The Utility Folding Stock

This item is a personal favorite. Specifically created for technicians and mechanics, this is a REEEEEALLY handy little gadjet... Or perhaps I should say gadjets, plural.... ;>
It can come with either 6 or 8 of the total 14 choices for optional utility jack mounts, all of which are invaluable in their own little way.... Enjoy!

Utility Folding Stock51.24,500¥
Electric Screwdriver70.5125¥
Soldering Torch70.5150¥
Welding Torch70.5250¥
Laser Scalpel70.5350¥
Laser Microphone70.5275¥
Collapsible Mini-Saw70.5250¥
Sonic Screw Driver70.5350¥4L Stun
Neutron-Ram Hammer70.5375¥5M Stun
Spark Starter70.5225¥2S Stun
Diagnostic Scanner70.5475¥
Light Pistol70.5400¥5L, 10 rnds

(c)1996 Robert Randall Productions. All rights reserved.
Taken from the pages of Jens-Arthur Leirbakk