From: Michael Surbrook 
Subject: CHAR: The Great and Powerful Turtle
The Great And Powerful Turtle
(Thomas Tudbury)

Designers Notes:
The Turtle is the most powerful telekineticist in the world. As Thomas Tudbury, the Turtle stands 5'9" and weighs about 170 lbs, with collar length dark brown hair. Within his 'shell' however, the Turtle become a true 'superhero', righting wrongs, saving those in distress and doing his best to combat crime. Although he's become a bit cynical over the years, the Turtle still keeps at it, doing his best to keep the streets of New York safe for everyone.

Note: Some people way want to give the Turtle some for of Variable Area of Affect advantage to the Turtle's TK. He can use his TK much like a giant pair of hands, pushing people about, picking up masses of water and so on. The 100 STR value was achieved due to the fact that the Turtle lifted the battleship New Jersey out of the water for 30 seconds one day.

Note II: Turtles Hero ID requires him to be inside of his Shell to use his powers. He can over come this psychological crutch outside of his Shell, but the Turtle is limited to about 10 STR and a x10 END cost.

The Character:

Str		9		-1
Dex		11		3
Con		11		2
Body		10		0
Int		18		8
Ego		15		10
Pre		10		0
Com		10		0
PD		2		0
ED		2		0
Spd		3		9
Rec		4		0
End		22		0
Stun		21		0
Char Total			31
Power Total			318
Total Cost			349

240	TK: 100 STR, Invisible to Sight (+1/2), 0 END, Only in HID (-1/4)

31	Vehicle: Turtle's Shell

10	Wealth
6	AK: New York City 16-
9	Electronics 14-
6	KS: Comic Books 16-
4	KS: Electronics 14-
2	PS: Electrician 11-
5	Systems Operation 14-
5	Trading 12-

100	Base
10	Phys: Bad eyes, needs glasses
15	Psych: Protective of innocents, feels it is his duty to aid those
	in trouble
10	Psych: Shy, tends to keep to himself
15	Secret ID

(The Great and Powerful Turtle created by George R R Martin, character
sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * 
*               Michael Surbrook /                * 
*            Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT            *
* Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark *
From: Michael Surbrook 
Subject: CHAR: Turtle's shell
The Great And Powerful Turtle's shell

This is Turtle's shell. It is made from old battleship armor plate, layered over (at least the first time around) the body of a Volkswagen Beetle. Later models have included a reclining chair, refrigerator, external spotlights, a loudspeaker system and an on board computer. I'll leave those sorts of modifications up to individual GMs.

Size		3.2x1.6		25	
DCV		-3		
Mass (KB)	4t (-3)		
STR		35		0
DEF		20		54
BODY		15		0
DEX		11		3
SPD		3		9
Flt Move	30"		60
MAX		180
Char Total			151
Equip Total			21
Total Cost			172

5	360 Degree Vision IAF (cameras)
6	HRRH, IIF (internal radio)
2	IRJVision (IR filters for cameras), IAF
8	Radar, IIF

157	Base
15	DF: Turtle's Shell, a one-of-a-kind vehicle

* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * 
*               Michael Surbrook /                * 
*            Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT            *
* Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark *