New Magical Items for 2nd Edition AD&D |
Well, I got some "neat" ideas that I thought I'd just share with you all. And, as usual, when someone has got some neat ideas, they're magical items. It started with the notion that if the kingdoms forgotten (like ancient Netheril) had so powerful magic, then why isn't there magical items that reflect this, like powerfully enchanted bronze weapons and so on? Of course, steel came probably just a little bit later, but still...
Anyways, I just continued coming up with ideas for unusual magical items, and the ones I remember I've put down here for you all to see.
- Jens-Arthur
Bread of Bursting |
Bronze Bison of Banishment |
When the bison connects with its attack, the subject must roll a ST vs. Spells with a -2 penalty, or suffer a Teleport Without Error effect to a random location on the campaign world. The location will be common in that it itself will not kill the creature. If the subject is successful in saving vs. spells, the bison will inflict 1d10 points of damage.
Green Gnome of Gastric Galore |
There is a 1% non-cumulative chance that the Gnome malfunctions, in which case it will only produce fresh horse manure on command. Otherwise, it will, when activated, act as a master chef, making the best it can from the resources available.
Loaf of Levity |
The loaf seems perfectly ordinary to begin with, and will give 20 slices of bread, divided however one wants. About an hour after having ingested any amount of bread from this loaf, anyone that have eaten of the bread are entitled to a ST vs. spells, with a saving throw penalty of -1 per slice of bread they have eaten.
If the saving throw is successful, the subject feels a slight euphoria, and is immune to any mind-altering magics (dominate, charm person, fear, scare, and so on) for 1d4 hours. The euphoria translates to a +1 penalty on THAC0.
If the saving throw is not successful, however, weird things start to happen. The next 30 minutes will be very interesting. The subject slumps in a formless heap, all muscles quite relaxed (but no nasty side effects from that), and starts to hallucinate. However, the individual hallucinations will be quite hilarious, and will be projected in a globe of animated illusion 10' away from the subject. Persons looking at the illusions, will have to make STs vs. Spells, or be subject to totally incapacitating laughter as long as they watch the illusions.
The hallucinating character will sink into a dreamless sleep for the next four hours, and will not be awakened by any normal means. When the hallucinating subject wakes, he will be totally refreshed, and may even memorize spells if eligible to them. Anyone that was laughing because of the illusory spectacle, will be exhausted, and will need to rest for one turn per round they laughed or suffer a -3 to hit and damage penalty.
Mead Bowl of Might |
Anyone drinking heartily from the bowl will feel invigorated and strong, though the normal effects of overindulging in alcohol is not affected by the meadbowl. This translates into a +5 hp bonus and a +1 bonus both to hit and to damage because of great strength. There is a 1% chance (non-cumulative) for each one drinking from this bowl per day, that the bonuses are permanent.
If such a bonus is permanent, all magic is drained from the bowl, and it will forever more be nothing more than a good-quality mead bowl. The person drinking the mead will also find that mead has become tasteless and foul for him, to such an extent that the person must make an ST vs. Wands or be violently ill all over the place.
The mead bowl's effects last for no more than 12 hours, and can only be activated once per day. One cannot choose not to activate the mead bowl's magic when it is eligible for activation.
Obsidian Orbus of Oblivion |
If used as a catapult load, the Orbus will have the ranges of the relevant catapult. If thrown by hand, the ranges are equivalent to those of a thrown dagger.
Upon impact, the Orbus will shatter, sending a shower of sharp glass fragments flying in all directions for 60'. This shower of glass will do 2d10 points of damage, half that if a Dex check is successful.
However, a green, pulsating globe of light will rapidly fill an area equivalent to 30' in all directions, inflicting a Disintegration effect on every eligible target in the area. An ST vs. Spells is necessary to escape this effect, with a +3 bonus to the roll if the Dex check to avoid the glass shower was successful.
Stone Javelin of Shattering |
The javelin and its outsized stone tip will Shatter, having one of two effects depending on whether the javelin is embedded in a living target, or has hit a structure of some sort.
If the javelin has hit a living target, it will Shatter into razor-sharp fragments, doing 1d4 hp to everyone within 20' (everyone but the target hit get ST vs. Spells for half damage), and inflicting a wounding effect doing an additional 1 hp damage per round until a successful Healing proficiency check has been done, or any healing magic has been applied. Regenerating creatures are immune to the bleeding effect.
If the javelin has hit a structure, it will inflict 1d6 structural points in damage to the structure itself. The GM will decide whether this have any ill effects on any characters or monsters in the structure.