY WILL QAUCK UP :) - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-30T01:40:27-CET

: How do you drown a Blonde? Put a scratch & sniff sticker at the bottom of the pool.
What do you call an eternity? Four Blondes in four cars at a four way stop - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-29T06:31:02-CET

: there was a blonde driveing down the road she look out her left window and saw a blonde in a paster rowing a boat she got out of her car ans said it is for bolnde's like you that blondes like me get callled name's if i could swim i would come out there and kick your ass - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-26T21:38:39-CET


: what do you call a blond with half a brain? GIFTED - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-24T13:53:24-CET

: If a blond and a brownet both jumped off a cliff which would land first? the brownet, because the blond would have to stop and ask for directions - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-24T13:51:09-CET

: Thers this blond and she goes into an electrical store and says "i would like to buy this t.v" then the shop assistant says "no"so then she goes "why" and the assistant says "because your a natural blond" so she goes home and dies her hair brown and goes back to the store the next day and she says "could i buy this t.v please" to a different shop assistant and he say "no" so then she asks "why" and the assisitant says "because your a natural blond" so she goes home and dies her hair red goes back to the store the next day a she asks a different shop assistant "could i buy this t.v please" and he says "no" and again she asks "why" and he says "because your a natural blond" so she goes home and dies her hair green and she goes back the next day and she says to a different assistant "could i buy this t.v" and once again he says "no" so she asks him "why" and he says "because your a natural blond" so as she walks out the door of the shop and she turns to him and says "how do you know that i am a natural blond" and the shop assistant says "because it is not a t.v it is a microwave. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-24T13:48:01-CET

: I now A blond that was so dum she triped over A cordless phone. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-21T07:59:18-CET

: the blonds driving down the road and she starts to swere and a cop poles her over and the cop asks why were you swerving? the blond says{there are no trees in this part of the world} well i was driving and a tree pops out in front of me so i swerve to the left and a tree pops out in front of me so i swerve to the right {and agien and agien and agien} and the cop says well have you thought about your tree air condishener!! hahahahahaha POPOKORN - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-21T07:49:39-CET

: Q: there is a four corner room and and a pot of gold in the midle. each couner has soomoone in it, the first corner has batman in it the secon has a smart blond the thired has superman eng the fourth has robinhood in it. who will get to the pot of gold first? A: NO ONE BECAUSE NONE OF THEM ARE REAL!!hahahahahahaha POPOKORN - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-21T07:41:21-CET

: Q:How do you confuse a blond? A: Put her in a round room and tell her to go pea in a corner. Q: how does the blond confuse you? A: she comes out saying she did it. hahahahahahahaha popokorn - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-21T07:35:54-CET

: A blond went to the barber and said "cut the hair to here but dont take of the head phones." and the barber said "okay." A week later the blond went to the barber and said "cut the hair to here but dont take of the head phones." and the barber said "okay if you want." Two weeks later the blond went to the barber and said "cut the hair to here but dont take of the head phones." and the barber said " You know what in going to take those things off." Then the blond fell over dead and the barber bent down to pick her up and the nosie from the head phones was saying "breath in and out in and out."hahahahaha - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-20T00:21:09-CET

: Ok, 3 girls walk into a bar a Redhead, a Blond, and a Burnet. They sat down and a cop walks in all 3 forgot there under age so they bolt out the door and into a ally there they found 3 trash bags so they hid them-selfs in side the bags the cop walks up and kicks the bag with the Redhead init she said woof woof the said its just a bunch of dogs, then he kicked the bag with the Burnet in it she said meow meow the cop said its just a bunch of cats and then the cop walked up to the one with the Blond in it and kicked it the Blond said sack of patatos sack of patatos. (lol) - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-20T00:17:16-CET

: Why do blonds smell like fish? Because they all have tuna cramed up between their legs - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-19T16:09:55-CET

: what does the blonde say when you blow in her ear? A: thanks for the refill. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-19T07:02:57-CET

: So this blonde walkes into a barber shop with a pair of ear phones on so the barber says i need you to take them off but the blonde said i would just die with out them after the blonde fell asleep the barber took them off to cut her hair and three minutes later she died.the barber put the earphones on and it said breath in breath out. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-17T17:25:04-CET

: So this blonde walkes into a barber shop with a pair of ear phones on so the barber says i need you to take them off but the blonde said i would just die with out them after the blonde fell asleep the barber took them off to cut her hair and three minutes later she died.the barber put the earphones on and it said breath in breath out. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-17T17:23:36-CET

: Q:if a dumb blond throw a graned at you what do you do? A:you take the pick out and throw it baek. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-16T18:12:25-CET

: why do blounds always have square boobs because they forgot to take the tissue out the box - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-15T23:14:58-CET

: Q: How do you kill a blond? A: Put her in a round room and tell her to go pee in the corner. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-05T00:36:33-CET

: Q:Whhat do blonds think a B>M>W is? A:A Big Mexican Weener - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-04T04:19:55-CET

: Q:What do you call a smart blond? A:I dont know tell me when you come accross one! - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-04T04:16:53-CET

: Q:To a blond,what is long and hard? A:Grade 4 - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-04T04:13:48-CET

: two blonds are driving to disnyland when they came to a fork in the road there was a sign that said Disnyland left so they turned arround and went home. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-03T01:12:28-CET

: Q: what do you call a smart blond? A: a golden retreiver - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-11-01T15:03:05-CET

: what do you do when a blond throws a grenade at you pull the pin and throw it back - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-29T22:54:40-CET

: why do blondes repeat thems selves ? because they dont have any thing else to say. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-29T21:18:25-CET

: what does a blounde say in bad? Oh again! i thought we just fucked - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-29T03:57:48-CET

: why do blondes drive B.M.W.'s??? cause they can spell it - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-25T01:45:53-CEST

: How do you get a blonde to drown? Put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool and tell her to go down and scratch and sniff and come back up and tell what it smells like. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-24T02:15:52-CEST

: 2 blonds traveled clear across the country to go to Disney World and when they finally got there, which took them a long time, they saw a sign that said : Disney World, LEFT" and so they drove back home. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-24T02:14:15-CEST

: a blonde a burnette and a redhead rob a liquor store. as they are running away from the police, they run into a nearby barn to hid. the police follow them, so all three hide in some old potatoe sacks. The police man kicks the first one and the burnette goes "woof woof" so he assumes that its just a bunch of puppies, he kicks the second one and the red head goes "meow meow" making him assume it is just a bnch of kittens. Finally he kicks the third one and the blonde goes "potatoe potatoe" ...this is like my most favorite joke every....and im a natural blonde...hahaha, i hope u liked it - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-21T03:32:42-CEST

: there was a american and a mexican and a really really fat guy and they where on a plane so the american jumped out and yelled god bless america,and the mexican jumped out and yelled god bless mexico,and the fat guy jumped out and yelled god bless whowever i land on. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-20T05:33:30-CEST

: what do you call a blonde behide the wheel of a car? an air bag - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-16T01:10:57-CEST

: a brunet a read head and a blonde the brunet says i found a fag in my dughters room i can,t belive she smokes. The read head says i found some beer in my doughters room the other day i cant belive she drinks and the blonde says well i found some comdomse in my doughters i cant belive she has got a dick!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-09T16:35:17-CEST

: There were three woman a blond a red head and a brenette. There car broke down in the desert so the red head says we all need to bring one thing. The red head said I'll bring water in case we get thirtsy. The burnette said I'll bring a mini fan in case we get hot. Then the blond said YEA and I'll bring the car door. The red head said why would you bring that. She said in reply in case we get hot I can role down the window - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-07T22:50:35-CEST

: Q: how do you drown a blond? A: put a scratch and sniff at the bottom of the pool. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-06T05:48:30-CEST

: what do u call a blond that died her hair brown artificial intelligence - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-06T03:23:05-CEST

: what do you call a blond with a brain pregnant - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-06T03:18:57-CEST

: What did the blond say when on a form it said "hair colour"? "Brown" - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-05T21:40:53-CEST

: a blond and a brunette jumped off a cliff at the exact same time. Which one reached the floor first? The brunette, because the blond had to stopped and asked for directions!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-05T15:52:46-CEST

: One day a blonde was driving by a river & saw a blonde on the other side, so she said how do u get to the other side? And the other blonde said, You r on the oter side. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-05T06:47:31-CEST

: what is the diffrence between a blond and a rooster the rooster says cock a doodle do and the blond says any cock will do - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-04T22:14:19-CEST

: in a store there was a blond and she was staring at the concintrate orange juice I asked her why and she said shh it says consentrate - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-03T22:54:53-CEST

: there was this guy and he went shopping.outside of the store there was this blonde putting quarter after quarter into the pop machine getting a ton of pop. thirty minutes later, he came out and she was just as he left her. so he says"what will you do with all that pop?" she says "SHH im winning" - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-01T15:50:49-CEST

: there was this blonde in the middle of a wheat field in a row boat. This other blonde pulled up in a red corvette and just whached her with contempt.Finnaly she said "you know its dumb blondes like you that give us smart blondes a bad reputation, and if icould swim id come out ther and kick you ass. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-01T15:47:47-CEST

: this guy was mowin his lawn and this blonde kept going out every 15 minutes. after an hour and 15 minutes he asked her what she was doing and she replied the computer says i have mail. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-10-01T15:45:06-CEST

: what do you get when a crys a cry baby - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-09-29T22:27:10-CEST

: A bloude asked be were the bathroom was and I said right over there by the fountains she said oh. She walked over there and did not go in the bath room but went pee sitting next to the fountain. - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-09-25T23:50:38-CEST

: What do u call 4 blondes in a freezer? Frosted Flakes - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-09-16T07:03:01-CEST

: Hva kalles en intelligent blondine? - Golden Retriever... - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-09-10T15:22:40-CEST

: Hvorfor har blondiner blåmerker rundt navlen ? - Blonde gutter er ikke så veldig smarte de heller... - This Joke was added from by () at 2002-09-10T15:21:22-CEST
--- Below: Jokes added before 2002-09-10 ---
--- First added Joke first in the list ---

: Hva kalles en intelligent blondine ? - Golden Retriever...
: Hvorfor har blondiner blåmerker rundt navlen ? - Blonde gutter er ikke så veldig smarte de heller...
: Utenfor et lite hus stod en dum blondine, en intelligent blodine, Fantomet og Supermann. Inne i huset stod det en sekk full av gullmynter. En av de overnevte gikk inn for å hente denne. Hvem? - Den dumme blondinen. De andre er bare fantasifigurer.
: Vet du hvorfor blondiner ikke kan stå på vannski? - De legger seg med en gang de blir våte mellom beina.
: How do blonde braincells die? - Alone.
: How do you amuse a blonde for hours? - Write 'Please turn over' on both sides of a piece of paper
: How does a blonde spell 'farm'? 'E-I-E-I-O'
: A blondes favourite nursery rhyme? Hump-me dump-me
: Hva kaller man en bag med to blondinehjerner i? - Airbag.
: Hva kaller man en blondine som slår hjul? - Blondine- brunette- blondine brunette...
: Hvor mange blondiner skal til for å skifte en lyspære? - To. En for å holde Cola Lighten og en for å løpe etter pappa.
: Vet du hvorfor blondiner ikke kan stå på vannski? - De legger seg med en gang de blir våte mellom beina.
: Hva har du når en blondine står på hodet? - En brunette med dårlig ånde...
: Vet du hvordan man kan se om en blondine har vært i kjøleskapet ditt? - Det er lebestift rundt agurken.
: Vet du hva man kaller en flue som surrer rundt i hodet på en blondine? - Lost in Space.
: hva er det første en blondine gjør når hun cåkner????? Kler på seg og går hjem!!!!!!!!!
: Vet du hvordan man får en blondine opp på taket? Si at drinkene er på huset!
: Q: What did one fag say to he other while sitting down for dinner? A: "Can I push in your stool"?
: What's the difference between a Essex-girl and a porsche? You don't let your mates borrow the porsche.
: Hva sier blondine-moren til blondine-datteren naar hun skal ut paa byen? Har du ikke kommet deg til sengs foer ti kommer du hjem og legger deg
: There is a blonde who is fed up of all the blonde jokes so she cuts her hair and dyes it brown, she also buys a new convertable. She is going for a drive when she comes upon a flock of sheep and she says: Blonde: My thats a fine flock of sheep! Shepheard:Yes. Blonde: If I can guess the exact number of sheep in that flock can I keep one? Shepheard: I supose so. The blonde takes agood look and says "318!!". Wow said the shepheard pick your sheep, she picks one out and the shepheard says: Tell you what if I can guess the real colour of your hair, can I have my dog back? JeStEr.
: Why don't blondes make Kool-aid? Because they can't fit two quarts of water in those little packets
: Once I was making out with a blond in my car down by the river. She startet getting really hot. So I asked her; Do you want to go in the back-seat of my car, but she replied; NO!!. We started making out again. I touched her brests and thought it was time and asked again; What about the back-seat. She replyed sad; No I wanna be here with you.
: Once, Iwas reading the newspaper. There was a neat story on the front page. I read it. Then I looked at the rest of the paper. It said that it is supposed to be cold tonight. I was very warm in my house. I kept on reading the paper. Someone asked Ann Landers about masturbation. Then I read the comics. Garfield ate a whole pie by himself. John got mad. I also liked Blondie.
: What do you get when you have 32 red-necks in one room? Answer: A full set of teeth.
: What do you call a blond with half a brain? A genius
: What does a blonde call brown hair dye? Artificial intelligence
: How does a blonde know when sex is finished? When the dome light of your car kicks on
: Do you know the difference between a blonde and a 747? not everyone has gotten a ride on a 747.
: Why are a blonds titts square? Because they forgot to take the tissue out of te box.
: how do you get a one armed blond out of a tree wave to her
: What did the blonde's right leg say to her left leg? Nothing, they never met!!
: What do you do if a blond throws a pin at you? Run like hell, because she has a geneade in her mouth.
: Q: Why did the bride wake up with a sore belly button on the morning after her wedding night? A: They make blondes in 'Male', too!
: why are dumb blond's tits square? because she forgot to take the tissue box out.
: Hvorfor er alle blondinene så innmari dumme? fordi de har blonde foreldre... :-) hehe
: What do you get when you put a dollar bill on top of a blonde's head? All you can eat for under a dollar!
: What do you get when you turn a blonde upside down? A brunette with bad breath!
: How can you tell when a blonde's been using a computer? There's white-out on the screen!
: There were two brunettes in the front cab of a truck and two blonde's in the bed,the truck runs off the road into a river.The brunettes live,they rolled the window down,the blondes died,they couldn't get the tailgait down!
: What does a blonde and a 747 have in common? The little black box!
: What does a blonde and a turtle have in common? Get them on their backs and their both fucked!
: What did the blonde say to the hurricane? I betcha I can blow harder!!
: Why are blond coffins shaped like Y's. Because once they hit their backs their legs spread.
: Why are blond coffins shaped like Y's. Because once they hit their backs their legs spread.
: How can you tell if a blonde has had an orgasm ? She drops her kebab
: How can you tell a blonde has been using a word processing program? By the white out on the screen.
: Q:What do you call a dead blond in a closet? A:The 1956 hide-and-seek champion.
: kemal ÇELIK Univ.of Çukurova Adana/ TURKEY
: How do you fit four blondes on a stool Turn it upside down.
: There were three blondes in a pick-up truck. One driving, two in the back. They fell off a bridge into water. Driver rolled down the window and got out. Two in the back drowned because they couldn't get the tailgate open.
: what did the blonde say when she saw a box of cheerios? hey, donut holes
: what do you say to someone if the say "Fuck you!" A: is that a offer? B: when and where C: quit begging D: your'e not my type E: how?
: what did scotty from startrek say in response to .... Why did the chicken cross the road?.. He said... "Cos me wee transporter beam wasn't functioning properly.. I haven't got the power captian!!!... I can't work miricles
: english
: Q:How do blonde brain cells die A:alone
: : What do blondes and turtles have in common, : When you put them on their backs they are both screwed
: what did the blond call her pet zebra? spot how did the blond try to kill a bird? she threw it off a cliff
: two blonds were walking around when they saw some tracks.the one said "they are moose tracks" the other one said that thae were deer tracks "no they are moose tracks" "no they are deer tracks" they kept on arguing until a train ran over them.
: why did the blonde stare at the juice carton? Because it said concentrate.
: how are blondes and golden retriver alike?.... You can teach them both to roll over.
: How do you know when a blond has done your landscaping? The bushes are darker than the rest of the yard.
: How can you teel when a blonde is having a bad day WHEN HERE TAMPON IS IN HERE EAR AND SHE CANT FIND HER PENCIL
: What do blondes and 747's have in common? --They both have big cockpits!!
: Why was the blonde so happy when she finished her puzzle in 6 months? The puzzle said 2-4 years.
: What does a blonde say when you blow in her ear? Thanks for the refill.
: Why did the blonde refuse to go to the moving sale? She gets motion sickness.
: how do you fuck a blond? with your dick
: do you know how to tell if a blond is a good cook? she can get a pop tart out of the toaster without breaking it
: How does a blonde kill a fish? She drowns it How does a blonde kill a bird? She throws it off a cliff When a blonde opened up a box of cheerios she said ooh little doughnut seeds She jumped off a cliff and had to get directions She bought a bulletproof convertible
: What do you call a blonde with a whole brain?-A Goldenretriever
: A blond,a rabi,and a prest walk into a bar the bartender said is this a joke.
: Q:How do you know a blonde has just lost her virginity? A:Her crayons are still wet!
: Q:How do you know a blonde has just lost her virginity? A:Her crayons are still wet!
: Q:How do you know a blonde is dating? A:By the buckle mark on her head.
: Q:What do blonde virgins eat? A:babyfood.
: You suck my ass! Haha Haha
: What did the Blonde name her Pet Zebra?
: What did the Blonde name her Pet Zebra? Ans: SPOT
: One day two blondes are walking in the forest. All of the sudden, one of them points at the ground and says "look deer tracks". The other blonde said, "No silly those are bear tracks." They continued arguing for a while. Then the next day, two rangers come walking in the forest and find the two blondes dead; They were run over by a train!!!
: As a blonde was speeding down the highway, a cop pulled her over and said "do you know what you were doing wrong?" She said no. The cop started to whip out his penis and the blonde said " Oh no not another breathalyzer test."

: Hey

: how do you kill a dum blond you put a scrach and sniff sticker at the bottem of a pool

: Heres all the blond jokes

: urdeburken sclurpen dirchen mine slurpen


: why does a blond drink handy-andy? it says fat-remover

: why does a blonde keep an emty milkcan in her frige? for the people that don't drink milk why does the blond stare at the liquid dishwasher? it says consentrate how do you know a blond was at the computer? there's rattax on thw mouse how do you know the house your'e at belongs to a blonde? there is a peephole in the glassdoor

: what do you do when a blode throws a grenade at you?

: : what do you do when a blode throws a grenade at you? I don't now ????

: what do you call a blond standing on her head a brunnett with bad breath


: ?? How do you keep a blonde busy for hours? - Give her a bag of M&M's and tell her to alphabetize them. - If she figures that out tell her to separate the M's from the W's How does a blonde turn on the light in the morning? - She opens the car door!

: If a blond and a brunette jumped off a bridge who would land first? The brunette because the blond would have to stop and ask directions!

: why did the blonde sell her car?gas money!

: why did the blonde sell her car?gas money!

: A blond was on her way to Florida to go to Disneyland. She saw a sign that said "Disney land left", so she went home.

: Mike n' Abbey

: Q: How do you make a blonde's eyes sparkle? A: Shine a flashlight in her ear!

: Q: What is a blonde's mating call? A: I'm so drunk! Q: What is a brunette's mating call? A: Is that blonde bitch gone yet?

: What did the dumb blond say when she opened the box of Cherios? doughnut seeds

: G. If a blond and a fether fill off a house what one would hit the grond frist. A. The fether because the blond would stop for dirctions...............

: Q:What is blond, brunette, blond, brunette? A: A cheerleader doing cartwheels Q: How do you know a blonde has been making chocolate chip cookies? A: All the M&M shells on the floor.

: One day there were two blonds walking down a trail and they came alog these tracks and one said"that they were dear tracks and the other one said that they were bear tracks and they were arguing for a while and all of a sudden a train comes and then they say that they were train tracks.

: Q:What's the difference between a blonde and a washing machine? A:You can dump a load in the washer and it won't follow you around all day. Q:What goes, "VRRROOOOOOM...SCREEEECCCCHHH...VRRROOOOOMM...SCREEEECCCHHHH...."?A: blonde at a blinking red light.

: Q: What is a redhead's mating call? A: Next!

: Q: What do you call a brunette between 2 blonds? A: An interpreter

: What does a blond say when you blow in her ear? Thanks for the refill!!!

: Why did the blond love to eat at McDonalds? She thought the arch Deluxe was a sexual position!

: Hei, nikko! dette er jo veldig gøy.

: Q. How do you know that a blond has been in your refrigerataor? A. There is lipstick on your cucumbers.

: What happens if a blonde throws a gernade at you? Pull out the pin and throw it back

: Q: Why aren't there many blonde waterskiers? A: When their pussies get wet they fall on their backs.

: What's the difference between a blond and a concrete block? You can lay a block and it won't follow you home.

: How are a blond and a beer bottle alike? They are both empty from the neck up.

: If a Blonde and a Brunnette are at the top of a cliff and a man says to jump off: Who would hit the ground first? -- The Brunnette, b/c the Blonde would stop and ask for directions!

: What do you call a blond behind the stering wheel? A air bag!

: What do you call a blond behind the stering wheel? A air bag!

: Q.Why was there lipstick on the blonds stearing wheel?A. She was trying to blow the horn.

: How come a blonde can't count to 70? because 69 is a mouthful.

: How did the blond freeze to death at the drive-in? they went to see "closed for the winter"

: What's the first thing a blonde learns at drivers school? That you can also sit upright in a car.

: How do you know if a blonde has entered a joke on this page? If it has been entered twice!

: why do blonds have a vagina on their forehead? because it's the only way that you can make something enter in their head!!!

: why do blonds have a vagina on their forehead? because it's the only way that you can make something enter in their head!!!

: How do you know if a blond guy and girl have been fucking? She has bruises around her belly button!

: there is square room. In on corner is batman, the other is superman. in the other is spiderman, the other is a smart blond. in hte center of the room is a pot of gold. who reaches it first? ANS: none! 'cause none exist

: there were two blonds in third grade which one is smarter ? answer : the blond because she is eighteen


: :how do you kill a blond? put spikes on her shoulders and ask her a question.

: Whats the difference between a blonde and a bowling ball? You can only get three fingers in a bowling ball

: Hows a blonde like a screen door? The harder you bang on them the looser they get.

: Why did the blonde return her vibrator? She kept chipping her teeth.

: Vet du hvordan du ser om ei blondinne har sitti på datamaskinen? Det er blanko på skjermen

: Q: What do you call Eyrin Snow and Andre Hogondos in a canoe? A: Fur Traders

: Q: What do you call Eyrin Snow and Andre Hogondos in a canoe? A: Fur Traders

: how do you know if a blond has been using your computer? there is white out all over your screen

: Why did the blonde get mead when she got her driver's license? She got an F in sex

: what are two things that a niger can get? a black eye and a fat lip

: How is a blond and the burmuda triangle the same? They both swallowed a lot of seamen.

: why did the blond crash the helicopter? she was cold and turned off the fan.

: what is a blonde when you turn her upside down, a brunite with bad breath

: what do you a girl that has yellow hair? A blacked haired man

: how do you get a blond to bend over? tell her foot fell off

: How do you drown a blonde? Put a mirror at the bottom of the pool

: One day a blonde was looking for her pencil, she went behind her ear and found her tampon. Now where was her pencil?

: why did the blond have a sore belly button?? She went out with a blond bloke!!!!

: there was 3 blonds walkin' in the woods and they ran along some tracks 1 said they wre deer tracks the other said they were rabbit tracks and the third said they were squirl tracks. so an hour later after following the tracks they got hit by a train

: whats stupider? 2 blonds,or building a house under water?A= 2 blonds trying to set that house on fire.

: What do a blond and a bollingball have in common? They both get fingered, thrown in the gutter, and always come back for more!

: Q/Why is a Blondes coffin shaped like a Y A/because when she lies done her legs atomaticly spread

: Q: Whats the difference between a blond and a mosquito A: When you slap the mosquito it stops scucking


: How can you tell when a blonde is having a bad day? When she can't find her pencil and her tampon is behind her ear.

: Q: How do you drown a blond? A: Put a scratch and smell sticker on the bottom of the pool.

: Q: How do you know a blond is having a bad hair day? A: Her tampons in her hair and she can't find her pencil.

: How does a blonde turn on the light after having sex

: What does a blond and a screen door have incommen? The more you bange them the looser they get

: Q: A BLOND AND A BRUNETTE WERE FALLING FROM A BUILDING, WHO LANDED FIRST? A: The brunette, the blond stopped and asked for directions.

: Q: How do you drown a blond A: put a scrach and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool. Q: How come a blond can't water ski A: Because she thinks that she has to lay down when her crotch gets wet.

: Whats does a blond and a screen door have in common? the harder you bang it the looser it gets.


: A blonde , burnet, and a red head walk into a bar. The burnet asks for a BL, the bar tender says what's a BL? The burnet goes duh a Budlight. The red head asks for a ML. The bar tender asks the red head What's A ML was? Red head replies duh a Miller Light. The blonde asks for a 15. THe bar tender asks what's a 15? The blonde replies DUH, 7 & 7.

: Q: What do you call two blonds in a freezer? A: Frosted flakes!! (ha,ha,ha)

: Q: What is a blond doing when she puts her hands over her ears? A: Trying to hold in a thought!

: A man was doing it. When he was done he poured himself a glass of milk.His manly thoughts took over. So he stuck his _____ in the milk than the blond walks in and says oh thats how you refill those things!!!!!!


: Q. What do you call a Blond Virgin? A. A Myth....

: Once there were 3 blondes and they got locked out of their car..The 1st Blond suggested they pic the lock. The 2nd suggested braking the window to get in. The the 3rd blond said they had better think of a way to get in the car was going to rain soon and they needed to get the sun-roof up!

: Q. What do Blonds and the bremuda triangle have in common? A. They've both swallowed allot of Seamen(Semen)!

: how do you tell a blonde's I.Q A: stick an air pressure gage in her ear What do you call 2 blondes sitting in the front seat? A: dual air-bags

: ok ther was this blond and she was roing a boat in a corn field and she was just roing and roing and then this other blond drove by in her car and looked at the blond in the corn field trying to roe the boat and the blond got out of her car and yelled out "Hey it's blonds like you that give us blonds a bad name and if i could swim I would go out ther and beat you up"

: why do blondes always have a bruised belly button? Guy blondes aren't that smart

: Their was a blond she put a korter in a soda masine and a soda came out. she thought it was preaty cool so she put in like 100 more coins than a guy came up to her and asked for a soda she said get out of my face looser I'm winning.

: Why do blondes die young? They get worn out.

: How do we know a blonde is really dumb? Because she always says she isn't blonde!

: Why do blondes die young? They get worn out.

: why can't blondes use didldoes because they will chip there teeth

: What do you call a blond in snow? A snowflake!

: What is a blondes favorite nursery rhyme? Hump Me, Dump Me!

: Q: How does A blond pick up here GSM ?? A: How did yoy find me.

: Q.Whats the simularity between a blond and a screen door. A.The more you bang them the looser they get.

: Q:What goes blond brunett, blond brunett, blond brunett? A: A Blond doin a cartwheel

: A blonde walked into a barber shop wearing headphones and said, "I want my haircut but don't take off the headphones." She gets her hair cut and walks out. She comes back the next week. "I just want a trim, but don't take off the headphones." She gets her hair cut and leaves. She comes back the next week and says again, "I want my hair trimmed, but don't take off the headphones." She's getting her hair cut and falls asleep. The barber wonders why the girl doesn't want the headphones take off so he takes them off. The blond dies. The guy wonders what the hell happened so he puts on the headphones, and he hears "Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out."

: Q:how do blode brain cells die A:alone

: Q:Why do blonds have T.G.I.F. printed on the front of their shoes? A:Toes Go InFirst

: There was a blond that alked into an appliance store and said Mr. i want that T.V. the man said sorry I won't sell that to a blond.The next day she had died her hair brown she went to the store and said Mr. I want that T.V. He said sorry I won't sell that to a blond The next day she shaved her head went into the store she saidmr I want that T.V. e said sorry I won't sell that to a blond...She said I died my hair brown, shaved my head how did you know I as a blond? He said because thatT.V. is a microwave!

: A blonde walked into a barber shop wearing headphones and said, "I want my haircut but don't take off the headphones." She gets her hair cut and walks out. She comes back the next week. "I just want a trim, but don't take off the headphones." She gets her hair cut and leaves. She comes back the next week and says again, "I want my hair trimmed, but don't take off the headphones." She's getting her hair cut and falls asleep. The barber wonders why the girl doesn't want the headphones take off so he takes them off. The blond dies. The guy wonders what the hell happened so he puts on the headphones, and he hears "Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out."

: What did the blond say after she oppened the Cherrio box??? "look minni doughnut seeds!!"

: What's the difference between a blond and a mosquito? You can slap a mosquito and it will stop sucking.

: What is the difference between a blond and a bowling ball? You can only put three fingers in a bowling ball

: me i'm blonde ... ihave white ooooooouuuutttt ALL over my screen!!!!!!!ha ha ha!!!!!!!1

: What's blond, then brunett, then blond, then brunett.

: a Blond girl came to pearl an been fucked by a pucked

: Why is a blond and a turtle alike? They both get screwed on their backs.

: There was a blond driving down the road in her convertible,her blond hair blowing in the wind. She looked out

: How can you tell if a guy has a high sperm count? If his girlfriend has to chew before she swallows. Why did the walrus go to the Tupperware party? He was looking for a tight seal.

: Two blondes are discussing and one says : I did a pregnancy test The second one replies : And were the questions difficult?

: What is the difference between anniversaries and toilet seats ?? Nothing men miss both !


: Q.Why is dating a blond, like the lottery? A: Your just another one out of millions that just got screwed out of a dollar.

: What did the blonde say when she was walking down the street and saw a banana peel in her path ? A: Oh no, I'm going to trip again !

: How can you tell a blonde is having a bad day? She's got a tampon behind her ear, and she can't find her pencil. -acd

: How can you tell a blond has been using a computer? The joystick is wet.

: why do blonds lay on railroad track?because they been layed all across the country

: There were two blonds riding in their car out in the country. Suddenly, one of them looks in the field and sees a blond rowing in her boat on the grass. So she tells her friend "Look, this is the kind of blond who makes us look stupid all the time." The other one replies "Your right, if only I hed my swimsuit, I'd swim out there and break her neck!"

: How can you tell if a blond has been in your refridgerator? There is lipstick on you cucumbers

: what does it mean when a blonds nose is running/ shes full

: Q:What is the difference between a dumb blonde and a mosquito? A:One stops sucking when you slap it.

: what is the smartest kind of blond,golden retrever.

: whats a blonds favorite nursury rime? Hump Me Dump Me

: Why did men stop telling Blonde Jokes? Because he relized that all women are the same.

: A blond, brunet,and a redhed escape from jail. They run as fast as they can because they know that the state truper is on their butt. They see a barn filled with potatoe sacks so they get in the sacks. The truper finds the barn and goes inside. He pokes around and he pokes the brunet, the brunet says "meow". The truper thinks "oh its just a cat." He moves on. He pokes the redhed she says "Ruff-ruff" the truper thinks its just a dog. Finally he pokes the blond, the blond says "Potatoe!"

: one did the blondes right leg say to her left leg, nothing, they never met

: What is the first thing a blond does when she wakes up? GOES HOME! Q:How do you confuse a blondie? A:Give her two M&M's and tell her to put them in alphabetacle order. A blond walks into a K-Mart and says hello sir i would like to bye this t.v. salesman:Sorry mam we dont sell to blonds. blonde: oh the next dat she came back with a brown wig on and says hello sir i would like to bye this t.v. salesman:sorry mam we just dont sell to blonds you see its kinda agenst store polisce blonde:how did you know i was a blond im wareing this wig,well mam that not a tv thats a microwave

: Q:How do you know a blonde was using the computer? A:the joy-stick is wet.

: What does a blonde and the bermudia triangle have in comman? They both swallow a lot of seaman

: Bunette on side of road says 41,41,41. blond walk up and ask whatdoing .bunette say counting. blond joinher. truck hit blond and kill. brunette say42,42,42

: If a Blond and a burnette jumped of a building at the same time who would hit first? The burnette because the blond would have to stop ask direction

: so there is this blonde speeding, and a cop pulls her over. He gets out of the car and checks her liscence and regestration. He takes it back to his car to verify it. He calls up the station for verifacation that it's all up to date and shit. And the chief says "is this a hot blonde in a nice red car??" he says "yes." the chief says," go to her car and drop your pants." So he does and the blonde says, not ANOTHER breathalizer

: Nice fucking jokes jack ass. to bad I've heard all of them all ready. You SUCK.

: why did the blond have sqare boobs she forgot to take the tissues oyut of the box


: To blondes were going to Disneyland, the sign said left, so they went back home.

: what do you call a blond brunet, blonde brunet, blond brunet, a blond doing cartwheels.

: A seagull shit at a blonde the blonde said I'm glad I had my mouth open or that would have hit my face

: fdgf

: What do call a blonde with pigtails? A blowjob with handles.

: Q.There was a brunett, a blonde, and a red head. All of them was in the 2nd grade. Which one had a better body? A.The blonde of course, because she was "18"

: What does a bowling ball and a blonde have in common? You finger them both, throw them down the alley, and they both come back for more.

: Q:How can you tell if a blonde has been on a computer? A:There's white out on the screen

: Why was the blond so upset when she got her drivers license? She got a "F" in sex

: how do you know when a blond was on a computer? when theres white out on the screen What do call a blond with brain? Gifted

: How can you tell if a blonds been using your computer Theres twink on the screen 20 cents in the disk drive And a condom with saliva on the joy stick

: The Best of the Bimbo-Brunette Jokes by a Blonde... 1. What's black and blue and brown and laying in a ditch ? A brunette who's told too many blonde jokes. 2. What do you call going on a blind date with a brunette ? Brown-bagging it. 3. What's the real reason a brunette keeps her figure ? No one else wants it. 4. Why are so many blonde jokes one-liners ? So brunettes can remember them. 5. What do you call a brunette in a room full of blondes ? Invisible. 6. What is the difference between a brunette and garbage ? Garbage gets taken out at least once a week. 7. What's a brunette's mating call ? " Has the blonde left yet ? " 8. What did the brunette say after having sex ? " Are you guys all on the same team ? " 9. Why don't brunettes make good cattle ranchers ? Because they can't keep their calves together. 10. What do you do if a brunette throws a hand grenade at you ? Pull the pin and throw it back at her. 11. What goes screech-vroom, screech-vroom ? That's a brunette driving through a flashing red light. 12. What's the difference between a brunette and a 747 jet ? Some men have never been in a 747. 13. How does a brunette turn on the light after sex ? She opens the car door.

: Hi..I'm a natural blonde of IQ is 135. I do have more fun!! I'm not being concieted..its just the way it is..sorry. The thing that REALLY pisses me off is the way I am treated. I can't help the fact that I am a natural blonde..Everyone thinks I bleach my hair ( I don't) AND I have NO women friends..and thank God I'm married, (15 years) People basically treat me like SHIT..and I am very lonely. It's a myth that good looking people are happier. I take prozac just to get through the day because NO ONE takes me seriously *SOB* BEING A BLONDE HAS MADE MY LIFE HELL. I want to thank all of you for your racist, pathetic attitude...I KNOW what the African Americans have gone through in this SICK PATHETIC TWISTED COMPETATIVE SOCIETY

: What is the difference between a pretty brunette and a UFO? There have been sightings of UFOs. What do you call a basement full of brunettes? A whine cellar. What's the difference between a dead brunette and a dead skunk on the road? There are skid marks in front of the skunk. Where do all of the blonde jokes come from? Lonely brunettes that have nothing to do on weekends. How do you describe the perfect brunette? 3 feet tall and a flat head to rest your beer on. What's the mating call of a brunette? All the blondes have gone home! What's the difference between a brunette and a Porsche? You don't lend your Porsche to your friends! Why are dumb blonde jokes so short? So brunettes can remember them. What do you call a brunette surrounded by drooling idiots? Flattered. How many blondes does it take to do housework? NONE ... That's brunettes work! What do you call a brunette standing between two blondes? Wasted Space! What do brunettes and cow pies have in common? The older they get, the easier they are to pick up! What do you call a brunette wearing nothing but plastic wrap? Left Overs! Why did the brunette cross the road? Never mind, what is she doing out of the kitchen? Why do brunettes like their dark hair? It doesn't show dirt! How can you tell the color brunette is evil? You ever see a blonde witch? Why do brunettes like their hair? It matches their mustache. What do call a brunette doing a gum commercial? Double Dumb!! What is the official color of Poland? Brunette. Whats good about a brunette midget? She's only half as ugly! How do you describe a brunette who's phone rings on Saturday night? STARTLED! What do brunettes miss most about a party? The invitation. Why is it good to have a brunette passenger in your car? You can park in the handicap zone. What's the difference between a pit bull and a brunette with PMS? Lipstick. What kind of costumes do brunettes wear on Halloween? They just stand on their heads and go as dirty mops. Why do brunettes take the pill? Wishful thinking. What did the brunette say to her uninterested lover? What part of "yes" don't you understand? Why did God create brunettes? So ugly men wouldn't feel left out. What do you call a good looking man with a brunette? A hostage. How did Revlon come up with it's brunette hair color? By studying what oil spills do to seaweed. What's the difference between a brunette and the trash? The trash gets taken out at least once a week. Why can't brunette's tease their hair? Because it's not funny.

: 1.Q. Why do brunettes like their dark hair color? A. It doesn't show the dirt 2.Q. Who makes all the bras for brunettes? A. Fisher Price 3.Q. Why didn't Indians scalp brunettes? A. They discovered the hair from a buffalo's butt was much more manageable. 4.Q. Why are most brunettes flat chested? A. It makes it easier to read their T-shirt. 5.Q. Why are brunettes so proud of their hair? A. It matches their mustache. 6.Q. If blondes get fingers run through their hair, what runs through a brunettes' hair? A. Lice 7.Q. How can you tell the color brunette is evil? (hmmm!) A. You ever see a blonde witch? 8.Q. Is it true blondes have more fun? A. No, they have ALL the fun. 9.Q. How can you tell a brunette is lonely? A. Check her for a pulse. 10.Q. What is the most frustrated animal in the world? A. A brunette rabbit. 11.Q. Why do brunettes wear training bras? A. Because it's cheaper than changing their Band-Aids everyday. 12.Q. Why was the first football stadium sketched out on a brunette's chest? A. Because they needed a level playing field. 13.Q. Why did they quit selling brunette Barbie dolls? A. Parents felt the dandruff might be contagious. 14.Q. Why do brunettes sleep all night on their stomachs? A. Because they can. 15.Q. How do brunettes get the tangles out their hair? A. With a rake. 16.Q. What is the official color of Poland? A. Brunette 17.Q. How do you drowned a brunette fish? A. Just add water. 18.Q. What do you call brunette twins doing bubble gum commercials? A. Double dumb. 19.Q. What's so good about brunette midgets? A. They're only half as ugly. 20.Q. What would the photograph of a brunette say if it cout talk? A. Yes. 21.Q. What did the brunette say to the US Marine? A. Yes----350,000 times. 22.Q. Why did the brunette chicken cross the road? A. Because there were 14,000 roosters on the other side. 23.Q. What kind of costumes do little brunette kids wear on Halloween? A. They don't, they just stand on their heads and go as dirty mops. 24.Q. Why don't brunettes get breast implants? A. They already spent their money on thigh implants. 25.Q. What did the frustrated brunette say to her uninterested lover? A. "Just what part of the word yes' didn't you understand?" 26.Q. Why did God create brunettes? A. So ugly men wouldn't be left out. 27.Q. How can you spot a flock of brunette geese? A. They're the ones walking south for the winter. 28.Q. Where do you find a brunette bat? A. Laying dazed on the ground next to the side of a barn. 29.Q. What do brunettes miss most about a great party? A. The invitation. 30.Q. Where do brunettes get their black hair? A. It's transplanted from their underarms. 31.Q. How do you tell a brunette you're not interested? A. It ain't hard. 32.Q. Why do brunettes have to pay an extra $2,000 for a boob job? A. Because the plastic surgeon has to start from scratch. 33.Q. What do many brunettes wear on their face that matches their hair? A. Warts. 34.Q. What does a brunette look for all her life and then just dies when she finds one? A. A gray hair. 35.Q. How do you describe a brunette who's phone rings on Saturday night? A. Startled 36.Q. What do you call a good-looking man with a brunette? A. A hostage 37.Q. Why did God create brunettes? A. Because he screwed up and created the "old maid" category first. 38.Q. Why do brunettes put ice in their nose before they go to work? A. So their lunch won't spoil. 39.Q. How did Revlon come up with it's brunette hair color? A. By studying what oil spills did to seaweed. 40.Q. Why can't brunettes tease' their hair? A. Because it's not funny. 41.Q. How can a brunette get lost in a crowd of three? A. It's easy... if one third of the crowd is blonde. 42.Q. What's the difference between a brunette and the trash? A. At least the trash gets taken out once a week.

: how do you know you got a dumb blonde as yo seceratary: tipex on the computer screen.

: I am BILL CLINTON and I think these jokes are rasist you fucking bitch mother fucker there are allready F. B. I after you, and you will rot in hell

: don't blame bill his mother his mother is a dumb blonde, thats where he gets it from.

: Hvorfor liker ikke blondiner blondinevitser? Fordi de ikke skjønner dem

: Why doesn't blondes like blonde jokes? They dont get them

: A brunette, a redhead, and a blonde were all facing a firing squad to be put to death. The executioner asked the brunette if she had any last requests. The brunette replied "No." The exectioner said "Ready, aim..." and the brunette shouted "tornado!" Everyone was distracted, and she escaped. The executioner turned and asked the redhead if she had any last requests. She said "No." The executioner shouted "Ready, aim..." and the redhead shouted "tidal wave!" All the soldiers looked around and she escaped. The blonde noted how her friends had escaped and had the figured out the perfect distraction. When asked if she had any last requests, the blonde answered "No." The executioner shouted "Ready, aim..." and the blonde shouted "Fire!"

: A blonde hard up for money decided to kidnap a little kid and ask for ransom. So, she went to the playground and took a little boy aside. She told the boy "I've kidnapped you," then sent him home with a note pinned to his shirt saying that she had kidnapped him and wanted $10,000 to be placed under a tree in order to get their child back safely and signed it "A Blonde". She went back the next day, and, sure

: why do blondes have a sore belly button? answer: because her boy friend is blonde to

: Q - How do you get four blonds on a barstool? A - Turn it upside down. Q - How do you get thme off? A - Shake it gently.

: Q: What do you say to a blonde bitch with two black eyes? A: Nothing you done told her twice!

: The blonde reported for her University final examination, which consists of "yes/no" type questions. She takes her seat in the examination hall, stares at the question paper for five minutes, and then in a fit of inspiration takes her purse out, removes a coin and starts tossing the coin and marking the answer sheet - Yes for Heads and No for Tails. Within half an hour she is all done whereas the rest of the class is sweating it out. During the last few minutes, she is seen desperately throwing the coin, swearing and sweating. The moderator, alarmed, approaches her and asks what is going on. "I finished the exam in half and hour. But, she says, I am rechecking my answers."

: Q.why is a guy so smart when he is having sex? A. because he is pluged in to a genise.

: how do you tell a blond from a mosquito? When you slap a mosquito it stops sucking

: How do you tell a blond from a screen door????? I reall don't Know you tell me!!!!

: what do you call a smart blond? A golden retreiver!!

: There was a blonde waitress that had just come out of the bathroom. She went to go take these hot guys orders who were sitting in the corner at a small table. She went to grab the pencil behind her ear to write their order and grabbed a tampon instead! wonder what happened to the pencil.

: why are blondes coffins shaped in a Y?? Because when they lay down, their legs atomaticly open!!!

: Why don't the blondes in San Francisco where skirts? Their balls will get cold.

: Two Burnettes and A Blonde were in a car the blonde couldn't pronounce the burnettes name which were Harrnina & Dicka well anyway on the radio it said a magical cliff say what you want to be and jump off Harnina said fish and thats what she was Dicka said cow that was what she was the Blonde was drunk so she said Harry Dick are you Okay Harry,Dick she jumped off and turned into a Harry Dick

: What is the differance betwen a blonde and a niger they are both dumb as hell

: A blonde and a brunette were traveling by train from New York to Chicago. The brunette got involved in a card game and asked the blonde if she would get her some water. The blonde returned with a glass of water. This went on for forty five minutes and finally the blonde came back with an empty glass the brunette asked her were was the water, she replied that somebody was sitting on the well.

: Hva kalles en blodine som kan sex!! en nykommer

: what do call a bunch blondes standing in a cricle? a wind tounle

: There were three blond's traped on a island with a geenie.They had three wishes all together,the first wish she was 15% smarter and she swam to shore the seconed wished she was 30% smarter and took a boat across to shore,the third blond wished she was 50% smarter and turned into a guy and took the bridge across

: Do you know a way to kill a dum blode? But a scatch and sniff sticker out the bottom of a pool

: A brunette was jumping up and down on some train tracks saying "21 21 21 21...." and a blond saw her and thought it look fun so she started to jump up and down with the brunette and they both chanted "21 21 21 21..." When the brunette heard the train coming she jumped off just as the blond was splattered. then the brunette resumed jumping but now she said "22 22 22 22..." That one is for you Culver, you know who you are. Dan

: how do you drown a blonde? put a scratch and sniff at the bottom of the pool

: why is it so hard for a surgeon to give a blonde a breast implant???? cause they have to start over from scratch!!!!!!

: Every day there was a blonde that always wore headphones, she never took them off, not even to get in the shower. one day she went to get her haircut and the barber said, OK, you have to take those things off so I can cut your hair. She kept saying no I have to leave them on. So he washed around them and right in the middle of the washing someone called him and when he got back he saw that the headphones hadd fallen off. He looked at the girl and saw that she was dead. He said to himself well I guess since they fell off I guess it wouldn't hurt to see what was so important about them. He put them on and all he heard was a voice saying inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, ect........

: these jokes are bunny, but some are stupin!!!!!!

: The Runaways ============ This brunette and blonde came out of their house and got into their car. The brunette sits on the driver side and the blonde sits on the passenger side. "If you see any cops around tell, me." said the brunette. The blonde agreed. Then the brunette asked, "Is there any police around?" The blonde says "yes" "Are they close?" the brunette asked. "Yes" replied the blonde. "Are their lights on?" "Yes" "no" "yes" "no" "yes"

: why does a blonde where hoped earings answer:she has to have somewhere to put her ankles


: There was once a blonde who went to the doctor's office with a hole in her hand. The doctor asked what happened and she said she was trying to commit suaside and put her gun over her ear, then she put her other hand on her other ear so the noise wouldn't be as loud, she shot the gun and ended up with ahole in her hand

: it doesn't make us blondes feel very good when you ''people'' always make fun of us! well have you ever herd a brunett joke? i have, wanna hear one? Q. what is black,blue,& brown & laying in a ditch? A. a brunett who has told way to many blonde jokes! so please leave us ''blondes'' out of your conversations, and jokes!

: it doesn't make us blondes feel very good when you ''people'' always make fun of us! well have you ever herd a brunett joke? i have, wanna hear one? Q. what is black,blue,& brown & laying in a ditch? A. a brunett who has told way to many blonde jokes! so please leave us ''blondes'' out of your conversations, and jokes!

: Why are blondes' coffins triangular shaped? Because as soon as their head hits the pillow, thier legs spread open.

: how can you tell a blonds been on the computer???? that joysticks wet!!

: how can you keep a blond ammused for hours?? give them a piece of paper that says turn over on both sides.!!

: what do you do when a blond throws a pin a t you??? run the grenade in her mouth is gonna blow up!!!LOL,,,by chrysta callcott

: Why did the blon climb the glass wall? To see what was on the other side.

: how do you confuse a blond? put her in a round room and tell her to pee in the corner

: there was a burnette a red head and a blond in 4th grade .who had bigger boobs?....... the blond she was 35.(haha)


: Why was the blonde's bellybutton sore after having sex? Her boyfriend was blonde too.

: Q; how do you know blondes bin in a frige. A: theres a condom on the cumber

: How do you know a dumb blond made chocolate chip cookies? There are smarties shells in the garbage!

: How do you know a blond was on your computer? The "Joystick" is humid.

: What do you call a blond with big teeth? A sucumsiser

: what does Santa Claus and a smart blonde have in common? Nothing, the both don't exist ha ha ha.

: How many times does a blonde laugh at a joke? 3 times: once when you tell it second time when you explain it three when she gets it

: what do you do if a blonde throws a gernade at you: Pick it up pull the pen and throw it back...

: Hva er en flue som flyr rundt hodet på en blondine ??? LOST IN SPACE !!

: How do you keep a Blonde occupied? You write "turn over on the front and back side of a paper and hand it to the Blonde

: Lost in snowstorm : A blonde got lost in her car in a snowstorm. She remembered what her dad had once told her. "If you ever get stuck in a snow storm, wait for a snow plow and follow it." Pretty soon a snowplow came by, and she started to follow it. She followed the plow for about 45 minutes. Finally the driver of the truck got out and asked her what she was doing. She explained that her dad had told her if she ever got stuck in the snow, to follow a snowplow. The driver nodded and said, "Well, I'm done with the Wal-Mart parking lot, so now you can follow me over to K-Mart."

: Q:How do you kill a blonde? A:Put spikes on her shoulders and ask her a question.

: Q:how do you kill a blonde? A:Put a scratch-and-sniff at the bottom of a pool.

: Q. What goes blonde, brunete, blond, brunete. A. A blonde during cartwheels.

: Q. What is a blondes idea of safe sex? A. Locking the car doors.

: Q. What does a blonde say after having sex? A. Do you guys play for the Green Bay Packers

: Q. Why can't a blonde always here you? A.Because they have a dick stuck in their mouths.

: who is a gay that dose not now what a girl is? Nathen

: We now a little boy who is afraid of human bodies. His name is Andrew W. He likes to rub his ****!

: What's the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a blond- a vacuum cleaner stops sucking when its turned off

: Why do skunks stink? because you make him mad

: Why cant Elephants be ballets? because they would look silly with tutu's

: What did the man say to his comb? I will never have to use you again

: Why do pigs bathe in mud? they have no place to bathe in

: there was a girl walking sh ewas a blond then this girl was sitting down and was saying that blonds are shit the other girl said thats not true but then the blond was walking and shit was coming out so then the girl said they are some shit heads.hahahahah

: how do you get a one armed blond owt of a tree? wave

: A blonde and a redhead are in a elevator when they noticed a spot on the wall. The redhead moves toward the spot and smells it "yup it's a cum stain" the blonde goes over and tastes it "your right it's a cum stain, but it's no one from this building!"

: BLONDE SEX MANUAL "in,out,repeat"

: Why do Blondes have triangular coffins?? When their head hits the pillow their legs spread!

: There were 4 blondes in a car going to Disney land. When they were finally almost there they saw a sign that said "Disney land left" so they turned around and went home

: What does an intelligent blonde and a u.f.o have in common? You often hear about them but you never see one.

: whats a blond in the front seat of a car? an air bag

: Two blondes were walking in a forest when they came upon a pair of tracks. The first one said "Look at the moose tracks" but the second one said "Those are deer tracks". "Moose tracks." "Deer tracks," They were still arguing when the train hit them.

: A blonde was recently hired at the office. Her first task was to go out for coffee. Eager to prove her worth to her new bosses, she grabbed a large thermos and hurried to the nearby coffee shop. She held up the thermos so that the counterman could view it, and she asked, "Is this big enough to hold six cups of coffee?" The counterman looked at the thermos and replied, "Yes. It looks like about six cups to me." "Oh good!" the blonde sighed in relief. "Give me three regular, one black, and two decaf."

: The're was a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead that were running from the cops and so they jumped in to 3 bags the first cop listens inside to see if anyone was inside and the brunett says meoww the redhead says ruff and the blonde says patato patato

: whats the diference between a smart blonde and bigfoot?answer:bigfoot has been seen before

: a blonde told her friend that she thought that something was wrong with her left turning she tells her friend"can you get down and go see if the signal works? "yea, its, wait, its not..yeah its, its not...

: why do blondes wear panties? to keep there ankles warm

: to all the blondes who come here, we arent holding anything against you, there just jokes

: in the class, the teacher says to her students:ok class, i want you to tell me what happens when your in bed at night" and one kid says:i see scary shadows"and another kid says:i feel something under my bed.and one kid says:i hear my dad trying to save my mom from going to heaven" and the teacher says:what?!explain yourself"and he says:i hear my dad trying as hard as he can, cuz i even hear my mom saying"OH GOD!IM CUMING!"

: This blonde decides one day that she is sick and tired of all the blonde jokes and how all blondes are perceived as stupid, so she decides to show her husband that blondes really are smart. While her husband is off at work, she decides that she is going to paint a couple of rooms in the house. The next day, right after her husband leaves for work, she gets down to the task at hand. Her husband arrives home at 5:30 and smells the distinctive smell of paint. He walks into the living room and finds his wife lying on the floor in a pool of sweat. He notices that she is wearing a ski jacket and a fur coat at the same time. He goes over and asks her if she is OK. She replies yes. He asks what she is doing. She replies that she wanted to prove to him that not all blonde women are dumb and she wanted to do it by painting the house. He then asks her why she has a ski jacket and a fur coat on. She replies that she was reading the directions on the paint can and they said, FOR BEST RESULTS, PUT ON TWO COATS.

: there was a blode girl and she ressed up in a horse outfit and had horse boots on and was riding a horse she riding and riding and she started to fall off the horse so she kept holding on even though she was on the side of the horse untill the wallmart manager came out and had to pull the plug out of the play horse

: A.why was helen keller arested on lude conduct charges . Q. for lip reading in the girls locker room.

: unable to find a baby sitter mr. and mrs. jones called the old mr. smith next door he said he would be glad to do it so the parents left sally and mr. smith so mr. smith said sally do you want to play with my pupet sure sally said he pulled out his dick and said if you kiss it it will grow ok she said . later that night mr. and mrs. jones came home to find police and an ambulance there they ran up to sally and said what happend "well we were playing with his pupet and i kept kissin and kissin it and it was gettin bigger and bigger but then it spit in my mouth so i got mad and bitt its head off

: why was the boy kicked out of girl scouts . for eating "BROWNIES".

: A bloude an a red head jumped off a bridge. Who hit ground first? The red head, the bloude had to stop and ask for directions.

: what do you do when a blond throws a gernade at you? pull the pin out and throw it back

: Q: Why can't you teach a blond to waterski? A: Cause everytime her pussy gets wet she lays on her back.

: How do you keep a blond busy? put her in a round room and tell her to find the corner

: Why did the blonde jump off the bridge? She thought her pad had wings!!

: What is a blonde with more than one brain cell? Pregnant.

: How many times does a blonde laugh at a joke? 3 times: once when you tell it second time when you explain it three when she gets it

: A blonde, a red head, and a brunet, could bring one thing in the desert. The red head brought a watermelon which is good because of the juice. The brunet brought a canteen of water which is good because it is water. The blonde brought a car door. The brunet and the red head asked why she brought the car door. She said " I brought it because if i get hot i can roll down the window.

: What does a blonde call brown hair dye? Artificial intelligence

: Whats the samething about a blond and a turtal? when there on there backs there both screwed

: What does a blonde call brown hair dye? Artificial intelligence - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-10-20T01:22:17-CEST

: hi - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-11-03T03:18:04-CET

: Q:how does a blonde kill a fish A:she drounds it - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-11-03T03:19:50-CET

: Q:how does a blonde kill a bird A:she throws it off a cliff - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-11-03T03:27:43-CET

: butt - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-11-03T03:28:34-CET

: what does a blonde do when she sees a lion a:she runs after it - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-11-03T03:31:45-CET

: How do you know when a blonde has been using your computor?? There is white out on the screen - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-11-04T18:13:47-CET

: What do you call a zit on a blonde's butt? A brain tumer - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-11-07T00:34:19-CET

: where can you find a black hair on a blond? answer: in her mouth. what does a blond do when she gets up in the morning? answer: goes home - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-11-09T19:41:01-CET

: Q:What do you call a blond with piggy tales? A:A blowjob with handle bars. - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-11-13T03:19:38-CET

: Q: Why do blonds prefer sun roofs? A: More leg room Shane & Josh Elizabeth CO - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-11-13T03:30:30-CET

: Q:What do you do when a blonde throws a pin at you? A:RUN! She's got a gernade in her mouth! - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-11-23T17:46:48-CET

: What do you do if a blonde throughs a grenade at you? Pull the pin and through it back - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-12-01T00:41:28-CET

: Hiyas All I Know This Is A Blonde sIte And I Can't Find the Pretty Pics,were are they? - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-12-02T02:54:12-CET

: only blond boy are stuiped they have a brain the size of dust heres my joke mom tell me were baby come from i will tell you when you trun 34 but they relly come out from the poop mom - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-12-08T02:15:28-CET

: only blond boy are stuiped they have a brain the size of dust heres my joke mom tell me were baby come from i will tell you when you trun 34 but they relly come out from the poop mom - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-12-08T02:26:10-CET

: there was this male in a bar he saw a cat fly over his head and said iam going to shot me one he takes a ax and shoot but didnt work so he pulled down his pants and shotwith his dick and aimed and shot and then he fall to the ground and a whole groups of blonds came by and said what a stuiped blond male arent they all even the ones who aint - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-12-08T02:33:17-CET

: Dan, I love you and I miss you a whole lot. - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-12-10T02:37:06-CET


: siden er noko forbanna drit pule gjer jau alle uten om blodiner - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-12-20T13:15:53-CET

: First in Space ============== A Russian, an American, and a Blonde were talking one day. The Russian said, "We were the first in space!" The American said, "We were the first on the moon!" The Blonde said, "So what, we're going to be the first on the sun!" The Russian and the American looked at each other and shook their heads. "You can't land on the sun, you idiot! You'll burn up!" said the Russian. To which the Blonde replied, "We're not stupid, you know. we're going at night!" - This Joke was added from by () at 1999-12-29T11:45:35-CET

: why did the blounde clam the class wall to see what on the other side - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-01-03T23:14:48-CET

: what does a bolnd laddie day to the older bold laddie.a/do u want to have a blojob. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-01-04T03:24:37-CET

: Q,what does a deer and a blond have in commin?A,they are both haveing sex in a cornfield gey it they both come to the cornfield. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-01-04T03:36:35-CET

: do u know how to kill a dumb blond? u put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-01-06T23:47:04-CET

: A blonde walks into a convenient store and puts money in a soda machine. A soda comes out so she puts in more money. A guy comes over and says " Can I get in here?" And she says," No! I'm winning!" - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-01-16T00:38:13-CET


: Tis is the gayest fuckin sight i've ever seen, i'm blonde and i don't act any thing like that! the only reason people have blonde jokes is because their jealous! The only real "dumb blondes" are the ones who dye their hair blonde! So fuck off! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-01-22T01:22:09-CET

: What do you call a brunette sitting between two blondes? - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-01-26T04:33:22-CET

: What do you call a brunnette sitting between two blondes? A Translator! M.B. TN - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-01-26T04:35:38-CET

: do you know why blondes where tite skirts ?to keep there legs closed! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-01-26T12:57:04-CET

: She had to be a blonde.... ========================== A guy took his girlfriend to her first football game. Afterward he asked her how she like the game. "I liked it, but I couldn't understand why they were killing each other for 25 cents," she said. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Well, everyone kept yelling, 'Get the quater back!'" - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-01-31T17:49:58-CET

: Q: Why do blondes have see-through lunch box lids? A: So that when they're on the subway train they can tell if they're going to work or coming home. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-02T18:35:23-CET

: Vet du hva en blondine sier når du blåser henne i øret. -Takk for påfyllet. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-07T15:10:30-CET

: What's brown, black, blue, and in a ditch? A brunette who has told too many dumb blonde jokes. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-10T00:51:01-CET

: why are blondes so lazy? They don't do dick so they always eat out have u heard of the new paint called blonde? Its not very bright but it spreads easily! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-12T01:16:45-CET

: A brunette, redhead and blonde went to a fitness spa for some fun and relaxation. After a stimulating, healthy lunch, all three decided to visit the ladies room. There they found a strange-looking woman sitting at the door's entrance. "Welcome to the ladies room," she said. "Be sure to check out our newest feature - a mirror which will award you one wish if you look into it and make a truthful statement. But, be warned, if you say something false you'll be sucked into the mirror and you'll live in a void of nothingness for all eternity!" The three women were intrigued so they gave it a shot. The brunette looked into the mirror and said, "I think I'm the most beautiful of us three girls." Instantly, the brunette was surrounded by a pile of money. The redhead stepped up and said, "I think I'm the most talented of us three girls. Suddenly, the red head found the keys to a brand new Mercedes in her hands. Excited about the possibility of having her wish come true, the blonde looked into the mirror and said, "I think..." and was promptly sucked into the mirror. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-13T22:53:39-CET

: the dumb blond called a child over from behind a tree in the park and pined a note to his shirt and it said RAMSOME $500,000. THE NEXT DAY THERE WAS A BAG WITH $500,000 AND IN THE BOTEM OF THE BAG THERE WAS A NOTE AND SAID "WHY WOULD ONE BLOND DO THIS TO A NOTHER BLOND - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-13T23:40:32-CET


: THE BLONDE WAS SO DUNB THAT CHARTER CALLED HER - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-13T23:48:39-CET

: HOW DOES A BLONDE GET BROWN HAIR STICK HER HAIR IN A PILE OF CRAP - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-13T23:56:16-CET

: what do you call two blond's in a canou furtraders - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-14T04:41:29-CET

: what does a blond say after 3 years of universaty ---- hello welcome to mcdonalds - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-14T04:45:57-CET

: how do you get a blond in your car --- tell here you have revlving sets - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-14T04:53:17-CET

: what does a blounde say when you blow in her ear? answer:thanks-for the refill - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-16T17:36:48-CET

: what do you do if a blonde throws a granade at you? pull the pin and throw it back - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-17T05:03:37-CET

: Q:what do you do if a blonde throws a granade at you? A:pull the pin and throw it back - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-17T05:08:46-CET

: Q:how can you tell if a blond has been using a computer? A:theres white-out on the screen. Q:how can you tell if another blonds been useing the computer? A:theres writeing over the white-out. Q:how can you tell if another blond has been useing the computer? A:the stick shifts wet!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-18T09:58:20-CET

: Det var blonde Britt som ringte til Kjell: Britt: "kan du komme bort til meg en tur og hjelpe meg med et puslespill jeg har kjøpt, jeg får ikke brikkene på plass" Kjell: "hva slags motiv er det som skal pusles ?" Britt: " det er visst en hane det skal bli" Kjell var en grei kar og var ganske klar for Britt så han dro over en tur: Kjell : "hei Britt hvor har du puslespillet hen ?" Britt: "Det ligger inne på kjøkkenbordet" Kjell: " Britt har du vært og kjøpt Cornflakes" - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-19T14:40:39-CET

: Vet du hvorfor det står 17 blondinner utenfor discoteket ? Du må være 18 for og komme inn. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-19T14:41:39-CET

: Why are blonds boobs square? Because she forgot to take the kleenex box out. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-19T17:32:50-CET

: why did the blonde die when she was in the pool? she saw a scratch and sniff at the bottom of the pool and sniffed it - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-20T03:28:24-CET

: Why do blonds wear panties? Good ankle warmers! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-21T18:24:06-CET

: these jokes are cool. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-21T21:57:02-CET

: turtles and blonds are the same turn them over and their both fucked - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-22T21:30:31-CET

: why did the jelly bean go to school? becuase it wanted to be a smartie - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-24T10:48:05-CET

: A blond and a lawer were sitting next to eachother on a airplane. The lawer kept asking her "Please play a game?" She kept saying "No!" Finally she accepted. He said "This is how you play:First I ask you a question and if you don't know it you give me five dollars. Then you ask me a question and if I don't know it I give you fifty dollars." The blond agreed to play because she thought it would be an easy way to make money. He asked her " How many miles are between the earth and the sun?" She didn't know so immediatly gave him five dollars. Then she asked him "wWhat goes up a hill with four legs and comes down with fur?" He thought of everything ,but then gave up and said "I don't know, what goes up a hill with four legs and goes down with fur?" Then the blondie pulled out five dollars from her purse and handd it to the man. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-26T23:08:44-CET

: a black hole - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-28T16:47:07-CET

: what did the blonde say when she look at a box of cheeroios donut seeds - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-28T16:52:29-CET

: 1)WHAT DO YOU CALL A BLONDE WITH PIG TALES (A bLOW jOB WITH HANDLES) 2)HOW DO YOU DROUND A bLONDE (STICK A SCREACH A SNIF STICKER ON THE BOTTOM OF A POOL) 3)How do you entertain a blonde ( put her in a round room and tell her to find the corner - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-29T02:50:55-CET

: Q:what is a blond with haff a brain answer:gifted - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-29T21:09:11-CET

: what is a blond with haff a brain??A:gifted - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-02-29T21:22:52-CET

: a blond and a redhead are on opposite sides of a river, the redhead yells across to the blond "How do you get to the other side?" Duh says the blond you're already there! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-02T00:05:37-CET

: what did the blonde say when she walked into the post? A- ouch - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-02T01:10:41-CET

: your mean - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-02T04:52:41-CET

: what did blonds ever do to you? that you have to write this. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-02T04:59:39-CET

: Q: WHAT DID THE BLOND SAY WHEN SHE LOOKED INTO A BOX OF CHEERIOS? A: OH, DONUT SEEDS! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-05T17:58:18-CET

: q.what do you call two dumb blondes in a freezer? a. frosted flakes. q.what do u see when you look in a blondes eye? a. the back of there head - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-08T22:34:45-CET

: a blonde walk into a store and said and ask if she could bye a T.V. the guy said we dont sell T.V's to blondes. So the next day she died her hair red and went in the store again. She said can i buy this tv the guy said we dont sell tvs to blondes she said how do you know i am a blonde the guy said this is not a tv it is microwave!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-10T01:35:36-CET

: What do you Get when you put a dallor on a blonds head? -- all you can eat for under a dallor-- - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-10T21:11:19-CET

: what do you get when you cross a two ton hore wiht a elephant? A two ton $&*#ing hore - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-16T00:09:52-CET

: why did the blonde get kicked out of the M and M candy store? because she threw out all the W - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-21T18:21:55-CET

: yo mamma so fat whin she fell over , she rocked herself to slep trying to get back up . - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-22T02:53:14-CET

: A thirteen year old boy was talking to his father about the birds and the bees. His father said son with will be a while yet so just go out in the back yard and practice on the knot hole in the tree. This went on for several years. Finally on his sixteenth birthday his dad took him to a well known local whore house. He motions his son to follow one of the girls upstairs. About 15min pass all the sudden a scream comes from upstairs. Everyone runs upstairs and the dad flys through the door. There's his son standing there with a broom stick in his hand. " What are you doing son?" The son says with a smile on his face, " Checking for Squarles!" LOL pusingita - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-23T01:18:48-CET

: why is it good to drive with a blonde in the passenger seat? so u caan park in the handicaapped zone - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-28T17:31:27-CEST

: A blonde & brunette are in an elevator. On the third floor a man gets on who's a perfect 10; 3-piece suit, great build with a nice butt. Unfortunately, they both noticed he has really bad dandruff. The man gets off on the 5th floor. Once the doors close the brunette turns to the blonde and says, "Someone should give him Head & Shoulders." To which the blonde replies, "How do you give 'Shoulders?" - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-29T04:42:31-CEST

: Hvorfor spiser ikke haier negere? - De tror det er hvalbæsj! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-29T11:13:50-CEST

: What did the blond do when her boyfriend was having a seizure in the bath tub? she threw in a load of laundry. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-29T19:18:31-CEST

: where are some good places to visit for night life / entertainment in Incirlik or Adana? -- - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-29T20:38:03-CEST

: Magic Mirror There was a magical mirror in New York City Museum. It's magical because if you say a statement that is false you vanish, and if you say a statement that is true you get rihes. One day a fat bunette went up to the mirror and said,"I think I'm the most prettiset woman in the world!"and she vanished. Then a skinny bunette went up to the mirror and said,"I think I'm the most prettiset woman in the world!"and she vanished. Then a blode went up to the mirror and said,"I think..!"and she vanished. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-29T21:48:04-CEST

: Q: Why did the blode scale the chain-linked fence?A:To see what was on the other side. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-03-29T21:51:30-CEST

: WHY CAN'T A BLOND PASS HER DRIVING TEST? WHEN THE CAR STOPS SHE JUMPS IN THE BACKSEAT. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-04-04T17:36:50-CEST

: What did the bloude say when she looked in the box of Cheerois? "Look doughnut seeds!" She was so bloude that..... She thought a quartor back was a refund. If she spoke her mind she'd be speakless. What is the definion of "eternity"? Four bloudes at a four way stop. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-04-10T14:39:03-CEST

: - Do you know why norwegians can`t drive a car? - no why?! - cause they`re stupid! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-04-12T14:39:14-CEST

: how do u kill a blond?u put a scratch-and-sniff sticker on the botteem of a pool. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-04-13T00:52:36-CEST

: how does a blond turn on a light after having sex? she opens the car door - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-04-14T02:36:34-CEST

: What's the difference between crotchless panties and a radar trap? At least with crotchless panties you can see the CUNT! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-04-16T02:36:51-CEST

: Q)why do blondes wear green lipstick? A)cuz red means stop..... - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-04-21T16:06:01-CEST

: A bolde and a brunette were jumping out of a plain. Which one would hit the groung first? The brunette would because the blonde had to stop and ask which why to go - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-04-24T18:07:08-CEST

: how do you keep a blounde ocupied put it in a round room and tell her to find the corner - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-04-25T05:59:18-CEST

: Q:Why was the blonde fired from the M&M factory?A:She kept on eating the ons that had a "W" on it. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-04-25T21:21:03-CEST

: Q:Why was the blonde fired from the M&M factory?A:She kept on eating the ons that had a "W" on it. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-04-25T21:21:21-CEST

: Q:WHY DID THE BLOND SNIFF NUTRA SWEET A:SHE THOUGHT IT WAS DIET "COKE" - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-04-27T03:07:44-CEST

: Q:What do you do if a blond throws a garnade at you. A:Pull the pin and throw it back. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-04-27T03:13:20-CEST

: Did you that Britney Spears is so stupid that she got locked in a furniture store and slept on the floor. Ha!Ha!Ha! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-04-29T05:30:59-CEST

: What do you call blonds in a cabinet?A licker cabinet - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-05-05T20:12:02-CEST

: Ok, Here is one coming From a blond! There was a bunch of blonds and a red head. They were alkl climbing up a mountian and the rope they were Climbing up with started to break, so the red head said" One of us need to let go and die so the rest can live", No one let go, So the red head told a heart felt story about how she was going to let go so the blonds can live,"The Blonds Claped". - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-05-07T06:55:30-CEST

: There are four people sitting at a table and a check for $4,000,000 there is a smart blond dumb blond the easter bunny and santa. Who gets the check? The dumb blond because the others don't exist. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-05-09T05:03:13-CEST

: What is a blond with two brains? Pregnet!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-05-09T05:04:00-CEST

: What is a blond with two brains? Pregnet!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-05-09T05:04:07-CEST

: What is a blond with two brains? Pregnet!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-05-09T05:04:09-CEST

: there are two blonds walking and they see tracks and one says I think these are moose tracks and the other says no these are dog tracks and as they are fighting a train hits them. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-05-09T05:06:40-CEST

: how do blondes smoke ? in hot weather - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-05-10T15:16:36-CEST

: you are all gay puffs and blonde jokes are out of style - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-05-10T15:18:51-CEST

: VISDOMSORD:Jeg stoler absolutt ikke på en blondine som bor alene -og har banan i hus. A swedish terrorist burned his lips so badly yesterday.He tried to blow up a car... What are you thinking on now? The same as you..AND YOU? Hva kaller man tre homser i kø foran pissoaret? ..Tandemknull... - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-05-17T16:26:37-CEST

: How can you tell a blnd has ben on a computer? The joy stick is wet. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-05-23T23:28:27-CEST

: How can you tell a blnd has ben on a computer? The joy stick is wet. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-05-23T23:28:37-CEST

: how do you confuse a blond? put her in a round room and tell her to pee in a corner. how does a blond confuse you? She tells you she did. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-05-23T23:30:17-CEST

: Vet du hvorfor blondiner heller vann på PC`c ? For å kunne surfe på internett. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-05-25T10:12:30-CEST

: Q: WHAT IS A FLY IN A BLONDS HAIR A: A SPACE INVADE - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-05-25T21:32:36-CEST

: A blond opened a new pizza place up she called it pizza slut - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-05-27T22:03:21-CEST

: how do you dround a blond?put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of pool!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-05-31T21:09:13-CEST

: Man with itchy butt wakes up with smelly fingers - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-06-07T15:02:28-CEST

: Why are there allways 17 blonds outside every club? Because they have to be 18 to get in! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-06-09T14:48:10-CEST

: why did the blonde jump off the cliff she forgot her maxipad didnt have wings - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-06-12T17:18:00-CEST

: 80,000 blondes meet in the Kansas City Chiefs Stadium for a "Blondes Are Not Stupid Convention." The leader says, "We are all here today to prove to the world that blondes are not stupid. Can I have a volunteer?" A blonde steps up. The leader asks her, "What is 15 plus 15?" After 15 or 20 seconds she says, "Eighteen." Obviously everyone is a little disappointed. Then 80,000 blondes start cheering, "Give her another chance, give her another chance." The leader says, "Well since we've gone to the trouble of getting 80,000 of you and the worldwide press here, I guess we can give her another chance." So he asks, "What is 5 plus 5?" After nearly 30 seconds she eventually says, Ninety?" The leader is quite perplexed and sighs - everyone is disheartened, the blonde starts crying and the 80,000 girls begin to yell and wave their hands shouting, "Give her another chance, give her another chance." The leader, unsure whether or not he is doing more harm than damage, eventually says, "OK!, one more chance. "What is 2 plus 2?" The girl closes her eyes and after a whole minute eventually says, "Four. "Through out the stadium 80,000 girls jump to their feet, wave their arms, stomp their feet and scream, "Give her another chance, give her another chance!" - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-06-13T22:14:56-CEST

: why did the blode die driking milk??? solution:the cow sat down!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-06-14T19:55:28-CEST

: Does this mean the web-master is blonde? ("joke's" with an apostrophe is possessive, not plural, and, Here 'are' (plural) all the jokes:, not, here 'is' (singular) all the jokes:) Got to believe him when he says he doesn't edit. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-06-16T02:57:56-CEST

: How do you know if a blonde's been in your refridgerator? The cucumbers have lipstick on them. Why do Blonde's wear hoop earings? So they have a place to rest their ankles Why don't girls wear skirts in l.a.? Because their balls show - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-06-22T18:12:35-CEST

: how do you know if a blond has been using a computer? there's white out on the screen... - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-06-23T02:07:34-CEST

: how does a blond try to kill a bird?she throws it off a cliff - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-06-23T15:47:37-CEST

: one day there was this mother and her child walking through the park and the boy says mommy what are they doing oh there just making cupcakes so the next day they go to there grammas and grampas and the boy says to his mom mommy what are they doing oh there just making cupcakes so the next morning the boy says to his mother mom whore you and daddy making cupcakes lastnight and the mother goes how did you know i licked the white iceing off the couch. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-06-25T00:47:41-CEST

: What pisses me off the most is when people don't tell blonde jokes the right way. You people sound like a bunch of blondes yourself because you sound damn stupid when you don't know how to say them. And another thing, I see so many damn repeats in this list. I guess you people aren't bright enough to think of your own jokes. You have to steal someone elses. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-06-30T21:25:06-CEST

: Q:what do you call a blonde standing on her head? A:A brunette with bad breath - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-07-05T22:22:18-CEST

: if a blonde and a brunette jumped off a building, who would land first ? the brunette, the blonde would stop and ask for directions - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-07-06T01:40:16-CEST

: you are ass hole - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-07-07T03:35:20-CEST

: how do you know has been on the computer? There is white out on the screen - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-07-08T20:37:38-CEST

: Why don't blondies take showers? they want to keep all the dirt in their hair so they don't look blond - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-07-12T21:51:13-CEST

: did you hear about the blond rapeiste that ties your legs together so you cant escape. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-07-15T22:50:44-CEST

: Q: WHY DID THE BLOND HAVE A SOAR BELLY BUTTON? A: COZ SHE HAD A BLOND BOYFRIEND !!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-07-16T11:01:36-CEST

: What does a blonde and a turtle have in commen? there both fucked when there on there backs - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-07-27T10:22:52-CEST

: if a blond and a bernet jump off of a building who would land first? the bernet cause the blond would have to ask for directions. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-07-28T02:02:56-CEST

: why do blonds suck so much?cause there used to - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-07-28T02:06:05-CEST

: 1) Why do blondes have square boobs? They forgot to take the tissue out of the box. 2)Theres a blonde speeding down the highway w/ headphones on, when a cop pulls her over.And she's still listening to her headphones, the cop asks the Blonde to please take off her headphones, the blonde doesn't listen. So the cop decides to take the headphones off but when he does the blonde falls dead onto the steering wheel. The cop thinks omigod what did I do?? Then he puts on the headphones to see what the Blonde was listening to and when he puts the headphones on he hears a voice saying "Breath in, Breath out" - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-07-31T19:08:15-CEST

: Q. How do you know if a blond has been using the computer? A. The joy stick is wet! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-07-31T21:50:43-CEST

: Do you no way blond's boob's are sqred? thay put the hole box in..... - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-08-01T06:08:32-CEST

: Santa Claus the Tooth Fairy a smart blond and a dum blond where all walking down the street when the dum blond spotted a $100 bill. Who picked it up? the dum blond because there is no such thing as Santa Claus the Tooth Fairy or a SMART BLOND - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-08-01T20:24:38-CEST

: SIX CUPS A blonde grabbed a large thermos and hurried to a nearby coffee shop. She held up the thermos and the coffee shop worker quickly came over to take her order. "Is this big enough to hold six cups of coffee?" the blonde asked. The coffee shop worker looked at the thermos, hesitated a few seconds, and replied, "Yeah. It looks like about six cups to me." "Oh good!" the blonde sighed in relief. "Then give me two regular, two black, and two decaf." - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-08-08T13:01:36-CEST

: what is the difference between a blond and a 747? most guys have never been on a 747 - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-08-08T19:25:56-CEST

: this guy was driving down the road and thought he saw a tree so he turned right and saw it again so he turned left and saw it wher ever he whent and finaly wrecked and a police officer came and asked what happend he said where ever he whent he saw a tree the police officer said sir there aint a tree in miles of this place that was your air freashner swinging back and forth - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-08-09T20:27:32-CEST

: How can you tell a blond has been on a computer? The joystick is wet. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-08-19T00:11:10-CEST

: What did the blonde say when she opened a box of Cheerio's? OH!!! donut seeds!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-08-19T22:49:39-CEST

: What does a blonde doe when she wakes up????? She goes home. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-08-21T06:34:04-CEST

: what does a blond and a screen door have in common? the more you bang it the looser it gets - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-08-22T04:13:14-CEST

: What does A blonde wear best behind her ears? "Her ankles" - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-08-22T18:37:43-CEST

: How do you know when a blond has been playing on a computer? joystick is wet! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-08-23T01:10:40-CEST

: Why do blondes smile when they see lighting? Ans: Because they think they are taking a picture =) - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-08-24T23:58:26-CEST

: i would like it if you would give me some blond jokes at thankyou for our coperation. ana* - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-08-31T04:09:51-CEST

: i think gay - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-06T14:00:14-CEST

: this is not a cool site - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-07T21:53:37-CEST

: Q: What does a blonde and a beer bottle have in common? A: They are both empty from the neck up! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-07T22:49:55-CEST


: Q:how can u tell if a blond has used the computer A:the joy stick is wet - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-10T04:43:02-CEST

: Q: What do u do if a blond throws a pin at u? A: Run like hell 'cuz she has a gernade in her mouth! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-10T04:50:51-CEST

: What Do You Call A BLACK Priest? HOLY SHIT! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-10T06:10:03-CEST

: the blonde's revenge: what does a burnette miss most about a great party? ~the invitation - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-13T15:45:56-CEST

: These jokes are so fucking sexist! All you male assholes need to get a life! Women are no for your sick disposal, you pathetic beer guzzling brainless dicks! I sincerely hope you sexist, dumb-ass males burn in hell! You are being prejudice against both blondes and there are also some horrible brunette jokes towards the bottom! You guys are all probably beer guzzling, brainless, horny worthless bums with nothing better to do than spend your hours writing sexist, crude and horrible offending jokes. Get off your lazy ass and give the opposite sex some God damn respect, or no female will ever suck you limp cocks! By the way, I am NOT a blonde (I can here the feedback now... she must be a blonde!) well I'm a natural brunette and I still find these jokes horrible and very immature, and I will see to it in every way possible that your lives are sexless and miserably hellish... i have my ways... - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-15T20:38:39-CEST

: There was a red head,a brown head and 2 blonde heads all of them were laying in bed together.They thought one of the blonde heads were sleep under cover so the red and brown head were talking about gay people.And they said to the other blonde head why is her head under covers by your stank tank?And the blonde said she wanted to go eat something out and ya'll didn't taste to good. By Becky Simmons #12 Ft.Gibson,Oklahoma - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-16T22:24:22-CEST

: whats the difference between a blond and a mosquito? when you slap the mosquito it stops sucking. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-17T23:32:29-CEST

: What does a blonde and an airplane have incomond/ They both have cock pits. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-18T22:41:31-CEST

: English - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-19T02:55:18-CEST

: how can u tell if qa blonde has been useing a computer? the joystick is wet. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-20T04:29:21-CEST

: what is the difference between a blonde and a mosquito? when u slap a mosquito it stops suckin. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-20T04:31:09-CEST

Q: How do you make a blonde on Sunday?
A: Tell her a joke on Wednesday. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-23T23:43:32-CEST

: how do you kmow when a blonds bean on the cumputer? the joystiks wheat - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-24T01:21:58-CEST

: A blonde was taking a vacation to Disney land and as she was about a mile away from the park and she read a sign (oh my god she read) that said "Disney land left" so she frowned and went home - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-26T00:56:07-CEST

: There was this girl "Molly Johnson" and she told so many dumb blonde jokes (she is blonde too) that me and my friend got so cracked up we told here this one joke but its not a dumb blonde joke.... There was this Dad who had a 15yr old daughter, a wife, a cat and a 5yr old son.Wel the father has this Back problem so his son went to get him some pills. So on the way he repetade what he was to get. then he bumped into a tree. "hey what was i suposted to get oh yah SEX pills"he said. So he got the sexpills and the doctor said tell your father to take one every 24 hours. So the boy bumped into another tree and said "how many hours oh yah 24 every one hour. So the next week the doctor to check up on how the boys father was doing with the SEX pills and all and the boy said "he killed my mom, my sister is pregnant and my butt hurts, oh yah he just left looking for our cat saying, here pussy pussy" ---ALYSSA - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-26T01:06:21-CEST

: There was a blond walking down the street with here left boob hanging out. And a cop walked up to here and saild " U Know i can give u a ticket" and the blond says "Why officer" and he says "because ur left boob is haning out" and the blond says " Oh my God I left the baby on the bus!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-29T01:30:36-CEST

: Hey! These are kinda funny but some are down right stuiped!! ~Fz - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-29T21:29:56-CEST

: What do a Blonde and a Turtle have in common? they are both F*cked when they are on their backs - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-09-29T22:14:11-CEST

: How do you get a twinkle in a blond's eye? Shine a light through her ear! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-04T22:59:33-CEST

: Q:How do you eat a blonds pussy? A:Stick a monkey wrench in HA - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-09T04:24:51-CEST

: Three blondes walk into a bar shouting "51" "51" "51" the bartender asks them what there so appy about, one of the blondes replies, we just finished a jigsaw in 51 days and it said 3-5 years. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-09T08:26:59-CEST

: suck me - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-09T11:54:54-CEST

: three blondes walk into a bar. the first one says,"round of drinks bar tender!then says to herself,"fifty one days" the second one says the same. the bar tender pulls the third one off to the sidev and asked her what they meant by "51 days" she said," well, we bought a puzzle and on the said it said 2-3 years and we did it in 51 days!!!!" - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-09T23:22:36-CEST

Q: How did the blond breake her arm raking leaves?
A: She fell out of the tree! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-11T06:25:55-CEST

: What do blondes and the bermuda (sp)triangle have in common?? They both have swallowed a lot of semen. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-11T22:39:23-CEST

: one day a blonde walked into a mashash place with headphones on the therapest told her to take her headphones off she said no or ill die so he let her keep them on and so he gave her a mashash and she fell asleep then he took them off and she died well after a while he wonderd how she died and he listendto the headphones and it said (inhale)(exhale) (inhale) (exhale) - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-11T22:49:04-CEST

: what do you call a dead blonde in a closet............the 1985 hide and seek champion - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-13T01:11:52-CEST

: why did the chicken cross the road? - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-13T20:07:25-CEST

: Why does a blonde change the Pampers of her baby only once a week? Because the package says "5-t kg" - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-15T19:10:45-CEST

: what do you call an angry blonde? A hot air balloon. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-17T15:44:37-CEST

: Why did the blond go to Mexico. Cause her teacher told her to do a sa. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-18T19:44:10-CEST

: WHY DOES BLOND WEAR RED LIPSTICK THEY THINK IT MEANS STOP - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-18T22:06:43-CEST

: whats a blonds favorite candy?dum-dums - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-18T22:44:14-CEST

: Have you ever seen a blonde think? I haven't they have no brain - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-19T21:44:12-CEST

: Have you ever seen a blonde think? I haven't they have no brain - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-19T21:44:12-CEST

: How can you tell if a boy has already had sex with a blonde???? Because the blonde chases him for more :) HE HE - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-19T21:49:47-CEST

: hey im a blond i think - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-21T06:39:24-CEST

: Q: Why do blondes wear hoop earrings? A: So they have a place for there feet. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-23T19:39:15-CEST

: WHY DID THE BLOND BRING A DOOR IN TO THE DESERT? SO IF SHE GOT HOT SHE CAN ROLL DOWN THE WINDOW!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-24T08:49:05-CEST

: what is the difference between a lightbulb and a blond? lightbulb may be smarter but it is easier to turn a blond on - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-24T18:09:35-CEST

: how do you get a blonde to nod, unzip your pants. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-24T22:15:07-CEST

: Vet du hvorfor blondinen går rundt og rundt i badekaret??? Fordi hun bruker WASH AND GO!!! Vet du hva verdens smarteste blondine heter??? Golden retriver;) - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-25T01:43:15-CEST

: how do you tell if a blonde is using the computre ? there is white stuff all over thew screen - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-26T16:13:11-CEST

: How did the blonde break her arm raking leaves?? She fell out of the tree. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-28T00:55:42-CEST

: Two blonds are trying to grt their convertable unlocked but one lost the keys so they try to pick the lock.One blond says hurry up it looks like rain and the tops down and the other says iam trying. A cop is chasing a blond,a brunet, and a redhead.their car breaks down so they get into potato sacks.the cop kicks one bag and the redhead says "bark bark" he says oh it is just a dog. So then he kicks the brunet and she says"mawe mawe" and he says oh it is just a cat.Then he kicks the last bag and the blond says potaos potaos potatos. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-28T02:25:40-CEST

: who ever posted these dumb jokes twice is a stupid dumbsmack! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-29T06:09:52-CET

: how do you know a blond has been in your car? there is a condom on the stickshift, and lipstick on the rearveiw mirrior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-29T06:12:38-CET

: what is the diffiernt between a blode and a piar of shades ? a blonde sits a little lower on your face. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-29T16:16:32-CET

: what do u call a blond with 1 brian cell? smart what do you call a blond with 2 brian cells? pregnent how many blonds dose it take to screw a light bulb? 3, 1 to hold it, 1 to put, it in and to hold back the otherman what did the blonds mom say to her 14yo blond daughter? "if your not in bed by 12, come home" what did the bolds right leg say to the left leg? nothig, theve never met - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-31T03:05:30-CET

: have you every herd of the vergin blond?? she hangs out with santa claws and the easter bunny - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-10-31T03:10:47-CET


: there was a blond a brunett,and red hed all seatin at the docter's office they were all going to find out what they were having,The brunett, tsaid she was going to have a boy because she was on bottom,the red head said she was going to have a girl because she wason top ,then the blond started crying and said i'm going to have puppy's. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-02T21:56:10-CET

: how do you keep a blonde in suspence "i'll tell you tomarrow" - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-06T21:12:17-CET

: Q:what does a blonde and a screen door have in common? A:The more you beat em' the looser they get. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-09T00:44:07-CET

: if a blond and a bernet girl fall off a cliff which one hit the ground first? the bernet, the blond has to stop and ask for directions - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-09T03:57:12-CET

: a blondes clit is juicy because she thinks homade maynase is really homemade maynase, not cum - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-12T22:39:53-CET

: ok there was this blond woman and she walked on an airplane that was going to jamaica. She took a seat in the first class section even though her ticked was for the coach section. So one of the flight attendents went to the blond woman and said, "Mam please move out of this seat, your seat is in the coach section." and the blond woman replyed with, " i dont have to cause im blond, bold, and beatiful!" so the flight attenent went to get the head flight attentdent and the head flight attendent asked the blond woman to move out of the first class section, but the she just replyed with, "I dont have to cause im blond, bold and beatiful!" So the head flight attendent went to go get the pilot and he came and wispeard something in the blond woman's ear and she got up and moved. The flight attendent was like, " how did you get her to move!?" and the pilot said, " i told her only the back half of the airplane was going to jamaica! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-14T04:29:13-CET

: ok there was this blond woman and she walked on an airplane that was going to jamaica. She took a seat in the first class section even though her ticket was for the coach section. So one of the flight attendents went to the blond woman and said, "Mam please move out of this seat, your seat is in the coach section." and the blond woman replyed with, " i dont have to cause im blond, bold, and beatiful!" so the flight attenent went to get the head flight attentdent and the head flight attendent asked the blond woman to move out of the first class section, but the she just replyed with, "I dont have to cause im blond, bold and beatiful!" So the head flight attendent went to go get the pilot and he came and wispeard something in the blond woman's ear and she got up and moved. The flight attendent was like, " how did you get her to move!?" and the pilot said, " i told her only the back half of the airplane was going to jamaica! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-14T04:33:41-CET

: there was this blonde drive along the road listening to thr radio and the anouncer was saying blonde joke after blonde she turned it off.A couple of miles down the road another blonde was in the middle of a feild in a row boat rowing so the blonde stopped and yelled 'you bimbo blondes like you give all blondes a bad name and if i could swim i would come out there and give to you whats coming to you'!!!!!!! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-16T06:39:55-CET

: What does a blond and railroad tracks have in commmon? They have been laid all over the country. Two blonds are out tring to break into a convertable with a coat hanger.Blond 1: I can't get the door open Blond 2: Hurry up its raing and the tops down - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-18T19:26:33-CET

: what do you get when a blonde sees a penis? can i use that pencile of yours to write with. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-19T01:52:01-CET

: Q: Are the two blondes courtney and carrie the best? A: Oh HELL yeah! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-19T01:58:02-CET

: a bolnde walked into a bank and said she wanted to take out a loan.the manager said alright but we need caladeral.she said ok here is the keys to my new jag car. the manager said that was fine.he gave her 1 million dollors.she came back 3 weeks later. the bank manager said miss i was doing the closing and it said you were a billionnair why did you borrow 1 million doolors? well the blonde said i am not stupid were else was i going to park my car for 3 weeks for free. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-19T18:56:15-CET

: Q:what did the blond's left say to the right A:between you and me we can make a lot of money - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-19T22:13:38-CET

: :ok theirs a brunet a red head and a blond. their all about to be excuted at a fiering range first the brunet ready aim tornado! the brunet said and ran red head's turn ready aim huracane! ran. it's the blonds turn ready aim FIRE! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-19T22:20:36-CET

: Q: what do you call a blond with a dolar bill on the top of her head A: all you can eat for under a dolar - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-19T22:23:13-CET

: One blonde walk into the kichten to get me a drick and then triped over a cord from a cordless phoneand then she stood up and grabed a can of orange jucie. When I came to check on her she was sitting on the can medating. I asked her what she was doing and she said,"the can said to concentrate so I am. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-19T22:42:55-CET

: One day a blonde and saw a nother blonde in the middle of a field of wheat. The blond driving the truck pulled over and yelled,"you know it is blondes like you who give us a bad rep. What are you doing anyway. The other blonde said,"I am rowing in a sea of wheat." TRhe blond driving the truck answerd,"Well if i could swim i would go out there and kick your butt. - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-19T22:47:10-CET

: Hva får man når man snur enn blondone opp ned? En brunette! - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-20T21:28:58-CET

: Two Blondes were walking on the sidewalk and a red-head was walking towards them with a one-eyed dog. One of the blondes said "hey look at that dog with one eye!" The other blonde covered one eye and said, "Okay I'm looking at it with one eye. Whats the big deal huh?" - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-22T03:22:07-CET

: Two Blondes were walking on the sidewalk and a red-head was walking towards them with a one-eyed dog. One of the blondes said "hey look at that dog with one eye!" The other blonde covered one eye and said, "Okay I'm looking at it with one eye. Whats the big deal huh?" - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-23T14:53:28-CET

: Hva kalles en intelligent blondine ? - Golden Retriever... : Hvorfor har blondiner blåmerker rundt navlen ? - Blonde gutter er ikke så veldig smarte de heller... : Utenfor et lite hus stod en dum blondine, en intelligent blodine, Fantomet og Supermann. Inne i huset stod det en sekk full av gullmynter. En av de overnevte gikk inn for å hente denne. Hvem? - Den dumme blondinen. De andre er bare fantasifigurer. : Vet du hvorfor blondiner ikke kan stå på vannski? - De legger seg med en gang de blir våte mellom beina. : How do blonde braincells die? - Alone. : How do you amuse a blonde for hours? - Write 'Please turn over' on both sides of a piece of paper : How does a blonde spell 'farm'? 'E-I-E-I-O' : A blondes favourite nursery rhyme? Hump-me dump-me : Hva kaller man en bag med to blondinehjerner i? - Airbag. : Hva kaller man en blondine som slår hjul? - Blondine- brunette- blondine brunette... : Hvor mange blondiner skal til for å skifte en lyspære? - To. En for å holde Cola Lighten og en for å løpe etter pappa. : Vet du hvorfor blondiner ikke kan stå på vannski? - De legger seg med en gang de blir våte mellom beina. : Hva har du når en blondine står på hodet? - En brunette med dårlig ånde... : Vet du hvordan man kan se om en blondine har vært i kjøleskapet ditt? - Det er lebestift rundt agurken. : Vet du hva man kaller en flue som surrer rundt i hodet på en blondine? - Lost in Space. : hva er det første en blondine gjør når hun cåkner????? Kler på seg og går hjem!!!!!!!!! : Vet du hvordan man får en blondine opp på taket? Si at drinkene er på huset! : Q: What did one fag say to he other while sitting down for dinner? A: "Can I push in your stool"? : What's the difference between a Essex-girl and a porsche? You don't let your mates borrow the porsche. : Hva sier blondine-moren til blondine-datteren naar hun skal ut paa byen? Har du ikke kommet deg til sengs foer ti kommer du hjem og legger deg : There is a blonde who is fed up of all the blonde jokes so she cuts her hair and dyes it brown, she also buys a new convertable. She is going for a drive when she comes upon a flock of sheep and she says: Blonde: My thats a fine flock of sheep! Shepheard:Yes. Blonde: If I can guess the exact number of sheep in that flock can I keep one? Shepheard: I supose so. The blonde takes agood look and says "318!!". Wow said the shepheard pick your sheep, she picks one out and the shepheard says: Tell you what if I can guess the real colour of your hair, can I have my dog back? JeStEr. : Why don't blondes make Kool-aid? Because they can't fit two quarts of water in those little packets : Once I was making out with a blond in my car down by the river. She startet getting really hot. So I asked her; Do you want to go in the back-seat of my car, but she replied; NO!!. We started making out again. I touched her brests and thought it was time and asked again; What about the back-seat. She replyed sad; No I wanna be here with you. : Once, Iwas reading the newspaper. There was a neat story on the front page. I read it. Then I looked at the rest of the paper. It said that it is supposed to be cold tonight. I was very warm in my house. I kept on reading the paper. Someone asked Ann Landers about masturbation. Then I read the comics. Garfield ate a whole pie by himself. John got mad. I also liked Blondie. : What do you get when you have 32 red-necks in one room? Answer: A full set of teeth. : What do you call a blond with half a brain? A genius : What does a blonde call brown hair dye? Artificial intelligence : How does a blonde know when sex is finished? When the dome light of your car kicks on : Do you know the difference between a blonde and a 747? not everyone has gotten a ride on a 747. : Why are a blonds titts square? Because they forgot to take the tissue out of te box. : how do you get a one armed blond out of a tree wave to her : What did the blonde's right leg say to her left leg? Nothing, they never met!! : What do you do if a blond throws a pin at you? Run like hell, because she has a geneade in her mouth. : Q: Why did the bride wake up with a sore belly button on the morning after her wedding night? A: They make blondes in 'Male', too! : why are dumb blond's tits square? because she forgot to take the tissue box out. : Hvorfor er alle blondinene så innmari dumme? fordi de har blonde foreldre... :-) hehe : What do you get when you put a dollar bill on top of a blonde's head? All you can eat for under a dollar! : What do you get when you turn a blonde upside down? A brunette with bad breath! : How can you tell when a blonde's been using a computer? There's white-out on the screen! : There were two brunettes in the front cab of a truck and two blonde's in the bed,the truck runs off the road into a river.The brunettes live,they rolled the window down,the blondes died,they couldn't get the tailgait down! : What does a blonde and a 747 have in common? The little black box! : What does a blonde and a turtle have in common? Get them on their backs and their both fucked! : What did the blonde say to the hurricane? I betcha I can blow harder!! : Why are blond coffins shaped like Y's. Because once they hit their backs their legs spread. : Why are blond coffins shaped like Y's. Because once they hit their backs their legs spread. : How can you tell if a blonde has had an orgasm ? She drops her kebab : How can you tell a blonde has been using a word processing program? By the white out on the screen. : Q:What do you call a dead blond in a closet? A:The 1956 hide-and-seek champion. : kemal ÇELIK Univ.of Çukurova Adana/ TURKEY : How do you fit four blondes on a stool Turn it upside down. : There were three blondes in a pick-up truck. One driving, two in the back. They fell off a bridge into water. Driver rolled down the window and got out. Two in the back drowned because they couldn't get the tailgate open. : what did the blonde say when she saw a box of cheerios? hey, donut holes : what do you say to someone if the say "Fuck you!" A: is that a offer? B: when and where C: quit begging D: your'e not my type E: how? : A BLONDE AND A BRUNETTE WERE WALKING DOWN THE BEACH,THE BRUNETTE POINTS TO THE GROUND AND SAYS "LOOK A DEAD SEIGEL"AND THE BLONDE LOOKED AT THE SKY AND SAID "WHERE?!WHERE?!WHERE?! : WHY DID THE BLONDE HAVE CUM IN HER BELLYBUTTON? BECAUSE HER BOYFRIEND WAS BLONDE TOO!! : HOW DO YOU CONFUSE A BLONDE? PUT HER IN A ROUND ROOM AND TELL HER TO SIT IN A CORNER!! : HOW TO KILL A BLONDE.a)PUT A MIRROR AT THE BOTTOM AT THE BOTTOM OF A POOL,b)PUT A SCRATCH AND SNIFF STICKER AT THE BOTTOM OF THE POOL,c) TELL HER TO GO UNDER WATER AND TAKE THREE DEEP BREATHES : what did scotty from startrek say in response to .... Why did the chicken cross the road?.. He said... "Cos me wee transporter beam wasn't functioning properly.. I haven't got the power captian!!!... I can't work miricles : english : Q:How do blonde brain cells die A:alone : : What do blondes and turtles have in common, : When you put them on their backs they are both screwed : what did the blond call her pet zebra? spot how did the blond try to kill a bird? she threw it off a cliff : two blonds were walking around when they saw some tracks.the one said "they are moose tracks" the other one said that thae were deer tracks "no they are moose tracks" "no they are deer tracks" they kept on arguing until a train ran over them. : why did the blonde stare at the juice carton? Because it said concentrate. : how are blondes and golden retriver alike?.... You can teach them both to roll over. : How do you know when a blond has done your landscaping? The bushes are darker than the rest of the yard. : How can you teel when a blonde is having a bad day WHEN HERE TAMPON IS IN HERE EAR AND SHE CANT FIND HER PENCIL : What do blondes and 747's have in common? --They both have big cockpits!! : Why was the blonde so happy when she finished her puzzle in 6 months? The puzzle said 2-4 years. : What does a blonde say when you blow in her ear? Thanks for the refill. : Why did the blonde refuse to go to the moving sale? She gets motion sickness. : how do you fuck a blond? with your dick : do you know how to tell if a blond is a good cook? she can get a pop tart out of the toaster without breaking it : How does a blonde kill a fish? She drowns it How does a blonde kill a bird? She throws it off a cliff When a blonde opened up a box of cheerios she said ooh little doughnut seeds She jumped off a cliff and had to get directions She bought a bulletproof convertible : What do you call a blonde with a whole brain?-A Goldenretriever : A blond,a rabi,and a prest walk into a bar the bartender said is this a joke. : Q:How do you know a blonde has just lost her virginity? A:Her crayons are still wet! : Q:How do you know a blonde has just lost her virginity? A:Her crayons are still wet! : Q:How do you know a blonde is dating? A:By the buckle mark on her head. : Q:What do blonde virgins eat? A:babyfood. : You suck my ass! Haha Haha : What did the Blonde name her Pet Zebra? : What did the Blonde name her Pet Zebra? Ans: SPOT : One day two blondes are walking in the forest. All of the sudden, one of them points at the ground and says "look deer tracks". The other blonde said, "No silly those are bear tracks." They continued arguing for a while. Then the next day, two rangers come walking in the forest and find the two blondes dead; They were run over by a train!!! : As a blonde was speeding down the highway, a cop pulled her over and said "do you know what you were doing wrong?" She said no. The cop started to whip out his penis and the blonde said " Oh no not another breathalyzer test." : Hey : how do you kill a dum blond you put a scrach and sniff sticker at the bottem of a pool : Heres all the blond jokes : urdeburken sclurpen dirchen mine slurpen : hVA ER FORSKJELEN PÅ BLONDINA DI OG FERARIEN DIN? DU LÅNER IKKE FERARIEN UT TIL KOMPISER! : why does a blond drink handy-andy? it says fat-remover : why does a blonde keep an emty milkcan in her frige? for the people that don't drink milk why does the blond stare at the liquid dishwasher? it says consentrate how do you know a blond was at the computer? there's rattax on thw mouse how do you know the house your'e at belongs to a blonde? there is a peephole in the glassdoor : what do you do when a blode throws a grenade at you? : : what do you do when a blode throws a grenade at you? I don't now ???? : what do you call a blond standing on her head a brunnett with bad breath : WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN A BLOND THROWS A GRENADE AT YOU? YOU PULL THE PIN AND GIVE IT BACK. : ?? How do you keep a blonde busy for hours? - Give her a bag of M&M's and tell her to alphabetize them. - If she figures that out tell her to separate the M's from the W's How does a blonde turn on the light in the morning? - She opens the car door! : If a blond and a brunette jumped off a bridge who would land first? The brunette because the blond would have to stop and ask directions! : why did the blonde sell her car?gas money! : why did the blonde sell her car?gas money! : A blond was on her way to Florida to go to Disneyland. She saw a sign that said "Disney land left", so she went home. : Mike n' Abbey : Q: How do you make a blonde's eyes sparkle? A: Shine a flashlight in her ear! : Q: What is a blonde's mating call? A: I'm so drunk! Q: What is a brunette's mating call? A: Is that blonde bitch gone yet? : What did the dumb blond say when she opened the box of Cherios? doughnut seeds : G. If a blond and a fether fill off a house what one would hit the grond frist. A. The fether because the blond would stop for dirctions............... : Q:What is blond, brunette, blond, brunette? A: A cheerleader doing cartwheels Q: How do you know a blonde has been making chocolate chip cookies? A: All the M&M shells on the floor. : One day there were two blonds walking down a trail and they came alog these tracks and one said"that they were dear tracks and the other one said that they were bear tracks and they were arguing for a while and all of a sudden a train comes and then they say that they were train tracks. : Q:What's the difference between a blonde and a washing machine? A:You can dump a load in the washer and it won't follow you around all day. Q:What goes, "VRRROOOOOOM...SCREEEECCCCHHH...VRRROOOOOMM...SCREEEECCCHHHH...."?A: blonde at a blinking red light. : Q: What is a redhead's mating call? A: Next! : Q: What do you call a brunette between 2 blonds? A: An interpreter : What does a blond say when you blow in her ear? Thanks for the refill!!! : Why did the blond love to eat at McDonalds? She thought the arch Deluxe was a sexual position! : Hei, nikko! dette er jo veldig gøy. : Q. How do you know that a blond has been in your refrigerataor? A. There is lipstick on your cucumbers. : What happens if a blonde throws a gernade at you? Pull out the pin and throw it back : Q: Why aren't there many blonde waterskiers? A: When their pussies get wet they fall on their backs. : What's the difference between a blond and a concrete block? You can lay a block and it won't follow you home. : How are a blond and a beer bottle alike? They are both empty from the neck up. : If a Blonde and a Brunnette are at the top of a cliff and a man says to jump off: Who would hit the ground first? -- The Brunnette, b/c the Blonde would stop and ask for directions! : What do you call a blond behind the stering wheel? A air bag! : What do you call a blond behind the stering wheel? A air bag! : Q.Why was there lipstick on the blonds stearing wheel?A. She was trying to blow the horn. : How come a blonde can't count to 70? because 69 is a mouthful. : How did the blond freeze to death at the drive-in? they went to see "closed for the winter" : What's the first thing a blonde learns at drivers school? That you can also sit upright in a car. : How do you know if a blonde has entered a joke on this page? If it has been entered twice! : why do blonds have a vagina on their forehead? because it's the only way that you can make something enter in their head!!! : why do blonds have a vagina on their forehead? because it's the only way that you can make something enter in their head!!! : How do you know if a blond guy and girl have been fucking? She has bruises around her belly button! : there is square room. In on corner is batman, the other is superman. in the other is spiderman, the other is a smart blond. in hte center of the room is a pot of gold. who reaches it first? ANS: none! 'cause none exist : there were two blonds in third grade which one is smarter ? answer : the blond because she is eighteen : HOW DO YOU GET A BLOND TO MARRY YOU? TELL HER SHE'S PREGNANT. WHAT WILL SHE SAY? IS IT MINE? : :how do you kill a blond? put spikes on her shoulders and ask her a question. : Whats the difference between a blonde and a bowling ball? You can only get three fingers in a bowling ball : Hows a blonde like a screen door? The harder you bang on them the looser they get. : Why did the blonde return her vibrator? She kept chipping her teeth. : Vet du hvordan du ser om ei blondinne har sitti på datamaskinen? Det er blanko på skjermen : Q: What do you call Eyrin Snow and Andre Hogondos in a canoe? A: Fur Traders : Q: What do you call Eyrin Snow and Andre Hogondos in a canoe? A: Fur Traders : how do you know if a blond has been using your computer? there is white out all over your screen : Why did the blonde get mead when she got her driver's license? She got an F in sex : what are two things that a niger can get? a black eye and a fat lip : How is a blond and the burmuda triangle the same? They both swallowed a lot of seamen. : why did the blond crash the helicopter? she was cold and turned off the fan. : what is a blonde when you turn her upside down, a brunite with bad breath : what do you a girl that has yellow hair? A blacked haired man : how do you get a blond to bend over? tell her foot fell off : How do you drown a blonde? Put a mirror at the bottom of the pool : One day a blonde was looking for her pencil, she went behind her ear and found her tampon. Now where was her pencil? : why did the blond have a sore belly button?? She went out with a blond bloke!!!! : there was 3 blonds walkin' in the woods and they ran along some tracks 1 said they wre deer tracks the other said they were rabbit tracks and the third said they were squirl tracks. so an hour later after following the tracks they got hit by a train : whats stupider? 2 blonds,or building a house under water?A= 2 blonds trying to set that house on fire. : What do a blond and a bollingball have in common? They both get fingered, thrown in the gutter, and always come back for more! : Q/Why is a Blondes coffin shaped like a Y A/because when she lies done her legs atomaticly spread : Q: Whats the difference between a blond and a mosquito A: When you slap the mosquito it stops scucking : Q.WHAT DO YOU CALL A DEAD BLOND IN A CLOSET A.A HIDE IN SEEK GAME FROM 1970 : How can you tell when a blonde is having a bad day? When she can't find her pencil and her tampon is behind her ear. : Q: How do you drown a blond? A: Put a scratch and smell sticker on the bottom of the pool. : Q: How do you know a blond is having a bad hair day? A: Her tampons in her hair and she can't find her pencil. : How does a blonde turn on the light after having sex : What does a blond and a screen door have incommen? The more you bange them the looser they get : Q: A BLOND AND A BRUNETTE WERE FALLING FROM A BUILDING, WHO LANDED FIRST? A: The brunette, the blond stopped and asked for directions. : Q: How do you drown a blond A: put a scrach and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool. Q: How come a blond can't water ski A: Because she thinks that she has to lay down when her crotch gets wet. : Whats does a blond and a screen door have in common? the harder you bang it the looser it gets. : q:WHAT DID THE BLONDE SAY AFTER HAVING SEX?a:SO,DO ALL OF YOU GUYS PLAY FOR THE SAME TEAM. : A blonde , burnet, and a red head walk into a bar. The burnet asks for a BL, the bar tender says what's a BL? The burnet goes duh a Budlight. The red head asks for a ML. The bar tender asks the red head What's A ML was? Red head replies duh a Miller Light. The blonde asks for a 15. THe bar tender asks what's a 15? The blonde replies DUH, 7 & 7. : Q: What do you call two blonds in a freezer? A: Frosted flakes!! (ha,ha,ha) : Q: What is a blond doing when she puts her hands over her ears? A: Trying to hold in a thought! : A man was doing it. When he was done he poured himself a glass of milk.His manly thoughts took over. So he stuck his _____ in the milk than the blond walks in and says oh thats how you refill those things!!!!!! : WHY DID THE BLOND DIE HER HAIR RED INSTENT INTELEGENSE : Q. What do you call a Blond Virgin? A. A Myth.... : Once there were 3 blondes and they got locked out of their car..The 1st Blond suggested they pic the lock. The 2nd suggested braking the window to get in. The the 3rd blond said they had better think of a way to get in the car was going to rain soon and they needed to get the sun-roof up! : Q. What do Blonds and the bremuda triangle have in common? A. They've both swallowed allot of Seamen(Semen)! : how do you tell a blonde's I.Q A: stick an air pressure gage in her ear What do you call 2 blondes sitting in the front seat? A: dual air-bags : ok ther was this blond and she was roing a boat in a corn field and she was just roing and roing and then this other blond drove by in her car and looked at the blond in the corn field trying to roe the boat and the blond got out of her car and yelled out "Hey it's blonds like you that give us blonds a bad name and if i could swim I would go out ther and beat you up" : why do blondes always have a bruised belly button? Guy blondes aren't that smart : Their was a blond she put a korter in a soda masine and a soda came out. she thought it was preaty cool so she put in like 100 more coins than a guy came up to her and asked for a soda she said get out of my face looser I'm winning. : Why do blondes die young? They get worn out. : How do we know a blonde is really dumb? Because she always says she isn't blonde! : Why do blondes die young? They get worn out. : why can't blondes use didldoes because they will chip there teeth : What do you call a blond in snow? A snowflake! : What is a blondes favorite nursery rhyme? Hump Me, Dump Me! : Q: How does A blond pick up here GSM ?? A: How did yoy find me. : Q.Whats the simularity between a blond and a screen door. A.The more you bang them the looser they get. : Q:What goes blond brunett, blond brunett, blond brunett? A: A Blond doin a cartwheel : A blonde walked into a barber shop wearing headphones and said, "I want my haircut but don't take off the headphones." She gets her hair cut and walks out. She comes back the next week. "I just want a trim, but don't take off the headphones." She gets her hair cut and leaves. She comes back the next week and says again, "I want my hair trimmed, but don't take off the headphones." She's getting her hair cut and falls asleep. The barber wonders why the girl doesn't want the headphones take off so he takes them off. The blond dies. The guy wonders what the hell happened so he puts on the headphones, and he hears "Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out." : Q:how do blode brain cells die A:alone : Q:Why do blonds have T.G.I.F. printed on the front of their shoes? A:Toes Go InFirst : There was a blond that alked into an appliance store and said Mr. i want that T.V. the man said sorry I won't sell that to a blond.The next day she had died her hair brown she went to the store and said Mr. I want that T.V. He said sorry I won't sell that to a blond The next day she shaved her head went into the store she saidmr I want that T.V. e said sorry I won't sell that to a blond...She said I died my hair brown, shaved my head how did you know I as a blond? He said because thatT.V. is a microwave! : A blonde walked into a barber shop wearing headphones and said, "I want my haircut but don't take off the headphones." She gets her hair cut and walks out. She comes back the next week. "I just want a trim, but don't take off the headphones." She gets her hair cut and leaves. She comes back the next week and says again, "I want my hair trimmed, but don't take off the headphones." She's getting her hair cut and falls asleep. The barber wonders why the girl doesn't want the headphones take off so he takes them off. The blond dies. The guy wonders what the hell happened so he puts on the headphones, and he hears "Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out." : What did the blond say after she oppened the Cherrio box??? "look minni doughnut seeds!!" : What's the difference between a blond and a mosquito? You can slap a mosquito and it will stop sucking. : What is the difference between a blond and a bowling ball? You can only put three fingers in a bowling ball : me i'm blonde ... ihave white ooooooouuuutttt ALL over my screen!!!!!!!ha ha ha!!!!!!!1 : What's blond, then brunett, then blond, then brunett. : a Blond girl came to pearl an been fucked by a pucked : Why is a blond and a turtle alike? They both get screwed on their backs. : There was a blond driving down the road in her convertible,her blond hair blowing in the wind. She looked out : How can you tell if a guy has a high sperm count? If his girlfriend has to chew before she swallows. Why did the walrus go to the Tupperware party? He was looking for a tight seal. : Two blondes are discussing and one says : I did a pregnancy test The second one replies : And were the questions difficult? : What is the difference between anniversaries and toilet seats ?? Nothing men miss both ! : A BLONDE WAS DRIVING DOWN THE ROAD WHEN SHE SPOTTED ANOTHER BLONDE ROWING A BOAT IN A FIELD OF WHEAT SHE STOPPED HER CAR AND GOT OUT. SHE THE PROCEEDED TO YELL "YOU KNOW IT IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT GIVEBLONDES A BAD NAME AND IF I COULD SWIM I'D...." : Q.Why is dating a blond, like the lottery? A: Your just another one out of millions that just got screwed out of a dollar. : What did the blonde say when she was walking down the street and saw a banana peel in her path ? A: Oh no, I'm going to trip again ! : How can you tell a blonde is having a bad day? She's got a tampon behind her ear, and she can't find her pencil. -acd : How can you tell a blond has been using a computer? The joystick is wet. : why do blonds lay on railroad track?because they been layed all across the country : There were two blonds riding in their car out in the country. Suddenly, one of them looks in the field and sees a blond rowing in her boat on the grass. So she tells her friend "Look, this is the kind of blond who makes us look stupid all the time." The other one replies "Your right, if only I hed my swimsuit, I'd swim out there and break her neck!" : How can you tell if a blond has been in your refridgerator? There is lipstick on you cucumbers : what does it mean when a blonds nose is running/ shes full : Q:What is the difference between a dumb blonde and a mosquito? A:One stops sucking when you slap it. : what is the smartest kind of blond,golden retrever. : whats a blonds favorite nursury rime? Hump Me Dump Me : Why did men stop telling Blonde Jokes? Because he relized that all women are the same. : A blond, brunet,and a redhed escape from jail. They run as fast as they can because they know that the state truper is on their butt. They see a barn filled with potatoe sacks so they get in the sacks. The truper finds the barn and goes inside. He pokes around and he pokes the brunet, the brunet says "meow". The truper thinks "oh its just a cat." He moves on. He pokes the redhed she says "Ruff-ruff" the truper thinks its just a dog. Finally he pokes the blond, the blond says "Potatoe!" : one did the blondes right leg say to her left leg, nothing, they never met : What is the first thing a blond does when she wakes up? GOES HOME! Q:How do you confuse a blondie? A:Give her two M&M's and tell her to put them in alphabetacle order. A blond walks into a K-Mart and says hello sir i would like to bye this t.v. salesman:Sorry mam we dont sell to blonds. blonde: oh the next dat she came back with a brown wig on and says hello sir i would like to bye this t.v. salesman:sorry mam we just dont sell to blonds you see its kinda agenst store polisce blonde:how did you know i was a blond im wareing this wig,well mam that not a tv thats a microwave : Q:How do you know a blonde was using the computer? A:the joy-stick is wet. : What does a blonde and the bermudia triangle have in comman? They both swallow a lot of seaman : Bunette on side of road says 41,41,41. blond walk up and ask whatdoing .bunette say counting. blond joinher. truck hit blond and kill. brunette say42,42,42 : If a Blond and a burnette jumped of a building at the same time who would hit first? The burnette because the blond would have to stop ask direction : I want some fucking blonde jokes. Give me some now. so there is this blonde speeding, and a cop pulls her over. He gets out of the car and checks her liscence and regestration. He takes it back to his car to verify it. He calls up the station for verifacation that it's all up to date and shit. And the chief says "is this a hot blonde in a nice red car??" he says "yes." the chief says," go to her car and drop your pants." So he does and the blonde says, not ANOTHER breathalizer : Nice fucking jokes jack ass. to bad I've heard all of them all ready. You SUCK. : why did the blond have sqare boobs she forgot to take the tissues oyut of the box : THERE IS A BLOND KNEWING ON HER FRONT LOWN,TOW BLONDS WALK UP TO HER 1st BLOND SAYS"YOU KNOW ITS BLONDS LIKE YOU THAT GIVE US A BAD NAME." 2ed BLOND SAYS"YEAH,IF I COULD SWIM I WOULD BEET YOU. : To blondes were going to Disneyland, the sign said left, so they went back home. : what do you call a blond brunet, blonde brunet, blond brunet, a blond doing cartwheels. : A seagull shit at a blonde the blonde said I'm glad I had my mouth open or that would have hit my face : fdgf : What do call a blonde with pigtails? A blowjob with handles. : Q.There was a brunett, a blonde, and a red head. All of them was in the 2nd grade. Which one had a better body? A.The blonde of course, because she was "18" : What does a bowling ball and a blonde have in common? You finger them both, throw them down the alley, and they both come back for more. : Q:How can you tell if a blonde has been on a computer? A:There's white out on the screen : Why was the blond so upset when she got her drivers license? She got a "F" in sex : how do you know when a blond was on a computer? when theres white out on the screen What do call a blond with brain? Gifted : How can you tell if a blonds been using your computer Theres twink on the screen 20 cents in the disk drive And a condom with saliva on the joy stick : The Best of the Bimbo-Brunette Jokes by a Blonde... 1. What's black and blue and brown and laying in a ditch ? - This Joke was added from by () at 2000-11-23T14:54:53-CET

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