From: Michael Surbrook 
Subject: CHAR: Cordelia Chassion
This character is one of the first of the mega-point monsters. Although her actual point total is low (228) most of that is taken up by her RKA power. Cordelia is similar to at least two other characters in this series (Demise and Water Lilly) in that they have massivly powerful killing attacks that are almost impossible for people to defend against. I've decided to go with the final result of these powers (you die) in determining exactly how to build them. If you've got another way, please, let me know.


Cordelia Chaisson

Designers Notes:
Cordelia is the young niece of "Sewer" Jack Robinson. She is tall and slim, standing 5'7"and weighing 115 lbs. She has black hair, dark eyes and a pronounced Cajun accent. Her ace power is the ability to stop her target's respitory and cardiac systems, causeing an almost instant (and painful) death. She can also use her power to revive someone who is suffering from shock or similar effects, she cannot heal actual wounds.

Note: Her power could also be simulated by a Body Drain, although some GMs may balk at allowing a Drain to actually kill someone. One could also go with a smalller RKA, but add in the Continous advantage.

The Character:

Str		8		-2
Dex		13		9
Con		13		6
Body		11		2
Int		15		5
Ego		15		10
Pre		10		0
Com		14		2
PD		2		0
ED		2		-1
Spd		2		0
Rec		4		0
End		26		0
Stun		22		0
Char Total			31
Power Total			197
Total Cost			228

135	3d6 RKA, NND (Defenses: Not needing to breathe, non-human cardiac 
	system, not being 'alive'), Does Body (+1), Invisible to Sight
	(+1/2), 1/2 END, No KB, END 8
27	9d6 Healing, Invisible to Sight (+1/2), No Range, Not vs actual
	wounds, only vs shock or similar damage (-1), END 7

3	Bureacratics 11-
7	Conversation 13-
2	KS: Cable TV Industry 11-
3	KS: Rock Music 12-
3	Persuasion 11-
2	PS: TV Producer  11-
3	Seduction 11-
4	Lang: Cajun French
8	CSL: +4 with RKA

100	Base
5	DF: Pronounced Cajun Accent
15	Psych: Stubborn
15	Psych: Will only use power in dire emergencies
93	Experience

(Cordelia Chaisson created by Edward Bryant and Leanne C Harper, character
sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * 
*               Michael Surbrook /                * 
*            Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT            *
* Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark *