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Arch 22 er Gambias "triumfbue". Landets høyeste byggverk (35 meter), reist til minne om et militærkupp i 1994 som førte militærpotetskreller Jammeh gjennom en lynkarriere helt opp til presidentposten han sitter på den dag i dag.

Inni det litt absurde monumentet finner du både en restaurant og et museum. Men man drar hit mest fordi det ikke er så mye annet å se på i Banjul.


Arch 22 is The Gambia's "Arc de Triomphe". Standing 35 metres tall it is the highest building in The Gambia, erected to commemorate a coup d'état in 1994. One man looks back at the event with particular pleasure, namely the former military nobody Jammeh, who thanks to the coup rose to the position of president/exellency.

Inside the slightly absurd monument you will find both a restaurant and a museum. But the main reason to go here is still that there's not much else to see or do in Banjul.