Subject: Two characters: Graviton and Legion/ with opening scenario

Feel free to modify/fix these characters. They are almost rough drafts with minor rule bending (especially gravitons tk to lift a building). There speeds and dexes are tailored for my game, which is low level. (most speeds 3 or 4) They are both very hard to hurt, and do tons of damage. they were designed to make a reasonable 250 point group use there brains and teamwork to fight them. I'm not perfectly happy with the write up, so I would love suggestions. All I really know is when I scream in my Bobcat Goldwaithe voice "I'm SO confused" from a pile of rubble, the entire party goes "OH NO!!!" in an excited and entertained way.

I've included how they are best introduced, because it's an important part of the characters, and it shows that Jerry especially is not meant to fight direct. In fact, if done right, he will help subdue Allison, but if she gets hurt, he'll go nuts. but this takes a smart group. Persuasion, Oratory, and Conversation are invaluable in this scenario. Let me know if you use this, or a variation. I'd love to know. please modify the characters for you campaign, and let me know what you change (other than speed) so that I may consider it..)

Jerry Gold and Allison Winter where just your standard in love couple. Jerry was always a little fun loving and a bit irresponsible, but basically an ok guy. Allison was a bit more serious, but enjoyed Jerry for the qualities she wanted to possess.

When the meteor struck there apartment, the authorites were very puzzled at the results. Everyone in the building was in a coma. There were no casualties. But all medical readings showed that they should NOT be in a coma. but no test brought anything more than automatic responses. Except for Jerry and Allison. Allison was in a coma, but her coma was clearer. It was different from all the others, with an AMAZINGLY high brain activity, for someone who is lying there not responding.

Jerry actually woke up after only a few days, and was released after a few tests. He seemed unstable, and was scheduled for counseling. No one realized just how unstable he was.

Expermintal ideas were offered for Allisons cure, but the insurance company refused to pay. Jerry had no intention of things getting where they did. Then again, he had been getting really confused lately. So when the insurance agent threatened to throw him out of the building, his anger built up, and he started flinging people around with his mind, altering the gravity around him. T police came, and things got worse. Looking outside he saw a large building. as he thought, the building raised into the air. "Just GO AWAY...Stop it, I'm SO CONFUSED!! Back off or I'll drop it!" he screamed.

Name: Jerry Golden aka Graviton

Appearance: A wild haired wild eyed man, with a dark brown jacket and a brown patch. Eventually he will discover he can wear plates of metal with out it having weight, and obtain armor. (this write up reflect this. Initial encounters could be without armor)

Personality: In the meteor strike, Jerry absorbed three minds. (see Legion). It is these extra voices in his head that are making him terribly confused. It is his incredible concern for hte woman he loves that is making him VERY dangerous. Jerry is a likeable confused guy. I usually play him like BOBCAT Goldwaithe. A sceaming frantic graveely voice who can barely keep track of a conversation. Very careful negotiation is needed WHENEVER this unstable personality is encountered.

Powers: Gravitons powers are just what they sound like. The ability to affect gravity. I fudged a bit with the strength. He can lift buildings, because he can spread his strength over an area. I didn't see him doing the sort of damage that entailed, and chose the area advantadge.

It sort of iffy, and you may wish to do it another way in your campaign. This is a HIGH level character, but a smart group can avoid fighting him. ALl he really wants is to cure allison early on. Once she is cured, he could very easily have lost his temper for some other reason. In general he doesn't actually want to hurt anyone, but he also does not want to go to jail, and he will never agree to anythign that he feel will harm Allison. This is a powderkeg character. Raw combat characters will/should have tons of trouble here. (they get a better challenge with allison.)

Name: Allison/Legion

Personality: Allison is a very gentle stable person. at least she was. Allison has absorbed all the minds in the building that Jerry didn't. (roughly 30). They are a raw destructive force, trying to break through, and allison is holding them all back. SHe begins in a coma because she is deeply recessed, using her mind to contain the monster she can become.

If someone tries to reach her, (mental powers, weird shocks, however you reach a mind/spirit), she may grow distracted, and the far more powerful force will bind, and LEGION will awaken. Legion is again massively powerful, and both loves and hates Graviton. How the players handle the dynamics between them will make a big difference. What is needed is to reach Allison and restore her. That will pretty much always be the best idea. If Legion can be somehow defeated, Allison will reagain control and seem normal (until such time that Gm wants to have her accidental change triggered. Note she does not have instant change, and therefore can not switch forms voluntarily. (nor would she.) Allison is good, Legion is bad.

Powers: Legion is the comprised mental energy of 30 minds. SHe has huge amounts of mental energy. SHe has no tactics per say. SHe is just raw destruction. she does crave power, but she doesn't always know how to go about getting it. Also keep in mind that she is constantly sabatouging herself, since Allison has a minimal say.

Disadvantadges: Legion is easily found by mind scanning. (your looking for 30 minds) and her ego defense should not count for that purpose. (house rule, vulnerabilities lose defense). Legion can come up with plans in the short term. She is terribly impatient, since her head is screaming at her all the time, and easily distracted. Sneaky plans will work. Direct confrontations could be easy.

After stopping her, good hearted heroes will want to help her, and the 30 people lying in comas. Even if they manage to do this, her powers will still exist, and in the wrong circumstances, legion could absorb minds again, and return. However of course, Allison is scarcely responsible for Legions actions, and is mentally competent when she is not Legion.

I included the scenario for this because I think being part of Legions origins can be important for the characters, and makes it all more interesting. Graviton is a blast to play, and can be both frustrating and hillarious for the players. Legion is dangerous and a truly tough battle. iN one or two games, you have something for almost eveyrone. This scenario works especially well if you have scientific type in the group, with medical knowledge, so they can seek the cure.

Content-Disposition: inline; filename="GRAVITON.LST"

10/70   STR     0
13      DEX     9
28      CON     36
18      BODY    16
10      INT     0
18      EGO     16
10      PRE     0
8       COM     -1
14/20   PD      12
15/21   ED      9
3       SPD     7
10      REC     4
56      END     0
37      STUN    0
Characteristics Cost: 108

15      EC (Gravity) (15)       
22a)    6 LVLS Density Increase (Gravity) (stats already included),     
	1/2 END(+1/4)   2
15b)    3 LVLS Density Increase (Gravity)(800kg,+15 STR,-3KB,+3 
	PD/ED),Usable Against Others(+1)        3
72c)    10D6 EB (Gravity),"Gravity Beam",Double Knockback(+3/4) 9
60d)    30 STR TK (Gravity),affects all parts,Area Effect(+1),any       
	area    9
10e)    +30 STR (Gravity),doesn't add to figured        3
22f)    3D6 Aid (Gravity),"Strength",Area Effect(+1),any area,  
	Ranged(+1/2)    4
19g)    5 OCV Missile Deflection (Gravity),deflect all attacks, 
	deflect at range,Costs END(-1/2)        4
60h)    60 STR TK (Gravity),affects all parts   9
10      10/10 Damage Resistance (Gravity)       
5       9 Mental Defense (Gravity)      
2       PS: Accountant 11-      
2       PS: Electrician 11-     
2       PS: Construction Worker 11-     

Powers Cost: 316
Total Cost: 424

Base Points: 100
30      Berserk,"when cheated",common,occur 14-,recover 8-
20      Psych Lim,"Easily Confused",very common,strong
5       Distinctive,"Irratating Voice",easily concealable,minor
15      DNPC,"Allison",less powerful,appear 14-
10      Public ID,"Jerry Gold"
20      Psych Lim,"Panics Easily",very common,strong
10      Vuln,"Magnetics",uncommon,x2 stun
15      Psych Lim,"Hears Voices, has three minds",common,strong

Disadvantages Total: 325
Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 425

Content-Disposition: inline; filename="LEGION.LST"

10/30   STR     0
12/23   DEX     6
10/35   CON     0
13/18   BODY    6
23      INT     13
18/30   EGO     16
10/25   PRE     0
14      COM     2
4/8     PD      2
4/9     ED      2
3/4     SPD     -2
6/15    REC     4
20/70   END     0
30/58   STUN    7
Characteristics Cost: 56

16      30 STR (Gravity),Only In Hero ID(-1/4)  2
26      23 DEX (Gravity),Only In Hero ID(-1/4)  
40      35 CON (Gravity),Only In Hero ID(-1/4)  
8       18 BODY (Gravity),Only In Hero ID(-1/4) 
19      30 EGO (Gravity),Only In Hero ID(-1/4)  
12      25 PRE (Gravity),Only In Hero ID(-1/4)  
7       4.0 SPD (Gravity),Only In Hero ID(-1/4) 
79      VPP (50),restricted type of powers,no skill roll required,      
	"Drains and Transfers",Only In Hero ID(-1/4)    
56      MP (Telekinesis) (70),Only In Hero ID(-1/4)     
7m      20" Flight (Telekinesis),x4 Non-Combat	4
8m      10D6 EB (Telekinesis)   5
9m      30 STR TK (Telekinesis),fine manipulation       5
8m      25/25 Force Field (Telekinesis),Only In Hero ID(-1/4),1/2       
	END(+1/4)       3
49      6D6 Mind Control (Telekinesis),telepathic contact,33-64 
	Charges(+2 1/4),continuing,duration: 1 day,Extra Time(-1        
	1/2),time: 1 minute,Only In Hero ID(-1/4),Continuous(+1)        0
40      8D6 Mind Scan (Telekinesis),+5 Plus To Roll,Only In Hero ID     
	(-1/4)  5
8       +5 Enhanced PER (Telekinesis),Sight,Only In Hero ID(-1/4)       
5       11 Mental Defense (Telekinesis) 
28      16- Danger Sense,any attack,immediate vicinity,Only In Hero     
16      11- Universal Translator,Only In Hero ID(-1/4)  
20      Spatial Awareness (Telekinesis),Only In Hero ID(-1/4)   
3       Mental Awareness (Telekinesis)  
10      360 Degree Sensing (Telekinesis),Mental Group   
20      x4 Cramming     

Powers Cost: 494
Total Cost: 550

Base Points: 100
15      Accidental Chg,"trauma/believes killed someone",uncommon,
	 occur 14-
20      Berserk,"When Reminded of Other half",common,occur 11-,
	 recover 11-
25      Psych Lim,"Many Personalities",very common,total
20      Psych Lim,"Meglamania",very common,strong
20      Psych Lim,"Easily Distracted",very common,strong
15      Secret ID,"Allison"
20      Vuln,"Mental Illusion or Images",common,x2 effect
10      Vuln,"Mind Scanning",uncommon,x2 effect
5       Watched,"Scramble",as powerful,harsh,appear 8-
20      Psych Lim,"Attachment to Graviton",very common,strong
25      Psych Lim,"Code Vs. Killing",very common,total
260     Villian

Disadvantages Total: 455
Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 555