Sister Thunder - a Champions character by Jens-Arthur Leirbakk

Sister Thunder

 Value  Attribute  Cost 
14STR 4
23DEX 39
20CON 20
16INT 6
16EGO 12
18PRE 8
28COM 9
3 PD 0
4 ED 0
5 SPD 17
7 REC 0
40END 0
 Characteristics Cost: 137 

 Cost Power END 
5 50 Multiform, "Elderly, gap-toothed but nice nun" 
46 20" Flight, "Glowing angel-like wings of light", x64 Non-Combat, Only In Hero ID (-1/4), Extra Time (-1/4), only to start power, Visible (-1/4), 1/2 END (+1/4) 2
75 MP (75)
7u 15D6 EB, "Lightning Blast"7
3u 4D6 Entangle, "glowing bands of light", entangle not damaged, stops sense, has no defense, Sight Group7
19u 6 BODY Regeneration, Concentrate (-1), 0 DCV, constant concentration, Incantation (-1/4), Costs END (-1/2), Usable Against Others (+1)12
27 3D6 Flash, Sight Group, Linked (-1/2), "to Multipower Lightning blast"4
34 20/20 Force Field, "Glowing halo of light", Visible(-1/4), Linked (-1/2), "to Flight power", 0 END (+1/2)0
1 Lang: German, native, literacy 
3 Lang: Italian, fluent conversation, literacy 
3 Lang: Latin, fluent conversation, literacy 
105 Levels: Energy Blast 
Powers Cost: 233
Total Cost: 370

Base Points: 100
 Points  Disadvantage 
20 Distinctive, "Glowing apparition", not concealable, major
20 Distinctive, "Drop Dead Beautiful Nun", not concealable, major
25 Hunted, "Mysterious nemesis", more powerful, harsh, appear 14-
20 Psych Lim, "Code Against Killing", common, total
15 Psych Lim, "Humility", common, strong
5  Rep, "Guardian of the Cloister", occur 8-
15 Secret ID, "Sister Mary Schmeichel"
20 Vuln, "Darkness and Cold attacks", common, x2 stun
130 Angelic Babe-Nun Bonus
Disadvantages Total: 270
Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 370

By Jens-Arthur Leirbakk