The Military Scout - Half-Elf Fighter/Thief kit
The Military Scout

The Military Scout has many differences from the scout kit in the Complete Thief's Handbook, not the least of which is an increased fighting ability. This is a well-rounded intelligence gatherer, as much a spy and guerrilla warrior as a wilderness thief.


The Military Scout must have a Strength and Dexterity of 10 or more and an Intelligence of 11 or higher. They cannot be Lawful Good.


Just as the Shadowblade finds acceptance in a thieves' guild, some half-elves find their niche in a standing army. In the military, a half-elf's talents usually don't go unnoticed, and their ability to combine skills makes them excellent scouts. They are trained for reconnaisance, sabotage, and other intelligence gathering, sometimes even infiltrating enemy camps. As the opportunity for treason is high for military scouts, they are treated better than the common soldier to maintain loyalty.

Secondary skills:

Required: Bowyer/Fletcher, Fisher, Forester, Hunter, or Trapper/Furrier.

Weapon proficiencies:

Military Scouts must be proficient with a knife. The other proficiencies may be filled as the player wishes. Military Scouts may not specialize in weapon use.

Nonweapon proficiencies:

Bonus: Direction Sense, Disguise, and Survival or Tracking. Recommended: Alertness (Complete Thief's Handbook), Fire Building, Fishing, Modern Languages, Weather Sense, Set Snares, Endurance, Running.

Skill progression:

Hide in Shadows and Move Silently are favored skills. Pick Pockets and Open Locks are the least important, but they still may be helpful in information gathering.


Scouts usually have standard outdoor equipment: rations, a bedroll, a knife, a rope, etc. They usually take equipment specific to the mission they are on, often including a disguise kit.

Special benefits:

When in a wilderness setting, Military Scouts have a bonus of +10% to the following thief skills: Find/Remove Traps, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Detect Noise, and Climb Walls (for trees and cliffs). Military Scouts have a patron who can provide aid, usually a standing military unit. This is mostly a role-playing consideration.

Special hindrances:

In an urban setting, Military Scouts have a -5% penalty to all thief skills except Pick Pockets, Open Locks, and Read Languages. Having a patron can be a hindrance as well as a benefit. Scouts must report to their commanders, and may be called on missions that go against the plans of the adventuring party.