The Diplomat - a Half-Elf Fighter/Mage/Thief kit
The Diplomat

Being from two distinct cultures and having to walk the line between them, half-elves make excellent diplomats. Although a half-elf of any class may learn the arts of diplomacy, only a Fighter/Mage/Thief is eligible for this kit, for they alone have the well-rounded abilities suited to this profession.


A Diplomat needs a Strength and Dexterity of 9 or greater, an Intelligence of 12 or higher, and a Charisma of 14 or greater. Unlike most thieves, they may be of any alignment.


A half-elf Diplomat's job is to moderate disputes and attempt to keep peace between two nations (usually either human or elven). They learn many skills to aid them in their career. In their party, the Diplomat will be the individual to call upon to parley with monsters. The other skills make her just as valuable an asset when negotiations fail.

Secondary skills:

Required: Scribe.

Weapon proficiencies:

The Diplomat should be proficient with at least one small, easily concealable weapon (dagger, knife, hand crossbow, etc.). Diplomats may not specialize in weapons use.

Nonweapon proficiencies:

Required: The Diplomat must purchase at least two extra Modern Languages. Bonus: Etiquette, Local History. Recommended: Fast Talking, Heraldry, Ancient History, Reading/Writing.


Although no special equipment is required of a Diplomat, heavy arms and armor tend to make one look more threatening than is preferred in such a profession.

Special benefits:

Due to his dealings with them, a Diplomat has a +4 bonus to reaction rolls for leaders or politicians of any other race. Diplomats occasionally may be offered "diplomatic immunity" for crimes, but this will depend on the country of operation, and possibly the crime in question.

Special hindrances:

Diplomats do not operate with as much freedom as other characters. They are still in the employ of and are answerable to their king or queen. Further, if the Diplomat character does offend a foreign nation, the king or queen will hasten to discipline the character to keep peace.