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Fra Praia do Amor i Pipa. Flo og fjære skifter voldsomt fort, så man skal følge bra med på tingene sine for at de ikke skal forsvinne til havs.

Bølgene gjør at det ikke akkurat er noen badestrand, men til gjengjeld er det en super surfestrand. Og det er ikke akkurat sjelden at det kommer delfiner helt bort til brettene for å se hva folk holder på med.


A section of Praia do Amor in Pipa. The water comes and goes quickly around there, so you have to keep an eye on your stuff if you want to keep it. At least it's better than on most other beaches than Brazil, where not waves, but people will take your stuff.

The swimming isn't too good here, as the waves are too big. But the surfing is excellent most days, and if you're a little bit lucky, you will be accompanied by curious dolphins next to your surf board.