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Sånn er det å være i Peterskirken. Det er tusen steder i Roma du heller vil være. Her skal det være absoluuuut tyssssstnad, men det er det ingen som bryr seg om. I stedet går folk rundt med paraply med grønn dusk på, sånn at turgruppen deres ikke skal gå seg bort. Eller de går rundt med en iPad over hodet og dokumenterer hvert eneste sekund av sin europeiske triumfmarsj, til visning for naboer hjemme i Texas i neste uke og resten av livet. Huff.   This is what being in the St Peter's Basilica really is like. A stream of people flows past you on all sides. As soon as you enter, you realize that there are probably a thousand places in Rome you'd rather be. You're annoyed by the loud guy carrying an umbrella with green pom-poms trying hard to save his mindless tour group from getting lost and delaying his program. An elderly woman carries an iPad in video mode above her head, documenting every second of her European tour, so that she can bother her neighbours back home in Texas with it for the rest of her life. This sucks.
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