New Magical Items for 2nd Edition AD&D
New Magical Items for 2nd Edition AD&D

Well, I got some "neat" ideas that I thought I'd just share with you all. And, as usual, when someone has got some neat ideas, they're magical items. It started with the notion that if the kingdoms forgotten (like ancient Netheril) had so powerful magic, then why isn't there magical items that reflect this, like powerfully enchanted bronze weapons and so on? Of course, steel came probably just a little bit later, but still...

Anyways, I just continued coming up with ideas for unusual magical items, and the ones I remember I've put down here for you all to see.

- Jens-Arthur

Bread of Bursting
Bronze Bison of Banishment
Green Gnome of Gastric Galore
Loaf of Levity
Mead Bowl of Might
Obsidian Orbus of Oblivion
Stone Javelin of Shattering