From: Michael SurbrookTrollSubject: CHAR: Troll
Designers Notes:
Troll is huge. He stands 9' tall and weighs over 800 pounds, with
thick, green skin and red eyes. He's strong enough to go toe-to-toe with
many aces and tough enough to withstand impacts from small arms fire. A
native of Jokertown, he is currently employed as chief of security for the
Jokertown Medical Clinic. Note: Troll would make a pretty good Fantasy
Hero troll as well (actually, many of the Wilcards characters would make
interesting Fantasy Hero creatures).
The Character: STAT VAL COST Str 38 18 Dex 13 9 Con 20 20 Body 14 4 Int 10 0 Ego 10 0 Pre 20 10 Com 8 -1 PD 8 2 ED 8 4 Spd 3 7 Rec 10 0 End 40 0 Stun 40 2 Char Total 75 Power Total 81 Total Cost 156 COST POWERS & SKILLS 13 Growth: Two Levels, 0 END, Persistant, Always on +10 STR, +2 Body, +2 Stun, -2" KB, -1 DCV, +1 PER, 9' tall, 880 lbs 21 Armor: 7 DEF (thick skin) 4 Running: +2" (8" total), END 1 9 1/2 END on STR, END 2 3 Contact: Jokertown Clinic 12- 2 AK: Jokertown 11- 1 Bureacratics 8- 5 KS: Literature 14- 3 Oratory 13- 1 Persuasion 8- 2 PS: Jokertown Clinic Chief of Security 11- 7 Streetwise 15- 10 CSL: +2 with HTH Disadvantages 100 Base 20 DF: 9' tall, green skinned joker 10 Phys: 9' tall, requires special medical attention 10 Psych: Quiet and withdrawn 13 Experience (Troll created by [unknown], character sheet created by Michael Surbrook) *************************************************************************** * "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * * Michael Surbrook / * * Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT * * Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark * ***************************************************************************