
Being the only human religion apparently native to Hârn, this is a quite complex and obscure faith, about which very little definite can be said. It is generally limited to persons of more or less pure Jarin descent, and it is perhaps closer to tribal animism than any of the other major religions; it certainly seems to acknowledge (mostly) the existence and power of other gods and independent spirits than Ilvir and his servants. There is no real Ilviran dogma, since different Ilvirans generally can't agree on much more than Ilvir's name (actually, a lot of the northern tribesmen apparently worship Ilvir under the name K'orr, so even the name is debatable) and the fact that Ilvir is the source of the Ivashu. Also, they seem to have the same general creation myth, although even Ilvir's significance within it varies widely; in some versions, Ilvir is just another god among many who cooperated or competed in creating Kethira and its inhabitants, while in other versions, Ilvir created all life including humans and sometimes even the other gods.

The other thing that can be said with some generality is that Ilviranism appears to derive many of its particular details and myths from general ur-Jarind sources; those Jarind who crossed to Hârn were closely related to those who stayed on Lythia and eventually left their mark on Triadism. Some myths are actually common to Ilviranism and Triadism, often with Ilvir and Peoni playing the same part, although Ilviran myths also include a mother-goddess (Deon?). Also, its myths are clearly influenced by distorted memories of the Elder Peoples and the Atani Wars; the only humans who seem to care about Siem and who do not live in Evael or Azadmere are the Jarin Ilvirans, who feature the Dream-Lord in many of their legends.

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Last modified: Fri Mar 7 18:08:22 PST 1997