02:22 -!- Irssi: Starting query in IRCNet with M|cke (micke@c-577673d5.01-84-6c756c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) 02:22 hey you 16:20 ? 16:21 re u peer? 16:21 the real peer? 16:21 ummm... 16:21 do u reset ppls connections? 16:22 yes 16:22 (conection reset by peer) 16:22 is that u? 16:22 thats me 16:22 why re u doing it? 16:22 why u reset my connection today? 16:22 it's my job 16:23 oh 16:23 can u reset someone now 16:23 i wanna see if it work 16:23 how re u doing it? 16:23 i can but i won't 16:24 you did it 16:24 * lewarek has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) 16:24 it was u 16:26 why re u doing it? 16:28 it's fun 16:28 huh u re bad 16:28 teach me 16:28 i wanna close down a bad persons connection 16:29 nah 16:29 yeeeeeeeeeeeees 16:29 tell me 16:29 nope 16:29 why 16:29 can't 16:29 ok 16:30 have fun with your job 16:30 have you been living in sweden? 16:30 no 16:31 but a guy told me u was living in sweden and then u run home to finland 16:31 :P 16:32 is it not true? 16:32 no 16:32 he said he had meet u in real life 16:32 i don't think so 16:33 he said he had kick ur ass and now u dont shot down his connection anymore 16:34 :D