Entropy - Human Form Val CHA Cost Cost Powers/Skils/Talents/Perks END --- --- ---- ---- -------------------------- --- 10 STR 0 36 Martial Arts (Classic Comic Book) 18 DEX 24 Punch (Martial Strike) 6d6 18 CON 16 Kick (Offensive Strike) 8d6 10 BODY 0 Block (Martial Block) 18 INT 8 Dodge (Martial Dodge) 14 EGO 8 Throw (Martial Throw) 6d6 + v/5 13 PRE 3 +4 Damage Class (already added in) 10 COM 0 16 Armor (8 PD, 8 ED), OIF (Kevlar Vest) 4 PD 2 3 Breakfall, 13- 4 ED 0 3 Concealment, 13- 4 SPD 12 3 Conversation, 12- 8 REC 4 3 Cryptography, 13- 36 END 0 3 Deduction, 13- 30 STUN 6 3 High Society, 12- 3 Lip Reading, 13- 3 Paramedic, 13- STR Roll: 11 3 Shadowing, 13- DEX Roll: 13 3 Sleight of Hand, 13- INT Roll: 13 3 Stealth, 13- PER Roll: 13 3 Tactics, 13- EGO Roll: 12 5 KS: Occultism, 14- 3 KS: Demonology, 12- OCV: 6 3 KS: Witchcraft, 12- DCV: 6 2 KS: Anthropology, 11- ECV: 5 4 KS: Research, 13- Phases: 3,6,9,12 2 KS: Writing, 1- 8 Linguist: Latin, French, German, Hebrew (all fluent - native language is English) PD/rPD: 12/8 4 Familiarity with Meteorology, Geology, ED/rED: 12/8 Oceanography, Astronomy (all 8-) 3 Speed Reading Run : 6" 10 Eidetic Memory Leap: 2"/1" 10 +2 w/ all INT-based skills 5 Wealth: Well-Off 20 +2 Overall Levels 100 Multiform (4 additional forms, 250 pts. each, Incantations (requires spoken word) -1/4) Description: White Female in her late 20s, 5' 8", average build, red hair, green eyes, fair complexion. Her costume is a red-orange jumpsuit with red trimming. Magicians and other magic-based characters can detect an aura of great power radiating from her in this form. 100+ Disadvantages ---- ------------- 15 Secret ID (Kelly Masters) 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima 5 Distinctive Feature - Mystic Aura (requires training, noticed) 15 Hunted by DEMON (as powerful, NCI), 8- 15 Hunted by an evil sorceress (as powerful), 11- 10 Watched by the Circle (more powerful), 11 - 20 Psych. Limit.: Code against Kill (Common, Total) 15 Psych. Limit.: Must think carefully before acting (Common, Strong) 20 4d6 Unluck 15 DNPC (Younger Sister - Normal), 11- 100 Hero Bonus Characteristic Total: 83 100 Base Powers Total : 267 250 Disadvantages --- --- 350 Total Cost 350