Designers Notes:
Jube is 5' tall and weighs 300 lbs. He has blue-black skin, tufts of
bristly red hair, and two small tusks. He seems immune to cold, is always
dressed in loud Hawaiian shirts (even in snowstorms) and smells like
buttered popcorn. He's been in Jokertown as long as anyone can remember
(well, since 1952 anyway).
In reality, Jube is an alien, a xenologist come to Earth from the planet Glabber to study the effects of the wild card virus on humanity. Other than that, he is a nice enough guy, who sells his newspapers from his stand and is more than willing to trade information with anyone. He is also the source of some of the worst jokes anyone has ever heard, and he seems to have an infinite number of them.
Note: Jube has access to both a large amount of wealth and some interesting pieces of high technology, including an FTL 'radio' and a laser pistol.
The Character:
STAT VAL COST Str 18 8 Dex 8 -6 Con 15 10 Body 13 6 Int 20 10 Ego 15 10 Pre 15 5 Com 8 -1 PD 8 4 ED 6 3 Spd 2 2 Rec 7 0 End 30 0 Stun 30 0 Char Total 51 Power Total 92 Total Cost 143 COST POWERS & SKILLS 12 Armor: DEF 4 (Thick skin) 2 Life Support: Immune to cold (only) (-1) 15 Perk: Wealth 5 Computer Programming 14- 4 KS: Bad jokes, esp joker jokes 14- 5 Persuasion 13- 2 PS: Newspaper Vendor 11- 4 SC: Anthropology 14- 4 SC: Computer Operations 14- 4 SC: Linguistics 14- 4 SC: Xenology 14- 5 Streetwise 13- 3 Trading 12- 1 WF: Laser Pistol 19 Lang: English (4), French (3), Glabberan (0), Mandarin (3), Network Trade Talk (4), Rhindarian (4), Spanish (4), Yiddish (4) 3 Linguist Disadvantages: 75 Base 10 DF: Short, fat, blue-black, walrus-looking humanoid, who smells like buttered popcorn 5 Phys: Fat; he's 5' tall and 300 lbs 10 Phys: Requires specialized medical attention 10 Psych: Likes it cold, dresses in loud Hawaiian shirts even in the coldest weather 10 Psych: Likes people (ie. humans) 15 SID: Alien 8 Hidden Alien Bonus(Jube the Walrus created by George R R Martin, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)
*************************************************************************** * "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * * Michael Surbrook / * * Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT * * Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark * ***************************************************************************