> I perfer my revenge before they get me... hence Prevenge... I guess it would > be served first then... And I trust you did the honorable thing: "Fuck her like it is the last piece of ass you'll ever get in this world. Because that is all you ever have, the first peice of ass you ever had and the last one. Take this hot bitch on and slip your greased tool in her chocolate starfish. Felch her, bang her, grease her, slip her the tube steak, play stink finger with her, have her give you a hot whiskey blowjob. Smother her with marshmallow sauce and chocolate syrup and lick it off over two days. Rub her all over with salami slices, get out the rubber sheets and the Mazola, then mount handlebars on the headboard. Have hot screaming monkey-pig sex with no limits. Make her scream as she comes until she's hoarse. Videotape her masturbating with stuffed animals tied to a dildo. Tie her up and spank her until she begs for mercy then ass-fuck her until she tells you she loves you." ...and then dumped her, right? Tonight's Chef's Special involves marshmallow sauce, chocolate, salami, and Mazola. Remember kids. Do unto others before they do unto you.