Quotes from "Shaft" ------------------------------------------ Who's the black private dick that's a sex machine to all the chicks? -Shaft! Damn right. Who is the man that would risk his neck for his brother man? -Shaft! Can you dig it? Who's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about? -Shaft! Right on. They say this cat Shaft is a bad mutha... -Shut yo' mouth! But I'm talkin' about Shaft... -And we can dig it. He's a complicated man, but no one understands him but his woman. -John Shaft -from "Theme from 'Shaft'" ------------------------------------------ Carl Couple o' dudes from uptown lookin' for you. Shaft Know them? Carl Not by name. Seen 'em around town. Come in here when I was openin' up... asked where they could find you. Shaft What'd they look like? Carl One was wearin' a funky plaid coat. Other one was sharp... $50 suit, black coat, gray flares. Shaft 'Sat all? Carl Oh, they had heat on 'em. The one in the funky plaid coat had his hands in his coat pocket, holdin' his coat tight, you dig? Had some heavy iron in his belt... ------------------------------------------ Lt. Androzzi Well, I thought you might know something I wanna know. Seems there been a lot o' low quiet rumbles goin' on uptown... our people have been able to pick of the sounds of it, but no words. Shaft That's cuz us black folk talk mush mouth, Lieutenant. Lt. Androzzi I thought we were gonna to get to it? Shaft We did, but you want me to pidgeon. I just said 'Up yours, baby!' Lt. Androzzi How come a couple o' cats from Harlem come downtown this mornin' lookin' for John Shaft? Shaft Well, they're soul brothers. They came down so I could teach 'em the handshake. ------------------------------------------ Tom Hey, where the hell are you going, Shaft? Shaft To get laid, where the hell you going? (Laughs) Tom (to Androzzi) That boy's got a lotta mouth on him. Lt. Androzzi The boy's man enough to back it up, too. Tom What'd he tell ya'? Lt. Androzzi Nothin' Tom You gotta lean on that kind! Lt. Androzzi You don't lean on that kind. ------------------------------------------ Liebowitz All your friends walk around with weapons like that in their pockets? Shaft That depends. My negro friends don't walk around with rabbit's feet no' mo'. ------------------------------------------ Shaft (to Androzzi) All the static and hassle in the world ain't gonna make me sing a song for the police, Vic... No way, baby! ------------------------------------------ Shaft Warms my black heart to see you so concerned 'bout us minority folks. Lt. Androzzi Oh, come on, Shaft, what is it with this black shit, huh? (Holding a black pen to Shaft's face) You ain't so black! Shaft (Holding a white coffee cup to Androzzi's face) And you ain't so white, baby. ------------------------------------------ Willie Cat say he gonna be here, and he ain't. That ain't right, boss. Bumpy We'll wait. Willie You take crap off 'im, he'll give you some mo' crap. Bumpy We'll wait. Willy That's some cold shit! Throwin' my man Leroy out the window. Just picked my man up and threw 'im out the god damn window. Got us standin' around waitin' to say thank you. ------------------------------------------ Willy Look. If the man ever comes down to see you again, you better be here... waitin'. ------------------------------------------ Shaft And you want me, huh... the spade detective? Bumpy Yeah, I want you 'cause you're black spade detective, and I want you 'cause you got your other foot in whitey's craw, now she could be anywhere ------------------------------------------ Ellie Hi! (Goes over to Shaft) Are you all right? Baby, are you all right? Shaft I got to feelin' like a machine. And that's no way to feel... c'mere, baby! ------------------------------------------ Lt. Androzzi Well, John, what'd you get? Shaft I got laid. ------------------------------------------ Shaft Sorry, I can't make it Ellie You got problems, baby? Shaft (Laughs) Yeah, I got a couple of 'em. I was born black. And I was born poor. Ellie I love you. Shaft Yeah, I know. Take it easy ------------------------------------------ Willy Lissen, Snow White... me and you are gonna tangle sooner or later. Did you hear what I say? Shaft Why don't you stop playin' with yourself, Willie? You ain't gonna do shit! ------------------------------------------ Shaft You a cagey spook, Bumpy. Bumpy You ride a tall horse, Mr. Shaft. ------------------------------------------ Linda (to Shaft) You're really great in the sack, but you're pretty shitty afterwards, you know that? [stuff deleted] Shaft Hey, baby, please close the door, huh? Linda Hey... close it yourself, shitty. ------------------------------------------ Shaft (to Androzzi) You gonna take me in? Androzzi I will if I find ya'. Are you home? Shaft Hell, no. Androzzi That's too bad. Call me when you get home. Shaft I will. Androzzi "Close it yourself, shitty!" (Laughs) ------------------------------------------ Shaft (On phone to Androzzi) Vic, your case just busted wide open. Androzzi So close it for me. Shaft Cut the crap, man, this is Shaft. Looks like you're gonna have to close it yourself, shitty! (Laughs)