18:50 < Shane^> Why does the radeon driver spins glxgears just fine, but screws ups wolfenstein while r200 hangs glxgear but starts wolf just fine, intill i crashes bad. ( radeon 8500LE /debian testing/X4.2.0) 22:14 < Russ|werk> Shane^: maybe agp issues? 22:28 < Shane^> Russ|werk: well... 22:28 < Shane^> it also busted mplayer, but thats an other issue 22:29 < Russ|werk> ya, xv doesn't work 22:29 < Russ|werk> gatos and dri need to be merged 22:33 < Shane^> hmmm, any ideas when they'll do that? 22:35 < Russ|werk> dunno 22:35 < Russ|werk> but your lockups might be agp related 22:35 < Shane^> mm 22:48 < Shane^> arg, I realy regret bying this hercules card... 22:48 < Shane^> http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~shane/dokumentasjon/hercules.txt 22:52 < Russ|werk> so? 22:52 < Russ|werk> you are supported 22:52 < Russ|werk> here 22:53 < Russ|werk> you have downloaded the r200 snapshot from dri.sf.net, correct? 22:53 < Shane^> yes 22:53 < Shane^> installed it successfully as well 22:53 < Shane^> but... 22:53 -!- Mithrandir [~tfheen@beta.hardware.no] has joined #dri 22:53 < Russ|werk> but what? 22:53 < Shane^> hello Mith 22:54 < Mithrandir> hi Shane^ 22:54 < Shane^> it crashes X in a bad way, no dmsg either... Since I don't have a consoll I just have to hit the button 22:55 < Mithrandir> ssh into the system and strace it, logging to another box? 22:55 < Mithrandir> race condition, but you might be able to win. :) 22:55 < Shane^> hmmm, good idea 22:59 < Russ|werk> maybe try agp2x? 22:59 < Russ|werk> I play q3a all the time on my asus kt333 w/radeon 8500 23:05 < Shane^> Mithrandir: nothing.... 23:05 < Mithrandir> Shane^: hmm, try Russ|werk's suggestion? 23:05 < Shane^> can't find anything wrong intil it looses connections 23:06 < Shane^> hmmm, I'll try anything soon... 23:06 < Russ|werk> you can't ssh in then? 23:06 < Russ|werk> the only real way to debug that in probaly kgdb over a serial line 23:07 < Shane^> looks like it's the kernel who freez, 23:07 < Shane^> not X 23:07 < Shane^> I put it on ping from another box as well you see 23:10 < Russ|werk> if you want to really get into it and break in with kgdb, you can do that 23:11 < Shane^> reboot, switch kernel