Thanks for all the positive feedback on the Krewe of Night, y'all. Its inspired me to write more on it and research a whole new chapter for this "Crescent City Sourcebook" I've been putting together. I expect to have a whole new section on Voodoo and maybe not a whole section on but an honorable mention on the Cajun way of life. I hope you enjoy. For now, here's Deadpan.


The Garden District was settled by Americans who came to New Orleans after the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. Many of the homes have fragrant gardens shaded by magnolias, live oaks and weeping willows. The houses, some of the finest in New Orleans, border on St. Charles Avenue. The area caters to the rich and the "cream of the crop" of New Orleans society. Consequentially, it is a perfect breeding ground for a psychopathic killer.

Deadpan used to be a rich child, but then he never cared for money. His parents bought him the finest tennis instructors, polo ponies, and tutors money can buy. Too bad they were never around to see what he did in the basement with those small animals. He called it his "lab" and the household went on mildly content that the boy had some sort of "scientific" interest. His mother had always instilled in him that "Manners were of the utmost importance" to the point of making his knuckles bleed from the discipline a ruler can dole out. His father had tried to instill in him "good Christian living" as the boy was expected to follow in his footsteps as an Evangelical preacher. Deadpan, still a teen, found women distasteful.

It didn't take much to make them scream and he was somehow inexplicably drawn to the male of the human species. His father found magazines in his room which catered to gay interests and henceforth beat Deadpan nightly to "expunge the demons from his soul". We'll never really know if it was genetics or environment that made Deadpan what he is. He just is.

One night, father didn't beat Deadpan. He tried to molest Deadpan while his mother looked on helplessly. Deadpan did love his mother so he killed her last and made her scream the least. Both parents were supposed to take the car and drive to New Iberia the next day so Deadpan placed the bodies in the car and drove it to a stretch of highway between New Orleans and New Iberia. He set the car ablaze and let it drive off into the swamp. He was scared, so he began to walk home. He hadn't thought of how to get home. If only he could wish himself there. Deep in the basement, Deadpan appeared in his beloved "lab". Deadpan was awestruck with his newfound power.

The police had nothing as it looked like a highway robbery and besides, Deadpan was seen by the household right about when the murders would have taken place or a little after. There was no way he could have made it back in time to be at the house if he had committed the murders. Deadpan inherited the families money. He began killing soon after that. He wasn't a fool and read up on courtcases involving serial killers and how they were caught. His favorite targets were gay men or attractive men but preferrably religious men. So, he decided, to kill so many his pattern would be indistinguishable. No one ever really found much of the bodies, anyway. Always polite, unassuming, and "somewhere else at the time" Deadpan was never under any great suspiscion. He was kind to his staff, appearing like some polite gentleman playboy. He "courted" women but was always "such a gentleman" that he never married.

High Step met Deadpan in his prime. He recognized Deadpan for what he was and realized the skills which Deapan possessed. For some reason, a series of bad investments was made with Deadpan's family fortune by the family accountant and Deadpan's finances went into a hazardous situation. Deadpan cared little for the money but "needed" his "lab". Thats when High Step entered with a proposition: "Kill who I say when I say and make sure they're gone. Don't kill those I protect or need... and I'll keep you in the lifestyle you're accustomed to." High Step, though powerful in his own right, is none the less a wary when Deadpan is around as Deadpan seems to want to get closer than High Step would allow. A gun is trained on Deadpan secretly whenever he is in the presence of High Step. If High Step ever says "the devil is to pay" when this is going on, Deadpan will be taken out.


STR     13       3
DEX     16      18
CON     13       6
BDY     12       4
INT     19       9
EGO     20      20
PRE     10       -
COM     12       1
PD      5        2
ED      5        2
SPD     4       14
REC     8        4
END     50      12
STUN    50      25

80      80pt Multipower:Teleporting tricks

14      Teleport 10" x2 Mass, x512 Distance
12      Teleport 10" x16 Distance (0 END (+1/2))
12      Teleport 20" (0 END (+1/2))
15      Teleport 10" x2 Mass, x32 Distance (0 END (+1/2))
16      Teleport 20" (Usable Against Others (+1))
16      "Bondage Gear":Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF (Fully Indirect (+1);8 charges,
recoverable                 (0))
14      "Ball gags":Transform, Minor 4d6 (opponent into gagged opponent)
(Fully Indirect                 (+1); 8 charges, recoverable (0))

 2      2 Fixed locations for Teleport:"lab", 1 of GM's choice
10      2 Floating Locations

52      "Death Rush":6d6 DEX + 3d6 STR + 9d6 SPD Aid (Lose 5pts/minute
(+1/4),0 END,            Self Only (-1/2), Only when he is killing someone
painfully (-1), No cumulative         effect from multiple deaths (-1/2))

10      +15 PRE (Only for defense (-1/2))

 3      Bump of Direction

20      +4 overall skills levels
 3      Criminology, 17-
 3      Deduction, 17-
 3      Disguise, 17-
 3      Forensic Medicine, 17-
 3      KS:Limb shredders and other waste disposal machines, 17-
 3      AK:Catfish ponds, swamps with a high gator population, DEEP bayous, 17-
 3      KS:Pain, concepts and applications, 17-
 3      KS:Gross anatomy, 17-
 3      AK:New Orleans streets, 17- 
 3      AK:Gay bars and churches of New Orleans, 17-
 3      KS:Perfect manners, 17-
 3      High Society, 15-
 3      Persuasion, 17-

432 Total character points 

25      Berserk: If High Step killed or at high risk (Unc., 14-, 8-)
 5      Berserk: Manners insulted (Unc,8-,14-)
10      Berserk:Mother's memory insulted (Unc.,8-,11-)
 5      Distinctive features:expressionless face
20      Hunted:Police, 8-
20      Hunted:FBI, 8-
15      Watched" High Step and Krewe, 14-
20      Psy. Lim.:Psychopathic serial killer
10      Psy. Lim.:Morbidly faithful to High Step
10      Psy. Lim.:Addicted to killing victims as slowly and painfully as
20      Psy. Lim.:Painstakingly polite
15      Secret ID:Millionaire playboy
157     Psycho-Killer-scary-fuck bonus
432     Total
Deadpan is usually in disguise where ever he goes but the main flaw in his disguises is, he has an emotionless face in every guise. He ONLY smiles in the midsts of a Death Rush when he manages to kill someone in a painful manner. He is normal build, height, weight and his face is somewhat pleasant but very indistinct. He will always say "Excuse me." before killing someone and often issue a terse, formal apology but it is not heartfelt.

After the precursory amenities are out of the way, he'll rarely talk to his victims. When talking to someone that is not his victim, he will extend them every courtesy short of giving away what he truly is. He will appear truly helpful and polite.

Role-playing Notes
Deadpan is VERY hard to catch and again not someone for just one character to be pitted up against. He will usually ball gag a victim with his teleporting ability (via Transform above), chain them up in bondage gear (via Entangle above), then teleport he and his victim to his "lab". He will ALWAYS chain them before taking them to the "lab" but the gag is optional.

Deadpan's "lab" is a basement never included on the plans of the house for good reason. It was made during Prohibition to store alcohol in the 1920's when the house was owned by a gangster. Since then it has served as a wine cellar and then a private place for Deadpan when he was a child.

Special precautions had to be made when it was built as New Orleans was below sea level so the entire room is waterproof and, as a consequence of construction, soundproof. His parents never really cared to see what he was up to down there and the "hired help" were a little afraid to. Now it has a couple of freezers and refrigerators for momentos and experiments. Several harnesses and medical tables with manacles attached to them are down here.

There is no dried blood or foul smell as everything is kept meticulously clean smelling instead like disenfectant and Pine Sol. Deadpan will talk little while "at work" but stoicly subject his subjects to fear, psychological torture, and then physical torture ending in a painful and slow death. Afterwords he does cordially thank the corpse.

Very few people know of the underground "lab". Deadpan's old family help were let go with a generous pension and those that he thought might talk were slowly killed over a long period of time. Only He, High Step, Ms. Fortune and Powder know of his "lab" and only Deadpan and High Step knows of its actual location.

Unlike most serial killers, Deadpan does NOT want to be found, contrary to the profile given of most serial killers. He covers his tracks meticulously with his knowledge as he is well studied in criminology having a fascination with serial killers as a child.

His father used to a be a reknown Evangelical preacher in the New Orleans area. His father also had a penchant for seducing little boys and then using their Christian guilt to make them keep quiet. Some of these boys might still be around but now grown to men.

Of all of High Steps operatives, Deadpan is the one most out of his control. Apparently, the addiction to killing is greater than the addictive personality of High Step. High Step often takes the "role" of the father figure or lover in his operatives lives. Since Deadpan likes to kill both things, he is dangerous to High Step and might soon, "outlive his usefullness". It might be interesting for players to have finally tracked down the "Crescent City Killer" only to find him dead. Of course whether High Step can actually kill Deadpan might be another story as Deadpan IS a resourceful killer with many methods of disappearing.

Taken from the pages of Jens-Arthur Leirbakk