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Midtpartiet på 20-30 mil går over "Meseta"-en, et ganske så flatt land. Der kan man ofte være så uheldig å se riktig mange kilometer med sti foran seg, uten antydning til at det er noe skygge, vann, fin utsikt eller andre oppmuntringer å finne på veldig lenge.

Folk med alle mulige handicap går denne turen. Hvis jeg skulle valgt et alvorlig handicap å gå turen med, tror jeg nok at jeg helst ville vært blind.


A 300 kilometres long boring bit is what awaits you after a few days of beautiful and exciting surroundings at the start of the trail. Here you will often be tortured by the view of lots and lots of trail ahead of you, with no signs of any shade, water, nice views or other encouraging elements at all.

People with all kinds of handicaps walk the trail. If I had to walk it with a serious handicap, I think I would have walked as a blind person. Not seeing the trail may be a good thing.

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