Champions Doom style
By Michael Surbrook


Monsters from Doom & Doom II for use in Hero games

Before I present the material, lets get one thing straight: this is not an attempt to simulate Doom or Doom II. What I am presenting here is more of an "adaption" of the Doom denizens for use in (say...) a Fantasy Hero, Dark Champions or an off-beat Champions setting. For example, I have made a few minor changes to some of the monster's powers (usually in SPX).

When designing the creatures stats and powers, I used a copy of the Doom FAQ, which listed such useful details as each monster's height, mass, speed, damage capability and so on. I based the characteristic values on these numbers, as well as personal feelings and play experience. As always, your mileage may vary. Feel free to alter the designs given, I certainly don't consider them 'carved in stone'. Suggested alterations including giving certain demons skills, adding combat levels, altering the values given for BODY and increasing the creatures defenses (a good suggestion if you drop the BODY stats).

To truly simulate Doom, one would want to make everything an automaton, since you can't stun anything in Doom. One would also have to tinker with the damage values given for certain weapons as well. I am going to present everything using standard Champions rules, after that, you're on your own.

A quick note on the disads for the Demons: I have only written down two for each, Distinctive Features, and the Psych Lim: Hostile - will attack anything that hits it (com, total). This last represents the fact that the typical Doom demon will lash out at the last thing that hit it, so firing into a mixed batch of Demons will often result in a nice Carnival of Carnage (TM) as they dispose of each other!

The cast list:

Have fun!

(Legal Disclaimer: Doom and Doom II are registered trademarks of ID Software. The Zombie Human, Zombie Sargent, Zombie Chain Gunner, Imp, Demon, Specter, Lost Soul, Revenant, Cacodemon, Pain Elemental, Arachnotron, Hell Knight, Mancubus, Archvile, Baron of Hell, Spider Demon, Cyberdemon are all the creations of ID Software. Used without ID Software's permission. No copyright violation intended. Character designs for Hero Games written by Michael Surbrook for private use only.)

* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * 
*               Michael Surbrook /                * 
*            Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT            *
* Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark *