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Disse karene har muligens Istanbuls vanskeligste jobb. På båter som flyter som korker, det vil si med voldsomt varierende slagside i takt med bølgene fra store båter som seiler forbi, lager de en slags fiskeburgere og selger til folk som går forbi på land. Det så slitsomt ut.  

These guys may have the most difficult job in Istanbul. They make some kind of fish burgers that they sell to people passing by on land. The hard part is that these boats offer most unstable working conditions, being subject to motions caused by large waves from ships sailing by.

The text on the boat is not it's name. It's the first line of the Qur'an, "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim" which means "In the name of God, the most beneficent, the most merciful". Vehicles both on land and on sea often carry this quote for good luck.

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