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I Kenya får man mye opplevelse for pengene, men ikke fullt så mye komfort. Vi bor i ei enkel hytte hvor det blir iskaldt om natta. Det gjør ikke så mye at veggene er fulle av mygginnganger, for innenfor sprekkene venter det den malariabærende myggen massevis av velfødde edderkopper.

Men man bør huske både å låse døra, for ellers kommer apekattene inn, og å lukke sekken godt, for ellers er det ikke godt å si hva slags skapninger man kan få med seg videre på reisen.


In Kenya you get lots of experiences for your money, but not so much comfort when it comes to accommodation. We stay in a basic hut that gets really cold at night. It doesn't matter much that the walls are full of mosquito tunnels, because behind them the malaria-carrying insects are met by numerous well-fed spiders.

What you should keep in mind, though, is to make sure the doors are locked, because if they aren't, the monkeys will be inspecting your luggage. Also, keep your backpack well closed, because if you don't, you may soon be carrying all kinds of creatures with you.

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