Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2003 12:43:08 +0200 From: Olaf Trygve Berglihn To: quest Subject: Re: oxygen analyzer * Corvino Gennaro > Hy, > some of one guys, to know where to find some electronic circuit plan for to > build any oxygen analyzer? The O2-analyser is only a fuel cell. The voltage over the cell is about linear with O2 concentration in the cell. So you only need a millivoltmeter and a (linear) potmeter for calibration. The fuel cells have a normal working range around 0-50mV or 0-150mV, depending on model. You could also just calibrate a simple voltmeter using the scheme below. You probably have a multimeter laying around already to burntest and check your light and possibly scooter batteries. Your calibration gas has O2 percentage of [O2]cal -- for Air ~ 20.8%. Measure the voltage over the cell with your calibration gas; Ucal. Measure the voltage over the cell with your unknown gas; Uunk. The O2 percentage of your unknown gas [O2]unk is: [O2]unk = [O2]cal * Uunk/Ucal Example: [O2]cal=20.8%, Ucal=8.0mV. Your unknown gas reads Uunk=19.3mV. Your unknown gas is then 20.8*19.3/8.0 = 50.2% O2. Due to high temperature sensitivity and wear of the cell, you must calibrate every time you use the cell. -- Olaf Trygve Berglihn