Roleplaying Links of the Zarn!
This page was last modified 02/24/2003 23:21:43 by Jens-Arthur Leirbakk
Any page with any respect has a links page. I've got two! Truth is - as far as
anything is truth anymore (truth is such a big, small word - but here's a free tip... Never believe anyone
that spells truth with a capital 'T'), that I felt that I had to have somewhere to put all my RPG links.
It's sorted with regards to what system the various links are relevant for. Some, like the HeroMaker link
is excellent no matter what game you play. Others are very, very system specific .
Any: |
HeroMachine! |
If you've ever tried to make a foldup, here's the best thing
around... |
Critical Miss! |
This is the magazine for dysfunctional roleplayers... |
Shadowrun |
| I like it. I actually check it on a semi-daily basis. |