Brief history of the DOM:

The DOM is a group of humans that were among the first to be sent into space by Earth scientist. Since the space travel was in its very early expermiental stages at the time, 'expendables' were sent in the first ships. Thus a good mix of criminals, political intellectuals and extremes, social cases and other 'undesirables' were sent out. The fate of most of the ships sent out in this period is not known today. Some of the ships made it safely through their first jump, but they lost contact with Earth and was stranded in whatever part of space their ended up in. One such ship was 'The Dominion' which ended up in what is known as the Cluster today. Here some abandoned Clan colonies were found and colonized, and a new society was formed.

Current political situation:

We have been separated from the rest of Earth society for so long that we have no interest in the the current political and military conflict going on between the Imperials and the Confederates. We do however operate closely with some of the human organisations, and we have allied ourselves with another human group of outcast (at least politically), the DTR. Even though we are also allied to the DEN, we do seem to have a problem with aliens. We had a small 'cold war' with the Clans which eventually led to us relocating out of the Cluster. Recently the Feline Hegemony (FEL) achieved control of the Political entity that was CLN, and then agreed to a peace treaty hopefully bringing peace between DOM and the Feline race. We have been fighting the Hexamon (HXM) alongside the DEN, and we stood by the Imperial side to defeat the Flagritz (FGZ) as they declared war on humanity. We have several times over the years carried the fight to the FGZ and their allies (most notably HVE), while the HXM fell apart after our initial conflict.

Apart from the races and organisations mentioned above, the Dominion enjoy a neutral to friendly relationship to most other affiliations.


What do you expect when you try to establish a society with mainly criminals and political extremists? The Dominion structure can best be described as Earth's Hell's Angels made politically acceptable. (Fluffy dices are a standard accessory in all Dominion vehicles and biker's leathers are of course never out of fashion.)

The Dominion members are all very loyal and supportive of their affiliation, but at the same time enjoy their freedom and do what they please as long as it does not hurt the affiliation. The word 'morals' is unknown to the Dominion, we'll do anything if we can gain from it. The Dominion is led by the Overlord and his second-in-command, the Imperator, and adviced by the Castellan. Leadership are always determined by strength and cunning, with periodic leadership disputes taking place when new politicals figure they are stronger than the current leadership.

The Dominion in Phoenix:

The Technology which is the main difference between in affiliations in Phoenix have not been decided yet.