Copyright Rick Pim, 1991. Permission is granted to the editors of the Net.Champions Compendium to edit and include this work in the Compendium and distribute it electronically and to users of the Net.Champions Compendium to distribute this electronically and print it for personal use, as long as this copyright notice is included. All other rights reserved.

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Name: rick pim
Address: 572 earl st, kingston, ont, canada k7l 2k4
rick@qucdnee.bitnet, rick@qucdnee.ee.queensu.ca
Phone Number: (613) 546-9856

Character Name: Spike (the Demon Ninja) 313 pts by Rick Pim
OCV: 9       PD 28 (21)   ED 26 (19)    Levels: n/a
DCV: 9      rPD 10 (3)   rED 10 (3)     Defenses: mental, flash
ECV: 4                                   some hardened def, invisibility

Description:  In secret ID he seems pretty ordinary. He's a private eye,
 wears cheap ill-fitting suits (he tends to ruin a lot of them).
 He's in his mid-thirties, vaguely good-looking, with dark hair, and
 brown eyes but pretty unremarkable.

 In hero ID he becomes  a form that seems  demonic (but isn't
 necessarily).  He is about 6'6", covered in grey scales, with horns,
 hooves, fangs.  He has bullish horns, a lantern jaw with a couple of
 large protuding teeth, a humanoid body, batlike wings, long dangly
 arms, and hooved feet.  He wears no clothing or costume (but then, he
 has no visble sex organs anyway), and carries a katana. He is pretty
 ugly, with rows of spines down his arms, legs, back, and knuckles.

 40     Str     30      Cost    Skills/Talents/Perks:
 26     Dex     48              =====================
 28     Con     36       10     Martial Arts (Def Strk, Block, use
 12     Bod      4              with swords)
 13     Int      3        4     Decuction; Criminology
 11     Ego      2        2     PI's license
 10(20) Pre      8 *4     2     Stealth
 12(2)  Com     -3 *4     3     Computer Programming
 18     PD      10
 16     ED      10        3     Combat Sense
  5     Spd     14
 14     Rec      0        2     Contact: the Manticore 11-
 56     End      0        1     Contribution for base
 46     Stn      0        4     Selby the AID
        ---------               -----
        Total  162       31     Total

Dex Roll: 14-
Int Roll: 12-
Per Roll: 12-
Ego Roll: 11-

Cost    Powers:
 8  EC 12 (only in hero ID, all slots take an additional +1/4 or more)
 7e +12" Running, no noncombat multiple (18" total)                (4)
12e AP effect on 60 STR, 15-                                       (3)
 8e 7/7 Armour, Hardened, 14-                                      (0)

 9  3/3 Armour                                                     (0)

34 "Demon Powers" MP 60, +3/4 limitations on each slot

2u Desolid                                           (*1, *2)      (8)
3u Invisibility (normal, IR, UV), no fringe, 0 END   (*1, *3)      (0)
3u 21" Flight, 4x noncombat, 1/2 END                 (*4, *5)      (2)
3u 8d6 Aid, any one physical stat (+1/4), lose 5/min (*1, *2)     (12)
2u Extra Dim Mvement, "the 7 worlds", 4x mass, time, (*2, *6)     (12)
2u Summon (1 150 point being)                        (*1, *2, *4) (12)

 3 +5 pts Mental Defense                                           (0)
 4 IR Vision                                         (*4)          (0)
 5 5 pts Flash Defense, hardened                     (*4)          (0)

13 Katana MP 30, +1 1/4 lims on each slot
1u 2d6 HKA, OAF sword                                (*4)          (3)
1u Missile Deflection, all, +5 OCV OAF sword         (*4)          (0)
120     Total

Notes on power limitations:
 *1: not in christian churches,  or other holy sites -1/4
 *2: x2 END, -1/2
 *3: not in direct sunlight, -1/2
 *4: only in hero ID, -1/4
 *5: wings, can be entangled, -1/2
 *6: no conscious control, -2

Bonus   Disadvantages:
 -15    Secret ID
 -20    Hunted (8) Demon
 -10    Hunted (8) magic-using villain
 -10    Hunted (8) magic-using villain
 -16    Distinctive Features, unconcealable, reaction, hero ID only
 -10    Enraged (11,11) if Mind Controlled
 -12    Can't do fine work, hero ID only
 - 4    1d6 from religious artifacts, hero ID only
 -15    Accidental change (11) near spellcasting
 -16    Overconfidence, hero ID only
 -15    Hatred of magic-using villains
 - 8    Kills easily, hero ID only

 -63    Experience
 213    Total

Character Concept:

Spike was built around a name I heard mentioned on the net some time ago; the name "Spike the Demon Ninja" appealed to me. I also thought it was interesting that the powers of the stereotypical ninja ("he can walk through walls! he can pass without trace! he can kill you dead! you can't hurt him!") have an overlap with the powers of the stereotypical RPG demon.

Explanation of Powers:

Most of the powers are fairly straightforward, with a couple of exceptions that should be explained. Most of the stats are permanent, with the exception of PRE and COM which both (not surprisingly) change in hero ID. the EC represents the hero body form - longer legs, hooves (the Running), covered in scales and spines (the AP and Armour).

The MP effects are all magical in nature. The Desolid is only 40 pts and will remain so until such time as the MP gets big enough to allow the advantage "usable on others". The flight requires the wings, but is also some sort of magical effect, because the wings are comparatively small. The Aid will affect any one physical (defined as STR, CON, and stats that figure from them) stat at a time. The Extra-Dim movement represents an ability to move between the "local group" of dimensions but it's at best unreliable; he also gets Summoned on occasion. The Summon slot will summon a being that looks much like him.

The other MP represents a sword + scabbard. The sword is some sort of magical blade that only appears when he turns into hero form, and then only if he had it when he last switched back to normal form. There is a scabbard associated with it which is a mundane item (bought from mcquark, possibly) and is carried as a walking stick in secret ID. See below for suggestions.

The AID isn't really anything special. The Contact is a magician named the Manticore who _used_ to work for Demon but is currently, umm, also hiding from them.


Bob Adams was a PI, and a pretty good one (if he did say so himself). He had a rep for doing a good, quiet job, but being a pretty tough guy if a fight was necessary. One particular case took him to NYC, where he wound up on the fringes of a PRIMUS ambush of a DEMON robbery attempt. A Morbane on the hard-pressed DEMON side raised his hands in an invocation and shouted: "Demon of the Pit, I command your presence here to help me in my hour of need." (Gag... who writes this stuff?) Bemused, Bob found himself suddenly larger, stronger, and equipped with hooves, claws, scales and a vile disposition. As Bob stood there, wondering exactly what he should do, the Morbane tried to Mind Control him into attacking PRIMUS. Bob made his Ego roll, lost his temper, stomped the Morbane into the pavement, and ran off.

The lims and disads MAY represent real lims, or they may represent Bob's uncertainty about what the hell exactly happened. Clearly Demon is interested in him, as are two magic-using supervillains (referee's choice) who he has tangled with since his transformation. It is entirely possible that he's nothing but some sort of "normal" paranormal, and the limitations and disads are mostly psychosomatic. It's also possible that there is some nonhuman/ extraplanar (demonic, if you like) origin. Bob doesn't know. I didn't know when I started playing this character. The referee in that campaign was (at least initially) leaning toward the latter, but Bob hadn't managed to discover out his true nature by the time the campaign wound down.

Identifying Quote:

Bob: "Detective work is an exact science. Violence is a last resort."

Spike: "Ah. You've seen me. I'll have to hurt you for that." or (after being chastised by a teammate for using excessive force) "Don't worry about it. People die every day."

Sample Encounter:

urrr... i can't write....

The phone beside the couch rang. The Tick put down his beer and ViewMaster and scooped up the handset. after a couple of grunts, he dropped the phone and bellowed for Spike: "Spike! that was Titan! there's guys in turtle armour knocking over the bank at barrie and princess!"

"It's probably a trap."

"Titan says he's going in!"

"Okay, okay."

A few seconds later Spike dropped the Tick next to Titan around the corner from the bank, and flew around to the back of the building. As he heard an overblown soliloquy from the front of the bank answered by gunshots, he walked through the back wall, took a quick glance at the situation, and vanished. A group of about 6 figures in turtle armour were scattered around the bank, with two obvious bricks who had just jumped from cover to ambush Titan and the Tick. As Spike moved along behind a teller's bench, one of the armoured figures shouted "invisible figure, grid e-4" and two other figures lobbed grenades into Spike's hex. Spike dove for cover, ignored the minor damage from the shrapnel as well as the screams from bank employees struck by shell fragments, and moved up to the figure who had shouted (and was, by now, shouting even louder) before the agents had time to act again. Noting the scanning device he carried, he pushed his KA and dropped the agent with one slash. Agent blaster fire tore into the bank counter, so he charged the nearest two agents, doing move bys on the two of them, stunning them both. More wild blaster fire followed, with one of the bolts hitting him and knocking him to the ground. He snarled, appeared, willed his STR higher, rolled to his feet, grabbed a Stunned agent and threw him at the agent who had just hit him with the blaster. Both agents crumpled, and before the other two could move he grabbed one and threw him into the other.

Meanwhile, Titan and the Tick had been hammering on the two bricks. With an AP Move Through from behind on one of them the fight was soon over.

Spike will start any encounter as sneakily as possible, using desolid, invisibility, stealth to get in a good position, from where he will hammer on anyone who can attack him, or anyone who nobody else can deal with - he's not afraid of anyone. he's a good scout for the same reason - he can get almost anywhere. (Of course, in order to do things like read files, use computers, etc he might have to turn back to (buck naked) bob adams.:-)

Possible Extensions and Campaign Use:

Spike is reasonably balanced as he stands. aside from the obvious (levels, stats, stuff like that), things to add include:
(a) the Sword MP can be extended by
(i) adding slots for the scabbard. i had imagined things like flash powder (flash, area cone, no range, on charges) gas (NND LS, area 1 hex or cone, no range, on charges) nerve gas (INT Drain, area 1 hex or cone, on charges) to screw up PER rolls using the scabbard as some HA for those Secret ID encounters
(ii)making the HKA AP
(iii)upping the OCV mod and adding Reflection to the Missile Def

(b) might be reasonable to add Regeneration
(c) might be reasonable to add a Damage Shield to the EC
(d) might be reasonable to add an HKA to the EC
(e) make the Desolid usable on others
(f) acrobatics, breakfall, persuasion, interrogation, streetwise. so few points, so many things to buy...

Spike might be introduced in any of the following ways:

(a) he can get Summoned by a Mystical Bad (or Good) Guy.
(b) he can do an Xtra-dim movement and wind up in entirely the wrong place.
(c) any plotline involving Demon or his other Hunteds might have a subplot with either (a) them hunting spike or (b) spike hunting them.
(d) it's happened in our games that PCs have hired NPC private eyes.
(e) any Unexplained Mystic Phenomena might attract him to look for clues as to his origin and true nature. remember the old "terror in the treasures" adventure from Adventurer's club? it had a museum expo with an artifact that Black Paladin and the Slug both recognized and wanted. I ran this with B-P and Slug showing, plus some of Deathstroke showing to steal something else, plus some Nazis to steal something ELSE. it's entirely possible that one of the artifacts is (say) a sword scabbard that reminds Spike of his sword, and he shows up to examine/swipe it.

Kieran Mullen adds:

(f) You cold have Adams entirely unaware of his demon form. The players could face the difficulty of stopping the villain demon form without killing the human host. If played correctly, it may be quite a while before any of the PC's realize he is the host. Alternatively, you could inflict Spike as a curse on a character - making the character the host instead of Adams.

Taken from the pages of Jens-Arthur Leirbakk