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Sånn ser det gjerne ut ved inngangen til Taj Mahal litt utpå ettermiddagen. Om morgenen er det også litt rush, men da er det vestlige turister som skal ha med seg en flott soloppgang fordi de må betale over 100 kroner for å komme inn. Men de store folkemengdene kommer først når inderne, som slipper unna med å betale en krone og førti øre, finner det for godt å komme dassende.

Jeg anbefaler nok å være der om morgenen.


This is what the entrance to Taj Mahal typically looks like late in the day. There's a rush in the morning as well, but it's a smaller one and it consists of western tourists desperate to get value for their 750 rupees entrance fee. Still, the large crowds arrive late in the day, when the Indians who only pay 10 rupees to get in arrive.

I recommend being there in the morning. Mind you, you can't really spend the entire day in there. You're not allowed to bring any food or drinks (only the one water bottle that is included in the entrance fee), so if you want both the sunrise and the sunset at Taj Mahal, you'd better come prepared for dehydration.

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