Hooks and ideas that can be implemented with regard to the Nolisha
GM suggestions:
Hooks and ideas that can be implemeted by the Gamemaster with regard to
the Nolisha, and their status and place in the larger galaxy.
The legendary Nolisha masters could have been adepts of the Force,
utilizing abilities similar to that of for instance Jedi Battle
Meditation in their daily struggle for life.
The Nolisha could have been introduced artificialy to Kass'Jadar, as the
giant inland sea could be the crash-site of a ship. The site may even have
been intentionally created, so that the Nolisha had to depend on something
other than high technology.
The Nolisha could formerly have had a high level of technology, and then
through some self-made or other catastrophe transformed their homeworld
from an aquatic world to a desert world. This could somehow explain the
The Empire or one of their scout services could discover precious metals
on Kass'Jadar or some of the other planets in the system, or perhaps high
technology on one of the other planets' moons. Variations on this theme
hold the promise of entire campaigns. The Rebellion (or New Republic, for
that matter) could get word of the Nolisha, and seek to turn them to their
The Empire (or Empire-fragments) could seek new gullible races after
their loss of the Noghri race as trained assassins and troubleshooters, and
could feed the Nolisha false information or could simply develop mind
control or brain washing techniques to utilize the Nolisha martial arts.
A legendary Nolisha master could return from a hibernation and spout
prophecies. Perhaps some Dark Jedi senses the return of a Force
adept, and comes to investigate, either personally or through cronies.
Someone claiming to be a legendary Nolisha master could return and seek
slave labour for domestic mining operations, or could even sell clans to
slavers, claiming to have "led the clan to a higher level of self."