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Inne i den svære katedralen i Ani. I de fleste land hadde det nok vært forbudt å gå inn i en såpass vaklende bygning, men det hindret ikke det eldre paret nede til høyre i å ta lunsjen sin her i ro og mak.

Grunnen til at det er såpass lyst der inne er at mye av taket har falt ned.




Inside the large cathedral of Ani, or Surp Asdvadzadsin (does that name look like something you'd get if you just hammered on your keyboard with your fist, or what?), "Church of the Holy Mother of God".

In most countries no one would be allowed to enter a large building so about to fall down as this one is. That didn't stop the couple in the right bottom corner from enjoying their lunch there.

The reason for the good lighting in the cathedral is that most of the roof has fallen down already.

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