|VALUE CHARACTERISTIC COST BASE  PTS|NAME: Kenneth Montrose                  |
|   10 Strength         x1    10   0|HERO ID: Baron Montrose                 |
|   14 Dexterity        x3    10  12|PLAYER:                                 |
|   12 Constitution     x2    10   4|----------------------------------------+
|   10 Body             x2    10   0| PTS             POWERS              END|
|   18 Intelligence     x1    10   8|  25 Summon (Magic),200 Creature Pts,   |
|   14 Ego              x2    10   8|     Creature: Alternate Baron          |
|   15 Presence         x1    10   5|     Montrose,Extra Time(-1/2),time:    |
|   12 Comeliness       x1/2  10   1|     1 turn,only to start power,        |
|    4 Physical Defens  x1     2   2|     Concentrate(-1/4),Gestures         |
|    2 Energy Defense   x1     2   0|     (-1/4),Incantation(-1/4),Skill     |
|    3 Speed            x10  2.4   6|     Roll(-1/2)                        7|
|    8 Recovery         x2     4   8|  18 MP (Magic) (40),Concentrate        |
|   40 Endurance        x1/2  24   8|     (-1/4),Gestures(-1/4),             |
|   32 Stun             x1    21  11|     Incantation(-1/4),Skill Roll       |
|       Characteristics Cost:     73|     (-1/2)                             |
+-----------------------------------+  1u X-D Move (Magic),any dimension,    |
|DISADVANTAGES         BASE: 100+PTS|     Dimension: Any,Extra Time(-1),     |
|Age,40+                           5|     time: 5 minutes,only to start      |
|DNPC,"14 year old neighbor girl  15|     power                             4|
| (Jenny)",normal,useful skills,    |  2u 10" Teleport (Magic),x2            |
| appear 14-                        |     Increased Range,3 Floating         |
|Distinctive,"Archiac Dress and   10|     Locations                         2|
| Speech",concealable,minor         |  20 MP (Magic) (40),Gestures(-1/4),    |
|Watched,"Jenny's Parents",less    5|     Incantation(-1/4),Skill Roll       |
| powerful,non-combat influence,    |     (-1/2)                             |
| limited area,harsh,appear 11-     |  2u 8D6 EB (Magic)                    4|
|Hunted,"Dervros",more powerful,  15|  2u 2D6 EB (Magic),AVLD(+1 1/2),       |
| harsh,appear 8-                   |     Defense: Power Defense,            |
|Normal Stats                     20|     Transdimensional(+1),any           |
|Secret ID,"Kenneth Montrose"     15|     dimension,Dimension: Astral        |
|Physical Lim,"Slight Limp",       5|     Plane,Affects Desolid(+1/2)       4|
| infrequently,slightly             |  2u 4D6 Entangle (Magic)              4|
|Psych Lim,"Code vs Killing",     20|  2u 3D6 Flash (Magic),N-Ray,Sight      |
| common,total                      |     Group                             4|
|Psych Lim,"Easily distracted by  10|  10 MP (20),Gestures(-1/4),            |
| Artifacts",uncommon,strong        |     Incantation(-1/4),Skill Roll       |
|Psych Lim,"Victorian Code of     20|     (-1/2)                             |
| Honor",common,total               |  2m 10/10 Force Field (Magic)         2|
|Unluck,1D6                        5|  2m +20 to Mental Defense (Magic),     |
|Vuln,"Black Magic",uncommon,x1    5|     Costs END(-1/2)                   2|
| 1/2 effect                        |  2m 2 BODY Regen (Magic)               |
|                                   |  2m 4/4 Force Wall (Magic)            2|
|                                   |   3 Mental Awareness                   |
|                                   |   7 10 Mental Defense                  |
|                                   |   5 5 Power Defense (Magic)            |
|                                   |  10 Money,wealthy                      |
|                                   |   3 Absolute Time Sense                |
|                                   |   3 Scholar                            |
|                                   |   3 Traveler                           |
|                                   |   3 Jack of All Trades                 |
|                                   |   1 Bribery 8-                         |
|                                   |   5 Conversation 13-                   |
|                                   |   3 Deduction 13-                      |
|                                   |   1 KS: Earth Magicians 11-            |
|                                   |   3 Forensic Medicine 13-              |
|                                   |  11 Magic Skill 17-                    |
|                                   |   3 Paramedic 13-                      |
|                                   |   7 Persuasion 14-                     |
|          Disadvantages Total : 150| 177 : Powers Total                     |
|             Experience Spent +   0|  73 + Characteristic Total             |
|                 Total Points = 250| 250 = Total Cost                       |
|       DISADVANTAGES            PTS| PTS             POWERS              END|
|                                   |                                        |
|                                   |   1 PS: Musician 11-                   |
|                                   |   3 Riding 12-                         |
|                                   |   2 SC: Medicine 11-                   |
|                                   |   3 Sleight Of Hand 12-                |
|                                   |   2 TF,Horses / Donkeys,Small (Cars)   |
|                                   |   3 WF,Unarmed Combat,Clubs,Swords,    |
|                                   |     Early Firearms,Pistols             |
|                                   |   0 Climbing 8-                        |
|                                   |   0 Concealment 8-                     |
|                                   |   0 Lang: English,native               |
|                                   |   0 Shadowing 8-                       |
|                                   |   0 Stealth 8-                         |
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