Hiram Worchester
Designers Notes:
Hiram is positively huge, standing 6'2" and weighing 375 lbs. He is
reasonably handsome, bald and has a full, neatly trimmed beard. He is
always well dressed.
Hiram is the owner of Aces High, New York's premier restaurant located on the 86th floor of the Empire State Building. He is an excellent cook, and a rather gentle man, if a bit snobbish. He has a good heart, though and donates to many joker charities.
Hiram's powers center around his control of gravity. He can increase his own mass, or the mass of other objects, increasing their weight immensely. He can also negate gravity, allowing him self to tip the scales at a mere 30 lbs, float near the ceiling of a room, of cause a foe to float away.
Notes on powers:
I have given Hiram several powers to represent his control over gravity.
The first is TK. Using this power, he can either increase of decrease the
mass of an object. In either case, a target should make a STR roll to
resist the effects. If Hiram increases someone's mass, they should roll
vs his TK to try and move or other wise act.
Since they are grabbed (and Hiram will often try to bear his target to the ground) then their DCV will suffer as well. If making someone lighter, they will have to try and exceeded Hiram's TK to try and get an effective blow in.
For example: if some one punches Hiram and he uses 20 STR of TK to reduce their mass, they would need at least 23 STR (or an equivalent mixture of STR, Hand Attack or Martial Arts) to begin to do any damage. The EB and HKA powers represent what happens when Hiram increases one's mass very rapidly.
If he does it suddenly enough, he can break bones and rupture organs. Finally, his Flight power comes from making someone so light that they float away from the Earth's surface. This Flight has no real control, and anyone so effected is at the mercy of a strong wind.
Note: although Hiram's powers are 0 END and Persistent, they will slowly fade over time (usually a few hours). Also, extensive use of his powers will tire him, in which case Hiram will promptly eat a large meal in order to restore his lost energy.
The Character:
STAT VAL COST Str 10 0 Dex 13 9 Con 18 16 Body 14 8 Int 15 5 Ego 15 10 Pre 20 10 Com 10 0 PD 4 2 ED 4 0 Spd 3 7 Rec 6 0 End 36 0 Stun 30 2 Char Total 69 Power Total 291 Total Cost 360 COST POWERS & SKILLS 83 45 STR TK, Invisible to Sight (+1/2), 0 END, Persistent, Affects all parts of target (-1/4), Only to pull down, push up (-1/2), Loses effect over time (-1/4) 64 9d6 EB: Penetrating, Invisible to Sight (+1/2), 0 END, Linked to TK, No KB, Affects Physical 64 3d6 HKA: Penetrating, Invisible to Sight (+1/2), 0 END, Linked to TK, No KB 14 5" Flight: Usable against others (+1), Ranged (+1/2), 0 END, Persistent, No noncombat flight (-1/4), Only to negate gravity (-1), Loses effect over time (-1/4) 10 Perk: Wealth 4 AK: New York City 14- 9 High Society 16- 4 KS: Aces 14- 8 KS: Cooking 18- 4 KS: Numismatics (coin collecting) 14- 8 PS: Cooking 18- 2 PS: Restaurant Owner 11- 5 Trading 14- 12 CSL: +4 with Gravity powers Disadvantages 100 Base 20 Phys: Addicted to Ti Malice's 'kiss' 5 Phys: Fat, he's 6'2" and weighs over 375 lbs 15 Psych: Combat Paralysis, somewhat terrified of dangerous situations (Make an EGO roll to fight offensively) 10 Psych: Feels a sense of duty to the unfortunate, gives to many charities 5 Psych: Glutton, eats enormous meals in order to feel better Experience(Hiram Worchester created by George R. R. Martin, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)
*************************************************************************** * "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * * Michael Surbrook / susano@access.digex.net * * Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT * * Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark * ***************************************************************************