Greyhawk Magical Items

GREYHAWK(R) Magical Items

All material is taken from GREYHAWK(R) Adventures, updated for the AD&D(R) 2nd Edition Game.
GREYHAWK Adventures Design & Development: James M. Ward, Daniel Salas, Skip Williams, Nigel D. Findley, Thomas Kane, Stephen Innis, Len Carpenter, Eric Oppen, Jon Pickens.
GREYHAWK Adventures Editing: Warren Spector, Anne Brown, Karen Boomgarden, Steve Winter, Mike Breault, Scott Haring, Jon Pickens.
GREYHAWK Adventures (C)1988 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
(R) and (TM) indicate trademarks of TSR, Inc.

All of these magical items are from the Flanaess of the GREYHAWK campaign and were first published in ((GREYHAWK Adventures)) in 1988. They might be found on other game worlds if stolen or lost, and Dungeon Masters may rename and rework these items for use in their own campaigns.

These items are named for the geographical area of their origin. This reflects the fact that these magical items weren't created for general use by mercenaries and adventurers (i.e., player characters). Though some of these items were designed by wizards who sold them for profit, most items were created for specific uses. Only by chance, diplomacy, or combat does such an item pass from its creator to an unintended (and sometimes unwanted) owner. Only the fairly recent and best-guarded magical items are still controlled by their creators.

Player characters usually find a magical item in the place of its origin, though well-traveled items are not uncommon and can provide their own surprises. No magical item given here is limited to the area that carries its name. However, often the item will not work elsewhere or has limited usefulness; examples of each include the ((cloak of the Hellfurnaces)) and the ((Medegian bracelet of lost ships.))

The information listed after each item includes experience point values awarded to characters who keep the items and gold piece sale values. Group restrictions are listed in abbreviated form: F (fighters--used instead of warriors, but includes rangers and paladins), P (priests, including clerics and druids), T (thieves--used instead of rogues, but includes bards), and W (wizards, including mages and specialist wizards). Any class can use items restricted to its group.


((Admundfort Ring of Leadership)) (F): This silver ring was created by a wizard in the service of the Knights of the Shield. The ring is traditionally given to rangers and paladins of at least 9th level, in return for loyal friendship or unexpected favor.

The ring allows a fighter to attract twice as many men-at-arms as normal as followers. The ring also gives a +25% bonus to the loyalty of such followers. If a fighter loses the ring, he or she retains the followers, but no longer receives the loyalty bonus.
XP value: 1,500 XP; GP value: 8,500 gp

((Lucky Ring of the Wild Coast)): This magical ring was created by a wizard who liked to gamble, though his greatest gamble was to use it under the suspicious eyes of the Thieves Guild. The ring increases a gambler's chances of winning, and it is prized among the rogues of the Wild Coast. The user can choose to add or subtract one from each die rolled in a game of chance. The direction of the change must be stated before any roll is made. Thus, a 3d6 roll of 2, 4, and 6 can be decreased to 1, 3, and 5, or increased to 3, 5, and 6. The ring is useful only to a character who is actually gambling, and it has no effect on attack or damage rolls, saving throws, etc.
XP value: 500 XP; GP value: 3,500 gp

((Cursed Ring of the Great Kingdom)): This cursed magical item was created by a wizard who was loyal to the Great Kingdom. Though the ring has only limited power, its use to plague the diplomats of the Iron League was well known.

Once it has been placed on a character's finger, the ring causes problems when the wearer attempts to use his Charisma reaction bonus. As the character tries to make a good impression, he will commit an embarrassing ((faux pas)) instead. The effect depends upon the occasion: If the encounter requires manners, the character might belch; if it is a solemn event, he might giggle; if it requires silence, he might sneeze; if it requires the character's full attention, he might yawn; and so on. A character making a successful saving throw vs. spell is unaffected and receives his normal Charisma bonus. If the saving throw is failed, the character receives a -50% penalty to the reaction check. The ring itself can be removed from the unfortunate character's finger, but the curse remains until negated by a ((remove curse)) spell. Note that the ring can be passed to many owners, and the ring can affect them all equally.
XP value: -- XP; GP value: 2,000 gp

((Ring of the Pomarj)): This black ring was created by a wizard from the Wild Coast. Hating all inhabitants of the Pomarj, he used it to gather troops of goblins, ogres, or orcs. He then led these troops into battle against the humanoids of the Pomarj. The ring is considered a threat by many other lands other as well.

The ring allows a character of evil alignment to gather a horde of goblins, ogres, or orcs (in much the same fashion as a barbarian horde is summoned). The wearer of the ring decides which race he wishes to gather, and can gather a number of creatures determined by his experience point total:

The horde can be raised only on the Wild Coast and must be raised for a specific, short-term purpose. For example, the horde might be gathered to attack a rival tribe, to raid the County of Ulek, or to destroy elves in Celene. It takes the horde at least a week to assemble. Whatever its purpose, the horde remains together for a maximum number of weeks equal to half of the ring wielder's level. Deviation from the stated purpose may cause the horde to disband sooner, at the DM's option. Disbanded humanoids will return to the Wild Coast by the quickest and safest route. Note that the ring does not ((charm, beguile)), or otherwise compel obedience, and that a ring wielder whose humanoids disband will not receive a warm welcome the next time he returns to them. The ring can be used but thrice in one year.
XP value: 4,000 XP; GP value: 20,000 gp

Rods, Staves, and Wands

((Diplomacy Rod of Furyondy)): This rod was created for use by the Prince of Furyondy, though his disappearance left it in the hands of less noble officials. The rod gives the holder a +15% reaction bonus when negotiating or debating with other intelligent creatures. Once per day the rod allows the holder to cast a ((suggestion)) spell by expending a charge from the rod. The ((suggestion)) must involve matters of peace or cooperation, or else the subjects of the spell receive a +1 saving throw bonus. The rod holds up to 25 charges and is rechargeable.
XP value: 4,000 XP; GP value: 15,000 gp

((Rod of the Aerdi Sea)) (W): This defensive weapon was fashioned for use by merchants who sail the pirate-infested waters between Hepmonaland and the Great Kingdom. It allows the wielder to cast the following effects by expending a certain number of charges from the rod:

The rod takes one round to activate, and the user can move normally (not melee) and concentrate to maintain the effect. The rod has a range of 240 yards and affects an area 180 feet on a side. Illusions not closely related to the sea or sailing are saved against at +1.
XP value: 5,000 XP; GP value: 25,000 gp

((Rod of Onnwal)) (W): This magical rod was originally created to protect the inhabitants of Onnwal against the fierce storms that regularly lash the Sea of Gearnat. It is also known to have been used effectively against dust storms in the Bright Desert, blizzards in the northern countries, and winds on the peaks of various mountain ranges.

Upon command, the rod causes air in a 50-foot radius to become calm, with a wind velocity of zero. The rod can be used to negate damage to structures as long as the side against which the wind is blowing can be included in the rod's radius of effect. However, the rod does not influence rain, snow, or any solid objects carried upon the wind and hurled into its area of effect. The rod also will not protect a flight of missiles that is fired or hurled out of its area of effect.

The rod prevents damage from creatures employing high winds as a special form of attack. For example, an air elemental would be able to attack normally, but would not be able to attack in ((whirlwind)) form.

Each use of the rod drains one charge. Each charge lasts one hour, and the rod can be recharged.
XP value: 4,000 XP; GP value: 15,000 gp

((Rod of Welkwood)) (P): Fashioned from an oaken branch, this item was created by druids serving the woodsmen who inhabit this majestic forest. As they enchanted the branch, they instilled in it their awe and respect for the great trees and vegetation that set this woodland apart.

The rod can be used as a ((shillelagh)) (magical weapon; +1 to attack; damage 2-8 vs. S and M, or 2-5 vs L). If charges are expended, the following effects can be created as if by an 8th-level druid:

This rod has up to 25 charges and can be recharged.
XP value: 5,000 XP; GP value: 25,000 gp

((Skull-Staff of Hepmonaland)) (P, W): This is a 7-foot-long pole topped with a skull with a wild mane of white hair and sharp, demonic features. The shaman who uses the staff claims that it is the skull of an ancient demon, though many suspect that it belonged to an evil wizard who died in the hands of head-hunters in Hepmonaland. The skull can magically ((cause fear)) in any creature gazing upon the skull when this power is invoked.

Its secondary powers, which require no charges, are a personal ((protection from evil)) effect that surrounds the wielder, and ((displacement)), as a ((cloak of displacement)) (a +2 bonus to armor class and saving throws, and the first attack misses), against creatures from the lower planes. The rod has up to 25 charges and cannot be recharged.
XP value: 5,000 XP; GP value: 20,000 gp

((Staff of Gnatmarsh)) (P, W): Enchanted by a shaman of the tribesmen in Gnatmarsh, this staff has the following spell-like functions:

The staff can be recharged.
XP value: 4,000 XP; GP value: 20,000 gp

((Staff of Hornwood)) (W): This wooden staff was enchanted by a wizard who wanted to make his travels in the wilderness less dangerous. When the command word is spoken, the staff creates an area of ((antipathy)) in a 20-foot radius that is avoided by normal animals (including giant variations) unless attacked by the staff holder or his party. Animals with higher than animal Intelligence can enter the warded area if a successful saving throw vs. rod, staff or wand is made.

Enchanted creatures of the forest are irritated by the operation of the staff; 75% of the time these leave the area in disgust, and the other 25% of the time they take steps to drive away the staff holder.

The staff can also be used as a melee weapon, in which case the ((antipathy)) effect causes any animal struck to flee the encounter, subject to a saving throw vs. spell. Each such hit drains a charge from the staff.

Note that with sufficient time and effort, animals can be trained to withstand the effects of this staff. The staff can be recharged.
XP value: 4,000 XP; GP value: 15,000 gp

((War Staff of Nyrond)) (W): Just after Nyrondese troops willingly withdrew from the Theocracy of the Pale and the County of Urnst, a Nyrondese wizard created this staff because he feared that other lands might see this as a sign of weakness and attack the Kingdom of Nyrond. Though such attacks never occurred, the staff was useful to certain powerful wizards guarding the borders of Nyrond.

Possession of this wooden staff allows a wizard of at least 11th level to attract personal followers as a fighter of name level. A wizard can use the staff only once per year, and it must remain in the spellcaster's possession for a full month after the followers have gathered, or the troops disband and desert. Once the month has passed, the troops are personally loyal to the spellcaster for one year, barring exceptional conditions or poor treatment. Note that this in no way affects the hiring of men-at-arms in the normal fashion.
XP value: 5,000 XP; GP value: 30,000 gp

((Bisselite Wand of Peace)) (P): This item has served the priests and border guards of the March of Bissel. Once per day it can cause all mortal beings in a 50-foot radius to save vs. wands or become calm and unwilling to fight. Calmed beings defend themselves against attack, but do not attack or otherwise take hostile action. However, those affected do not necessarily become friendly. The duration of the effect is 3 turns.
XP value: 3,000 XP; GP value: 15,000 gp

((Scant Wand of Storms)) (W): This wand was created in the capital city of Onnwal, and has been used against raiding warships from the South Province. Its creator was undoubtedly influenced by observing the furious weather in the Sea of Gearnat.

The wand is usable only outdoors and creates various weather effects with the expenditure of charges:

((Chain lightning)) is similar to the wizard's spell, but with a range of 70 yards. The bolt strikes the first object targeted for 6d6 of damage (half damage if a saving throw vs. wands is successful), arcs randomly to another object within range for 5d6 of damage, then to another for 4d6, etc. The bolt continues arcing from each object struck, ending when a sixth object has been struck for 1d6 damage.
((Influence weather)) is similar to the spell ((control weather)), but can be used only to increase cloudiness, rain/snowfall, and/or wind velocity.

Each time the wand is used, the general weather conditions over a broad area can become unexpectedly severe. The chance for any type of severe weather depends on the original effect that the caster has attempted to summon:

                                Chance of
Effect				Severe						Charges
Attempted                       Weather        Type of Weather                  Drained
((wall of fog))                 10%            Thick, persistent fog               3
((precipitation))               10%            Rain or snow squall                 3
((gust of wind))                20%            Gale or tornado                     4
((cloudburst))                  20%            Hailstorm or severe snow            4
((chain lightning))             30%            Lightning storm                     5
((influence weather))           30%            Heavy rain or blizzard              5
The charges drained for severe weather are immediately lost from the wand if the severe weather occurs. The wand can be recharged.
XP value: 6,000 xp; GP value: 40,000 gp

((Dark Wand of the Sulhaut Mountains)): This ebony wand was enchanted by an elven wizard who traveled from Loftwick to the Sulhaut Mountains to hunt down the ancient enemies of his race. The wand is a specialized version of the ((wand of enemy detection)).

The wand has two functions. First, it can be used to discover the direction of the nearest drow or drider. The user simply so commands and pivots until the wand reacts.

Second, the wand can be used to observe a drow or drider. When pointed in the proper direction and commanded, the wand creates an illusory image for the user, showing the nearest drow elf or drider in that direction and the target's immediate surroundings. The wand user receives a vague impression of distance (e.g., within a mile, within five miles, far away). The image lasts one turn and reveals whatever that drow or drider is doing in some detail, but not enough for the user to be able to, for example, read a scroll being read by the subject.

The range of the wand is 10 miles per charge expended.
XP value: 1,500 xp; GP value: 8,000 gp

((Fire Wand of Sueloise)) (W): This wand may have been the device that caused the destruction of the Suel Empire, or it may have been created to reproduce the event. No scholar doubts that its creator was a wizard of great power and violent tendencies. The wand is rarely bought or sold, since few wizards dare to use it. Often it merely falls into the hands of an unsuspecting spellcaster who never realizes its full powers and dangers until too late.

The wand can summon a deadly "fire" to rain down in a 60-foot cube from a range of up to 80 yards. The "fire" inflicts five points of damage per round to all creatures, regardless of protections, resistances, or immunities to normal or magical flame. Such damage cannot be cured by any spell less powerful than a ((heal)) spell. Furthermore, the fire destroys buildings of less than stone construction and evaporates free-standing liquid to a depth of 1 foot per round. Objects exposed to the "fire" must save vs. ((disintegration)) or be destroyed. Note, however, that matter is burned to dust and ashes, not vaporized. Though the wand itself is never affected by the fire, the wand has a 5% chance of malfunction, in which case the effect is centered upon the wand user.

The fire requires three charges to operate and has a minimum duration of six rounds. After this, the caster can end the rain by concentrating for a round and making a saving throw vs. spell. Each round the wand continues to operate drains one more charge. If the wand is emptied, then the fiery rain vanishes and the wand explodes, engulfing the wizard and everything within 10 feet in a blast that inflicts 3d10 points of damage.

The wand can be recharged, but only in the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Ash, which lies between the Elemental Plane of Fire and the Negative Material Plane.
XP value: 4,000 XP; GP value: 35,000 gp

((Wand of Highfolk)) (P, W): A favorite weapon of high elves in the northwest, this wand causes dissension between humans, demihumans, or humanoids of evil alignment in a 30-foot x 30-foot area. Any creatures that fail a saving throw vs. wands becomes unusually factious and quarrelsome, convinced that its allies are in fact dangerous enemies. This may lead to open fighting: those affected by the wand must make a saving throw vs. spell at each significant provocation to avoid coming to blows.

If the DM desires, attacks by common enemies or strong leadership may improve the saving throws, while malicious insults or actual blows may worsen them. The effect of the wand lasts a maximum of 1d6 turns, less if one faction has been slain.
XP value: 4,000 XP; GP value: 18,000 gp

((Yatil Wand of Zooming)): This item was created by mountaineers of the Yatils to ease their travels among the jagged slopes and ledges. However, the wand has since become a device of mischief and the cause of many deaths.

The wand can affect one object or creature at a time, "zooming" up to 2,000 gp weight (200 pounds) per charge expended, to a maximum weight of 600 pounds. Zooming movement is in a straight line, and any creature moved in this fashion is responsible for its own landing. The maximum distance is 100 feet, though a shorter distance can be specified by the wand's user. An unwilling creature can save vs. wand to avoid the effect.

An object or creature can be hurled horizontally through the air and accelerated as if falling vertically if ((twice)) the normal number of charges are expended. A creature that hits an obstacle takes 1d6 points of damage for every 10 feet traveled; items save vs. fall. A 30-foot "zoom," for example, inflicts a total of 3d6 points of damage upon a character striking a solid surface. Note that a creature hurled over the edge of a cliff takes no damage from the "zoom," but does suffer normal falling damage.

If insufficient charges are expended, the results are correspondingly slight.
XP value: 3,500 XP; GP value: 17,500 gp


((Amulet of the Cairn Hills)): Originally created to protect the common folk from the spirits that haunt these hills, this amulet has become a favorite among grave-robbers. It allows a saving throw vs. spell to avoid any special attacks from undead (aging, energy drain, fear, disease, Strength drain, etc.). Physical attacks and spells cast by undead are unaffected by the amulet. A successful saving throw against an undead attack uses one charge, except the following: a two-level energy drain uses two charges, and aging uses one charge per 10 years of aging. The amulet has 2-20 charges and cannot be recharged.
XP value: 2,000 XP; GP value: 18,000 gp

((Amulet of Furyondy)): The first of these amulets were enchanted to protect the good natives of Furyondy, though they have since been used by characters of many lands and alignments. Hung around the neck from a silver chain, the amulet bestows a ((remove curse)) upon any wearer who is cursed. The amulet glows, expending one charge, and any curse subject to the spell ((remove curse)) is broken. For example, it will immediately allow a character to be rid of a cursed item, such as a ((helm of alignment change)), although the amulet cannot cure ((lycanthropy)). The amulet has 2-7 charges and cannot be recharged. XP value: 1,400 XP; GP value: 7,000 gp

((Amulet of Spinecastle)): The wizards of the Kingdom of Aerdy created this amulet to aid in the war against the northern barbarians. After the fall of Spinecastle, the amulet disappeared. Scholars assumed it didn't survive the wrath of the barbarians, but stories of the amulet's use still surface in the Bone March.

Once per hour, this golden amulet can be commanded to radiate a magical aura in a 30-foot radius for one turn. The aura has negative effects on all northern barbarians, raising their superstitious fears and generating a hatred toward magic. Those of 1st to 4th level must save vs. spell or immediately retreat out of the area of effect for 1d8 turns. Those of 5th to 7th level must save vs. spell or be stunned for one round. Those of higher level suffer a -1 on their attack rolls.
XP value: 900 XP; GP value: 4,500 gp

Miscellaneous Magic Items

((Anvil of the Lortmil Mountains)): This blacksmith's tool was enchanted in a shrine to Moradin, king of the dwarven gods. It allows a dwarven weaponsmith to create extremely strong and sharp blades. Each weapon takes twice as long to create, but when finished is either a normal weapon (on an unsuccessful proficiency check) or a weapon of fine quality (on a successful proficiency check). All weapons of fine quality created by this anvil are worth 100 times the cost of a normal weapon of the same type. It is rumored that this anvil was used to forge legendary magical weapons for the dwarves.
XP value: 3,000 XP; GP value: 30,000 gp

((Bear Cloak of the Sulhaut Mountains)) (F, P): Many years ago, tribal shamans called upon their gods to enchant the hide of a cave bear slain in combat. The cloak became a powerful aid in their struggle to survive against the hostile creatures and the forces of nature that forever threaten their tribes. The fur cloak included a bear-head cap, pelt, and claws. The cloak allowed the wearer to ((speak with animals)) twice per day and ((hold animal)) once per day. It also increased the wearer's Strength to 18(50) and gave 50% immunity to fear. Once a week, the wearer could turn into a cave bear for 1d4+2 hours. The current location of the cloak is unknown.
XP value: 1,500 XP; GP value: 17,500 gp

((Black Crown of Aerdy)): This evil headgear was worn by one of the original Overkings of the House of Naelex in the ancient Great Kingdom. Whether the crown was enchanted by an evil wizard or whether it merely became a receptacle for the Overking's cruel spirit is not known. The powers of the crown exist only to recreate the greatness and wickedness of the fallen empire.

Once donned, the crown will not be voluntarily given up by its wearer. It raises Intelligence by +2 and Wisdom by +3 (to racial maximums) and confers one level of wizard or priest ability. Characters who aren't wizards or priests can select one level of clerical or wizard ability, at the player's choice.

When the crown is put on, and each month thereafter, character must save once vs. spell or become lawful evil, and then must save again vs. spell or be overcome with megalomania. Once both of these are in effect, the character must make a saving throw vs. spell each month or lose a point of Constitution. Any character totally drained by the crown becomes a spectre guarding it.

The crown can be removed only by use of a ((wish)) or equivalent. While this removes the benefits of the item, only then can the alignment change be reversed by a ((remove curse)) and an ((atonement)) spell, while the character's personality can be restored only with a ((heal)) spell.
XP value: -- XP; GP value: 2,000 gp

((Black Sails of Schnai)): Enchanted in the land of Snow Barbarians and blessed by shamans of their barbaric gods, these square sails are hoisted only on the funeral ships of great barbarian heroes and lords. The deceased warrior's body is burned along with the ship and all but a small piece of the sail. Afterwards, the character's spirit can be called on by the tribal chiefs in time of battle by burning the remainder of the sail. The spirit appears as a spectral ((einheriar)) (spirit warrior) and fights on the side of the tribe until destroyed. These einheriar will usually have 4 to 12 hit dice, and only weapons of +1 enchantment or better can strike them. The spirits bear the equipment they used in life. Such creatures can be turned as special undead. It is reported that several villages have up to 10 of these spirit warriors on call.
XP value: 1,000 XP; GP value: 5,000 gp

((Casket of Furyondy)) (P): Clerics of Furyondy first enchanted this finely engraved wooden coffin to preserve the bodies of the honorable deceased. Any lawful-good cleric can activate its powers by placing into the casket the body of a human or demihuman (of any character class) who not more than nine days dead, then casting a ((bless)) spell upon the body. The casket preserves the body from decay indefinitely. The deceased character can be returned to life by a ((resurrection)) spell after any length of time. For purposes of resurrection system shock, the subject's Constitution is considered to be 3 points above the current ability score (no maximum). He or she also receives the benefits of ((heal)) once the resurrection is complete.
XP value: 2,500 XP; GP value: 27,500 gp

((Chalice of the Shield Lands)) (F): This golden chalice was enchanted in response to the growing menace of the Horned Society. It allows a lawful-good fighter to temporarily become a paladin of the same level for a single quest, with all appropriate powers and abilities of a paladin. The chalice can be activated only by a lawful-good cleric who performs a ceremony that includes special vows and the ((quest)) spell. The fighter takes vows to the cause of lawful good, then drinks holy water from the chalice. Thereafter he or she can act as a paladin for the duration of the assigned quest. Deviation from the vows may cause the loss of some or all acquired powers, at the discretion of the DM. The failure of the ((quest)) causes the chalice to shatter.
XP value: 3,000 XP; GP value: 25,000 gp

((Cheetah Cloak of Amedio)): This yellow, black-spotted cheetah hide was enchanted by the original tribesmen of the Amedio jungle. It gives the wearer a +3 Dexterity bonus (to racial maximum). Once every three turns the wearer can sprint for three rounds at a movement rate of 45. At night under a moonless sky, the wearer can turn into a cheetah for up to six hours in any 24-hour period.
XP value: 1,500 XP; GP value: 15,000 gp

((Cloak of the Hellfurnaces)): Created by a wizard who sought treasure in the volcanic mountains, this magical red garment provides protection against many of the volcanic dangers, and gives protection against similar dangers from other sources. The wearer takes only half damage from natural heat sources. The cloak also protects the wearer from sparks and hot ash ejected during a volcanic eruption, but not chunks of rock (called "bombs" or "blocks"). The cloak's hood has a strip of cloth that can be wrapped around a character's mouth and nose to keep dust and ash from entering the character's lungs; this also provides a +3 saving throw bonus against inhaled poison.

The cloak provides a +2 bonus to all saving throws against magical fire or fiery dragon breath, and reduces damage by one point per die (each die will inflict a minimum of 1 point of damage).
XP value: 2,000 XP; GP value: 8,000 gp

((Coin of Almor)): This cursed item was created not to harm its owner, but to benefit those in need. It is a normal-looking platinum coin that affects any character who intends to keep it for himself and not share it with others. That character must save vs. spell or be overcome with great feelings of philanthropy. No matter what the character's alignment, he will want to give wealth to the poor and needy. The character will not keep more than 50 gp at any one time, holding extra money only until a suitable NPC (preferably a beggar, peasant, etc.) accepts the money as a gift. Such generosity does not extend to the character's magical items, which are generally useless to laborers and farmers. The character's uncontrollable generosity can be ended only by a ((remove curse)) spell.
XP value: -- XP; GP value: 500 gp

((Collar of Tusmit)): This adamantite neck-shield was enchanted by a wizard who bore an unnatural fear of decapitation. He wore it until his death, though the collar gave no protection against the magical spells that killed him. The collar offers no armor-class bonus, but provides immunity from decapitation, especially from vorpal weapons. Full hit-point damage is still received from the attack, but the wearer still has his head attached.
XP value: 1,000 XP; GP value: 5,000 gp

((Coruskian Stone)): Set in a golden necklace, this green stone was enchanted by a Nyrondese spellcaster who sought to control the griffons of the Corusk Mountains. Though the magical item worked well, the wizard overlooked his inability to ride airborne creatures, and he met his doom at the bottom of a deep and jagged chasm. Since then, the stone has been used by the nomads and tribesmen who happen to find it.

The stone gives its owner the ability to ((charm)) griffons (saving throw vs. spell applicable) once per day. Charmed griffons allow the charmer and his or her allies to ride them. Airborne riding maneuvers that do not require a proficiency check can be accomplished using land-based riding techniques, but airborne maneuvers that require a check automatically fail if the rider has no proficiency in airborne riding. If the wearer rides a griffon into combat, the chances of breaking the spell are doubled (check before the battle).
XP value: 1,500 XP; GP value: 8,000 gp

((Holy Symbol of Greyhawk)): Hung from a gold chain, this golden symbol was enchanted to symbolize the power of its home city. The symbol gives a wearer the combined effects of the ((bless)) and ((protection from evil)) spells, which can be called on once per day.
XP value: 300 XP; GP value: 3,000 gp

((Crown of Blackmoor)): This black, iron headpiece bears a large fire opal at the front. It was created by a powerful lich who used it long ago to spread evil and destruction through the world, and now only the most wicked (or foolish) characters seek its powers.

When the crown is placed on the head of a deceased evil character who had reached at least 18th level as a wizard, it animates the character as a lich. A system-shock survival check is necessary, modified by -1% per five years after the wizard's death, or the wizard's body disintegrates to dust and can never be brought back to life again. The lich's Intelligence score starts at zero, but increases by one point per day until supra-genius Intelligence is reached. At that time the lich gains the full powers and abilities of its kind.

The character placing the crown has no control over the lich, so a reaction check is necessary, with the following cumulative modifiers:

A deceased PC who is brought back as a lich becomes an NPC under the Dungeon Master's control. The lich may have been a friend and companion to the player characters, but it will tend to leave their company to pursue its own path to evil.
XP value: -- XP; GP value: 80,000 gp

((Disk of the Azure Sea)): This item, popular among sea traders, was originally sold to a rich merchant on the coast of Keoland. As wide as a man's hand, the wooden disk bears a small circle of gold in the center. When it is set on the bow of a ship and a prayer is spoken to Procan, god of sea travel, the ship is protected for the next 24 hours. During that time, if buccaneers, pirates, or raiders from beneath the waves try to attack, there is a 75% chance a misty fog will come up, allowing the ship to escape with no damage. Failing that, the attack occurs as normal.
XP value: 1,000 XP; GP value: 10,000 gp

((Dream Cap of Veluna)): This cap was enchanted by a wizard who sought to unlock the mysteries of the inner mind. The result of his work is a small leather cap that can affect the future of a sleeping wearer.

For each full night spent asleep, the wearer of the cap experiences dreams of warning. The sleeper dreams of the next creature or force that will threaten or attack him. If the character will be attacked by an NPC, monster, spell, or natural hazard, the cap reveals this in a dream. However, the threatening creature/force is usually symbolized rather than revealed in actual form. For example, a minotaur may appear as a bull or a large, hairy man; a ((fireball)) may appear as a landscape of flames (such as the Elemental Plane of Fire).

The dreamer must save vs. paralyzation to face the danger courageously. If the saving throw is passed, he gains a +2 bonus to saving throws, ability checks, and attack rolls while encountering the real danger when it actually arrives. If the saving throw is failed, the character has not faced his fears, and receives a -2 penalty to saving throws, ability checks, and attack rolls in the actual encounter.

The character will always remember a dream caused by this cap, though the DM need not mention the memory unless the player asks. After the actual encounter with the danger, a character can make an Intelligence check to make the connection between the dream and reality. Thus, the cap's owner may not realize the cap's powers until after many nights of premonitions.
XP value: 1,500 XP; GP value: 7,500 gp

((Eye Patch of Tenh)): This black patch is often found in the possession of priests and judges because of its power to discover truth. When it is worn over an undamaged eye, the wearer can see all invisible, astral, and ethereal creatures within normal visual range. Also, illusions and ((polymorphed)) creatures/objects can be seen for what they really are. The eye patch gives a -5 modifier to saving throws to disbelieve a ((phantasmal killer)) spell. The patch cannot be used more than 1 turn at a time, or more than thrice per day without causing permanent damage to the eye, headaches, and other complaints.
XP value: 2,000 XP; GP value: 15,000 gp

((Flaming Mirror of Tenh)) (W): This mirror is a silver oval, six feet tall and three feet wide, set in an oak stand. It was enchanted by a plane-traveling wizard who sought easy access to her favorite plane, that of Elemental Fire. Few other wizards have shared her enthusiasm for that dangerous place, though some have found use for the mirror.

The command word causes the mirror to open a gate to the Elemental Plane of Fire. The plane can be observed, entered, or exited through the mirror. Each round the gate remains open, there is a 10% chance that a ((fire elemental)) will leap through the mirror into the Prime Material Plane, seeking to kill and burn everything in sight. The mirror has a maximum of 30 charges, though it can be recharged. One charge is spent for each round that the gate is open. When all charges are drained, the mirror shatters.
XP value: 2,000 XP; GP value: 8,000 gp

((Gemcutter's Tools of Sunndi)): This magical set of vises, hammers, blades, and chisels was enchanted by the mountain dwarves who work the gemstone mines in the County of Sunndi. It helps any character with gem cutting proficiency to increase the value of his work. For individual stones, the cutter can make a proficiency check to gain a modifier to the Gem Base Value Table in the ((DMG)). The DM rolls 1d8 to determine the modifier:

The tools are also useful for finishing stones in a mine; the cutter can add 20-50% to the final average value listed on Table 34: Gemstone Quality in the ((Dungeoneer's Survival Guide)). A gem cutter with these tools can demand up to four times the normal fees for his services.
XP value: 3,000 XP; GP value: 25,000 gp.

((Goblet of the Great Kingdom)): Created for use by the tyrants of Aerdy (who had good reason to fear assassination), this magical goblet appears to be a normal drinking vessel made of polished oak. However, the goblet automatically neutralizes all venoms and poisonous liquids that are stored in it for at least one round.
XP value: 1,200 XP; GP value: 8,000 gp.

((Golden Girdle of Urnst)): Created to protect a powerful wizard against malevolent warriors, this magical garment is made of red silk strewn with golden flakes. It is enchanted to give a +3 armor-class bonus against swords of any type, though other weapons are unaffected.
XP value: 500 XP; GP value: 3,000 gp.

((Golden Circlet of Greyhawk)) (T, W): This golden circlet was fashioned for use by the Lord Mayor of Greyhawk and is rumored to be in his treasure vaults. When worn on the head, the circlet allows a character to summon a band of thieves in much the same way as a ((horn of valhalla)) summons fighters:

The user can employ the circlet at less than its full powers if desired. The summoned thieves are friendly to the user but refuse foolhardy tasks: "Go fight that tanar'ri!" would get a good laugh from them. The thieves remain for eight hours or until they are killed. The 12th level and lesser thieves all have average statistics, wear leather armor, use short swords, and have normal thief equipment. The 18th-level thief has AC 2 (in leather armor), uses a ((short sword +3)), and is 30% likely to steal the best magical item he can use from any treasure hoard found during his stay there (the item vanishes when he does).
XP value: 2,000 xp; GP value: 30,000 gp

((Hasty Barge of Nyr Dyv)): This magical boat was created by a wizard who was adopted by the people of Nyr Dyv. The wizard gave it as a gift to a Rhennee noble, and the wizard was in turn made a noble by the grateful lake people.

The barge looks like a common vessel of the Rhennee. It is 14 feet wide and 35 feet long. Upon command, it can move at twice normal speed or 60 miles per day, for unlimited time and under its own magical power. Four heavy crossbows are mounted along each side, and more can be added. The barge has a lugsail that can be raised in windy weather to hide the magical nature of its movement.

The ((hasty barge)) magically repels water creatures with less than low Intelligence. These will not attack the barge and get no saving throw against the effect.
XP value: 2,500 XP; GP value: 30,000 gp

((Headband of the Corusk Mountains)): Carved from the skull of an ancient white dragon, this headband was enchanted by a powerful wizard who sought to drive the mountain dwarves from their homes and rich mines. Though the wizard died in a cloud of throwing axes from the dwarven army, the item was never recovered and so remains lost (or possibly in someone's possession) in the Corusk Mountains. The headband allows the wearer to affect white dragons as a potion of ((white dragon control)) and also gives airborne riding proficiency with white dragons a -2 die-roll modifier. The wearer is totally resistant to white dragon breath and all effects of cold attacks (spells, weather, or any other type of cold). XP value: 1,800 XP; GP value: 18,000 gp

((Healing Cap of Veluna)) (P): This small cloth cap was enchanted to help priests of Veluna heal the dying and wounded. When worn by a priest, it restores double the number of hit points restored by any of the various ((cure wound)) spells.
XP value: 4,000 XP; GP value: 22,500 gp

((Headband of the Jotens)) (P, W): This strip of elk fur was enchanted to insure the safety of travelers in the Jotens. When worn around a character's head, the item allows its wearer to understand the psychology of hill giants. If the wearer can communicate with hill giants, he receives any reaction modifier he or she wishes, down to -60% or up to +25%. Once per day the character can inspire one of the following emotions in a group of hill giants:

These emotions can be inspired in any group of 12 or fewer hill giants, including friendly ones. The emotions last 2d8 turns and must affect a single group within the eyesight of the wearer.
XP value: 800 XP; GP value: 4,500 gp

((Holy Star of the Bright Desert)): This is a copper star marked with the silver axe and energy bolts of Heironeous the Invincible. It was fashioned by dervishes to aid them in their holy battles against infidels. The star gives a good-aligned wearer 30% immunity to fear, and a +20% bonus to reactions with dervishes in the Bright Desert. An evil-aligned wearer has a -4 penalty all saving throws involving fear (magical or otherwise), and has a +20% morale penalty. The device glows brightly within 30 feet of any extremely evil creature (cf. ((detect evil)) spell).
XP value: 1,000 XP; GP value: 6,000 gp

((Holy Medallion of Almor)) (P): This golden medallion was created while Almor was under the Great Kingdom's rule. The priests of Almor foresaw great evil coming to Flanaess, so they enchanted this item to help keep peace.

Once per day, the medallion's powers can be used on one human, demihuman, or humanoid within a 30-yard range. The affected creature must save vs. spell or become extremely nauseated by violence. The mere sight of violence causes the affected creature to save vs. poison or become helpless and unable to take action for 2-5 rounds. If the creature attempts to physically harm another living creature, it must save vs. poison at -5 or suffer the same effect as above. Also, the creature suffers the penalties of -3 to attack and damage, and an affected PC or NPC has Strength, Wisdom, and Dexterity scores halved while he or she continues to act violently. Certain spells (such as ((strength))) can help the victim, but only ((remove curse)) will completely free a creature. The medallion's effects last for 24 hours. XP value: 1,200 XP; GP value: 9,000 gp

((Horn of the Azure Sea)): This magical horn was created by an evil high priest who sought a source of undead to befriend and control. The mention of this item causes all sailors and ocean-faring merchants great distress, and they refuse to sail with a character whom they suspect of owning the horn.

Once per week, only at night on the open sea, the horn can summon a ghost ship. The ship appears in 2-5 rounds, materializing from the Ethereal plane into the Border Ethereal, where it can be seen from the Prime Material plane. The vessel is usually large and multidecked, with two or three masts and tattered sails. It is white and transparent, and it makes no sound. For 10 turns, it floats beside the ship upon which the summoner stands, then vanishes back into the Deep Ethereal. Any character who sees the ghost ship must save vs. spell or be struck with ((fear)) for one turn. The summoner himself is immune from this effect. The ghost ship appears to be deserted, but is actually haunted by the following types of undead (roll 1d10):

These undead do not normally make themselves known, but there is a 75% chance that one of them will transfer to the summoner's ship. Thereafter it reluctantly obeys the orders of the summoner for the rest of the summoner's life or until the undead is destroyed.
XP value: 750 XP; GP value: 5,000 gp

((Horn of the Barrier Peaks)): This iron instrument was enchanted by a dwarven smith to cement the friendship between demihumans and giant eagles. It is not used often out of respect to the great birds, but has found occasional use in desperate times.

The horn is usable only once per week. In areas where giant eagles dwell, it can summon 7-12 giant eagles, and they arrive in 4-7 rounds. If dwarves, elves, or halflings are in danger, the eagles will attack whatever is threatening them and/or carry the demihumans (and their companions) to safety. The eagles will not fight to the death or risk their lives uselessly, but will call reinforcements if more humans or demihumans need to be saved from danger. To ensure that the eagles continue to answer to the horn's call, those rescued must accept a ((geas)) to perform some service for the eagles. Failure for all those rescued to do so breaks the ancient pact and causes the horn to shatter.
XP value: 3,000 XP; GP value: 18,000 gp

((Horn of the Vast Swamp)) (P, W): This conch shell was enchanted by a renegade wizard who was banished by the Count of Sunndi for criminal behavior. The wizard sought to gain power over the inhabitants of his new home, though he paid a heavy price for it.

The horn summons 7-12 giant toads. Any summoner can command these toads for a number of rounds equal to twice his level. A nonevil summoner must make a saving throw vs. spell or lose control of the toads and be attacked by them. Each use of the ((horn)) causes the summoner to save vs. spell or permanently lose three Wisdom points. The summoner will not notice the change until his Wisdom score drops to zero, when he is transformed into a giant toad. The cumulative changes are:

XP value: 1,000 XP; GP value: 2,500 gp

((Iron Crown of the Bandit Kingdoms)): Fashioned in the land of warriors, this metal headgear completely removes the chance for the following spell-like powers to work on the wearer: ((fear, charm person, magic jar, suggestion)), and ((hold person)). A fighter gains one level but a priest or wizard loses one level while wearing the device. XP value: 3,000 XP; GP value: 35,000 gp

((Iron Pin of the Icy Sea)): Set in a circular container of transparent crystal, this pin was originally used by the barbarian hunters/raiders who sail the Icy Sea in the foggy summer. One command will make the pin point always eastward. A second command can make it point to the desired destination. Furthermore, if outside magical or supernatural forces affecting navigation are active, the crystal will glow. Like a lodestone, however, the item is subject to strong magnetic forces, and offers no protection against natural navigational hazards, such as the gigantic icebergs that loom in the northern fog.
XP value: 500 XP; GP value: 4,500 gp

((Lantern of Greyhawk)): This hooded lantern was found by looters in the abandoned castle of Zagig Yragerne, the Mad Archmage. Exactly why he used it remains a mystery, though many people suspect that it served as a guard against the supernatural creatures with which he dealt. Once per day, the lantern can shine a magical light for one turn. This light renders visible all invisible, out-of-phase, and ethereal creatures in a 50-foot radius. The ethereal creatures will then be visible as transparent, ghostlike entities. This light also automatically turns any undead as a 15th-level priest.
XP value: 3,000 XP; GP value: 25,000 gp

((Locket of the Great Kingdom)) (W): This item was created by a wizard who greatly feared death. It has since been used by two or three other spellcasters, though usually at the expense of another living creature. The locket makes saving throws as hard metal.

When the command word is spoken, the locket draws in the wizard's spirit and holds it safe. If the character later dies, his or her life force travels to the locket (cf. ((magic jar)) spell). If the owner is on a different plane than the locket, his life force has seven days to return to locket, or the spirit departs to the outer plane of the character's alignment. Once the life force is in the locket, it is aware of events that occur in a 50-foot radius, though it cannot communicate with creatures that are not telepathic or have appropriate spell abilities. If the locket is destroyed while containing a spirit but no life force, the spirit is utterly and irrevocably annihilated; but if it is destroyed while containing the life force, the spirit travels to the outer plane of the character's alignment, allowing ((resurrection)).

The locket allows the life force to have three spell-like abilities, each usable once per day: ((animate dead)) (a single skeleton or body only), ((magic jar)) (as the wizard's spell), and ((feeblemind)), at the user's own level. Note that an animated body (zombie) or skeleton has all the characteristics of the monster, but has the user's Intelligence. Also, a zombie that is animated for more than 60 days must save vs. death magic each additional day or turn into a skeleton.
XP value: 3,500 XP; GP value: 25,000 gp

((Medallion of Malog)) (W): Hung on a golden necklace, this medallion was created in the evil temples of the capital of the Horned Society. It allows any wizard with a minimum of 12 Intelligence and 10 Wisdom to perform a ((monster summoning V)) spell once per week.
XP value: 1,500 XP; GP value: 7,500 gp

((Medegian Bracelet of Lost Ships)): This silver disk contains a zircon stone that was enchanted by a greedy wizard who used it to attain great wealth before he was captured and hung by pirates.

The stone in the bracelet glows red on the side that faces the nearest sunken ship within one mile. When the gem enters within 50 feet of horizontal (not vertical) distance from a sunken ship, the stone glows blue. When the command word is spoken, the bracelet causes the sunken ship to rise to the surface for two turns.

The bracelet has up to 25 charges and cannot be recharged. The detection ability drains no charges, but raising a sunken ship drains a number of charges depending on the size of the ship:

For each sunken vessel found, there is a 25% chance that 1-6 other lost ships lie in the same area. Only one ship can be raised at a time. Each vessel has a 75% chance of being inhabited by a random monster. Lost ships tend to consist mostly of rotting wood covered with seaweed. Each character who boards a raised ship has a 20% chance per turn of taking 1-6 damage from falling through unstable floorboards (optional Dexterity check to avoid damage). Note also that a ship broken into several fragments may require several separate charges to raise, and that a badly shattered ship may not be recoverable by this means.
XP value: 1,500 XP; GP value: 15,000 gp

((Necklace of Almor)): Appearing as a rusted, worthless piece of jewelry, this item was enchanted by a spiteful wizard who wore the it all of his life. Ironically, his peaceful death did not activate its vengeful powers. Other wearers have since used it.

The item is cursed and cannot be removed once it is put on except with the aid of a ((remove curse)) spell. Its magic takes effect only if an intelligent creature causes the wearer's violent death. Nine days after death, the wearer rises as a walking corpse like a revenant, its single goal to destroy those responsible for its death. It will ignore any except those who interfere with it, and then only until the interference ends.

The power of the item animates the body, allowing it to regenerate damage as a troll (three points per round), or to animate a fresh body nearby if the original body was destroyed. The animated corpse is immune to clerical turning, holy water, or other clerical items; the only sure way to destroy the body is to burn it to ashes. For purposes of combat, the animated corpse has 8 hit dice, and attacks by strangling for 2d8 points of damage, which is continuous once the initial attack succeeds. It single-mindedly attacks the being responsible for its death.

Although all damage is eventually regenerated (or another body taken), the corpse shows an irreversible process of decay. After 15 days, during which time the wearer tries to take its revenge, the character's spirit can no longer remain and departs forever from the Prime Material Plane; neither ((reincarnation)) nor ((resurrection)) are possible once this occurs.

There is a 50% chance that the wearer transfers its vengeance wish to others than those responsible for its death, under the following conditions: 1) the others were with the primary subject when the wearer was killed; 2) the others aided the primary subject and were present when the primary subject was slain; and, 3) the others slew the primary subject, frustrating the wearer's desire for revenge. Otherwise, the wearer departs when its vengeance is completed or its time runs out.
XP value: -- XP; GP value: 2,000 gp

((Oracles of Greyhawk)) (W): Appearing to be crystal balls with slight tinges of color, these were created many years ago for the then-Lord Mayor. However, no one is sure how many oracles are still in the government's possession, and how many have been lost or stolen.

Each oracle can be asked one question per day, as if the wizard was consulting a sage. There are seven known oracles; their colors and areas of knowledge are:

Possible areas for questions might include current populations of humans and demihumans, numbers and types of troops, types of monsters, and special knowledge categories (see the ((DMG)) lists under Humankind, Demihumankind, Fauna, and Flora). Each question may be considered to be in the oracle's major field unless the question pertains to a different geographical area or to a field of study not listed above. Due to the alignment of the items' creator, the chance of knowing an answer is also affected by the questioner's alignment (these modifiers are cumulative):
XP value: 2,000 XP; GP value: 12,000 gp

((Paints of Blackmoor)): This set of multicolored paints was enchanted when the city of Blackmoor was in full power. After the city and castle fell into ruin, the wizard used the paints to insure his own survival in the hostile land.

Each set has five applications of each color. Each color comes in a tiny jar held in a box of holding (as the smallest bag of holding). The paint is applied all over the body of the user and lasts for 24 hours. During this time its effects can only be taken away by a ((remove curse)).

Using the paints twice in a 24-hour period results in instant death for the user (no saving throws). Upon returning to normal, the user regains 1d12 lost hit points. For purposes of operating in the assumed class, all ability scores are treated as the minimum starting scores required for the class for the duration of the effect. A transformed character has all the memories of the original character but with the powers of the new class. Failure to adhere strictly to the limits of the assumed class break the magic and restore the original form. A transformed character is proficient in the new weapon magically acquired (which vanishes with the effect) and in any weapons known before the transformation. (Note: XP value and gp value are per pot of color.)
XP value: 300 XP; GP value: 2,500 gp

((Prism of Greyhawk)) (W): This crystal sorcerer's tool was enchanted to enhance the prism's ability to create dazzling colors. The prism can cast two spells, each once per day: ((color spray)) (as a 6th-level spellcaster) and ((hypnotic pattern)). Note that the prism must be used only in the presence of direct sunlight. It cannot be used under moonlight, normal torchlight, or daylight on an overcast day.
XP value: 1,000 XP; GP value: 4,500 gp

((Purple Gem of the Vesve Forest)) (F): Set in a silver bracelet, this magical gemstone has occasionally been used by the elven wizards who created it. However, the King of Furyondy refuses to admit the gem's existence, because he prefers that elven warriors join his own infantry, not form troops outside his command.

The gem allows a sylvan or high elf to summon an elven army for a single declared purpose. The user can raise a number of elves equal to his or her age in years. This army takes a week to gather and can be kept together only as long as the stated goal is still in effect. In addition to the lesser members of the army, the summoner gains seven aides: two wizards, two clerics, and three rangers, each 1-3 levels lower than the user's level.
XP value: 3,000 XP; GP value: 35,000 gp

((Robe of Veluna)): Enchanted by a wizard who enjoyed the luxuries of wealth, this purple garment gives its wearer the physical appearance of nobility: well-groomed hair, clean skin, and rich, colorful clothes of silk and fine wool. The character's Charisma rises by two points (to the racial maximum), and he or she will tend to be treated with respect by members of a civilized society (i.e., a +15% reaction by NPCs below Upper Middle Class). However, etiquette and social graces are left to the character's Intelligence, Charisma, and training--and must be role-played. In trading with others the robe gives its wearer a 20% chance to make a more favorable deal.
XP value: 2,000 XP; GP value: 10,000 gp

((Scarf of the Dry Steppes)) (W): This brown garment was enchanted by an evil wizard who used it against the dervishes of the Dry Steppes. Though the dervishes eventually caught and imprisoned the wizard, they never found the item. It disappeared into the wasteland, possibly into the hands of nomads or tribesmen.

Once per week, the scarf allows a wizard to summon 1d4 invisible stalkers. The summoner must save vs. spell to control the creatures, at -5 if good-aligned and at +2 if evil-aligned. If the saving throw fails, the stalkers attack the summoner if the latter is good in alignment; otherwise they will depart. If the saving throw is successful, the wizard can command a service from the invisible stalkers that can be carried out within 200 miles.
XP value: 2,000 XP; GP value: 12,500 gp

((Scepter of the Forgotten City)): A relic of a lost civilization, this wandlike scepter is a 2-foot-long shaft of silver with a large red gem at the tip. It was used by some of the original lords of the Suel Empire; when that kingdom was turned into the Sea of Dust, the wand was lost. A recent expedition from the Yeomanry rediscovered the wand, and those explorers claimed that it came from the Forgotten City itself. Whether or not that claim is true, the scepter certainly contains some of the greatness that built the lost empire, and much of the madness that destroyed it.

When the command word is spoken, the holder of the scepter receives a bonus of two Wisdom points and four Charisma points (to racial maximums) for 4+1d6 days. He must then make a successful saving throw vs. spell or become ((confused)) until a ((remove curse)) is received; this will also remove the beneficial effects of the scepter. The scepter has 5-11 charges (2d4+3). Each use costs one charge, and the scepter cannot be recharged. A character who attempts to use the scepter more than once per week must save vs. spell or lose four Intelligence points permanently, then must make a successful system-shock survival check or die.
XP value: 1,000 XP; GP value: 5,500 gp

((Silver Crown of Veluna)): Encrusted with small green gems, this item recently appeared among the ruling clerics of Veluna. The Canon himself has often worn it, though he may sometimes loan it to trusted agents of Veluna when they embark on important, holy missions.

The crown radiates ((protection from evil)) when worn by a lawful character. A lawful-good or neutral-good character receives +4 Wisdom (to racial maximum) while the crown is worn. A lawful-evil character who wears the crown temporarily has a -4 Wisdom penalty, while a neutral-evil character has a -2 penalty. A chaotic-evil character cannot use the crown at all.
XP value: 2,000 XP; GP value: 22,500 gp

((Star of Celene)): Set on a silver necklace, this golden medallion was given as a gift to a halfling thief who performed great services for high elves in Celene. The item was intended for use by the halfling and his family and friends, though no one knows who has it now.

The star gives a good-aligned wearer a +20% reaction bonus from NPC elves. This bonus is halved for elves above 4th level, and negated for elves above 8th level. The star causes an evil-aligned wearer 1 point of electrical damage per touch and will not function for him or her.
XP value: 500 XP; GP value: 2,000 gp

((Storm Rider of the Gearnat Sea)): This large merchant ship is enchanted to withstand the violent storms and huge waves of the Sea of Gearnat in spring and autumn. Many merchants gathered their wealth to pay the wizard who enchanted it. A bloody fight erupted afterwards when the deed of ownership mysteriously disappeared. Now the ((Storm Rider)) is an item for anyone strong enough to take it and crafty enough to keep it. The vessel ignores the effects of storms sailing as if in a brisk breeze at all times. Waves flatten out when the keel touches them, and the effects of rain or snow do not touch any part of the ship.
XP value: 5,000 XP; GP value: 50,000 gp

((Tapestry of Ekbir)): This 10-foot x 15-foot woven tapestry displays a scene of a dark river in a bleak, rocky landscape. The tapestry was intended to be a gate from Ekbir to the lower planes, for disposal of the former's worst criminals. It is rumored, however, that the tapestry actually opens into a previously undiscovered plane and not one of the lower planes, although the landscape is bleak enough.

The command word causes a branch of the river to enter the Prime Material Plane. The water rushes out from the tapestry and forms a 10-foot-wide, 5-foot-deep river. It flows for 50 feet before vanishing back into the plane that it normally occupies. The river exists in the Prime Material Plane for three turns and can only be summoned once per month. The water is brackish and evil-smelling, and the current is swift and strong.

A character who enters the river must make a Strength check or be swept along with the water. This check must be made every five rounds, or once per 10 feet of the river traveled by swimming, whichever comes first. A character who fails the check in the last 10 feet of the river is carried through the gate into the land beyond and cannot return back through the gate.
XP value: 1,250 XP; GP value: 12,500 gp

((Tiger Cloak of Chakyik)) (F, P, T): Fashioned from the complete hide of an adult tiger, this cloak includes a tiger-head cap, skin, and claws dangling at the sides. It was the favorite magical item of the Tiger Lord and the lesser khans until it disappeared.

The cloak gives the wearer a +20% reaction from Tiger Nomads, but a -50% reaction from Wolf Nomads and tribes of the Burneal Forest. In melee, the wearer of the cloak enters a berserk rage and gains a +3 Strength (+50% for fighters with 18 Strength) to racial maximums, but loses any Dexterity bonus to his armor class. If he or she wishes to cease fighting while live enemies are in sight, the character must save vs. spell or continue to attack.
XP value: 1,500 XP; GP value: 12,500 gp

((Timeglass of the Mage)) (W): Appearing to be a 1-foot-tall hourglass, this magical item made its sudden appearance in the hands of an adventurer who had forced his way into the Valley of the Mage. He returned with only the ((timeglass)) and the scars of many dangerous encounters. Since then, the ((timeglass)) has been sought by many spellcasters because of its reputed powers, which are rumored to be as follows:

The ((timeglass)) has up 25 charges and is not rechargeable. When the last charge is expended, it shatters into useless fragments. Note: It is rumored that this device is of extra-planar origin and cannot be constructed on the Prime Material Plane.
XP value: 5,000 XP; GP value: 50,000 gp

((Turbans of Tusmit)) (P, W): These colorful garments have been used for many purposes in Tusmit. Some of these turbans have led their owners to great wealth and fame, while others have caused their owners horrible suffering.

Each turban can summon one of the geniekind each week. The genie's reaction and the course of the action is decided in play. There are five turbans, each of a different color:

The summoned genie must obey the first order of the turban wearer. From then on, there is a 5% cumulative chance per additional order (over the life of the turban) that the summoned genie ignores the order and instead attacks the summoner. There is no way to tell how many times each turban has been used. If the genie associated with the turban is killed, the turban is useless.

((Tusmit's Battle Crescent)): Set in a golden necklace studded with gems, this medallion is a prized possession among the rulers of the northwest Flanaess. A warlord will gladly pay the full price for it, though a treacherous lord might send his thieves and assassins to retrieve the payment.

Once in every 24-hour period, the character can receive a +2 (or 10%) bonus on any single combat-related die roll. The decision to take the bonus must be made before the die is rolled. The crescent also protects the wearer from all normal missiles, and all weapons striking the wearer are at -1 to hit and damage.
XP value: 1,000 XP; GP value: 18,000 gp

((Whistle of Axewood)): This silver instrument was created by elven wizards for use by young human and elven maidens. Anyone who successfully uses the whistle gains the respect of the demihumans of Axewood, while any rumor of its misuse will draw the wrath of many angry elves, gnomes, and halflings.

Once per month the whistle can summon 2-5 unicorns. The unicorns make a reaction check with the following cumulative modifiers:

If summoner or his companions are evil, or if the reaction is poor, the unicorns immediately leave. If they stay, a good-aligned human or elven maiden of pure heart can attempt to tame one of them for use as a steed. To the base 25% chance, add 2% for each point of the character's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma over 15. Also, add the following cumulative modifiers: Thus, a maiden ranger with an 18 Charisma and one companion would have a 36% chance to tame a unicorn (25+6+10-5=36).
XP value: 3,500 XP; GP value: 32,000 gp

((Wings of the Rakers)): This white cloak was enchanted by a wizard who found a welcome home among the Griff Mountains and the Rakers. He especially enjoyed his time among the aarakocra "bird people," so he created this item to enhance his encounters with them. When he neared his natural death and returned to his home in the Theocracy of the Pale, he passed the cloak on to a trusted friend, and it has gone from character to character since.

The cloak acts as ((wings of flying)), except that ((wings of the Rakers)) take the appearance of white sea gull wings. The cloak also gives its wearer the ability to speak and understand the language of the aarakocra, and to mimic their diving attack maneuver. A good-aligned wearer receives a +20% reaction bonus from the aarakocra, but an evil-aligned wearer receives a -20% penalty.
XP value: 1,000 XP; GP value: 9,500 gp

((Wolf Cloak of Wegwiur)) (F, P, T): This magical cloak was made from the hide of a winter wolf and includes a wolf-head cap, pelt, claws, and tail. It was enchanted by a priest of the Wolf Nomads, and since then has served as a tool for those who seek the swift, sleek power of wolves.

The cloak gives the wearer a +20% reaction from the Wolves of the Prairies, but a -50% reaction from Tiger Nomads. In melee, the wearer gains three Wisdom and four Dexterity points (to racial maximums). If a character wears this cloak at night in the light of the moon, he or she can turn into a winter wolf (with average statistics) for 1d4+3 hours.
XP value: 2,000 XP; GP value: 15,000 gp

((Woodworker's Tools of Dyvers)): This set of magical hammers, spikes, axes, chisels, files, and other tools was created for a carpenter in the City of Dyvers. Though he paid much gold for it, the set eventually brought him great wealth. It allows a character with carpentry proficiency to build very sturdy wooden constructions with 150% of normal defensive point values. Consequently, the carpenter receives double to triple the usual fees, or a weekly average of 50 to 75 gp.
XP value: 2,000 XP; GP value: 24,000 gp.

Armor and Shields

((Blue Armor of the Crystalmist Mountains +3)) (F): Cut from the hide of an adult blue dragon, this set of ((chain mail +3)) was fashioned for use by the mountain dwarves of the area. The armor can be loosely hung on a human-sized character, though the character loses all Dexterity bonuses to his or her armor class, and fights at -2 on attack rolls. Aside from the armor-class bonus, the wearer saves against electrical attacks for half damage or none.
XP value: 3,000 XP; GP value: 17,500 gp

((Goblin Shield of the Pomarj +2)): This metal shield bears the coat of arms of goblins in the Pomarj: the red face of a medusa. Its creator is unknown, though rumors indicate a weak and treacherous wizard who sought his own safety during the invasion of humanoids from the Lortmil Mountains. Now the shield is found only in the hands of a goblin chief. While giving a +2 bonus to its wielder's armor class, the shield can cast ((flesh to stone)) (the reverse of ((stone to flesh))) once per day.
XP value: 1,250 XP; GP value: 7,500 gp

((Keolandish Plate Mail of the Seas +1)) (F, P): This mail armor was given by the King of Keoland to an admiral who had fought successfully against the Sea Princes. It is ((plate mail +1)), and also stays afloat in water, negating the chance for its wearer to sink in mild or slightly choppy water. The wearer can tread water indefinitely, but it cannot dive underwater more than two feet. Swimming speed is not affected by this armor.
XP value: 1,500 XP; GP value: 7,500 gp

((Red Armor of the Hellfurnaces +4)) (F, P): This blood-red armor was cut from the back plates of an adult red dragon. Many warriors from the Yeomanry died in the battle to kill the creature, and the best dwarven armorers were hired to rework the plates into a wearable suit. The final product is a set of ((plate mail +4)) that allows its wearer to save against fire-based attacks for half or no damage. Red dragons seeing this armor will make unusual efforts to kill the wearer.
XP value: 6,000 XP; GP value: 35,000 gp

((Shield of Greyhawk +3)) (F): This metal shield bears Greyhawk's coat of arms, and it was created by the Society of the Magi. It now hangs in the audience hall of the Lord Mayor's mansion and is well guarded. As well as giving its user a +3 armor-class bonus, the shield can cast ((dispel evil)) as a 9th-level priest, once per day.
XP value: 1,050 XP; GP value: 10,500 gp

((Thillonrian Shield of Berserking +2)): A prized magical item to fighters in the Thillonrian Peninsula (home of Frost, Ice, and Snow Barbarians), this shield gives a +2 bonus to the wielder's armor class. Its greatest benefit, however, appears during mass combat. When held by a commander, at least half of whose troops are barbarians, the command word can cause the shield to cast a spell of berserking on up to 200 warriors in the commander's troops. Those warriors gain a +2 bonus to their attack rating and never need to check morale. They also have a discipline rating of zero and will not enter a closed formation.
XP value: 1,200 XP; GP value: 12,000 gp

((White Armor of the Griff Mountains +3)) (F, P): After tribesmen of the Griff Mountains slew an adult white dragon, they sold the hide to the dwarven armorers who created this suit of ((scale mail +3)). The dwarves created it for a human-sized wearer, though a dwarf or halfling can wear it at a penalty of -1 to his or her armor class; thus the total armor-class modifier is +2. The white armor also gives the wearer to save vs. cold-based attacks for half damage or none.
XP value: 2,250 XP; GP value: 13,500 gp


((Equalizer of Gran March)): Also known as the ((Sword of Neutrality)), this silver long sword is a tool for the balancing powers of the universe. Its creator desired that it be used to equalize (or, more accurately, to terminate) the extremes of nature, shifting the universe closer to the true neutral alignment. Only a character of true neutral alignment can fully use this sword. In the hands of such a character, the weapon is treated as a +3 weapon when determining what can be hit by it, even though its attack and damage bonuses are but +1. In the hand of a true-neutral character, the sword receives special combat modifiers according to the opponent's alignment:

Each time an opponent of an extreme alignment is struck, the creature must make a saving throw vs. spell or be ((disintegrated)). Against true-neutral opponents, the sword receives only the bonuses of a ((long sword +1)).
XP value: 10,000 XP; GP value: 50,000 gp

((Flying Scimitar of Tusmit +3)): Forged in preparation for a possible war against Ekbir, this enchanted weapon is used only by the Pasha's most trusted war-ministers. When used in combat, it gains +3 to attack and damage. It can also be thrown (minimum range: 10 feet, maximum range: 30 feet). When thrown, the scimitar spins like a razor-edged propeller and strikes as a ((sword of sharpness)). It returns to the thrower's hand the next round. Anyone else who attempts to catch the flying sword must make a saving throw vs. death ray or lose his hand. There will be no effect on the weapon's flight.
XP value: 8,000 XP; GP value: 40,000 gp

((Rel Astran Sword of Enmity +1, +3 vs. Racial Enemies)): This long sword was enchanted for a paladin from the City of Rel Astra. The weapon has a normal bonus of +1 to attack and damage in melee. However, it also raises the wielder's attack and damage rolls by an additional +2 when used against racially hated opponents. Examples of those gaining the bonus include: paladins against chaotic-evil creatures, rangers against giant-class creatures, barbarians against wizards, elves against driders and drow elves, and so on.
XP value: 750 XP; GP value: 3,750 gp

((Stonefist Sword of Rage +2)): This two-handed sword was enchanted during the reign of Vlek Col Vlekzed. No one is sure if Vlek wielded it himself, though the warriors of the Hold of Stonefist stubbornly (and violently) claim so. No one doubts that the weapon contains the strength and ferocity upon which Vlek built his domain.

Aside from its normal +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls, the sword allows the wielder to voluntarily enter a state of mindless rage. While enraged, the character gains an additional +1 "to hit," +3 damage, and an additional +2 hit points per level. (Note: These bonus hit points are lost to damage before the character's own hit points, cf. ((potion of heroism)).) However, the character also loses any Dexterity bonuses to his or her armor class, and cannot control the rage until he or she makes a save vs. spell (one attempt per round).
XP value: 1,000 XP; GP value: 5,000 gp

((Sword of the Wild Coast +3)): This cursed two-handed sword was enchanted by a bitter wizard to expose the "true inner personalities that all warriors possess." This weapon causes its owner to save vs. spell or become neutral evil and a lover of battle. Modifiers to the saving throw depend on the victim's class:

If the saving throw is failed, the wielder will always look for a fight and always fight to the death. If he sees a fight or a drawn weapon, he seldom resists the urge to enter battle. Even the threat of combat causes him to make a Wisdom check or immediately attack. The character can be released only by a ((remove curse)) spell. If a character dies while under this curse, his spirit travels to the outer plane of Acheron, never to return. Any character can attempt to wield this weapon, but one who is not neutral evil does not receive its magical bonuses. Also, a good-aligned character takes 1-4 points of electrical damage per use of it.
XP value: -- XP; GP value: 1,000 gp

((Warlord Blade of the Shield Lands)) (F): This magical ((broadsword +2)) increases its possessor's leadership ability in combat. Thus, a commander's Charisma is considered to be 18, giving a +2 morale modifier to troops under his command. The sword also doubles his or her command radius and gives his or her troops a +2 discipline modifier.
XP value: 1,600 XP; GP value: 8,000 gp

Miscellaneous Weapons

((Axe of Sulward +2)): Magically sharpened to aid woodsmen in cutting the rare woods to be exported from the Lordship of the Isles, this axe can also serve as a valuable weapon. Though it causes damage as a ((battle axe +1)), its +2 bonus is gained only against wooden objects and plants. On a roll 4 higher than the required attack roll, the axe destroys an opponent's wooden shield.
XP value: 400 XP; GP value: 2,250 gp

((Black Arrow of Iuz +3)): Carved from the bone of a black dragon, this enchanted arrow strikes at +3 to attack and damage. The arrow reappears in the owner's quiver each dawn after it is used, so this item is permanent unless lost to a special attack form, deliberately destroyed, etc. Once per day, an archer can call upon its deadly powers, causing the target to save vs. death magic or die immediately; good-aligned characters save at -2. This power must be summoned before the arrow is shot, and a miss wastes its killing magic for that day.
XP value: 750 XP; GP value: 7,500 gp

((Cord of Ekbir +1)): Since strangulation is the favorite attack method of assassins and thieves in the civilized northwest, a magical garrote was destined to appear in the hands of Ekbiran murderers. This black cord strikes at +1 on attack rolls and forces the victim to save vs. spell or be stunned and unable to resist the attack.
XP value: 450 XP; GP value: 4,500 gp

((Iron Gauntlet of Urnst)): This item was created by an iron-fisted wizard who wanted a magical item to symbolize his philosophy of life. It is a leather gauntlet covered with flat iron plates on the upper surface. When used in melee combat, the wearer has one attack per round at +2 "to hit." Damage inflicted is determined as per the following table (roll 1d20):

Add +4, instead of +2, to the next attack and result rolls when made against a stunned opponent.
XP value: 2,000 XP; GP value: 12,000 gp

((Razor Claws of Chakyik +2)) (F, T): These were created by a wizard loyal to the Tiger Lord of the northwest. Always appearing in pairs, each ((razor claw)) of the set consists of four curved daggers attached to a leather gauntlet. The weapon gives +2 attack and 1d6+2 damage, and requires no special proficiency for use. When both claws are used at once, the character has two attacks per round if his or her class level does not already allow it.
XP value: 1,500 XP; GP value: 7,500 gp

((Trident of the Oljatt Sea +2)): Rumored to be a weapon of sahuagin fighters, this weapon gives a bonus of +2 to attack and damage. Once per turn, it can fire a jet of steam in an area 60 feet long, 20 feet high, and 20 feet wide. The steam inflicts 6-36 points of damage (6d6), half if a successful saving throw vs. spell is made. When fired underwater, the steam travels only half the distance and causes half damage (a saving throw for one-quarter damage is applicable).
XP value: 1,500 XP; GP value: 12,000 gp

((Whip of Zeif +3)): When wielded by a character proficient with the whip, this weapon strikes at +3 to attack and damage. It can also be cracked in the air to produce a deafening sound, causing all creatures under 8 hit dice (except the wielder) in a 20-foot radius to save vs. spell or be deafened for 2-5 turns. The sound can be heard up to 1,000 feet away.
XP value: 800 XP; GP value: 5,000 gp