Medical Systems
This sub processor is designed to operate with all standard
medical sensors, to act on and interpret the data, and control
chemical delivery systems. It is often used in long term medical
cases, where the patient can afford the luxury of the apparatus,
and wishes to retain some mobility.
Essence: 0.30
Rating Cost
3 6,000 (Biotech 3 Expert System)
4 30,000 (Biotech 4 Expert System)
5 40,000 (Biotech 5 Expert System)
Chemical Injector
Operated either by a medical timer, external radio signal,
or a Medical SPU, this system is capable of delivering regulated,
exact amounts of substance into the bloodstream. The most common
uses are to deliver Insulin to Diabetic sufferers, or to deliver
Anti-histamines to Allergy sufferers.
The units are refilled by injecting the refill through the
surface of the unit.
Volume Essence Cost
5 cc 0.05 500 nY
10 cc 0.10 800 nY
20 cc 0.20 1,200 nY
50 cc 0.25 1,500 nY
Required cyberware for an Internal Medkit/Autodoc system.
This is a dispensor and mixer for antidotes, antibiotics and
other emergency related medical compounds. Game effects are
as the Medkit (refer SRII Equipment section).
Essence: 0.30
Cost: 2,000 nY
Cardio-Vascular Monitor
This sensor suite monitors the users' Cardio-Vascular system,
and provides data to either memory for later diagnostics, external
link, or to a display link. Variables monitored include pulse rate,
blood pressure, haemoglobin level, alcohol level, oxygen level,
carbon dioxide level, glucose, insulin, and nitrogen levels.
Essence: 0.30
Cost: 5,000 nY
Blood Shunts
Upon a signal from the Medical SPU, this shunt will redirect
blood to an alternative route. A typical use is to shunt blood
away from major limbs when severe haemorraging occurs on that limb.
Essence: 0.05 per shunt
Cost: 1,000 nY
RAS Cutout
Similar to the Reticular Activation System Overrides found in
Sense decks (ShadowBeat pg 80), this circuit when patched onto the
central nervous system allows for the user's sensorium and voluntary
motor control to be cut off completely. The user, unless assisted
otherwise, is in a state resembling sleep, and is totally sensory
deprived. The device is triggered by a signal from either short
range signal, or other cyber device.
Installation of this device is only permitted for legitimate
medical or research purposes.
Essence Cost: 0.40
Price: 8,000 nY
>>>>>[ Rumor has it that at least one corp uses this on a
semi-regular basis on its'
**[Error: Block delete 5 Mp 8** ]<<<<<
- Street Doc (16:38:03 02-Feb-2053)
Sleep Inducer
Another dubious item of cyber, used in the medical research
establishment. Consisting of inductors implanted at strategic places
in the brain, this black box is capable of inducing any stage of
sleep in the implantee, from shallow, REM or deep sleep, to extremely
deep and coma-like conditions.
Essence Cost: 0.20
Price: 5,000 nY
>>>>>[ This is a simple advancement on the Sleep Inducers
available to most medical facilities. This is a
little more powerful in it's lullaby though. ]<<<<<
- Street Doc (17:47:25 03-Feb-2053)
Taken from the pages of Jens-Arthur Leirbakk |