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Sånn ser det ut når en koala har syfilis. Jeg fant den "vill" i skogen og fotograferte den uten å tenke mer over den rennerumpa der. Så dro jeg til koalasykehuset, for å muntre opp pasientene, tenkte jeg. Stolt viste jeg frem bildet mitt (og et litt mer detaljert rennerumpebilde enn dette), og vips hadde sykehuset fått en ny pasient.

I praksis ble den vel ikke akkurat pasient, men satt på avlivningslista. Så sånn kan det gå. Moralen er at hvis du har en kjønnssykdom så bør du antagelig unngå turister med kamera med mye zoom.


This is what syphilitic koala looks like. I found it "wild" in the forest and photographed it, not really wondering too much about the runny rear end there. Then I went to the koala hospital, to cheer up the patients, I thought. I showed the "nurses" my photo (and another photo with the butt in more detail), and soon the hospital had to acquire another patient.

To be more precise, this koala didn't really turn into a patient. It sort of entered death row, I guess. They really don't want chlamydia to spread among the koalas in the area. So if you ever find yourself infected with an STD halfway up a tree, look out for tourists with cameras with lots of zoom!

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