Wilderness Avenger - Half-Elf Fighter/Druid kit
The Wilderness Avenger

When nature is wantonly abused and destroyed, those who care will try to stop it. These people will use force if necessary. Normally, these individuals are rangers. If the one destroying nature is very unlucky, it will be a Wilderness Avenger. These people are similar to rangers, but rangers always show at least a little mercy toward their opponents. Wilderness Avengers are not so forgiving. While not evil, they are more inclined to believe the end justifies the means.

Speciality priests:

If the Complete Priest's Handbook is used, the following priesthoods may have Wilderness Avengers, as well as druids: Agriculture, Animals, Earth, Elemental Forces, Fertility, Hunting, Life/Death/Rebirth Cycle, Race (half-elf), Seasons, and Vegetation.


Wilderness Avengers must have a Strength and Constitution of 14 or greater, a Wisdom of 12 or higher, and a Charisma of 15 or greater. Neutrality must be an element of their alignment. They must still abide by the alignment restrictions of their priesthood.


Where rangers protect people and natural creatures, Wilderness Avengers are merely trying to preserve the natural balance, and are not picky about how they do so. They allow some hunting and harvesting of wild animals and plants (DMs: Please use common sense in determining this), but if it upsets the balance of nature, Wilderness Avengers are not averse to using militant methods to stop it. Wilderness Avengers normally get along well with rangers, people they are often confused with. They see the rangers' overprotectiveness of the good races as a flaw, however. They draw their power from being in tune with the forces of nature rather than a reverence for life.

Secondary skills:

Required: Forester.

Weapon proficiencies:

Scimitar and one missile weapon (whether or not these are allowed by the priesthood). All other weapon proficiencies must be allowed by the avenger's priesthood.

Nonweapon proficiencies:

Bonus: Tracking, Survival, Animal Lore. Recommended: Agriculture, Animal Handling, Animal Training, Alertness (Complete Thief's Handbook), Direction Sense, Weather Sense, Herbalism, Hunting, Fishing, Set Snares.


Wilderness Avengers may not wear metal armor, but may use metal shields if allowed by their priesthood.

Special benefits:

A Wilderness Avenger gains a bonus of +1 on attack and damage when fighting "unnatural" creatures. Such creatures include those of extraplanar origin, undead, golems, and artificially created beings. A Wilderness Avenger also gains a 5% chance to hide in natural surroundings and move silently per level (use highest level).

Special hindrances:

Wilderness Avengers are rugged and unkempt looking, thereby receiving a -3 to reactions in urban social settings. They cannot specialize in weapons use. A Wilderness Avenger will not let an act of destruction against nature go unavenged.