FAI (Fully Automatic Installation) for Debian GNU/Linux
FAI is a non interactive system to install a Debian GNU/Linux
operating system on a PC cluster. You can take one or more virgin PCs,
turn on the power and after a few minutes Linux is installed,
configured and running on the whole cluster, without any interaction
necessary. Thus it's a scalable method for installing and updating a
Beowulf cluster or a network of workstations unattended with little
effort involved. FAI uses the Debian
distribution and a collection of shell- and Perl-scripts for the
installation process. Changes to the configuration files of the
operating system are made by cfengine, shell and Perl scripts. Using
FAI, an unattended and fully automated installation of a Linux cluster which consists
of 16 dual Pentium PC's and a Beowulf cluster with 20
AMD 1 GHz nodes was performed.
FAI's target group are system administrators how have to install
Debian onto one or even hundreds of computers. Because it's a general
purpose installation tool, it can be used for installing a Beowulf
cluster, a rendering farm, a web server farm or a linux laboratory or a classroom. Also
large-scale linux networks with different hardware and different installation
requirements are easy to establish using FAI.
FAI is an automatic installation tool for Debian GNU/Linux, similar
but better than tools for other linux distributions, like kickstart
for Red Hat or yast and alice for SuSE or lui from IBM.
FAI is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General
Public License, version 2.
NEWS: fai_2.2.3 is released. It's tested with Debian 2.2r3 (potato) and also with woody.
- Download latest release of FAI for Debian 2.2:
Read the NEWS for user visible new features.
You can also download from http://sourceforge.net/projects/fai/
- Documentation:
- Mailing list:
- Two script for making a local partial Debian mirror
- The new command fcopy can make configuration much easier. Read the manual.
- Debian CVS repositories are available:
- Links to usefull information for tools and programs used by FAI.
- Call for experiences and installation reports: CFP
- Other documents and installations of FAI.
- Talks by Thomas Lange:
- The fully automatic installation of a Linux cluster; september 8, 1999; 6th International Linux Kongress , Augsburg, Germany; Slides of the talk
- Die voll automatische Installation eines Linux Clusters; october 20, 1999; Institut für Computergraphik, TU Wien, Österreich
- Die voll automatische Installation eines Linux Clusters; january 11, 2000, Linux-Workshop, Uni Köln
- Das Installationstool FAI (Fully automatic Installation); june 15, 2000, GUUG Frühjahrsfachgespräch 2000
- FAI - ein Tool zur automatischen Installation von Linux; november 22, 2000, Kolloquium: Praxis der Datenverarbeitung
- Das Installationstool FAI; march 2, 2001, OSIE 2001 - Offene Systeme im Einsatz, Uni Köln
- FAI - Ein Tool zur automatischen Installation von Debian GNU/Linux; may 4.-6., 2001, 3. Braunschweiger Linuxtage, TU Braunschweig
- FAI - a tool for the fully automatic installation of Debian GNU/Linux; july 2-5, 2001, Debian one , Bordeaux
- FAI - Fully Automatic Installation of Debian GNU/Linux; november 29, 2001 Linux Kongress 2001
- Author: Thomas Lange. You can meet me at Linux Kongress in Enschede or at LISA 2001 in San Diego. If you need support for your cluster installation, send me an email.
- The FAI poster (postscript, papersize A4), bigger version (two pages of A4 size)
- E-mail: fai@informatik.uni-koeln.de
- Additional support for FAI needed ? Call me
FAI for Solaris
FAI for Solaris is a different project to FAI for Linux. I am doing a fully automatic installation of Solaris on SUN hardware with Jumpstart (read the Solaris Advanced Installation Guide at docs.sun.com) and the scripts of Casper Dik. These scripts work for the installation of Solaris on SUN SPARC hardware and for Solaris x86 on computers with Intel processors.
Thu, 6 Dec 2001 06:26:05 +0100