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Husband: Olof (Oula) Isaksson Guttorm
Born: 2 APR 1835 at:
Married: at:
Died: 1878 at:
Father:Isaac Jonsson Guttorm
Mother:Aile Andersdatter Morottaja
Other Spouses:
Wife: Ella Jonsdatter Varsi
Born: 19 MAR 1836 at:
Died: at:
Other Spouses:
Name: Jouni Olofsson Guttorm
Born: 17 APR 1869 at: Utsjoki, Lappland, Finland
Married: 21 FEB 1897 at:
Died: 15 MAY 1943 at:
Spouses: Ella Katharina Holmberg Gunhild Persdatter Porsanger
Name: Oula (Vulle) Guttorm
Born: 1871 at:
Married: at:
Died: at:
Name: Inga Olsdatter Guttorm
Born: 30 NOV 1874 at: Utsjoki, Lappland, Finland
Married: 1914 at:
Died: 28 JUL 1948 at: Polmak, Tana, Finnmark
Spouses: Aslak Ole Henriksen
Name: Isak Olofsson Guttorm
Born: at:
Married: at:
Died: at:
Name: Aile Olofsdatter Guttorm
Born: 1875 at:
Married: at:
Died: at:
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