Captain Infirm! A Basketcase Champions Character
Captain Infirm! A Basketcase Champions Character
100     STR     90
110     DEX     300
10      CON     0
10      BODY    0
10      INT     0
10      EGO     0
10      PRE     0
14      COM     2
20      PD      0
2       ED      0
12      SPD     0
22      REC     0
20      END     0
65      STUN    0
Characteristics Cost: 392

Powers Cost: 0
Total Cost: 392

Base Points: 12
25      Accidental Change,"Blinks",very common,occur 14-
35      Berserk,"Sight of Asphalt",very common,occur 14-,recover 8-
35      Berserk,"Sight of Brown hair",very common,occur 14-,recover 8-
30      Dependence,"Ketchup",very common,per segment,3D6
25      Dependent NPC,"Lorena Bobbit",incompetent,appear 14-
25      Distinctive Features,"Looks like Satan & Nixon",not concealable, extreme
30      Hunted,"AARP",more powerful,non-combat influence,harsh,appear 14-
25      Psychological Limitation,"Fear of Capes",very common,total
15      Secret ID,"Dr. Destroyer"
20      Reputation,"Antichrist",occur 14-,extreme reputation
20      Rivalry,"Must win affection of Cher",both,in superior position,PC rival
40      Susceptibility,"Breeze",very common,per segment,3D6
25      Unluck,5D6
30      Vulnerability,"Energy attacks",very common,x2 stun

Disadvantages Total: 380
Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 392