Newsgroups: comp.unix.admin From: (Anatoly N Ivasyuk) Subject: Unix Administration Horror Stories!!! (part 1 of 4) Message-ID: <> Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1993 04:54:06 GMT
1) Some of these stories are damn amusing. 2) Many people can learn many things about what *not* to do when they're in charge of a system. As (Rick Furniss) puts it: "More systems have been wiped out by admins than any hacker could do in a lifetime."This is not an FAQ, but more like the questions that *should* have been asked (and answered). There are success stories, and... well... other stories. I'm certain that everyone can learn something from reading these stories.
The organization of the Summary has been changed quite a bit (maybe I should bump the version number up to 2.0?). Instead of leaving the stories in more or less chronological order of the postings, they have been separated into sections. There are currently sections for all different types of stories, and a brief table of contents to go along with it. Any new stories that I have received since version 1.0 of the Summary have been integrated with the rest of the stories, but usually appear at the end of their respective sections. The new stories are marked by '*NEW*'.
The miscellaneous section is a little large, but I had no idea where to stick those stories. If anyone cares to suggest a place, or comes up with a new section, let me know.
Initially, the stories will be available for ftp at Thanks to for letting me put them there. They will probably appear within the next few days. They will probably be in /pub/docs/humor or /pub/archives/comp.unix.admin. More ftp sites may follow.
As always, send more stories!
-Anatoly Ivasyuk (Arne Asplem) wrote: > I'm the program chair for a one day conference on Unix system > administration in Oslo in 3 weeks, including topics like network > management, system admininistration tools, integration, print/file-servers, > securitym, etc. > I'm looking for actual horror stories of what have gone wrong because > of bad system administration, as an early morning wakeup. > I'll summarise to the net if there is any interest. > -- Arne
Our operations group, a VMS group but trying to learn UNIX, was assigned account administration. They were cleaning up a few non-used accounts like they do on VMS - backup and purge. When they came across the account "sccs", which had never been accessed, away it went. The "deleteuser" utility fom DEC asks if you would like to delete all the files in the account. Seems reasonable, huh?
One user took longer then usual, so I hit control-c and tried ls. "ls: command not found"
Turns out that the test user had / as the home directory and the remove user script in ultrix just happily blew away the whole disk.
ftp, telnet, rcp, rsh, etc were all gone. Had to go to tapes, and had one LONG rebuild of X11R5.
Fortunately it wasn't our primary system, and I'm only a student....
Well, one night, the thing goes off and tries to remove a user with the home directory '/'. All the machines went down, with varying ammounts of stuff missing (depending on how soon the script, rm, find, and other importing things were clobbered).
Nobody knew what what was going on! The systems were restored from backup, and things seemed to be going OK, until the next night when the remove-user script was fired off by cron again.
This time, Corporate Security was called in, and the admin group's supervisor was called back from his vacation (I think there's something in there about a helicopter picking the guy up from a rafting trip in the Grand Canyon).
By chance, somebody checked the cron scripts, and all was well for the next night...
I called up the person who handled backups, and he restored the password file.
A couple of days later, I did it again! This time, after he restored it, he made a link, /etc/safe_from_tim.
About a week later, I overwrote /etc/passwd, rather than removing it.
After he restored it again, he installed a daemon that kept a copy of /etc/passwd, on another file system, and automatically restored it if it appeared to have been damaged.
Fortunately, I finished my work on /etc/lpspl around this time, so we didn't have to see if I could find a way to wipe out a couple of filesystems...
# cd / # rm -rf *ohhhhhhhh sh*t i hope those tapes are good.
Ya know it's kinda funny (in a perverse way) to watch the system just slowly go away.
"rm -rf ./.*". I will never do this again. If I am in any doubt as to how a wildcard will expand I will echo it first.
rm -rf .* &By the time I got it stopped, it had chewed through 3 filesystems which all had to be restored from tape (.* expands to ../*, and the -r makes it keep walking up the directory tree). Live and learn...
If you're doing this using find always put -xdev in:
find /tmp/ -xdev -fstype 4.2 -type f -atime +5 -exec rm {} \;
This stops find from working its way down filesystems mounted under /tmp/. If you're using, say, perl you have to stat . and .. and see if they are mounted on the same device. The fstype 4.2 is pure paranoia.
Needless to say, I once forgot to do this. All was well for some weeks until Convex's version of NQS decided to temporarily mount /mnt under /tmp... Interestingly, only two people noticed. Yes, the chief op. keeps good backups!
Other triumphs: I created a list of a user's files that hadn't been accessed for three months and a perl script for him to delete them. Of course, it had to be tested, I mislaid a quote from a print statement... This did turn into a triumph, he only wanted a small fraction of them back so we saved 20 MB.
I once deleted the only line from within an if..then statement in rc.local, the sun refused to come up, and it was surprisingly difficult to come up single user with a writeable file system.
AIX is a whole system of nightmares strung together. If you stray outside of the sort of setup IBM implicitly assume you have (all IBM kit, no non IBM hosts on the network, etc.) you're liable to end up in deep doodoo.
One thing I would like all vendors to do (I know one or two do) is to give root the option of logging in using another shell. Am I the only one to have mangled a root shell?
Fortune has it that I'm a very lazy person. That's why I never bothered to just back up directories with data that changes often. Therefore I managed to restore /etc successfully before rebooting... :-) Happy end, after all. Of course I had lost the only well working version of my
[ I wish all systems were like that. Linux mkfs doesn't wait, but at ] [ least I have the source! -ed. ]
Another time I wasn't so lucky. I was a very new SA, and I was trying to clean some junk out of a system. I was in /usr/bin when I noticed a sub directory that didn't belong there. A former SA had put it there. I did an ls on it and determined that it could be zapped. Forgetting that I was still in /usr/bin, I did an rm *. No 10 second idiot proofing with rm. Now if some one would only create an OS with a "Do what I mean, not what I say" feature.
Gary "Experience is what allows you to recognize a mistake the second time you make it." Fowler
One day I wanted to edit the start up file and mistyped
# rm /etc/rc.local
instead of the obvious.
*Fortunately* I had just finished a backup and was now finding out the joys of tar and it's love of path names. [./etc/rc.local and /etc/rc.local and etc/rc.local) are *not* the same for tar and TK-50s take a *long* time search for non-existant files :(]
Of course the BREAK (Ctrl-P) key on a VAX and an Ultrix manual and a certain /etc/ttys line are just a horror story waiting to happen! Especially when the VAX and manuals are in a unsupervised place :)
Until a few months later. We were trying to convince a sysadmin from another site that he shouldn't NFS export his disks rw,root to everyone, so I mounted the disk to put a few suid root programs in his home directory to convince him. Well, it's only a temporary mount, so....
You guessed it, another Friday afternoon. I did a umount /tmp/b, and forgot about it. I noticed this one about halfway through the next day. (NFS over a couple of 64k links is pretty slow). The disk had not unmounted because it was busy...busy with two find scripts, happily checking for suid programs, and deleting anything over a week old. A df on the filesystem later showed about 12% full :-( Sorry Craig.
Now, I create /mnt1, /mnt2, /mnt3.... :-)
Remember....Friday afternoons are BAD news.
I got the chance to learn how to install AIX from scratch. I did reinstall INED even though I was a little gun-shy but I made sure that whenever I used it from then on I was *not* root. I have since decided that EMACS may be a better choice.
Guess what happened, not an hour ago... A collegue of mine was emptying some directories of computer-course accounts. As I did a "ps -t" on his tty, what did I see? "rm -rf .*"
Well, I'm not alone, he got sixteen other homedirectories as well. And guess what filesystems we don't make incremental backups of... And why not? Beats me...
I haven't killed him yet, he first has to restore the lot.
And for those "touch \-i" fans out there: you wouldn't have been protected...
I think the result was that the new person was sent on a sysamin's course a.s.a.p
Then it must be version-dependent. On this Sun, "cp /bin/rm foo" followed by "./foo foo" does not leave a foo behind, and strings shows that rm appears not to call rmdir (which makes sense, as it can just use unlink()).
In any case, I'm reminded of the following article. This is a classic which, like the story of Mel, has been on the net several times; it was in this newsgroup in January. It was first posted in 1986.
Have you ever left your terminal logged in, only to find when you came back to it that a (supposed) friend had typed "rm -rf ~/*" and was hovering over the keyboard with threats along the lines of "lend me a fiver 'til Thursday, or I hit return"? Undoubtedly the person in question would not have had the nerve to inflict such a trauma upon you, and was doing it in jest. So you've probably never experienced the worst of such disasters....
It was a quiet Wednesday afternoon. Wednesday, 1st October, 15:15 BST, to be precise, when Peter, an office-mate of mine, leaned away from his terminal and said to me, "Mario, I'm having a little trouble sending mail." Knowing that msg was capable of confusing even the most capable of people, I sauntered over to his terminal to see what was wrong. A strange error message of the form (I forget the exact details) "cannot access /foo/bar for userid 147" had been issued by msg. My first thought was "Who's userid 147?; the sender of the message, the destination, or what?" So I leant over to another terminal, already logged in, and typed
grep 147 /etc/passwd only to receive the response /etc/passwd: No such file or directory.
Instantly, I guessed that something was amiss. This was confirmed when in response to
ls /etc I got ls: not found.
I suggested to Peter that it would be a good idea not to try anything for a while, and went off to find our system manager.
When I arrived at his office, his door was ajar, and within ten seconds I realised what the problem was. James, our manager, was sat down, head in hands, hands between knees, as one whose world has just come to an end. Our newly-appointed system programmer, Neil, was beside him, gazing listlessly at the screen of his terminal. And at the top of the screen I spied the following lines:
# cd # rm -rf *
Oh, shit, I thought. That would just about explain it.
I can't remember what happened in the succeeding minutes; my memory is just a blur. I do remember trying ls (again), ps, who and maybe a few other commands beside, all to no avail. The next thing I remember was being at my terminal again (a multi-window graphics terminal), and typing
cd / echo *I owe a debt of thanks to David Korn for making echo a built-in of his shell; needless to say, /bin, together with /bin/echo, had been deleted. What transpired in the next few minutes was that /dev, /etc and /lib had also gone in their entirety; fortunately Neil had interrupted rm while it was somewhere down below /news, and /tmp, /usr and /users were all untouched.
Meanwhile James had made for our tape cupboard and had retrieved what claimed to be a dump tape of the root filesystem, taken four weeks earlier. The pressing question was, "How do we recover the contents of the tape?". Not only had we lost /etc/restore, but all of the device entries for the tape deck had vanished. And where does mknod live? You guessed it, /etc. How about recovery across Ethernet of any of this from another VAX? Well, /bin/tar had gone, and thoughtfully the Berkeley people had put rcp in /bin in the 4.3 distribution. What's more, none of the Ether stuff wanted to know without /etc/hosts at least. We found a version of cpio in /usr/local, but that was unlikely to do us any good without a tape deck.
Alternatively, we could get the boot tape out and rebuild the root filesystem, but neither James nor Neil had done that before, and we weren't sure that the first thing to happen would be that the whole disk would be re-formatted, losing all our user files. (We take dumps of the user files every Thursday; by Murphy's Law this had to happen on a Wednesday). Another solution might be to borrow a disk from another VAX, boot off that, and tidy up later, but that would have entailed calling the DEC engineer out, at the very least. We had a number of users in the final throes of writing up PhD theses and the loss of a maybe a weeks' work (not to mention the machine down time) was unthinkable.
So, what to do? The next idea was to write a program to make a device descriptor for the tape deck, but we all know where cc, as and ld live. Or maybe make skeletal entries for /etc/passwd, /etc/hosts and so on, so that /usr/bin/ftp would work. By sheer luck, I had a gnuemacs still running in one of my windows, which we could use to create passwd, etc., but the first step was to create a directory to put them in. Of course /bin/mkdir had gone, and so had /bin/mv, so we couldn't rename /tmp to /etc. However, this looked like a reasonable line of attack.
By now we had been joined by Alasdair, our resident UNIX guru, and as luck would have it, someone who knows VAX assembler. So our plan became this: write a program in assembler which would either rename /tmp to /etc, or make /etc, assemble it on another VAX, uuencode it, type in the uuencoded file using my gnu, uudecode it (some bright spark had thought to put uudecode in /usr/bin), run it, and hey presto, it would all be plain sailing from there. By yet another miracle of good fortune, the terminal from which the damage had been done was still su'd to root (su is in /bin, remember?), so at least we stood a chance of all this working.
Off we set on our merry way, and within only an hour we had managed to concoct the dozen or so lines of assembler to create /etc. The stripped binary was only 76 bytes long, so we converted it to hex (slightly more readable than the output of uuencode), and typed it in using my editor. If any of you ever have the same problem, here's the hex for future reference:
070100002c000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000dd8fff010000dd8f27000000fb02ef07000000fb01ef070000000000bc8f 8800040000bc012f65746300I had a handy program around (doesn't everybody?) for converting ASCII hex to binary, and the output of /usr/bin/sum tallied with our original binary. But hang on---how do you set execute permission without /bin/chmod? A few seconds thought (which as usual, lasted a couple of minutes) suggested that we write the binary on top of an already existing binary, owned by me...problem solved.
So along we trotted to the terminal with the root login, carefully remembered to set the umask to 0 (so that I could create files in it using my gnu), and ran the binary. So now we had a /etc, writable by all. From there it was but a few easy steps to creating passwd, hosts, services, protocols, (etc), and then ftp was willing to play ball. Then we recovered the contents of /bin across the ether (it's amazing how much you come to miss ls after just a few, short hours), and selected files from /etc. The key file was /etc/rrestore, with which we recovered /dev from the dump tape, and the rest is history.
Now, you're asking yourself (as I am), what's the moral of this story? Well, for one thing, you must always remember the immortal words, DON'T PANIC. Our initial reaction was to reboot the machine and try everything as single user, but it's unlikely it would have come up without /etc/init and /bin/sh. Rational thought saved us from this one.
The next thing to remember is that UNIX tools really can be put to unusual purposes. Even without my gnuemacs, we could have survived by using, say, /usr/bin/grep as a substitute for /bin/cat.
And the final thing is, it's amazing how much of the system you can delete without it falling apart completely. Apart from the fact that nobody could login (/bin/login?), and most of the useful commands had gone, everything else seemed normal. Of course, some things can't stand life without say /etc/termcap, or /dev/kmem, or /etc/utmp, but by and large it all hangs together.
I shall leave you with this question: if you were placed in the same situation, and had the presence of mind that always comes with hindsight, could you have got out of it in a simpler or easier way? Answers on a postage stamp to:
Mario Wolczko
find / -name core -o -atime +1 -exec /bin/rm {} \;
The cute thing about this is that it leaves ALL core files intact, and removes any OTHER file that hasn't been accessed in the last 24 hours.
Although the script ran at 4AM, I was the first person to notice this, in the early afternoon.. I started to get curious when I noticed that SOME man pages were missing, while others were. Up till then, I was pleased to see that we finally had some free disk space. Then I started to notice the pattern.
Really unpleasant was the fact that no system backups had taken place all summer (and this was a research lab).
The only saving grace is that most of the really active files had been accessed in the previous day (thank god I didn't do this on a saturday). I was also lucky that I'd used tar the previous day, as well.
I still felt sick having to tell people in the lab what happened.
An unfortunate friend of mine had managed to create an executable with a name consisting of a single DEL character, so it showed up as "?*".
He tried to remove it.
"rm ?*"
he was quite frustrated by the time he asked me for help, because he had such a hard time getting his files restored. Every time he walked up to a sys-admin type and explained what happened, they'd go "you did WHAT?", he'd explain again, and they'd go into a state of uncontrolable giggles, and he'd walk away. I only giggled controlably.
This was at a time (~star wars) when it was known to many as "the mythical rm star".
It is also forbidden to remove the root directory of a given file system.Well, just to test it out, I one day decided to try "rm -r /" on one of our test machines. The man page is correct, but if you read carefully, it doesn't say anything about all of the files underneath that filesystem....--
I put the following command in the root cron...
find / -type f -name \*.o -atime +1 -exec /usr/bin/rm -f {} \;
(instead of putting)
find /home/bcutter -type f -name \*.o -atime +1 -exec /usr/bin/rm -f {} \;
find /usr/local/src -type f -name \*.o -atime +1 -exec /usr/bin/rm -f {} \;
The result was that a short time later I was unable to compile software. What the first line was doing was zapping the files like /usr/lib/crt1.o .. and later I found out all the Kernel object files...
OOPS! After this happened a second time (after re-installing the files from tape) I tracked down the offending line and fixed it....
Yet another case of creating work by trying to avoid extra work (in this case a second find line)
My friend had to reinstall the entire OS on that machine after his coworker did this "cleanup". Ahh, the hazards of working with sysadmins who really shouldn't be sysadmins in the first place.
Moral of all these stories: if I had to hire a Unix sysadmin, the first thing I'd look for is experience. NOTHING can substitute for down-to-earth, real-life grungy experience in this field.
When this happened to a colleague (when I worked somewhere else) he restored vmunix by copying from another machine. Unfortunately, a 68000 kernel does not run very well on a Sparc...
Hmm. A colleague of mine did much the same by accident on one of our test machines. After discovering it, fortunately while the machine was still up & running, he FTPed a copy of /vmunix from the other lab system (both running exactly the same kernel).
After rebooting his machine everything (to his relief) worked fine.
All this happened on my sparcII...
I was making room on / because I needed to to test run something (which was using a tmp file in, of all places, /var/tmp. I could have recompiled the application to use more memory and/or /tmp, but I'm too lazy for that), so I figure "I'll just compress this, and this, and this..." One of those "this'" was vmunix.
Well, of course the application crashes the machine, and stupid me had forgotten that I'd compressed vmunix, so the damn thing won't boot. checksum: Bad value or some such error. Took me most of the day to figure out just what I'd done to the dang thing. 8)
1) Never, ever, EVER play with vmunix.
2) Always keep a log of what you do to the root file system.
I realized my error fast enough... So, since I had deleted the kernel, and the administration kernels (that both reside in /), I had to recreate a new kernel. Luckily for me, DG/UX allows to recreate one "on the fly", using parameters of the running kernel (in memory!)... So I did, and then rebooted.
Things started getting bad when I still couldn't work on my machine, logins didn't work (No Shell messages...)... Until I could access the /etc/passwd file using a trojan shell through an NFS mounted directory, and great a root account whose shell was not /sbin/sh...
On a DG, /sbin and /bin are both links to /usr/sbin... The links were killed when I did my "rm"...
The other day while reading Stevens new book, "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment", he stated that he had done the exact same thing durring the preparation of his book. At least I am not alone.....
Several years ago I was sysadmin for the department's VAX/VMS system. One day, trying to free up some space on the system disk, I noticed there were a bunch of files like COBRTL.EXE, BASRTL.EXE etc. - i.e. the Cobol, Basic, etc. run-time libraries. Since the only language used was Fortran, I nuked them.
Three weeks later, a visiting professor came over from Greece for a few weeks, mostly to do some calculations on the VAX. He got in on a Friday morning, and started work that afternoon. About 7 PM I got a call at home - he'd accidentally bumped the reset switch (on the VAX 3200, it was just at knee height!) and it wouldn't reboot. I went back in and took a look, and the reason it wouldn't come up was that the run-time libraries were missing.
I ended up booting stand-alone backup from tape, dumping another data disk to tape, restoring an old system from tape, copying the RTL's, then restoring the data disk from tape again - all with TK50's. Took me until 3 AM.
My "big break", the moment I became sysadmin, was partly by virtue of being the only one to ask him for the root password the day he went out the door for the last time.
What I've found preferable, when wanting to set up an alternative shell for root (bash, in my case), is to add a second line in /etc/passwd with a slightly different login name, same password, UID 0, and the other shell. That way, if /usr/local/bin/bash or /usr/local/bin or the /usr partition itself ever goes west, I still have a login with good ol' /bin/sh handy. (I know, installing it as /bin/bash might bypass some potential problems, but not all of them.)
This might, of course, be harder to do on a security fascist system like AIX. Simply trying to create a "backup" login with UID 0 there once so that the operator didn't get a prompt and have to remember what to type next was a nightmare. (I wound up giving "backup" a normal UID, put it in a group by itself, and gave it setuid-root copies of find and cpio, with owner root, group backup, and permissions 4550). BTW, this was to make things easier for the backup operator, not to make it secure from that person.
Anyway, to recover the data I used fsdb to edit the superblock and change the dirty bit to clean, mounted the disk, got off all the good data, and remade the filesystem. Thanks, Xenix. fsck couldn't clean it, but you did supply fsdb! *whew*
1) yesterday's panic: Applying a patch tape to an AIX 3.2 system to bring it to 3.2.3. Having had reasonable sucess at this before, I used an xterm window from my workstation. Well, at some point, a shared library got updated.. I'd seen this before on other machines - what happens is that 'more', 'su', and a few other things start failing mysteriously. Unfortunately, I then managed to nuke ANOTHER window on my workstation - and the SIGHUP semantics took out all windows I spawned from the command line of that window.
So - we got a system that I can login to, but can't 'su' to root. And since I'm not root, I can't continue the update install, or clean things up. I was in no mood to pull the plug on the machine when I didn't know what state it was in - was kind of in no mood to reboot and find out it wasn't rebootable.
I finally ended up using FTP to coerce all the files in /etc/security so that I could login as root and finish cleaning up....
Ended up having to reboot *anyhow* - just too much confusion with the updated shared library...
2) Another time, our AIX/370 cluster managed to trash the /etc/passwd file. All 4 machines in the cluster lost their copies within milliseconds. In the next few minutes, I discovered that (a) the nightly script that stashed an archive copy hadn't run the night before and (b) that our backups were pure zorkumblattum as well. (The joys of running very beta-test software).
I finally got saved when I realized the cluster had *5* machines in it - a lone PS/2 had crashed the night before, and failed to reboot. So it had a propogated copy of /etc/passwd as of the previous night.
Go to that PS/2, unplug it's Ethernet.. reboot it. Copy /etc/passwd to floppy, carry to a working (?) PS/2 in the cluster, tar it off, let it propogate to other cluster sites. Go back, hook up the crashed PS/2s ethernet.. All done.
Only time in my career that having beta-test software crash a machine saved me from bugs in beta-test software. ;)
3) Once I was in the position of upgrading a Gould PN/9080. I was a good sysadmin, took a backup before I started, since the README said that they had changed the I-node format slightly. I do the upgrade, and it goes with unprecidented (for Gould) smoothness. mkfs all the user partitions, start restoring files. Blam.
I/O error on the tape. All 12 tapes. Both Sets of backups.
However, 'dd' could read the tape just fine.
36 straight hours later, I finally track it down to a bad chip on the tape controller board - the chip was involved in the buffer/convert from a 32-bit backplane to a 8-bit I/O cable. Every 4 bytes, the 5th bit would reverse sense. 20 mins later, I had a program written, and 'dd | my_twiddle | restore -f -' running.
Moral: Always *verify* the backups - the tape drive didn't report a write error, because what it *received* and what went on the tape were the same....
I'm sure I have other sagas, but those are some of the more memorable ones I've had...
So I started with setting every tty including the console to insecure, put only myself in group wheel and made sure that ftp denied accesss to every account without a password.
Everything worked fine and I couldn't imagine anything against it.
Then, after maybe a month or so, I decided for some reasons I have entirely forgotten, to set my own login shell from /usr/local/bin/tcsh to /bin/sh. Trying to make things as small as possible I just deleted the entire shell entry in the passwd so /bin/sh would get the default shell. As a short test logging in in just another xterm went fine, I dodn't spent any more thoughts on it and logged off a few hours later.
Next time I wanted to su to root I was plain denied it! (Needless to say that I was somewhat surprized)
`id` quickly revealed I had no other group than my login group (which wasn't wheel) -hence no su for me :(
- booting single-user asked for the root password and wasn't content with a- logging in as root had been disabled by myself - ftp denies access to accounts without password - I didn't have an /.rhosts - my tape drive stopped working (I later found out the head was blocked in a faraway position)
Eventually I ended up inviting another 3/50 owner to my home with his disk and booting from that one.
-since then I've moved experiments to diskless clients :-)
Well, the first working day in January I got a phone call at the place I spent that time. Missing /etc/rc* the server would drop a desperated shell at a rather helpless state of things. :-} At my last change of the rc's I obviously had checked them in with the 'delta' command only :( having the original files deleted (or rather stored in the SCCS directory) :-}
I had to return the 800 km to work a week earlier than planned. (and learned a lot about startup :)
No mistake any user ever made as root has ever outscored this one... (oh yeah, extending the swap partition over the next one (almost one GB without backup, but that was the boss of the department...)
On the following Sunday, he decided to try out his new-found knowledge by trying to connect and configure a DAT drive on one of our critical test systems. He connected the cables up okay, and then created the device file using 'mknod'.
Unfortunately, he gave the device file the same minor & major device numbers as the root disk; so as soon as he tried to write to this newly installed 'DAT drive', the machine wents tits up with a corrupt root disk....ho hum.
I was new at the game at the time and couldn't figure out what happened! It look good to me. I didn't know about "special files" and "mknod" and major and minor device codes. A friend finally helped out and started laughing and put me on the right track. That one episode taught me a lot about my system.
I finally got it working by having him get the tar archive of the linux binaries (including the tar we needed), and untarring it on one of the public decstations here, so we could ftp tar to his PC using his dos tcp/ip stuff. A funny aside was that it untarred into ~/bin, and superseded all his normal commands. We were wondering why everything wouldn't run. Luckily it wasn't too hard to fix after we realized what happened.
[story about deleting /dev/null deleted. -ed.]
Years ago when I was working in the Graphics Workshop at Edinburgh University, we used to have a small UNIX machine for testing. The machine wasn't used too much, so nobody bothered to set up user accounts, and so everybody was running as root all the time. Now one of the chaps who used to come in was fond of reading fortunes (/usr/games/fortune having been removed from the University's real machines along with all the other games). Guess what happened when the machine said
# fortune
fortune: write error on /dev/null --- please empty the bit bucket
Quite a lot of stuff wouldn't work after the chap was done with the machine for the day. You bet we put up proper accounts after that!
try this one: /etc/dump /dev/rmt/0m /dev/dsk/0s1 Or: tar cvf /dev/root /dev/rmt0Backups on unix can be one of the most dangerous commands used, and they are used to prevent rather than cause a problem. If any Unix utility were a candidate for a warning message, or error checking, this would be it.
Just in case you didnt catch the HORROR above, the parameters are backworks causing a TOTAL wipe out of the root file systems.
More systems have been wiped out by admins than any hacker could do in a life time.
Next day I get a call from the guy to say he'd been there all night and he'd had all sorts of funny messages when restoring from tape.
Eventually we tracked his problem down to the backup script he'd been using. It was a simple one liner:
find / -print [ cpio -oc ] dd -obs=100k of=/dev/rmt0 2>/dev/null This was a problem because: 1) His system had two 300MB drives 2) He only had a 150MB tape drive 3) The same script was being run every night by a cron job 4) All his backups were created by this script(In case you haven't worked it out, the dd is to speed up writes to tape but it has the unfortunate side effect that CPIO never finds out about the end of tape. Because the errors were going to the bit bucket, they never knew their backups were incomplete until they came to restore from them).
I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when he explained to his boss that the data was gone and there was no way of getting it back.
Being a nice guy I built a menu system and installed the backups on the menu so they could do it with a push of the button. Swell, It's Monday. Call if anything else comes up. 1 week later I get a call. Console is scrolling messages, App seems to be missing yesterday's orders, etc. Call in, and cannot log in. 'w' doesn't work. Crazy stuff. Really strange.
Grab old drive/controller, fly to Charlotte replace drive, install app backup tape. They re-key missing stuff, etc. Bring new disk back. Won't boot, won't do anything. Boot emergency floppy set. Looking around. Can't figure but have backup tape from that morning that "completed successfully". tar tvf /dev/rct0. Hmm, why all these files look very OLD. Uh, Where, Uh. Look at menu command for the "backup" is 'tar xvf /dev/rct0 /'
Anyway, I owned up to the mistake, re-loaded the SCSI drivers and changed the command to 'tar cvf ..'
Hehehe, Now I DOUBLE check what I put on a menu, and try not to be in a *HURRY* when I do this stuff.
A few days later, she called back saying that there really is something wrong with the tape. She needed to restore some data from a few days ago, and like before, the busy light on the drive didn't come on, but files did restore. However when she started the application program, the data hadn't changed. I dialed up the system again, and just on a fluke, issued a "df" -- it showed their rather large root filesystem to be nearly full. Confused, I did a "find", searching for files over 1MB. Of course, what I found was this huge file named /dev/rct0. As I later discovered, their system had crashed a few weeks ago, and she had simply answered "yes" to a bunch of questions that it asked when she brought it back up. The /dev/rct0 device was removed (but /dev/xct0 was still there, which allowed me to retension the tape) and the backup script never checked to make sure that it was actually writing to a character device.
Needless to say, I modified the backup program to make sure that it was really writing to a device, and I made her promise to call me whenever the system crashed or asked "funny questions" when it was booting.
We had been experiencing occasional problems with the 1/4-inch tape backups, but HP's hardware service engineer convinced us that the problems were resolved. A complete backup was performed prior to installation (by the HP engineer) of the jukebox. Two unfortunate things happened. First, the problems on our backup tapes were due to intermittent hardware problems on the tape drive which were not discovered by the extensive diagnostics performed on the tape drive. Second, the engineer installed the jukebox with the same hardware SCSI address as our root file system.
As you may have anticipated, the attempt to mediainit the first optical cartridge resulted in a rather ungraceful failure of the root file system. This was compounded by the fact that much of the data on the backup tapes was not recoverable.
A call to the computer room soon identified the problem, and the operator was given the commands to resume normal system operation. As near as we can figure, somewhere around half of the users had disconnected but the system didn't notice because it never saw carrier drop on those ports (being dead). New, different users had now connected to those ports. We received several semi-confused user calls, realized what had happened and invoked the magic "/etc/shutdown NOW" command. The procedure (should this ever happen again) will be to manually panic the system and reboot. I also surgically removed the keycap from that particular key on our terminal - you have to work to press it now!
Many times since then I have wished other computers came with a backup battery as standard issue.
This big (:-) CDC 6600 system was bootable from tape drive 0, using these 12 inches wheels containing 1/2" tape. The *whole* system was reloaded anew from the tape each time we restarted the machine, because there was no permanent file system yet, the disks were not meant to retain files through computer restarts (unbelievable today, I know :-). The deadstart tapes (as they were called) were quite valuable, and we were keeping at least a dozen backups of those, going back maybe one or two years in development.
The problem was that the two vacuum capstans which were driving the tape 0, near the magnetic heads, were not perfectly synchronized, due to an hardware misadjustment. So they were stretching the tape while they were reading it, wearing it in a way invisible to the eye, but nevertheless making the tape irrecoverable. Besides that, everything was looking normal in the tape physical and electrical operations. Of course, nobody knew about this problem when it suddenly appeared.
All this happened while all the system administration team went into vacation at the same time. Not being a traveler, I just stayed available `on call'. The knowledgeable operators were able solve many situations, and being kind guys for me (I was for them :-), they would not disturb me just for a non-working deadstart tape. Further, they had a full list of all deadstart backup tapes. So, they first tried (and destroyed) half a dozen backups before turning the machine to the hardware guys, whom destroyed themselves a few more.
The technicians had their own systems for diagnostics, all bootable from tape drive 0, of course. They had far less backups to we did. They destroyed almost them all before calling me in. Once told what happened, my only suggestion was to alter the deadstart sequence so to become able to boot from another tape drive. Strangely enough, nobody thought about it yet. In these old times, software guys were always suspecting hardware, and vice versa :-).
Happily enough, the few tapes left started, both for production and for the technicians. Tape drive 0 being quite suspectable, the technicians finally discovered the problem and repaired it. My only job left was to upgrade the system from almost one year back, before turning it to operations. This was at the time, now seemingly lost, when system teams were heavily modifying their operating system sources. This was also the time when everything not on big tapes was all on punched Hollerith cards, the only interactive device being the system console. It took me many days, alone, having the machine in standalone mode. The crowd of users stopped regularily in the windows of the computer room, taking bets, as they were used to do, on how fast I will get the machine back up (I got some of my supporters loosing their money, this time :-).
This was quite hard work for me, done under high pressure. When the remainder of the staff returned from trip, and when I told them the whole tale, we decided to never synchronize our holidays again.
Story Two involved connecting an HP laserjet to a Sun 3/280. This sucker just would NOT do flow control correctly. I put a dumb terminal in place of the HP and manually typed ^S/^Q sequences to prove that the serial port really was honoring X-ON/X-OFF. But for some reason the ^Ss from the HP didn't "taste right" to the Sun, which ignored them. Switching the HP serial port between RS422/RS232 had no effect. It evenually turned out to be some sort of flakeyness with the Sun ALM-II board. Everything worked fine after I moved the printer to one of the built-in Zilog ports. Death to flakey hardware...
I received a call from an irate user who noticed intolerable delays after some upgrades were done to the customer's branch offices. His ELC would use dial-up to establish a link before running software off the server in a different site.
He attributed the delay to slow dial-up links and software changes, but then the customer mentioned that quitting WordPerfect and switching to our applic- ation took over an hour. I asked what the system was doing during that hour. He replied the disk was constantly spinning. Puzzled, I checked his swap, which was more than sufficient. Then finally I noticed his ELC booted with only 4 meg of memory.
Think the field technician swapped their CPU board a month ago and forgot to move the SIMMs over. The worst part of it was the customer went on with this situation for a month before bringing it to our attention!
Moral of the story: Check that the service guy puts everything back in.
All went well, except... on reboot, one of the partitions that was newly restored from backup got a fsck error. Fixed it, it rebooted, then another one got an error. fscked that one, rebooted it, and doggone it, the first error was back!
We had a one cylinder overlap. Sheesh. At least Ultrix WARNS you of that.
Solution, rebuild all the partitions so they don't overlap and restore, also buy the sysadmin a calculator.
Moral, always do your sums on the /etc/partitions file very carefully before using mkpart.
Well, I was setting up a Plexus P-95 to be a news/mail/communications machine and needed to wipe the disks and install a new OS. El CEO requested that his brother do the installation and disk partitioning. He had done this before, so I gave him the partition maps and let him at it. When he was done, everything seemed to be ok. Great, on with the install and setup.
Things went fine until I started compiling the news and mail software. All of a sudden, the machine paniced. I brought it back up and the root file system was amazingly corrupt. After rebuilding things, it all seemed to be fine -- diagnostics all ran fine, etc. So I started again -- this time keeping an eye on things. Sure enough, the root file system became corrupted again when the system started to load.
This time I brought it down and checked everything. The problem? Swap space started at block zero and so did the root file system. ARRRGGGHHHHH!!
Oh yes, the brother still works there.
Now when I partition a disk I sit there with a calculator and make sure all the numbers add up correctly (offsets, number of cylinders, number of blocks, and so on).
I remember a similar thing once - on a symbolics machine, a customer declared a file in the FEP filesystem as a paging file, and as part of the file system (it was one way to solve their disk space crunch) It was caught before damage was done - we weren't sure if it was because they hadn't done anything real yet, or simply the machine knew not to mess with the IRS (the customer).
BUT WAIT!!! It did. Turns out it took 3 or 4 tries to get the partition size correct (what the hell is it with telling it how long it is in hex or whatever?). It was at this point where I started to cover my eyes and wander around the building because we only found out the partition didn't work after spending 3 hours restoring the applications. 4 * 3 = 12 hours to repartition!
First, I forgot to run installboot on the new boot partition. Whoops. Get out the tape and boot miniroot (5 minutes), then mount / and use installboot. Fine. Now it finds /vmunix correctly.
But on the 327, /usr was on the h partition, not g. So when I rebooted with the 669 in place, it mounted the home partition on /usr. fsck not found, reboot failed. Well, that's simple, I'll just edit /etc/fstab and reboot. But vi is on /usr. And home is mounted on /usr. No problem, I'll just mount usr on /mnt or something and do it that way. Nope. vi is dynamically linked, and there's no /usr/lib/ Ok, so I'll go back to single user and try it there. But how to reboot gracefully? sync, shutdown, reboot... all in /usr, (mounted on /mnt) and dynamically linked. So I gave it the vulcan neck pinch and booted into miniroot (5 minutes). So miniroot is up. Fine. Mount the / partition and use ed on /a/etc/fstab. Panic, dup ialloc. The vulcan neck pinch had introduced a slight corruption in the filesystem. But how to preen it? fsck is in /usr, and it's dynamically linked. Sigh.
The solution was to mount the usr partition as /usr right on top of the home partition, run fsck to preen the root partition, reboot, mount /usr again, then remount / read-write, change /etc/fstab and reboot again. So all was ok after an hour of fussing.
It did this *before* opening the terminal, so if it happened to run between the time rc completed and the getty on the console started the console got attached to some random terminal somewhere, so when login attempted to open /dev/tty to prompt for a password it failed.
Moral: always deal with error messages even when you *know* they're bogus. Moral: never cry wolf.
Though this may strike most sane sysadmins as bad practice, SunOS (3.4 or so - my memory is vague) shipped a command called "on". If you were logged on machine A and wanted to execute a command on machine B, you said "on B command", sort of like rsh.
However, A would mount B's disks under some invokations of "on" and it would mount it in /tmp! Of course, lots of folks got bitten by this stupid command and it was taken out after a long delay by Sun.
Anyone remember the details? I've blocked out my memory of pre-4.0 SunOS. Am I just hallucinating?
At my "previous" employer I was instructed to install a new (larger) disk drive in a RS/6000 system. Since a full backup of the system was done the previous day I just looked at the file systems vi a df to see which were on the drive that I was replacing. After this I did a tape backup of these filesystems, ran smit and did a remove of these filesystems. I then installed the new disk and brought the system back up. When I ran smit and when I was able to do the installation of the new drive and setup the file systems I was figuring that this was going to be an easy one. WRONG!! I was aware that you could expand filesystems under AIX but was not aware that it would expand them 'across physical drives'!!! I first realized that I was in trouble when I went to read in the backup tape and cpio was not found. I did an ls of the /usr/bin directory and it said that the file was there but when I tried to run it it was not found. And of course when I went looking for the original install tape it was not to be found....
Finally got the cable, just in time for the winter holiday (read: no network). Brought the machine home, and I figured I'd just copy the configuration files over from the internal to the external (as a nice gesture to my users so they wouldn't have to change their passwords and everything).
The external was a brand new BuildDisk'd disk (had stock NeXTstep on it). NeXT keeps the private information of each machine (/dev, /etc, stuff like that) in a /private directory to make netbooting easier.
Hey, I'll just move /private from the 105M to /private on the external. So I deleted the external's /private and tried to move it via the workspace.
/dev is in /private.
/dev contains device files. Can't move them.
BUT. The workspace happily deleted all the files it DID copy, so the internal couldn't boot (no /etc) and the external couldn't boot (no /dev). This is before the advent of boot floppies so I was stuck for about a week at home with $5000 of NeXT computer that I couldn't boot.
The moral? *NEVER* move something important. Copy, VERIFY, and THEN delete.
+ root adagio:/ 819 -> mv shlib slob + root adagio:/ 820 -> xterm + /usr/bin/X11/xterm: Can not access a needed shared librarySo far, so good. So, put it back:
+ root adagio:/ 821 -> mv slob shlib + /bin/mv: Can not access a needed shared libraryOops! So, tried it from a different system, but didn't have permission, so:
+ root adagio:/ 822 -> chmod 777 slob + /bin/chmod: Can not access a needed shared libraryOK, so let's just cp them across.
+ root adagio:/ 823 -> cd slob + root adagio:/slob 824 -> mkdir /shlib + /bin/mkdir: Can not access a needed shared library + root adagio:/slob 825 ->Then I wrote a program which just did a link(2) of the directories. Yes, gcc and ld didn't have any problems, but even after the link was in place, it still didn't work. I had to reboot (but nothing else), after which it did work. No idea why that made any difference.
erk. Just rebuilt the kernal, did not do a haltsys, or a shutdown, or anything. Just shut the power off. ARGH! Took me 3 weeks to clean up the mess.
You tend to get in this cycle of "try" "haltsys" "power off" "change jumpers" "power on" "try". Well, once everything worked, I guess I was a wee bit excited and forgot a step. :-)
1) /etc/rc cleans tmp but it wasn't cleaning up directories so I changed the line:
(cd /tmp; rm -f - *) to (cd /tmp; rm -f -r - *; rm -f -r - .*)About 15 minutes later I had wiped out the hard drive.
2) One of the user discs got filled so I needed to move everyone over to the new disc partition. So, I used the tar to tar command and flubbed:
cd /user1; tar cf - . | (cd /user1; tar xfBp - )
Next thing I know /user1 is coming up with lots of weird consistency errors and other such nonsense. I meant to type /user2 not /user1. OOOPS!
My moral of the story is when you are doing some BIG type the command and reread what you've typed about 100 times to make sure its sunk in (:
Well, the server had no tape drive, not even any SCSI controller. There were no other machines on its subnet other than the clients, so I had no boothost (at that time, I did not know that the routers could be reconfigured to pass the appropriate rarp packets, nor do I think our network people would have taken kindly to such a hack!). The clients did have SCSI controllers, but I had no portable tape drive. Luckily, I had a portable disk.
So, with great trepidation (remember, I was still a novice), I set up one of the clients, with the spare disk, to be a boothost. I booted the server off the client and read the miniroot from a tape on a remote machine, and copied it to the server's swap partition. Then I manually booted the miniroot on the server by booting off the temporary boothost with the appropriate options, and specified the server's swap partition as containing the kernel to be loaded. Once in the miniroot, I started up routed to permit me to reach the tapehost, and finally invoked suninstall. From then on, it worked like a charm.
Needless to say, I was extremely pleased with myself for figuring all of this out. I then settled down to do the "easy stuff", and got around to configuring NIS (Yellow Pages). I decided to get rid of everything I didn't need, under the assumption that a smaller system is easier to understand and keep track of. The Sun System and Network Administration Manual, which is in many ways an admirable tome, had on page 476 a section on "Preparing Files on NIS Clients", which said:
"Note that the files networks, protocols, ethers, and services need not be present on any NIS clients. However, if a client will on occasion not run NIS, make sure that the above mentioned files do have valid data in them."
So I removed them. Several hours later, when I had finished configuring the server to my satisfaction, reloading the user files, etc., I finally got around to booting up the clients. Well, I *tried* to boot up the clients, but got the strangest errors: the clients loaded their kernels and mounted /, but failed trying to mount /usr with the message "server not responding. RPC: Unknown protocol". I was mystified. I tried putting back the generic kernels on server and clients, several different ifconfig values for the ethernet interfaces, enabling mountd and rexd on server's inetd.conf, removing the clients' /etc/hostname.le0 (which I had added)... all to no avail. 'Twas the last work day before the Christmas break, and I was flummoxed.
Of course, I finally connected the error message "unknown protocol" with the removed /etc/protocols (and other) files, restored these files, after which everything was fine again. I was pretty mad, since I had wasted a whole day on this problem, but *technically*, the Sun manual above is correct.
It just neglected to mention that of course, *no* machine is running NIS at boot time, therefore *every* machine needs valid data in the networks, services, protocols, and ethers files *at boot time*. Grrr!
I once wanted to update the to by myself, so I got root, and then ftp the /lib/ to my /lib. Unfortunately there was not enough room on this partition. So all i got was a file with zero length.
The problem is that I ran /usr/etc/ldconfig in the directory /lib, and that was all. Every command could not be executed, cause checked for /, being the newest one. All i needed was a statically linked mv, but SUN does not provide usually the source. Even going single user didn't do anything. So i had to install a miniroot on the swap partition, and cp /bin/mv from the CD-ROM, and execute-it.
There's an undocumented option on the installation disks called 'magic mode' At one point it offers 4 options (none of which is magic) If you type magic mode at that point, you can get it... believe it or not some at&t person had the nerve, and bizarre sense of humor to add one extra line to magic mode- you see when you type 'magic mode' it says
That was just about the last thing I wanted to see... the rest was in a sense trivial... ran an fsck... it fixed it all for me. So the moral of the story... never ever assume that some prepackaged script that you are running does anything right.
All seems fine, so I used the chsh command and changed root's shell to /usr/local/bin/tcsh. So I logged out and tried to log back in. Only to find out that I couldn't get back in. Every time I tried to log in, I only got the statement: /usr/local/bin/tcsh: permission denied!
I instantly realized what I had done. I forgot to check that tcsh has execute privileges and I couldn't get in as root!
After about 30 minutes of getting mad at myself, I finally figured out to just bring the system down to single-user mode, which ONLY uses the /bin/sh, thankfully, and edited the password file back to /bin/sh.
dipshit# chmod -r 664 /etc/*
(I know, I know, goddamnit!.. now)
Everything was OK for about two to three weeks, then the machine went down for some reason (other than the obvious). Well, I expect that you can imagine the result. The booting procedure was unable to run fsck, so barfed and mounted the file systems read-only, and bunged me into single-user mode. Dumb expression..gradual realisation..cold sweat. Of course, now I can't do a frigging chmod +x on anything because it's all read-only. In fact I can't run anything that isn't part of sh. Wedgerama. Hysteria time. Consider reformatting disks. All sorts of crap ideas. Headless chicken scene. Confession.
"You did WHAT??!!"
Much forehead slapping, solemn oaths and floor pacing.
Luckily, we have a local MegaUnixGenius who, having sat puzzled for an hour or more, decided to boot from a cdrom and take things from there. He fixed it.
My boss, totally amazed at the fix I'd got the system into, luckily saw the funny side of it. I didn't. Even though at that stage, I didn't know much about unix/suns/booting/admin, I did actually know enough to NOT use a command like the one above. Don't ask. Must be the drugs.
BTW, if my future employer _is_ reading this (like they say he/she might), then I have certainly learned tonnes of stuff in the last year, especially having had to set up a complete Sun system, fix local problems, etc :-)
Anyone else got a tale of SGS (Spontaneous Gross Stupidity) ?
As instructed he created a new user called esf and changed the files in /u/appl to owner esf, however in doing so he *must* have cocked up his find command, the command was:
find /u/appl -user appl -exec chown esf {} \;
He rang me up to tell me there was a problem, I logged in via x25 and about 75% of files on system belonged to owner esf.
VERY little worked on system.
What a mess, it took me a while and I came up with a brain wave to fix it but it really screwed up the system.
Moral: be *very* careful of find execs, get the syntax right!!!
But the stories told now are more folklore than real horror. Having read 2 Stephen Kings this weekend I beg everyone to tell more interesting stories, about demons, the system clock running backwards, old files reappearing etc !
pillock# chmod -r -x ~ /*
with the same results (system in single user, refusing to run any commands
or go multi-user).
As it happened
a) This was a government establishment, and so the order for the QIC tapes for backups had not yet been approved, hence no backups...
b) The install script for the kernel drivers for the image processing stuff had not worked 'out of the box', and so the company had sent an engineer down to install it. I hadn't been around when he came and built their drivers, and they hadn't a clue what he had done. So, there was no way to rebuild the drivers without another engineer call and because of (a) there were no backups of the driver...Anyway, a complete reload was therefore out of the question.
These were the days before SunOS on CD-ROM. In the end I managed to get the thing up by booting from tape, installing the miniroot into the swap partition and booting from that. This gave me a working tar and a working mount, but no chmod. Also no mt command. Also at this time very little of my Un*x experience was on Suns, so I had no idea of the layout of the distribution tape. Various experiments with dd and the non-rewinding tape device eventually found the file on the tape with a chmod I could extract. chmod +x /etc/* /bin/* /usr/bin/* on the system's existing disk was enough to make it bootable. After that I sat the student down with a SunOS manual and let him figure out the mess and correct the permissions that had been todged all over the system...
machine# find / -user old_uid -exec chown username {} \;
This was fine... except it was late at night and I was tired, and in a hurry to get home. I had six of these commands to type, and as they would take a long time I'd just let them run in the background over night.....
So, you come in the next morning and a user compains... I can't login to the 4/490 - it says "/bin/login: setgid: not owner".
Okay.... naive user problem no?
rlogin machine -l root /bin/login: setgid: not owner machine console login: root /bin/login: setgid: not ownerOkay - I REALLY can't get in... lets reboot single user and see whats on... this worked. /bin/login is owned (and setuid to) one of the users whos UID I changed the previous day... infact ALL FILES in the ENTIRE filesystem are owned by this user..problem!
We `only' lost about 200 man hours through my little typing mistake. The moral: Beware anything recursive when logged in as root!
The chronology was
1) Run cops. Add cops entry to root's crontab. Later that day, notice that / was 600; change it back.
2) 30 days later: get calls from users - can't log in, "No shell" error messages. Find / is 600; change it. Vaguely remember that this happened once before. The machine was a sandbox, so almost anything could have changed /.
3) 30 days later: get calls from users - can't log in, "No shell" error messages. Find / is 600; change it. Vaguely remember that this happened once before. Happen to think "cron"; notice that the only cron activity for root last night was COPS. Read COPS source and discover problem.
Moral: RTFM. Keep logs, so that you can notice patterns in your data. Don't do anything as root that you can do as a mortal.
$ /bin/su - Password: # chown -R me * mmmmm this seems to be taking a long time ! kill. # ls -l the result was that I was in / after the su ! (good old V7 su used to leave you in the current directory ;-)It took me quite a while to restore all the right ownerships to /bin /etc & /dev (especially the suid/sgid files) I'd managed to kill it before it got off the root filesystem.
To set the stage: We used the csh. We were fairly new to Unix. We were developing a fairly eloborate system in ``C''. We made some fairly harmless (most of the time) mistakes: We had ``.'' (dot) in root's PATH. (Yeah, I know, so sue me.)We had the forsight to set up a pseudo-user for our package. Certain of these programs were to run setuid as the pseudo-user others weren't setuid and were to be only run as that psuedo-user. You know the scenario. The problem was that sometimes during development, one of us didn't have the permission to execute a program. We frequently fell into executing things as root. One particularly frustrating day we did something even more stupid:
chmod 777 *.
Then, just to make sure (of how stupid we can be) we flipped to a virtual terminal that was su'ed to root. The next command, which used the csh's history mechanism, executed a ``C'' program -- NOT the executable, mind you, the source. Believe it or not, the end effect was the same as
cd /
rm -fr *
Sort of reminds me of the story of a hurricane, a junk yard and the creation of a 747. Who'd a thunk it?!!
Take some inexperienced people and a powerful system; add profuse doses of frustration and wha-la! -- You have a Stephen King shell script.
Probably not. I learned the hard way to be careful if messing with /etc/passwd. One day, for some reason, I couldn't login as root (pretty scary, since I knew the root passwd and hadn't changed it).
Turned out that somehow I'd blitzed the first letter of /etc/passwd somehow (vi does bizarre things sometimes). So I logged in as 'oot' and fixed it.
NEVER do a "chmod -R u-s .", especially not in /usr....
I think that "mount -o" or something similar will mount a filesystem read-write if it's come up in singleuser mode and is mounted read-only.....
Well, I was young, I had the manuals, and a guy from Apollo tech support was there to help. How hard could it be, right?
Well, we got out the manuals, configured the system (relying heavily on the defaults), and within 2 hours, we had that puppy on the network. Life was good.
About 3 hours later, I get a phone call from a systems programmer / developer from CMU campus (the SEI is a part of CMU, and we are on their network.) He told me that if I didn't take the &%@*ing Apollo off the network, he was going to do hurtful things to me physically. Life was not so good.
As it turned out, in default mode, the Apollo answered every address request it saw, even if it is not the machine the request was for. Kind of a "hey, I'm not who you are looking for, but I'm out here in case you decide you'd rather talk to me." Apollo considered this a feature, and they took advantage of it in their OS environment.
However, one of the earlier versions of a heavily network dependant OS developed at CMU considered this a bug. The OS would issue a request, and expect only the machine it was looking for to answer it. Of course, it would assume that if it got an answer to its request, it must be the machine it expected to talk to. It didn't look at the address of the answer it got, so if it wasn't the correct machine, most of the time the OS would hang or panic.
The outcome? Over about 3 hours time, more and more of campus was talking to our little 460, which had just enough muscle to keep up with the requests. By the time campus figured out what was going on, we had an Apollo merrily answering the network requests for hundreds of machines (the ones that were still up, that is.) This caused the part of campus who used the new OS going to hell in a bucket, one very busy Apollo 460, and one very warm ethernet.
Well, we turned off the Apollo, configured it not to chat to all of campus before putting it back on the ethernet (this time, we did it while talking with campus, making sure we didn't cause the same problems we did the last time -- we didn't have a packet monitor at the time), and campus changed their OS to look at the request response before assuming it was the correct one. I also learned to think very carefully about default values before using them.
I wanted to press a ^L and, unfortunately, the nearest ^P suspended
system activities: a console mode prompt appeared.
So, I pressed:
res Thinking .. resume .. but res became restart and the system rebooted destroying all processes.
Naturally, Murphy was in front of me and some batch jobs were running since four or five days before. WERE .. RUNNING!
A control-s on a Sequent S27 console can cause processes to hang waiting to write to the console. Unfortunatly, su is one such process. No real problem since I don't blindly reboot on request ;-)
Moral: make damn sure that *no one* is doing anything on your system before you reboot, even if other users are vociferously clamoring for you to reboot.
for USER in `cat user.list`; do mail $USERHave you ever seen a load average of over 300 ???
From: (Iain Lea)
I used to work at Siemens R&D in Erlangen (33000 people out of 115000 population work at Siemens - 12000 in the R&D area). We were working on a project porting an ISO FTAM implementation in Ada to C.
Organization: ANL A433, Siemens AG., Germany.About 2 months into the project we received a new project leader who decided there were too few people working on the project (sigh!). Anyway we were promised that a "Spitzen Klasse" (Outstanding) SW guy was being sent over from the next lab.
The fateful day turned up (had to be a monday) and there was our very own 'Einstein'. We gave him a tour of the lab (ie. Coffee machine on the left, laser on the right etc.) finally getting to out work area. We had a couple of fast 386's (this happened in '89) running Xenix 386. We told Einstein that I was the sysadmin for both machines and that if *anything* was strange or not working to speak with me. OK so the first morning went off without a hitch and we all went to get someting to eat around midday. All except Einstein who said he wanted to check a few things out (Code practices we thought etc. - turned out to be Page 3 of that months playboy).
We came back from eating to find Einstein twiddling his thumbs and saying that he could no longer log in on either machine. Ermmm...
I asked him if *anything* had happened while we were away. He thought and thought and then said "Nothing really but the lights went out for a few minutes". OK I thought "fsck the disks, remount them and away we go" but then I stopped and asked him again "Anything else?". He then really started looking around and found the palms of his hand the most interesting thing he'd ever seen. He answered "Well I know a little about Unix and fsck is the 'ajax' cleaning program of Unix so when it started again after the lights came back on it started fsck and asked me for a scratchpad file. I just took the one it printed on the line above!" (ie. the name of the filesystem to clean).
Another comment he made was "Must be a fast machine as fsck ran quick".
Bad you might say until he told me he had done the same thing to our backup machine.
Needless to say Einstein & our project leader exited stage left...
And we eventually got a backup tape from our data safe stored at another lab. The SW guy is kind of a living legend around here :-)
From: rca@Ingres.COM (Bob Arnold)
Many moons ago, in my first sysadmin job, learning via "on-the-job training", I was in charge of a UNIX box who's user disk developed a bad block. (Maybe you can see it already ...)
Organization: Ask Computer Systems Inc., Ingres Division, Alameda CA 94501The "format" man page seemed to indicate that it could repair bad blocks. (Can you see it now?) I read the man page very carefully. Nowhere did it indicate any kind of destructive behavior.
I was brave and bold, not to mention boneheaded, and formatted the user disk. Heh.
The good news: 1) The bad block was gone. 2) I was about to learn a lot real fast :-) The bad news: 1) The user data was gone too. 2) The users weren't happy, to say the least.Having recently made a full backup of the disk, I knew I was in for a miserable all day restore. Why all day? It took 8 hours to dump that disk to 40 floppies. And I had incrementals (levels 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, which were another sign of my novice state) to layer on top of the full.Only it got worse. The floppy drive had intermittent problems reading some of the floppies. So I had to go back and retry to get the files which were missed on the first attempt.
This was also a port of Version 7 UNIX (like I said, this was many moons ago). It had a program called "restor", primordial ancestor of BSD's "restore". If you used the "x" option to extract selected files (the ones missed on earlier attempts), "restor" would use the *inode number* as the name of the extracted files. You had to move the extracted files to their correct locations yourself (the man page said to write a shellscript to do this :-(). I didn't know much about shell scripts at the time, but I learned a lot more that week.
Yes, it took me a full week, including the weekend, maybe 120 hours or more, to get what I could (probably 95% of the data) off the backups. And there were a few ownership and permissions problems to be cleaned up after that.
Once burned twice shy. This is the only truly catastrophic mistake I've ever made as a sysadmin, I'm glad to be able to say.
I kept a copy of my memo to the users after I had done what I could. Reading it over now is sobering indeed! I also kept my extensive notes on the restore process - thank goodness I've never had to use them since.
From: jimh@pacdata.uucp (Jim Harkins)
A friend of mine admins an RS6000 for a state college. The weekend before the fall semester started the Powers That Be decided to physically move the system to a different room. She stayed late friday night, moved the machine, and then it wouldn't boot. I was in Sunday afternoon looking at it, wouldn't boot for nothing. Monday morning, first day of classes, an IBM rep comes in and reformats the hard disk without telling her. Turns out this was the machine all the professors were doing their class plans on. So not only couldn't they have them printed out, but when school started monday morning the teachers discovered they had lost all the work they'd done in the week before school started. Seems she never did backups because the teachers always bitched about how slow the system was when she did, and she hadn't learned about cron yet (I told her about that one).
Organization: Pacific Data ProductsIn her defense, she'd only been using the RS6000 for less than a month before this happened. She didn't know UNIX. She hadn't had any training. She still had her regular job to do.
To make things worse, when she called me monday night she was in tears as she told me how she had to personally visit all the professors and tell them their work was gone. I blurted out "Stupid of you not to make backups". Here she is looking for a shoulder to cry on and I go and tell her the same thing everybody from the department chair on down to the janitor had been saying. Oops.
The moral? If you appoint someone to admin your machine you better be willing to train them. If they've never had a hard disk crash on them you might want to ensure they understand hardware does stuff like that. I also found out she was unplugging and plugging cables all over the place without powering down the system. Her hardware knowledge was essentially "this thing goes into the wall, then the lights blink".
From: (Rick Morris)
Slightly off the subject, but not too far off, is the phenomenon of "Sysadmin Wannabees." I've been Sys Admin of UNIX at 3 sites now. The phenomenon has occured at all three.
Organization: Sadtler Research LaboratoriesYou are talking to a fellow programmer, or a programmer is within ear shot. A new user (or even an old user) comes up to you and asks something like: "How would I list only directory files within a directory?"
Now it has been my experience that the question is not complete. Is this a recursive list? Is this a "one-time" thing, or are you going to do it many times? Is it part of a program? (Sometimes questions like this end up as an answer to a C question executed as a system(3) call rather than a preferred library call.) Anyway, as you ponder the question, the many alternatives (in unix there's always another way), the questioner's experience, whether or not they want a techie answer or a DOSie answer, the programmer within ear shot pipes in with an answer of how *THEY* do or would do it.
It is invariable. It happens every time. I don't think I take all that long to answer. But the Wannabee answer is rapid. Like the kid in class who raises his hand going "oo" "oo" "oo".
I have seen my predicessors get all bent out of shape when the Sysadmin Wannabees jump on their toes. I usually let the answer proceed, indeed, often these Wannabees give a complete answer, even doing it for the questioner. After a bit I return to the questioner and ask if the question was properly answered, if they understand the answer, or if they want any more information. It also shows me how deeply the Wannabee understands just what is going on inside that pizza box.
Have any other of you sys admins seen this phenomenon, or is it my slow pondering of potential answers that drives the Wannabee to jump in?
From: (Rob Slade)
I had a job one time teaching Pascal at a "visa school". The machine was a multi-user micro that ran UNIX. I have enough stories from that one course to keep a group of computer educators in stitches for at least half an hour.
Organization: Computer Using Educators of B.C., CanadaThe finale of the course was on the last day of classes. When I showed up and powered up the system, it refused to boot. Since all the students' term projects and papers were in the computer, it was fairly important. After a few hours of work, and consultation with the other teacher, who did the sysadmin and maintenance, we were finally informed that the new admin assistant around the place had decided that the layout of the computer lab was unsuitable. (I had noticed that all the desk were repositioned: I thought the other teacher had done it, he thought I had.) The AA had, the night before, moved all the furniture, including the terminals and the micro. She did not know anything about parking hard disks.
We knew now, that we were in trouble, but we didn't realize how much until we started reading up on emergency procedures. For some unknown reason, booting the micro from the original system disks would automatically reformat the hard disk.
(The visa school refunded the tuition for all the students in that course.)
From: (Gilles Gravier)
I am sysadmin at my office... I won't name it, because that's not the subject... Of course, UNIX is my cup of tea... But, at home, I have an MS DOS machine... As old habits die hard, I have set up MKS toolkit on my home PC... And, as I have a C:\TMP directory where Windows and other applications put stuff, that remains, as I sometimes have to reboot fast... (ah, the fun of developping at home!)... So, in my AUTOEXEC.BAT file, I have the following:
Organization: ENSTA, Paris, Francerm -rf /tmp mkdir c:\tmpthe recursive rm comming from MKS, and mkdir from horrible MSDOS.At the time, I didn't have a tape streamer on my pc... I was working, and the mains waint down... so did the PC. Windows was running, \TMP full of stuff... So, when powers comes back on, rm -rf /tmp has things to do... While it's doing those things, power goes down again (there was a storm). Power comes back up, and this time, it seems that the autoexec takes really too much time... So, I control C it... And, to my horror, realize that I don't have anymore C:\DOS C:\BIN C:\USR and that my C:\WINDOWS was quite depleted...
After some investigation, unsuccesfull, I did the following: cd \tmp and then DIR... And there, in C:\TMP, I find my C:\ files! The first power down had resulted in the cluster number of C:\ being copied to that of C:\TMP, actually resulting in a LINK! (Now, this isn't suppose to happen under MSDOS!) I had to patch in the DIRECTORY cluster to change TMP's name replacing the first T by the letter Sigma, so that DOS tought that TMP wasn't there anymore, then do an chkdsk /F, and then undelete the files that I could... And rebuild the rest...
From: (Gert Doering)
I was on a 5 days vacation, the first day my machine crashed...How? Well...
cron started a shell-skript to extract some files from a ".lzh"-Archive. LHarc found that the target file already existed, asked
exists, overwrite (y/n)?" ... since it was started from cron, it just read "EOF". Tried again. Read "EOF". And so on.
All output went to /tmp... what was full after the file reached 90 MB! What happened next? I'm using a SCO machine, /tmp is in my root filesystem and when trying to login, the machine said something about being not able to write loggin informations - and threw me out again.
Switched machine off.
Power on, go to single user mode. Tried to login - immediately thrown out again.
I finally managed to repair the mess by booting from Floppy disk, mounting (and fsck-ing) the root filesystem and cleaning /tmp/*
Section 12: The morals of these stories...
From: (John Jarocki)
Organization: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.; Austin, Texas- Never hand out directions on "how to" do some sysadmin task until the directions have been tested thoroughly. - Corollary: Just because it works one one flavor on *nix says nothing about the others. '-} - Corollary: This goes for changes to rc.local (and other such "vital" scripties.From: (Eric Wedaa)
Organization: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.-NEVER use 'rm', use rm -i ' instead. -Do backups more often than you go to church. -Read the backup media at least as often as you go to church. -Set up your prompt to do a `pwd` everytime you cd. -Always do a `cd .` before doing anything. -DOCUMENT all your changes to the system (We use a text file called /Changes) -Don't nuke stuff you are not sure about. -Do major changes to the system on Saturday morning so you will have all weekend to fix it. -Have a shadow watching you when you do anything major. -Don't do systems work on a Friday afternoon. (or any other time when you are tired and not paying attention.) From: rca@Ingres.COM (Bob Arnold)
Organization: Ask Computer Systems Inc., Ingres Division, Alameda CA 945011) The "man" pages don't tell you everything you need to know. 2) Don't do backups to floppies. 3) Test your backups to make sure they are readable. 4) Handle the format program (and anything else that writes directly to disk devices) like nitroglycerine. 5) Strenuously avoid systems with inadequate backup and restore programs wherever possible (thank goodness for "restore" with an "e"!). 6) If you've never done sysadmin work before, take a formal training class. 7) You get what you pay for. 8) There's no substutite for experience. 9) It's a lot less painful to learn from someone else's experience than your own (that's what this thread is about, I guess :-) )From: jimh@pacdata.uucp (Jim Harkins)
If you appoint someone to admin your machine you better be willing to train them. If they've never had a hard disk crash on them you might want to ensure they understand hardware does stuff like that.
Organization: Pacific Data Products
Beware anything recursive when logged in as root!
Organization: Department of Computer Science, University of York, England
From: (Mike Matthews)
*NEVER* move something important. Copy, VERIFY, and THEN delete.
Organization: /etc/organization
From: (Squish)
When you are doing some BIG type the command and reread what you've typed about 100 times to make sure its sunk in (:
Organization: Human Interface Technology Lab (on vacation)
If / is full, du /dev.
From: Nick Sayer
Never ever assume that some prepackaged script that you are running does anything right.
Organization: Wesleyan College