
Friday AbelLAN

Det duket for LAN i samarbeid med AbelLAN! Vi samles for å spille videospill, og det blir muligheter både for casual spill og for konkurranser. Vi snakker Smash, League of Legends, tegnekonkurranse, brettspill, og så klart gratis pizza 😉🍕 NB: Ta med egen PC! For mer info om opplegget og konkurransene, sjekk ut https://discord.gg/qFnQ2Ju7qJ

It's time for LAN party in cooperation with AbelLAN! We'll gather to play video games, and there will be opportunities both to play causal games and to participate in competitions. We're talking Smash, League of Legends, creative drawing, board games, and of course free pizza 😉🍕 NB: Bring your own computer! For more information about the program and the competitions, check out AbelLAN's Discord: https://discord.gg/qFnQ2Ju7qJ