Note: This file deals with the use of the "old" computer-related skills as they are given in both SRII and VR2.0, and introduces the new, user-oriented skill "Decking".
--> Computer B/R
Description: Computer B/R is used to either build new computer
equipment, i.e. cooking chips, connecting leads and fiberoptic
cables, hooking up power sources and so on, and also to repair
damaged computer equipment. Decks are considered "micros", and
this skill may be doubly concentrated in.
Concentrations: Mainframes, Micros, Interface Tech, Implant Tech
--> Computer Programming
Description: Computer Programming replaces the old Computer:Software
concentration, and is used when programming any kind of software,
including software later cooked through Computer B/R.
Concentrations: Matrix Programming (Defensive, Offensive,
Operational, Special, MPCP, Bod/Evasion/Masking/Sensor), Non-Matrix
Programming (Hardening, Response Increase, Auto Pilots, Spreadsheets,
Word Processors, etc.), Interface Programming (ASIST, ICCM filter,
CCSS interfaces, SatLink Interface, etc.), Implant Programming
(Encephalon, SPU: any, etc.)
--> Computer Theory
Description: Computer Theory governs knowledge about the design and
theoretical workings of computer systems. In VR3.0, it is mainly used
as an extra step in building new computer equipment. Computer Theory
is thus not very usable for anyone but extreme computer buffs that
delight in thinking up new and bizarre equipment, and then designing
it (Computer Theory), implementing it (Computer Programming), and
finally installing it (Computer B/R).
Concentrations: Hardware (Mainframes, Micros, Interface Tech,
Implant Tech), Software (Matrix Programming, Non-Matrix Programming,
Interface Programming, Implant Programming), Matrix Theory
--> Decking
Description: Decking is the new, user-related skill in VR3.0. This
skill governs the actual use of all this fancy software and hardware
that a decker typically uses, namely his deck and the associated
utilities there. In a way, Decking is the "user" skill, and
supersedes the Computer:Decking skill in any and all ways.
Concentrations: Offensive (Specific Offensive Utility), Defensive
(Specific Defensive Utility), Operational (Specific Operational
Utility), Special (Specific Special Utility)
* When writing attack programs "on the fly", a decker will use his Decking:Offensive skill instead of his Computer Programming skill.
Updates to come soon... I hope.