Global Taekwon-do Network.

The GTF-Talk Archive.

From: Melissa Whalen <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 08:27:20 -0600 (CST)
 Happy New Year!
 Just received this, but do not have any further information about this
 gentleman or his TKD association.  Anyone else familiar with them?
 >From: "Jean Claude Davidson" 
 >Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 18:31:38 -0500
 >X-Msmail-Priority: High
 >January 7,1997
 >Dear Sirs,
 >The Jamaica Tae Kwon-Do Association and the University of Technology
 >Jamaica will be staging  the 1997 Jamaica Open  Tae Kwon-Do
 >Championships on Saturday, March 1, 1997 at the Alfred Sangster
 >Auditorium, University of Technology starting at 10:00am.
 >This letter serves to invite you and your students to participate in
 >this historic event. This will be the first event on the Jamaica
 >Martial Arts calendar for 1997. This tournament is open to all schools
 >in the region and in particular, to international collegiate ,martial
 >arts fraternities.
 >Please note that safety gear for both hand and feet are mandatory and
 >no participant will be allowed to enter the sparring competitions
 >without them. The cost for entering the competition is US$20 for
 >international competitors. This cost covers all events except the
 >Team's Sparring Competition, which is JA$100 per team. Spectators will
 >be charged JA$200 for entry. ( Children  under 12 years will be charged
 >JA$50 )
 >If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me by e-mail at
 > or by telephone at (809) 978-9835. We look forward
 >to seeing you at the championship.
 >Tornament Co-ordinator
 >Jamaica Tae kwon-Do Association
 >NB.  US$1 = JA$35

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