MatriX of MenThal / Coding
Coding, Cola, Caffeine and Crashing Computers
MenThal and his life as a Computerfreak
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Programming can be fun, here is some of the stuff I've done!

Curriculum Codingus - my life as a coder, in chronological order
1989-90?STOS Basic on the Atari ST
1991-92?68000 Assembly on the Atari ST
1992Magic Maze in STOS Basic - never finished
1993 (July) Magic Maze - 68000 Assembly on the Atari ST - never finished
1993 (Des)Got myself a PC
1994 (Nov)Began working on Magic Maze in Turbo Pascal
1995 (Sept)Magic Maze sent to PC Format... no dice! (The dustbin incident?)
1996 (Summer)C++ and OOP. 3D polygon graphics, vectors etc.
1996 (Sept) Magic Maze published on PC Format
1997 Have somewhat grasp of OOP, started to look at Java
1998 (Jan) Had to look closer at HTML... to make all this
1999 (Spring) Programming as subject at university, using Java... about time!
1999 (Fall) 'Algorithms and Datastructures' as subject at university, using Java.
2000 (Spring) Assistant in the Programming subject at university, still using Java.
2000 (Summer) Summerjob at Trustix doing C++ and Java.
2001 (Spring) Began looking at Ruby