Kaht is a houseless drow. Originally working at the Sorcere academy of magic
in Ched Dorfei, he has been assigned to help with the project at the Sorcere
outpost. Kaht dreams about being a Wardancer, and would much rather be with
the Melee Magthere academy in Ched Dorfei for training as a Wardancer than be
here. Obar house Nilabbar worries him, though.
Boosted scores assumes that he has had enough time to cast his buff spells
(Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor, Shield, Bull's Strength, Endurance,
See Invisibility, Fly, Haste, Keen Edge, Stoneskin). Furthermore, it assumes
a roll of "2" on the d4, giving +3 on the stats affected.
Race: drow
Gender: male
Age: 143
Class: Fighter 3 / Wizard 7
Alignment: CE
Size: M
Height: 5 ft. 1 in.
Weight: 101 lb.
Hair: White, shoulderlength
Eyes: Red
Role-playing Hooks: Will do flamboyant things. Uses two weapons.
Reckless in combat, tries to emulate a Wardancer. Prefers buff spells to
damage-dealing spells.
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